Table of Contents

1. Introduction
1.1. Credits
2. Getting Started
2.1 Downloading and Installing
2.2 A Hello World Example
2.3 Code conventions
2.4 Getting Set-up in an IDE
2.5 Applicability of concepts
2.6 What's new
2.7 Java API - Using GPars from Java
3. Data Parallelism
3.1 Parallel Collections
3.1.1 GParsPool
3.1.2 GParsExecutorsPool
3.1.3 Memoize
3.2 Map-Reduce
3.3 Parallel Arrays
3.4 Asynchronous Invocation
3.5 Composable Asynchronous Functions
3.6 Parallel Speculations
3.6. Fork-Join
4. Groovy CSP
5. Actors
5.1 Actors Principles
5.2 Stateless Actors
5.3 Tips and Tricks
5.4 Active Objects
5.5 Classic Examples using Actors
6. Agent
7. Dataflow Concurrency
7.1 Tasks
7.2 Selects
7.3 Operators
7.4 Dataflow implementation
7.5 Classic examples
8. Stm
9. Tips
9.1. Performance
10. Conclusion

1. Introduction

The world of mainstream computing is changing rapidly these days. If you open the hood and look under the covers of your computer, you'll most likely see a dual-core processor there. Or a quad-core, if you're lucky enough. We all run our software on multi-processors. The code we write today and tomorrow will probably never run on a single processor system. Parallel hardware has become common-place. Not so with the software though, at least not yet. People still create single-threaded code, although it will never be able to leverage the full power of future hardware. Some experiment with low-level concurrency primitives, like threads, locks or synchronized blocks, however, it has become obvious that the common shared-memory multithreading causes more troubles than it solves. Low-level concurrency handling is usually hard to get right. And it's not much fun either. With such a radical change in hardware, software inevitably has to change dramatically too. Higher-level concurrency concepts like map/reduce, fork/join, actors or dataflow will provide natural abstractions for different types of problem domains while leveraging the multi-core hardware underneath.

Meet GPars - an open-source concurrency library for Java and Groovy that aims to give you multiple high-level abstractions for writing concurrent code in Groovy - map/reduce, fork/join, asynchronous closures, actors, agents, dataflow concurrency and other concepts, which aim to make your Groovy code concurrent with little effort. With GPars your Groovy or Java code can easily utilize all the available processors on the target system. You can run multiple calculations at the same time, request network resources in parallel, safely solve hierarchical divide-and-conquer problems, perform functional style map/reduce collection processing or build your applications around the actor model.

The project is open sourced under the Apache 2 License . If you're working on a commercial, open-source, educational or any other type of software project in Groovy, download the binaries or integrate them from the maven repository and get going. The way to witting highly concurrent Groovy code is wide open. Enjoy!

1.1. Credits

This project could not have reached the point where we stand currently, without all the great help and contribution of many individuals, who have devoted their time, energy and expertise to make GPars a solid product. First, it is the people in the core team, who should be mentioned:

Over time, many people have contributed their ideas, provided useful feedback or helped GPars in one way or another. There are too many people in this group to name them all, but still, let's list at least a few:

Great thanks to everyone!

2. Getting Started

Let's make several assumptions before we really start.
  1. You know and love Groovy. Otherwise you'd hardly invest your valuable time into studying a Groovy concurrency library.
  2. If you don't want to use Groovy, you are prepared to pay the inevitable verbosity tax on using GPars from Java
  3. You target multi-core hardware with your code
  4. You use or want to use Groovy or Java to write concurrent code.
  5. You have at least some understanding that in concurrent code some things can happen at any time in any order and often more of them at the same time.

That's about it. Let's roll the ball forward.

Brief overview

GPars aims to bring several useful concurrency abstractions to Java and Groovy developers. It's becoming obvious that dealing with concurrency on the thread/synchronized/lock level, as provided by the JVM, is way too low level to be safe and comfortable. Many high-level concepts, like actors or dataflow concurrency have been around for quite some time, since parallel computers had been in use in computer centers long before multi-core chips hit the hardware mainstream. Now, however, it's the time to adopt and test these abstractions for the mainstream software industry.

The concepts available in GPars can be categorized into three main groups:

  1. Code-level helpers - constructs that can be applied to small parts of the code-base such as individual algorithms or data structures without any major changes in the overall project architecture
  1. Architecture-level concepts - constructs that need to be taken into account when designing the project structure
  1. Shared Mutable State Protection - although about 95 of current use of shared mutable state can be avoided using proper abstractions, good abstractions are still necessary for the remaining 5% use cases, when shared mutable state can't be avoided

2.1 Downloading and Installing

There are several ways to add GPars to your project. Either download and add all the jar files manually, specify a dependency in Maven, Ivy or Gradle build files or use Grape. If you're building a Grails or a Griffon application, you can leverage the appropriate plugins to fetch the jar files for you.

Dependency resolution

GPars requires two compulsory dependencies - the jsr166y and the extra166y jar files, which are the artifacts of the JSR-166 initiative . These must be on the classpath.


GPars defines both of the dependencies in its own descriptor, so both dependencies should be taken care of automatically, if you use Gradle, Maven, Ivy or other type of automatic dependency resolution tool.

Please visit the Integration page of the project for details.

2.2 A Hello World Example

Once you got setup, try the following Groovy script to test that your setup is functional. For Java, see below.
import static

/** * A demo showing two cooperating actors. The decryptor decrypts received messages and replies them back. * The console actor sends a message to decrypt, prints out the reply and terminates both actors. * The main thread waits on both actors to finish using the join() method to prevent premature exit, * since both actors use the default actor group, which uses a daemon thread pool. * @author Dierk Koenig, Vaclav Pech */

def decryptor = actor { loop { react {message -> if (message instanceof String) reply message.reverse() else stop() } } }

def console = actor { decryptor.send 'lellarap si yvoorG' react { println 'Decrypted message: ' + it decryptor.send false } }

[decryptor, console]*.join()

You should get a message "Decrypted message: Groovy is parallel" printed out on the console when you run the code.

GPars - a Java library

Although GPars has been primarily designed for the Groovy programming language, the solid technical foundation plus good performance characteristics make GPars a good Java library as well. Since most of GPars is written in Java, there is no extra performance penalty Java applications would pay when using GPars.

For details please refer to the Java API section.

To quick-test your integration through Java API, run the following Java actor code:

import groovyx.gpars.MessagingRunnable;

public class StatelessActorDemo { public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { final MyStatelessActor actor = new MyStatelessActor(); actor.start(); actor.send("Hello"); actor.sendAndWait(10); actor.sendAndContinue(10.0, new MessagingRunnable<String>() { @Override protected void doRun(final String s) { System.out.println("Received a reply " + s); } }); } }

class MyStatelessActor extends DynamicDispatchActor { public void onMessage(final String msg) { System.out.println("Received " + msg); replyIfExists("Thank you"); }

public void onMessage(final Integer msg) { System.out.println("Received a number " + msg); replyIfExists("Thank you"); }

public void onMessage(final Object msg) { System.out.println("Received an object " + msg); replyIfExists("Thank you"); } }

2.3 Code conventions

We follow certain conventions in the code samples. Understanding these may help you read and comprehend GPars code samples better.

myActor << 'message'

myAgent << {account -> account.add('5 USD')}

myDataflowVariable << 120332

myActor "message"

myAgent {house ->}

myDataflowVariable >> {value -> doSomethingWith(value)}
will schedule the closure to run only after myDataflowVariable is bound to a value, with the value as a parameter.

In samples we tend to statically import frequently used factory methods:

It is more a matter of style preferences and personal taste, but we think static imports make the code more compact and readable.

2.4 Getting Set-up in an IDE

Adding the GPars jar files to your project or defining the appropriate dependencies in pom.xml should be enough to get you started with GPars in your IDE.

GPars DSL recognition

IntelliJ IDEA in both the free Community Edition and the commercial Ultimate Edition will recognize the GPars domain specific languages, complete methods like eachParallel() , reduce() or callAsync() and validate them. GPars uses the GroovyDSL mechanism, which teaches IntelliJ IDEA the DSLs as soon as the GPars jar file is added to the project.

