review of GPars Website Structure within the GitHub repo

Source for the GPars website

24 Nov.2015 - JNorthr

This is the initial Commit of GPars Documentation reworked using asciidoctor markup.

There is much remaining to do, so just wanted to get this set of stuff into GitHub before it is lost.

There are four gradle build scripts included plus the gradle 2.9 wrapper. To build/translate/test/deploy etc. do this:

  1. open terminal

  2. clone this repo

  3. change directories into root folder of this repo.

  4. ./gradlew check


Confirm Gradle is Happy
gradlew check

This confirms that all dependencies have been downloaded.

Then to rebuild .html from each .adoc file, do this:

Ask Gradle to translate .adoc files to .html
./gradlew asciidoctor

To build a deployable war file, run script with no parms - this will run Gradle with default tasks creating .WAR

Ask Gradle to translate .adoc files and then build a .WAR file

To test this war file on your own system before uploading, the gretty.gradle script starts a local jetty7 server. Then you can then open a browser to localhost:8080 to see how the website looks and make any tweeks first before you deploy to a cloud foundry target.

Ask Gradle to run the Jetty server on your local machine
cd /Users/jim/Dropbox/GParsDocs/build/libs
./gradlew -b gretty.gradle appRunWAR

When ready to deploy you will need a client account on any CloudFoundry provider; the third gradle script is to deploy our docs to a cloud foundry instance. Typically:

Ask Gradle to deploy our website to a CloudFoundry target
 cd /Users/jim/Dropbox/GParsDocs/
 ./gradlew -b deploy.gradle cfLogin cfDelete cfPush

should create a running web app at the URI declared within the cloudfoundry{} closure;

include your own credentials before first run

Our webapp lives in the PaaS provider in Berlin. The 'target' and 'uri' values point to that provider. You can deploy this .war file other splaces if you join a different provider.

If you need a tut or how-to, read this: How Does CloudFoundry Work ?