Table of Contents

1. Introduction
1.1. Credits
2. Getting Started
2.1 Downloading and Installing
2.2 A Hello World Example
2.3 Code conventions
2.4 Getting Set-up in an IDE
2.5 Applicability of concepts
2.6 What's new
2.7 Java API - Using GPars from Java
3. Data Parallelism
3.1 Parallel Collections
3.1.1 GParsPool
3.1.2 GParsExecutorsPool
3.1.3 Memoize
3.2 Map-Reduce
3.3 Parallel Arrays
3.4 Asynchronous Invocation
3.5 Composable Asynchronous Functions
3.6 Parallel Speculations
3.6. Fork-Join
4. Groovy CSP
5. Actors
5.1 Actors Principles
5.2 Stateless Actors
5.3 Tips and Tricks
5.4 Active Objects
5.5 Classic Examples using Actors
6. Agent
7. Dataflow Concurrency
7.1 Tasks
7.2 Selects
7.3 Operators
7.4 Dataflow implementation
7.5 Classic examples
8. Stm
9. Tips
9.1. Performance
10. Conclusion