2.5 Applicability of concepts

Here you could find basic guide-lines helping you decide on which GPars abstraction to apply to your code at hands.
  1. You're looking at a collection, which needs to be iterated or processed using one of the many beautiful Groovy collections method, like each() , collect() , find() and such. Proposing that processing each element of the collection is independent of the other items, using GPars parallel collections can be recommended.
  2. If you have a long-lasting calculation , which may safely run in the background, use the asynchronous invocation support in GPars. You can also benefit, if your long-calculating closures need to be passed around and yet you'd like them not to block the main application thread.
  3. You need to parallelize an algorithm at hand. You can identify sub-tasks and you're happy to explicitly express the options for parallelization. You create internally sequential tasks, each of which can run concurrently with the others, providing they all have a way to exchange data at some well-defined moments through communication channels with safe semantics. Use GPars dataflow tasks, variables and streams.
  4. You can't avoid shared mutable state. Multiple threads will be accessing shared data and (some of them) modifying the data. Traditional locking and synchronized approach feels too risky or unfamiliar. Go for agents, which will wrap your data and serialize all access to it.
  5. You're building a system with high concurrency demands. Tweaking a data structure here or task there won't cut it. You need to build the architecture from the ground up with concurrency in mind. Message-passing might be the way to go.
    1. Groovy CSP will give you highly deterministic and composable model for concurrent processes.
    2. If you're trying to solve a complex data-processing problem, consider GPars dataflow operator to build a data flow network.
    3. Actors will shine if you need to build a general-purpose, highly concurrent and scalable architecture.

Now you may have a better idea of what concepts to use on your current project. Go and check out more details on them in the User Guide.

2.6 What's new

Again, the new release, this time GPars 0.12, introduces a lot of gradual enhancements and improvements on top of the previous release.

Check out the JIRA release notes

Project changes

See the Breaking Changes listing for the list of breaking changes.

Asynchronous functions

Parallel collections

Fork / Join






Renaming hints

2.7 Java API - Using GPars from Java

Using GPars is very addictive, I guarantee. Once you get hooked you won't be able to code without it. May the world force you to write code in Java, you will still be able to benefit from most of GPars features.

Java API specifics

Some parts of GPars are irrelevant in Java and it is better to use the underlying Java libraries directly:

The other parts of GPars can be used from Java just like from Groovy, although most will miss the Groovy DSL capabilities.

GPars Closures in Java API

To overcome the lack of closures as a language element in Java and to avoid forcing users to use Groovy closures directly through the Java API, a few handy wrapper classes have been provided to help you define callbacks, actor body or dataflow tasks.

These classes can be used in all places GPars API expects a Groovy closure.


The DynamicDispatchActor as well as the ReactiveActor classes can be used just like in Groovy:

import groovyx.gpars.MessagingRunnable;

public class StatelessActorDemo { public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { final MyStatelessActor actor = new MyStatelessActor(); actor.start(); actor.send("Hello"); actor.sendAndWait(10); actor.sendAndContinue(10.0, new MessagingRunnable<String>() { @Override protected void doRun(final String s) { System.out.println("Received a reply " + s); } }); } }

class MyStatelessActor extends DynamicDispatchActor { public void onMessage(final String msg) { System.out.println("Received " + msg); replyIfExists("Thank you"); }

public void onMessage(final Integer msg) { System.out.println("Received a number " + msg); replyIfExists("Thank you"); }

public void onMessage(final Object msg) { System.out.println("Received an object " + msg); replyIfExists("Thank you"); } }

Although there are not many differences between Groovy and Java GPars use, notice, the callbacks instantiating the MessagingRunnable class in place for a groovy closure.

import groovy.lang.Closure;
import groovyx.gpars.ReactorMessagingRunnable;

public class ReactorDemo { public static void main(final String[] args) throws InterruptedException { final Closure handler = new ReactorMessagingRunnable<Integer, Integer>() { @Override protected Integer doRun(final Integer integer) { return integer * 2; } }; final Actor actor = new ReactiveActor(handler); actor.start();

System.out.println("Result: " + actor.sendAndWait(1)); System.out.println("Result: " + actor.sendAndWait(2)); System.out.println("Result: " + actor.sendAndWait(3)); } }

Convenience factory methods

Obviously, all the essential factory methods to build actors quickly are available where you'd expect them.

import groovy.lang.Closure;
import groovyx.gpars.ReactorMessagingRunnable;

public class ReactorDemo { public static void main(final String[] args) throws InterruptedException { final Closure handler = new ReactorMessagingRunnable<Integer, Integer>() { @Override protected Integer doRun(final Integer integer) { return integer * 2; } }; final Actor actor = Actors.reactor(handler);

System.out.println("Result: " + actor.sendAndWait(1)); System.out.println("Result: " + actor.sendAndWait(2)); System.out.println("Result: " + actor.sendAndWait(3)); } }


import groovyx.gpars.MessagingRunnable;
 import groovyx.gpars.agent.Agent;

public class AgentDemo { public static void main(final String[] args) throws InterruptedException { final Agent counter = new Agent<Integer>(0); counter.send(10); System.out.println("Current value: " + counter.getVal()); counter.send(new MessagingRunnable<Integer>() { @Override protected void doRun(final Integer integer) { counter.updateValue(integer + 1); } }); System.out.println("Current value: " + counter.getVal()); } }

Dataflow Concurrency

Both DataflowVariables and DataflowQueues can be used from Java without any hiccups. Just avoid the handy overloaded operators and go straight to the methods, like bind , whenBound , getVal and other. You may also continue using dataflow tasks passing to them instances of Runnable or Callable just like groovy Closure .

import groovyx.gpars.MessagingRunnable;
import groovyx.gpars.dataflow.DataflowVariable;

import java.util.concurrent.Callable;

public class DataflowTaskDemo { public static void main(final String[] args) throws InterruptedException { final DefaultPGroup group = new DefaultPGroup(10);

final DataflowVariable a = new DataflowVariable();

group.task(new Runnable() { public void run() { a.bind(10); } });

final DataflowVariable result = group.task(new Callable() { public Object call() throws Exception { return (Integer)a.getVal() + 10; } });

result.whenBound(new MessagingRunnable<Integer>() { @Override protected void doRun(final Integer integer) { System.out.println("arguments = " + integer); } });

System.out.println("result = " + result.getVal()); } }

Dataflow operators

The sample below should illustrate the main differences between Groovy and Java API for dataflow operators.

  1. Use the convenience factory methods accepting list of channels to create operators or selectors
  2. Use DataflowMessagingRunnable to specify the operator body
  3. Call getOwningProcessor() to get hold of the operator from within the body in order to e.g. bind output values

import groovyx.gpars.DataflowMessagingRunnable;
import groovyx.gpars.dataflow.Dataflow;
import groovyx.gpars.dataflow.DataflowQueue;
import groovyx.gpars.dataflow.operator.DataflowProcessor;

import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List;

public class DataflowOperatorDemo { public static void main(final String[] args) throws InterruptedException { final DataflowQueue stream1 = new DataflowQueue(); final DataflowQueue stream2 = new DataflowQueue(); final DataflowQueue stream3 = new DataflowQueue(); final DataflowQueue stream4 = new DataflowQueue();

final DataflowProcessor op1 = Dataflow.selector(Arrays.asList(stream1), Arrays.asList(stream2), new DataflowMessagingRunnable(1) { @Override protected void doRun(final Object[] objects) { getOwningProcessor().bindOutput(2*(Integer)objects[0]); } });

final List secondOperatorInput = Arrays.asList(stream2, stream3);

final DataflowProcessor op2 = Dataflow.operator(secondOperatorInput, Arrays.asList(stream4), new DataflowMessagingRunnable(2) { @Override protected void doRun(final Object[] objects) { getOwningProcessor().bindOutput((Integer) objects[0] + (Integer) objects[1]); } });

stream1.bind(1); stream1.bind(2); stream1.bind(3); stream3.bind(100); stream3.bind(100); stream3.bind(100); System.out.println("Result: " + stream4.getVal()); System.out.println("Result: " + stream4.getVal()); System.out.println("Result: " + stream4.getVal()); op1.stop(); op2.stop(); } }


In general, GPars overhead is identical irrespective of whether you use it from Groovy or Java and tends to be very low. GPars actors, for example, can compete head-to-head with other JVM actor options, like Scala actors.

Since Groovy code in general runs slower than Java code, mainly due to dynamic method invocation, you might consider writing your code in Java to improve performance. Typically numeric operations or frequent fine-grained method calls within a task or actor body may benefit from a rewrite into Java.


All the GPars integration rules apply to Java projects just like they do to Groovy projects. You only need to include the groovy distribution jar file in your project and all is clear to march ahead. You may also want to check out the sample Java Maven project to get tips on how to integrate GPars into a maven-based pure Java application - Sample Java Maven Project

3. Data Parallelism

Focusing on data instead of processes helps a great deal to create robust concurrent programs. You as a programmer define your data together with functions that should be applied to it and then let the underlying machinery to process the data. Typically a set of concurrent tasks will be created and then they will be submitted to a thread pool for processing.

In GPars the GParsPool and GParsExecutorsPool classes give you access to low-level data parallelism techniques. While the GParsPool class relies on the jsr-166y Fork/Join framework and so offers greater functionality and better performance, the GParsExecutorsPool uses good old Java executors and so is easier to setup in a managed or restricted environment.

There are three fundamental domains covered by the GPars low-level data parallelism:

  1. Processing collections concurrently
  2. Running functions (closures) asynchronously
  3. Performing Fork/Join (Divide/Conquer) algorithms

3.1 Parallel Collections

Dealing with data frequently involves manipulating collections. Lists, arrays, sets, maps, iterators, strings and lot of other data types can be viewed as collections of items. The common pattern to process such collections is to take elements sequentially, one-by-one, and make an action for each of the items in row.

Take, for example, the min() function, which is supposed to return the smallest element of a collection. When you call the min() method on a collection of numbers, the caller thread will create an accumulator or so-far-the-smallest-value initialized to the minimum value of the given type, let say to zero. And then the thread will iterate through the elements of the collection and compare them with the value in the accumulator . Once all elements have been processed, the minimum value is stored in the accumulator .

This algorithm, however simple, is totally wrong on multi-core hardware. Running the min() function on a dual-core chip can leverage at most 50% of the computing power of the chip. On a quad-core it would be only 25%. Correct, this algorithm effectively wastes 75% of the computing power of the chip.

Tree-like structures proved to be more appropriate for parallel processing. The min() function in our example doesn't need to iterate through all the elements in row and compare their values with the accumulator . What it can do instead is relying on the multi-core nature of your hardware. A parallel_min() function could, for example, compare pairs (or tuples of certain size) of neighboring values in the collection and promote the smallest value from the tuple into a next round of comparison. Searching for minimum in different tuples can safely happen in parallel and so tuples in the same round can be processed by different cores at the same time without races or contention among threads.

Meet Parallel Arrays

The jsr-166y library brings a very convenient abstraction called Parallel Arrays . GPars leverages the Parallel Arrays implementation in several ways. The GParsPool and GParsExecutorsPool classes provide parallel variants of the common Groovy iteration methods like each() , collect() , findAll() and such.

def selfPortraits = images.findAllParallel{it.contains me}.collectParallel {it.resize()}
It also allows for a more functional style map/reduce collection processing.
def smallestSelfPortrait = images.parallel.filter{it.contains me}.map{it.resize()}.min{it.sizeInMB}

3.1.1 GParsPool

Use of GParsPool - the JSR-166y based concurrent collection processor

Usage of GParsPool

The GParsPool class enables a ParallelArray-based (from JSR-166y) concurrency DSL for collections and objects.

Examples of use:

//summarize numbers concurrently
 GParsPool.withPool {
     final AtomicInteger result = new AtomicInteger(0)
     [1, 2, 3, 4, 5].eachParallel {result.addAndGet(it)}
     assertEquals 15, result

//multiply numbers asynchronously GParsPool.withPool { final List result = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5].collectParallel {it * 2} assert ([2, 4, 6, 8, 10].equals(result)) }

The passed-in closure takes an instance of a ForkJoinPool as a parameter, which can be then used freely inside the closure.
//check whether all elements within a collection meet certain criteria
 GParsPool.withPool(5) {ForkJoinPool pool ->
     assert [1, 2, 3, 4, 5].everyParallel {it > 0}
     assert ![1, 2, 3, 4, 5].everyParallel {it > 1}
The GParsPool.withPool() method takes optional parameters for number of threads in the created pool and an unhandled exception handler.
withPool(10) {...}
withPool(20, exceptionHandler) {...}

The GParsPool.withExistingPool() takes an already existing ForkJoinPool instance to reuse. The DSL is valid only within the associated block of code and only for the thread that has called the withPool() or withExistingPool() methods. The withPool() method returns only after all the worker threads have finished their tasks and the pool has been destroyed, returning back the return value of the associated block of code. The withExistingPool() method doesn't wait for the pool threads to finish.

Alternatively, the GParsPool class can be statically imported import static groovyx.gpars.GParsPool.`*` , which will allow omitting the GParsPool class name.

withPool {
     assert [1, 2, 3, 4, 5].everyParallel {it > 0}
     assert ![1, 2, 3, 4, 5].everyParallel {it > 1}

The following methods are currently supported on all objects in Groovy:

Meta-class enhancer

As an alternative you can use the ParallelEnhancer class to enhance meta-classes of any classes or individual instances with the parallel methods.

import groovyx.gpars.ParallelEnhancer

def list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] ParallelEnhancer.enhanceInstance(list) println list.collectParallel {it * 2 }

def animals = ['dog', 'ant', 'cat', 'whale'] ParallelEnhancer.enhanceInstance animals println (animals.anyParallel {it ==~ /ant/} ? 'Found an ant' : 'No ants found') println (animals.everyParallel {it.contains('a')} ? 'All animals contain a' : 'Some animals can live without an a')

When using the ParallelEnhancer class, you're not restricted to a withPool() block with the use of the GParsPool DSLs. The enhanced classed or instances remain enhanced till they get garbage collected.

Exception handling

If an exception is thrown while processing any of the passed-in closures, the first exception gets re-thrown from the xxxParallel methods and the algorithm stops as soon as possible.

The exception handling mechanism of GParsPool builds on the one built into the Fork/Join framework. Since Fork/Join algorithms are by nature hierarchical, once any part of the algorithm fails, there's usually little benefit from continuing the computation, since some branches of the algorithm will never return a result.

Bear in mind that the GParsPool implementation doesn't give any guarantees about its behavior after a first unhandled exception occurs, beyond stopping the algorithm and re-throwing the first detected exception to the caller. This behavior, after all, is consistent with what the traditional sequential iteration methods do.

Transparently parallel collections

On top of adding new xxxParallel() methods, GPars can also let you change the semantics of the original iteration methods. For example, you may be passing a collection into a library method, which will process your collection in a sequential way, let say using the collect() method. By changing the semantics of the collect() method on your collection you can effectively parallelize the library sequential code.

GParsPool.withPool {

//The selectImportantNames() will process the name collections concurrently assert ['ALICE', 'JASON'] == selectImportantNames(['Joe', 'Alice', 'Dave', 'Jason'].makeConcurrent()) }

/** * A function implemented using standard sequential collect() and findAll() methods. */ def selectImportantNames(names) { names.collect {it.toUpperCase()}.findAll{it.size() > 4} }

The makeSequential() method will reset the collection back to the original sequential semantics.

import static groovyx.gpars.GParsPool.withPool

def list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]

println 'Sequential: ' list.each { print it + ',' } println()

withPool {

println 'Sequential: ' list.each { print it + ',' } println()


println 'Concurrent: ' list.each { print it + ',' } println()


println 'Sequential: ' list.each { print it + ',' } println() }

println 'Sequential: ' list.each { print it + ',' } println()

The asConcurrent() convenience method will allow you to specify code blocks, in which the collection maintains concurrent semantics.

import static groovyx.gpars.GParsPool.withPool

def list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]

println 'Sequential: ' list.each { print it + ',' } println()

withPool {

println 'Sequential: ' list.each { print it + ',' } println()

list.asConcurrent { println 'Concurrent: ' list.each { print it + ',' } println() }

println 'Sequential: ' list.each { print it + ',' } println() }

println 'Sequential: ' list.each { print it + ',' } println()

Transparent parallelizm, including the makeConcurrent() , makeSequential() and asConcurrent() methods, is also available in combination with ParallelEnhancer .

 * A function implemented using standard sequential collect() and findAll() methods.
def selectImportantNames(names) {
    names.collect {it.toUpperCase()}.findAll{it.size() > 4}

def names = ['Joe', 'Alice', 'Dave', 'Jason'] ParallelEnhancer.enhanceInstance(names) //The selectImportantNames() will process the name collections concurrently assert ['ALICE', 'JASON'] == selectImportantNames(names.makeConcurrent())

import groovyx.gpars.ParallelEnhancer

def list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]

println 'Sequential: ' list.each { print it + ',' } println()


println 'Sequential: ' list.each { print it + ',' } println()

list.asConcurrent { println 'Concurrent: ' list.each { print it + ',' } println()

} list.makeSequential()

println 'Sequential: ' list.each { print it + ',' } println()

Avoid side-effects in functions

We have to warn you. Since the closures that are provided to the parallel methods like eachParallel() or collectParallel() may be run in parallel, you have to make sure that each of the closures is written in a thread-safe manner. The closures must hold no internal state, share data nor have side-effects beyond the boundaries the single element that they've been invoked on. Violations of these rules will open the door for race conditions and deadlocks, the most severe enemies of a modern multi-core programmer.

Don't do this:

def thumbnails = []
images.eachParallel {thumbnails << it.thumbnail}  //Concurrently accessing a not-thread-safe collection of thumbnails, don't do this!
At least, you've been warned.

3.1.2 GParsExecutorsPool

Use of GParsExecutorsPool - the Java Executors' based concurrent collection processor

Usage of GParsExecutorsPool

The GParsPool class enables a Java Executors-based concurrency DSL for collections and objects.

The GParsExecutorsPool class can be used as a pure-JDK-based collection parallel processor. Unlike the GParsPool class, GParsExecutorsPool doesn't require jsr-166y jar file, but leverages the standard JDK executor services to parallelize closures processing a collections or an object iteratively. It needs to be states, however, that GParsPool performs typically much better than GParsExecutorsPool does.

Examples of use:

//multiply numbers asynchronously
 GParsExecutorsPool.withPool {
     Collection<Future> result = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5].collectParallel{it * 10}
     assertEquals(new HashSet([10, 20, 30, 40, 50]), new HashSet((Collection)result*.get()))

//multiply numbers asynchronously using an asynchronous closure GParsExecutorsPool.withPool { def closure={it * 10} def asyncClosure=closure.async() Collection<Future> result = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5].collect(asyncClosure) assertEquals(new HashSet([10, 20, 30, 40, 50]), new HashSet((Collection)result*.get())) }

The passed-in closure takes an instance of a ExecutorService as a parameter, which can be then used freely inside the closure.
//find an element meeting specified criteria
 GParsExecutorsPool.withPool(5) {ExecutorService service ->
     service.submit({performLongCalculation()} as Runnable)
The GParsExecutorsPool.withPool() method takes optional parameters for number of threads in the created pool and a thread factory.
withPool(10) {...}
withPool(20, threadFactory) {...}

The GParsExecutorsPool.withExistingPool() takes an already existing executor service instance to reuse. The DSL is valid only within the associated block of code and only for the thread that has called the withPool() or withExistingPool() method. The withPool() method returns only after all the worker threads have finished their tasks and the executor service has been destroyed, returning back the return value of the associated block of code. The withExistingPool() method doesn't wait for the executor service threads to finish.

Alternatively, the GParsExecutorsPool class can be statically imported import static groovyx.gpars.GParsExecutorsPool.`*` , which will allow omitting the GParsExecutorsPool class name.

withPool {
     def result = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5].findParallel{Number number -> number > 2}
     assert result in [3, 4, 5]
The following methods on all objects, which support iterations in Groovy, are currently supported:

Meta-class enhancer

As an alternative you can use the GParsExecutorsPoolEnhancer class to enhance meta-classes for any classes or individual instances with asynchronous methods.

import groovyx.gpars.GParsExecutorsPoolEnhancer

def list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] GParsExecutorsPoolEnhancer.enhanceInstance(list) println list.collectParallel {it * 2 }

def animals = ['dog', 'ant', 'cat', 'whale'] GParsExecutorsPoolEnhancer.enhanceInstance animals println (animals.anyParallel {it ==~ /ant/} ? 'Found an ant' : 'No ants found') println (animals.allParallel {it.contains('a')} ? 'All animals contain a' : 'Some animals can live without an a')

When using the GParsExecutorsPoolEnhancer class, you're not restricted to a withPool() block with the use of the GParsExecutorsPool DSLs. The enhanced classed or instances remain enhanced till they get garbage collected.

Exception handling

If exceptions are thrown while processing any of the passed-in closures, an instance of AsyncException wrapping all the original exceptions gets re-thrown from the xxxParallel methods.

Avoid side-effects in functions

Once again we need to warn you about using closures with side-effects effecting objects beyond the scope of the single currently processed element or closures which keep state. Don't do that! It is dangerous to pass them to any of the xxxParallel() methods.

3.1.3 Memoize

The memoize function enables caching of function's return values. Repeated calls to the memoized function with the same argument values will, instead of invoking the calculation encoded in the original function, retrieve the result value from an internal transparent cache. Provided the calculation is considerably slower than retrieving a cached value from the cache, this allows users to trade-off memory for performance. Checkout out the example, where we attempt to scan multiple websites for particular content:

The memoize functionality of GPars has been contributed to Groovy in version 1.8 and if you run on Groovy 1.8 or later, it is recommended to use the Groovy functionality. Memoize in GPars is almost identical, except that it searches the memoize caches concurrently using the surrounding thread pool and so may give performance benefits in some scenarios.

The GPars memoize functionality has been renamed to avoid future conflicts with the memoize functionality in Groovy. GPars now calls the methods with a preceding letter g , such as gmemoize().

Examples of use

GParsPool.withPool {
    def urls = ['', '', '']
    Closure download = {url ->
        println "Downloading $url"
    Closure cachingDownload = download.gmemoize()

println 'Groovy sites today: ' + urls.findAllParallel {url -> cachingDownload(url).contains('GROOVY')} println 'Grails sites today: ' + urls.findAllParallel {url -> cachingDownload(url).contains('GRAILS')} println 'Griffon sites today: ' + urls.findAllParallel {url -> cachingDownload(url).contains('GRIFFON')} println 'Gradle sites today: ' + urls.findAllParallel {url -> cachingDownload(url).contains('GRADLE')} println 'Concurrency sites today: ' + urls.findAllParallel {url -> cachingDownload(url).contains('CONCURRENCY')} println 'GPars sites today: ' + urls.findAllParallel {url -> cachingDownload(url).contains('GPARS')} }

Notice closures are enhanced inside the GParsPool.withPool() blocks with a memoize() function, which returns a new closure wrapping the original closure with a cache. In the example we're calling the cachingDownload function in several places in the code, however, each unique url gets downloaded only once - the first time it is needed. The values are then cached and available for subsequent calls. And also to all threads, no matter which thread originally came first with a download request for the particular url and had to handle the actual calculation/download.

So, to wrap up, memoize shields a function by a cache of past return values. However, memoize can do even more. In some algorithms adding a little memory may have dramatic impact on the computational complexity of the calculation. Let's look at a classical example of Fibonacci numbers.

Fibonacci example

A purely functional, recursive implementation, following closely the definition of Fibonacci numbers is exponentially complex:

Closure fib = {n -> n > 1 ? call(n - 1) + call(n - 2) : n}

Try calling the fib function with numbers around 30 and you'll see how slow it is.

Now with a little twist and added memoize cache the algorithm magically turns into a linearly complex one:

Closure fib
fib = {n -> n > 1 ? fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2) : n}.gmemoize()

The extra memory we added cut off all but one recursive branches of the calculation. And all subsequent calls to the same fib function will also benefit from the cached values.

Also, see below, how the memoizeAtMost variant can reduce memory consumption in our example, yet preserve the linear complexity of the algorithm.

Available variants


The basic variant, which keeps values in the internal cache for the whole lifetime of the memoized function. Provides the best performance characteristics of all the variants.


Allows the user to set a hard limit on number of items cached. Once the limit has been reached, all subsequently added values will eliminate the oldest value from the cache using the LRU (Last Recently Used) strategy.

So for our Fibonacci number example, we could safely reduce the cache size to two items:

Closure fib
fib = {n -> n > 1 ? fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2) : n}.memoizeAtMost(2)

Setting an upper limit on the cache size may have two purposes:

  1. Keep the memory footprint of the cache within defined boundaries
  2. Preserve desired performance characteristics of the function. Too large caches may take longer to retrieve the cached value than it would have taken to calculate the result directly.


Allows unlimited growth of the internal cache until the JVM's garbage collector decides to step in and evict SoftReferences, used by our implementation, from the memory. The single parameter value to the memoizeAtLeast() method specifies the minimum number of cached items that should be protected from gc eviction. The cache will never shrink below the specified number of entries. The cache ensures it only protects the most recently used items from eviction using the LRU (Last Recently Used) strategy.


Combines memoizeAtLeast and memoizeAtMost and so allowing the cache to grow and shrink in the range between the two parameter values depending on available memory and the gc activity, yet the cache size will never exceed the upper size limit to preserve desired performance characteristics of the cache.

3.2 Map-Reduce

The Parallel Collection Map/Reduce DSL gives GPars a more functional flavor. In general, the Map/Reduce DSL may be used for the same purpose as the xxxParallel() family methods and has very similar semantics. On the other hand, Map/Reduce can perform considerably faster, if you need to chain multiple methods to process a single collection in multiple steps:
println 'Number of occurrences of the word GROOVY today: ' + urls.parallel
            .map {it.toURL().text.toUpperCase()}
            .filter {it.contains('GROOVY')}
            .map{it.findAll{word -> word.contains 'GROOVY'}.size()}

The xxxParallel() methods have to follow the contract of their non-parallel peers. So a collectParallel() method must return a legal collection of items, which you can again treat as a Groovy collection. Internally the parallel collect method builds an efficient parallel structure, called parallel array, performs the required operation concurrently and before returning destroys the Parallel Array building the collection of results to return to you. A potential call to let say findAllParallel() on the resulting collection would repeat the whole process of construction and destruction of a Parallel Array instance under the covers.

With Map/Reduce you turn your collection into a Parallel Array and back only once. The Map/Reduce family of methods do not return Groovy collections, but are free to pass along the internal Parallel Arrays directly. Invoking the parallel property on a collection will build a Parallel Array for the collection and return a thin wrapper around the Parallel Array instance. Then you can chain all required methods like:

Returning back to a plain Groovy collection instance is always just a matter of retrieving the collection property.

def myNumbers = (1..1000).parallel.filter{it % 2 == 0}.map{Math.sqrt it}.collection

Avoid side-effects in functions

Once again we need to warn you. To avoid nasty surprises, please, keep your closures, which you pass to the Map/Reduce functions, stateless and clean from side-effects.


This feature is only available when using in the Fork/Join-based GParsPool , not in GParsExecutorsPool .

Classical Example

A classical example, inspired by, counting occurencies of words in a string:

import static groovyx.gpars.GParsPool.withPool

def words = "This is just a plain text to count words in" print count(words)

def count(arg) { withPool { return arg.parallel .map{[it, 1]} .groupBy{it[0]}.getParallel() .map {it.value=it.value.size();it} .sort{-it.value}.collection } }

The same example, now implemented the more general combine operation:

def words = "This is just a plain text to count words in"
print count(words)

def count(arg) { withPool { return arg.parallel .map{[it, 1]} .combine(0) {sum, value -> sum + value}.getParallel() .sort{-it.value}.collection } }


The combine operation expects on its input a list of tuples (two-element lists) considered to be key-value pairs (such as [key1, value1, key2, value2, key1, value3, key3, value4 … ] ) with potentially repeating keys. When invoked, combine merges the values for identical keys using the provided accumulator function and produces a map mapping the original (unique) keys to their accumulated values. E.g. [a, b, c, d, a, e, c, f] will be combined into a : b+e, c : d+f, while the '+' operation on the values needs to be provided by the user as the accumulation closure. The accumulation function argument needs to specify a function to use for combining (accumulating) the values belonging to the same key. An initial accumulator value needs to be provided as well. Since the combine method processes items in parallel, the initial accumulator value will be reused multiple times. Thus the provided value must allow for reuse. It should be either a cloneable or immutable value or a closure returning a fresh initial accumulator each time requested. Good combinations of accumulator functions and reusable initial values include:

accumulator = {List acc, value -> acc << value} initialValue = []
accumulator = {List acc, value -> acc << value} initialValue = {-> []}
accumulator = {int sum, int value -> acc + value} initialValue = 0
accumulator = {int sum, int value -> sum + value} initialValue = {-> 0}
accumulator = {ShoppingCart cart, Item value -> cart.addItem(value)} initialValue = {-> new ShoppingCart()}

The return type is a map. E.g. ['he', 1, 'she', 2, 'he', 2, 'me', 1, 'she, 5, 'he', 1 with the initial value provided a 0 will be combined into 'he' : 4, 'she' : 7, 'he', : 2, 'me' : 1

3.3 Parallel Arrays

As an alternative, the efficient tree-based data structures defines in JSR-166y can be used directly. The parallelArray property on any collection or object will return a jsr166y.forkjoin.ParallelArray instance holding the elements of the original collection, which then can be manipulated through the jsr166y API. Please refer to the jsr166y documentation for the API details.

groovyx.gpars.GParsPool.withPool {
    assert 15 == [1, 2, 3, 4, 5].parallelArray.reduce({a, b -> a + b} as Reducer, 0)                                        //summarize
    assert 55 == [1, 2, 3, 4, 5].parallelArray.withMapping({it ** 2} as Mapper).reduce({a, b -> a + b} as Reducer, 0)       //summarize squares
    assert 20 == [1, 2, 3, 4, 5].parallelArray.withFilter({it % 2 == 0} as Predicate)                                       //summarize squares of even numbers
            .withMapping({it ** 2} as Mapper)
            .reduce({a, b -> a + b} as Reducer, 0)

assert 'aa:bb:cc:dd:ee' == 'abcde'.parallelArray //concatenate duplicated characters with separator .withMapping({it * 2} as Mapper) .reduce({a, b -> "$a:$b"} as Reducer, "")

3.4 Asynchronous Invocation

Running long-lasting tasks in the background belongs to the activities, the need for which arises quite frequently. Your main thread of execution wants to initialize a few calculations, downloads, searches or such, however, the results may not be needed immediately. GPars gives the developers the tools to schedule the asynchronous activities for processing in the background and collect the results once they're needed.

Usage of GParsPool and GParsExecutorsPool asynchronous processing facilities

Both GParsPool and GParsExecutorsPool provide almost identical services in this domain, although they leverage different underlying machinery, based on which of the two classes the user chooses.

Closures enhancements

The following methods are added to closures inside the GPars(Executors)Pool.withPool() blocks:


GParsPool.withPool() {
    Closure longLastingCalculation = {calculate()}
    Closure fastCalculation = longLastingCalculation.async()  //create a new closure, which starts the original closure on a thread pool
    Future result=fastCalculation()                           //returns almost immediately
    //do stuff while calculation performs …
    println result.get()

GParsPool.withPool() {
     * The callAsync() method is an asynchronous variant of the default call() method to invoke a closure.
     * It will return a Future for the result value.
    assert 6 == {it * 2}.call(3)
    assert 6 == {it * 2}.callAsync(3).get()


The callTimeoutAsync() methods, taking either a long value or a Duration instance, allow the user to have the calculation cancelled after a given time interval.

    while(true) {
        Thread.sleep 1000  //Simulate a bit of interesting calculation
        if (Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) break;  //We've been cancelled

In order to allow cancellation, the asynchronously running code must keep checking the interrupted flag of its own thread and cease the calculation once the flag is set to true.

Executor Service enhancements

The ExecutorService and jsr166y.forkjoin.ForkJoinPool class is enhanced with the << (leftShift) operator to submit tasks to the pool and return a Future for the result.


GParsExecutorsPool.withPool {ExecutorService executorService ->
    executorService << {println 'Inside parallel task'}

Running functions (closures) in parallel

The GParsPool and GParsExecutorsPool classes also provide handy methods executeAsync() and executeAsyncAndWait() to easily run multiple closures asynchronously.


GParsPool.withPool {
    assertEquals([10, 20], GParsPool.executeAsyncAndWait({calculateA()}, {calculateB()}))         //waits for results
    assertEquals([10, 20], GParsPool.executeAsync({calculateA()}, {calculateB()})*.get())  //returns Futures instead and doesn't wait for results to be calculated

3.5 Composable Asynchronous Functions

Functions are to be composed. In fact, composing side-effect-free functions is very easy. Much easier and reliable than composing objects, for example. Given the same input, functions always return the same result, they never change their behavior unexpectedly nor they break when multiple threads call them at the same time.

Functions in Groovy

We can treat Groovy closures as functions. They take arguments, do their calculation and return a value. Provided you don't let your closures touch anything outside their scope, your closures are well-behaved pure functions. Functions that you can combine for a better good.
def sum = (0..100000).inject(0, {a, b -> a + b})
For example, by combining a function adding two numbers with the inject function, which iterates through the whole collection, you can quickly summarize all items. Then, replacing the adding function with a comparison function will immediately give you a combined function calculating maximum.
def max = myNumbers.inject(0, {a, b -> a>b?a:b})

You see, functional programming is popular for a reason.

Are we concurrent yet?

This all works just fine until you realize you're not utilizing the full power of your expensive hardware. The functions are plain sequential. No parallelism in here. All but one processor core do nothing, they're idle, totally wasted.
Those paying attention would suggest to use the Parallel Collection techniques described earlier and they would certainly be correct. For our scenario described here, where we process a collection, using those parallel methods would be the best choice. However, we're now looking for a generic way to create and combine asynchronous functions , which would help us not only for collection processing but mostly in other more generic cases, like the one right below.
To make things more obvious, here's an example of combining four functions, which are supposed to check whether a particular web page matches the contents of a local file. We need to download the page, load the file, calculate hashes of both and finally compare the resulting numbers.
Closure download = {String url ->

Closure loadFile = {String fileName -> … //load the file here }

Closure hash = {s -> s.hashCode()}.asyncFun()

Closure compare = {int first, int second -> first == second }

def result = compare(hash(download('')), hash(loadFile('/coolStuff/gpars/website/index.html'))) println "The result of comparison: " + result

We need to download the page, load up the file, calculate hashes of both and finally compare the resulting numbers. Each of the functions is responsible for one particular job. One downloads the content, second loads the file, third calculates the hashes and finally the fourth one will do the comparison. Combining the functions is as simple as nesting their calls.

Making it all asynchronous

The downside of our code is that we don't leverage the independence of the download() and the loadFile() functions. Neither we allow the two hashes to be run concurrently. They could well run in parallel, but our way to combine functions restricts any parallelism.

Obviously not all of the functions can run concurrently. Some functions depend on results of others. They cannot start before the other function finishes. We need to block them till their parameters are available. The hash() functions needs a string to work on. The compare() function needs two numbers to compare.

So we can only parallelize some functions, while blocking parallelism of others. Seems like a challenging task.

Things are bright in the functional world

Luckily, the dependencies between functions are already expressed implicitly in the code. There's no need for us to duplicate the dependency information. If one functions takes parameters and the parameters need first to be calculated by another function, we implicitly have a dependency here. The hash() function depends on the loadFile() as well as on the download() functions in our example. The inject function in our earlier example depends on the results of the addition functions invoked gradually on all the elements of the collection.

However difficult it may seem at first, our task is in fact very simple. We only need to teach our functions to return promises of their future results. And we need to teach the other functions to accept those promises as parameters so that they wait for the real values before they start their work. And if we convince the functions to release the threads they hold while waiting for the values, we get directly to where the magic can happen.

In the good tradition of GPars we've made it very straightforward for you to convince any function to believe in other functions' promises. Call the asyncFun() function on a closure and you're asynchronous.

withPool {
    def maxPromise = numbers.inject(0, {a, b -> a>b?a:b}.asyncFun())
    println "Look Ma, I can talk to the user while the math is being done for me!"
    println maxPromise.get()

The inject function doesn't really care what objects are being returned from the addition function, maybe it is just a little surprised that each call to the addition function returns so fast, but doesn't moan much, keeps iterating and finally returns the overall result to you.

Now, this is the time you should stand behind what you say and do what you want others to do. Don't frown at the result and just accepts that you got back just a promise. A promise to get the result delivered as soon as the calculation is done. The extra heat coming out of your laptop is an indication the calculation exploits natural parallelism in your functions and makes its best effort to deliver the result to you quickly.

The promise is a good old DataflowVariable , so you may query its status, register notification hooks or make it an input to a Dataflow algorithm.

withPool {
    def sumPromise = (0..100000).inject(0, {a, b -> a + b}.asyncFun())
    println "Are we done yet? " + sumPromise.bound
    sumPromise.whenBound {sum -> println sum}

The get() method has also a variant with a timeout parameter, if you want to avoid the risk of waiting indefinitely.

Can things go wrong?

Sure. But you'll get an exception thrown from the result promise get() method.

try {
} catch (MyCalculationException e) {
    println "Guess, things are not ideal today."

This is all fine, but what functions can be really combined?

There are no limits. Take any sequential functions you need to combine and you should be able to combine their asynchronous variants as well.

Back to our initial example comparing content of a file with a web page, we simply make all the functions asynchronous by calling the asyncFun() method on them and we are ready to set off.

Closure download = {String url ->

Closure loadFile = {String fileName -> … //load the file here }.asyncFun()

Closure hash = {s -> s.hashCode()}.asyncFun()

Closure compare = {int first, int second -> first == second }.asyncFun()

def result = compare(hash(download('')), hash(loadFile('/coolStuff/gpars/website/index.html'))) println 'Allowed to do something else now' println "The result of comparison: " + result.get()

Calling asynchronous functions from within asynchronous functions

Another very valuable characteristics of asynchronous functions is that their result promises can also be composed.

import static groovyx.gpars.GParsPool.withPool

withPool { Closure plus = {Integer a, Integer b -> sleep 3000 println 'Adding numbers' a + b }.asyncFun()

Closure multiply = {Integer a, Integer b -> sleep 2000 a * b }.asyncFun()

Closure measureTime = {-> sleep 3000 4 }.asyncFun()

Closure distance = {Integer initialDistance, Integer velocity, Integer time -> plus(initialDistance, multiply(velocity, time)) }.asyncFun()

Closure chattyDistance = {Integer initialDistance, Integer velocity, Integer time -> println 'All parameters are now ready - starting' println 'About to call another asynchronous function' def innerResultPromise = plus(initialDistance, multiply(velocity, time)) println 'Returning the promise for the inner calculation as my own result' return innerResultPromise }.asyncFun()

println "Distance = " + distance(100, 20, measureTime()).get() + ' m' println "ChattyDistance = " + chattyDistance(100, 20, measureTime()).get() + ' m' }

If an asynchronous function (e.f. the distance function in the example) in its body calls another asynchronous function (e.g. plus ) and returns the the promise of the invoked function, the inner function's ( plus ) result promise will compose with the outer function's ( distance ) result promise. The inner function ( plus ) will now bind its result to the outer function's ( distance ) promise, once the inner function (plus) finishes its calculation. This ability of promises to compose allows functions to cease their calculation without blocking a thread not only when waiting for parameters, but also whenever they call another asynchronous function anywhere in their body.

Methods as asynchronous functions

Methods can be referred to as closures using the .& operator. These closures can then be transformed using asyncFun into composable asynchronous functions just like ordinary closures.

class DownloadHelper {
    String download(String url) {

int scanFor(String word, String text) { text.findAll(word).size() }

String lower(s) { s.toLowerCase() } } //now we'll make the methods asynchronous withPool { final DownloadHelper d = new DownloadHelper() Closure download = d.&download.asyncFun() Closure scanFor = d.&scanFor.asyncFun() Closure lower = d.&lower.asyncFun()

//asynchronous processing def result = scanFor('groovy', lower(download(''))) println 'Allowed to do something else now' println result.get() }

Using annotation to create asynchronous functions

Instead of calling the asyncFun() function, the @AsyncFun annotation can be used to annotate Closure-typed fields. The fields have to be initialized in-place and the containing class needs to be instantiated withing a withPool block.

import static groovyx.gpars.GParsPool.withPool
import groovyx.gpars.AsyncFun

class DownloadingSearch { @AsyncFun Closure download = {String url -> url.toURL().text }

@AsyncFun Closure scanFor = {String word, String text -> text.findAll(word).size() }

@AsyncFun Closure lower = {s -> s.toLowerCase()}

void scan() { def result = scanFor('groovy', lower(download(''))) //synchronous processing println 'Allowed to do something else now' println result.get() } }

withPool { new DownloadingSearch().scan() }

Alternative pools

The AsyncFun annotation by default uses an instance of GParsPool from the wrapping withPool block. You may, however, specify the type of pool explicitly:

@AsyncFun(GParsExecutorsPoolUtil) def sum6 = {a, b -> a + b }

Blocking functions through annotations

The AsyncFun also allows the user to specify, whether the resulting function should have blocking (true) or non-blocking (false - default) semantics.

@AsyncFun(blocking = true)
def sum = {a, b -> a + b }

On our side this is a very interesting domain to explore, so any comments, questions or suggestions on combining asynchronous functions or hints about its limits are welcome.

3.6 Parallel Speculations

With processor cores having become plentiful, some algorithms might benefit from brutal-force parallel duplication. Instead of deciding up-front about how to solve a problem, what algorithm to use or which location to connect to, you run all potential solutions in parallel.

Parallel speculations

Imagine you need to perform a task like e.g. calculate an expensive function or read data from a file, database or internet. Luckily, you know of several good ways (e.g. functions or urls) to achieve your goal. However, they are not all equal. Although they return back the same (as far as your needs are concerned) result, they may all take different amount of time to complete and some of them may even fail (e.g. network issues). What's worse, no-one is going to tell you which path gives you the solution first nor which paths lead to no solution at all. Shall I run quick sort or merge sort on my list? Which url will work best? Is this service available at its primary location or should I use the backup one?

GPars speculations give you the option to try all the available alternatives in parallel and so get the result from the fastest functional path, silently ignoring the slow or broken ones.

This is what the speculate() methods on GParsPool and GParsExecutorsPool() can do.

def numbers = …
def quickSort = …
def mergeSort = …
def sortedNumbers = speculate(quickSort, mergeSort)

Here we're performing both quick sort and merge sort concurrently, while getting the result of the faster one. Given the parallel resources available these days on mainstream hardware, running the two functions in parallel will not have dramatic impact on speed of calculation of either one, and so we get the result in about the same time as if we ran solely the faster of the two calculations. And we get the result sooner than when running the slower one. Yet we didn't have to know up-front, which of the two sorting algorithms would perform better on our data. Thus we speculated.

Similarly, downloading a document from multiple sources of different speed and reliability would look like this:

import static groovyx.gpars.GParsPool.speculate
import static groovyx.gpars.GParsPool.withPool

def alternative1 = { ''.toURL().text }

def alternative2 = { ''.toURL().text }

def alternative3 = { ''.toURL().text //wrong url }

def alternative4 = { ''.toURL().text }

withPool(4) { println speculate([alternative1, alternative2, alternative3, alternative4]).contains('groovy') }

Make sure the surrounding thread pool has enough threads to process all alternatives in parallel. The size of the pool should match the number of closures supplied.

Alternatives using dataflow variables and streams

In cases, when stopping unsuccessful alternatives is not needed, dataflow variables or streams may be used to obtain the result value from the winning speculation.

Please refer to the Dataflow Concurrency section of the User Guide for details on Dataflow variables and streams.

import groovyx.gpars.dataflow.DataflowQueue
import static groovyx.gpars.dataflow.Dataflow.task

def alternative1 = { ''.toURL().text }

def alternative2 = { ''.toURL().text }

def alternative3 = { ''.toURL().text //will fail due to wrong url }

def alternative4 = { ''.toURL().text }

//Pick either one of the following, both will work: final def result = new DataflowQueue() // final def result = new DataflowVariable()

[alternative1, alternative2, alternative3, alternative4].each {code -> task { try { result << code() } catch (ignore) { } //We deliberately ignore unsuccessful urls } }

println result.val.contains('groovy')

3.6. Fork-Join

Fork/Join or Divide and Conquer is a very powerful abstraction to solve hierarchical problems.

The abstraction

When talking about hierarchical problems, think about quick sort, merge sort, file system or general tree navigation and such.

Check out the fancy interactive Fork/Join visualization demo , which will show you how threads cooperate to solve a common divide-and-conquer algorithm.

The mighty JSR-166y library solves Fork / Join orchestration pretty nicely for us, but leaves a couple of rough edges, which can hurt you, if you don't pay attention enough. You still deal with threads, pools or synchronization barriers.

The GPars abstraction convenience layer

GPars can hide the complexities of dealing with threads, pools and recursive tasks from you, yet let you leverage the powerful Fork/Join implementation in jsr166y.

import static groovyx.gpars.GParsPool.runForkJoin
import static groovyx.gpars.GParsPool.withPool

withPool() { println """Number of files: ${ runForkJoin(new File("./src")) {file -> long count = 0 file.eachFile { if (it.isDirectory()) { println "Forking a child task for $it" forkOffChild(it) //fork a child task } else { count++ } } return count + (childrenResults.sum(0)) //use results of children tasks to calculate and store own result } }""" }

The runForkJoin() factory method will use the supplied recursive code together with the provided values and build a hierarchical Fork/Join calculation. The number of values passed to the runForkJoin() method must match the number of expected parameters of the closure as well as the number of arguments passed into the forkOffChild() or runChildDirectly() methods.

def quicksort(numbers) {
    withPool {
        runForkJoin(0, numbers) {index, list ->
            def groups = list.groupBy {it <=> list[list.size().intdiv(2)]}
            if ((list.size() < 2) || (groups.size() == 1)) {
                return [index: index, list: list.clone()]
            (-1..1).each {forkOffChild(it, groups[it] ?: [])}
            return [index: index, list: childrenResults.sort {it.index}.sum {it.list}]

Alternative approach

Alternatively, the underlying mechanism of nested Fork/Join worker tasks can be used directly. Custom-tailored workers can eliminate the performance overhead associated with parameter spreading imposed when using the generic workers. Also, custom workers can be implemented in Java and so further increase the performance of the algorithm.

public final class FileCounter extends AbstractForkJoinWorker<Long> {
    private final File file;

def FileCounter(final File file) { this.file = file }

@Override protected Long computeTask() { long count = 0; file.eachFile { if (it.isDirectory()) { println "Forking a thread for $it" forkOffChild(new FileCounter(it)) //fork a child task } else { count++ } } return count + ((childrenResults)?.sum() ?: 0) //use results of children tasks to calculate and store own result } }

withPool(1) {pool -> //feel free to experiment with the number of fork/join threads in the pool println "Number of files: ${runForkJoin(new FileCounter(new File("..")))}" }

The AbstractForkJoinWorker subclasses may be written both in Java or Groovy, giving you the option to easily optimize for execution speed, if row performance of the worker becomes a bottleneck.

Fork / Join saves your resources

Fork/Join operations can be safely run with small number of threads thanks to internally using the TaskBarrier class to synchronize the threads. While a thread is blocked inside an algorithm waiting for its sub-problems to be calculated, the thread is silently returned to the pool to take on any of the available sub-problems from the task queue and process them. Although the algorithm creates as many tasks as there are sub-directories and tasks wait for the sub-directory tasks to complete, as few as one thread is enough to keep the computation going and eventually calculate a valid result.

Mergesort example

import static groovyx.gpars.GParsPool.runForkJoin
import static groovyx.gpars.GParsPool.withPool

/** * Splits a list of numbers in half */ def split(List<Integer> list) { int listSize = list.size() int middleIndex = listSize / 2 def list1 = list[0..<middleIndex] def list2 = list[middleIndex..listSize - 1] return [list1, list2] }

/** * Merges two sorted lists into one */ List<Integer> merge(List<Integer> a, List<Integer> b) { int i = 0, j = 0 final int newSize = a.size() + b.size() List<Integer> result = new ArrayList<Integer>(newSize)

while ((i < a.size()) && (j < b.size())) { if (a[i] <= b[j]) result << a[i++] else result << b[j++] }

if (i < a.size()) result.addAll(a[i..-1]) else result.addAll(b[j..-1]) return result }

final def numbers = [1, 5, 2, 4, 3, 8, 6, 7, 3, 4, 5, 2, 2, 9, 8, 7, 6, 7, 8, 1, 4, 1, 7, 5, 8, 2, 3, 9, 5, 7, 4, 3]

withPool(3) { //feel free to experiment with the number of fork/join threads in the pool println """Sorted numbers: ${ runForkJoin(numbers) {nums -> println "Thread ${Thread.currentThread().name[-1]}: Sorting $nums" switch (nums.size()) { case 0..1: return nums //store own result case 2: if (nums[0] <= nums[1]) return nums //store own result else return nums[-1..0] //store own result default: def splitList = split(nums) [splitList[0], splitList[1]].each {forkOffChild it} //fork a child task return merge(* childrenResults) //use results of children tasks to calculate and store own result } } }""" }

Mergesort example using a custom-tailored worker class

public final class SortWorker extends AbstractForkJoinWorker<List<Integer>> {
    private final List numbers

def SortWorker(final List<Integer> numbers) { this.numbers = numbers.asImmutable() }

/** * Splits a list of numbers in half */ def split(List<Integer> list) { int listSize = list.size() int middleIndex = listSize / 2 def list1 = list[0..<middleIndex] def list2 = list[middleIndex..listSize - 1] return [list1, list2] }

/** * Merges two sorted lists into one */ List<Integer> merge(List<Integer> a, List<Integer> b) { int i = 0, j = 0 final int newSize = a.size() + b.size() List<Integer> result = new ArrayList<Integer>(newSize)

while ((i < a.size()) && (j < b.size())) { if (a[i] <= b[j]) result << a[i++] else result << b[j++] }

if (i < a.size()) result.addAll(a[i..-1]) else result.addAll(b[j..-1]) return result }

/** * Sorts a small list or delegates to two children, if the list contains more than two elements. */ @Override protected List<Integer> computeTask() { println "Thread ${Thread.currentThread().name[-1]}: Sorting $numbers" switch (numbers.size()) { case 0..1: return numbers //store own result case 2: if (numbers[0] <= numbers[1]) return numbers //store own result else return numbers[-1..0] //store own result default: def splitList = split(numbers) [new SortWorker(splitList[0]), new SortWorker(splitList[1])].each{forkOffChild it} //fork a child task return merge(* childrenResults) //use results of children tasks to calculate and store own result } } }

final def numbers = [1, 5, 2, 4, 3, 8, 6, 7, 3, 4, 5, 2, 2, 9, 8, 7, 6, 7, 8, 1, 4, 1, 7, 5, 8, 2, 3, 9, 5, 7, 4, 3]

withPool(1) { //feel free to experiment with the number of fork/join threads in the pool println "Sorted numbers: ${runForkJoin(new SortWorker(numbers))}" }

Running child tasks directly

The forkOffChild() method has a sibling - the runChildDirectly() method, which will run the child task directly and immediately within the current thread instead of scheduling the child task for asynchronous processing on the thread pool. Typically you'll call _forkOffChild() on all sub-tasks but the last, which you invoke directly without the scheduling overhead.

Closure fib = {number ->
            if (number <= 2) {
                return 1
            forkOffChild(number - 1)                            //  This task will run asynchronously, probably in a different thread
            final def result = runChildDirectly(number - 2)     //  This task is run directly within the current thread
            return (Integer) getChildrenResults().sum() + result

withPool { assert 55 == runForkJoin(10, fib) }


This feature is only available when using in the Fork/Join-based GParsPool , not in GParsExecutorsPool .

4. Groovy CSP

The CSP (Communicating Sequential Processes) abstraction builds on independent composable processes, which exchange messages in a synchronous manner. GPars leverages the JCSP library developed at the University of Kent, UK.

Jon Kerridge, the author of the CSP implementation in GPars, provides exhaustive examples on of GroovyCSP use at his website:

The GroovyCSP implementation leverages JCSP, a Java-based CSP library, which is licensed under GPL. Unlike the liberal Apache 2 license, which GPars uses, GPL is more restrictive on use in commercial software. Please make sure your application conforms to the GPL rules before enabling use of JCSP in your code.

If the GPL license is too restrictive for your use, you might consider checking out the Dataflow Concurrency chapter of this User Guide to learn about tasks , selectors and operators , which may help you resolve concurrency issues in ways similar to the CSP approach. In fact the dataflow and CSP concepts stand very close to each other.

By default, without actively adding an explicit dependency on JCSP in your build file or downloading and including the JCSP jar file in your project, the standard commercial-software-friendly Apache 2 License terms apply to your project. GPars directly only depends on software licensed under licenses compatible with the Apache 2 License.

5. Actors

The actor support in GPars was originally inspired by the Actors library in Scala, but has since gone well beyond what Scala offers as standard.

Actors allow for a message passing-based concurrency model: programs are collections of independent active objects that exchange messages and have no mutable shared state. Actors can help developers avoid issues such as deadlock, live-lock and starvation, which are common problems for shared memory based approaches. Actors are a way of leveraging the multi-core nature of today's hardware without all the problems traditionally associated with shared-memory multi-threading, which is why programming languages such as Erlang and Scala have taken up this model.

A nice article summarizing the key concepts behind actors was written recently by Ruben Vermeersch. Actors always guarantee that at most one thread processes the actor's body at any one time and also, under the covers, that the memory gets synchronized each time a thread gets assigned to an actor so the actor's state can be safely modified by code in the body without any other extra (synchronization or locking) effort . Ideally actor's code should never be invoked directly from outside so all the code of the actor class can only be executed by the thread handling the last received message and so all the actor's code is implicitly thread-safe . If any of the actor's methods is allowed to be called by other objects directly, the thread-safety guarantee for the actor's code and state are no longer valid .

Types of actors

In general, you can find two types of actors in the wild - ones that hold implicit state and those, who don't. GPars gives you both options. Stateless actors, represented in GPars by the DynamicDispatchActor and the ReactiveActor classes, keep no track of what messages have arrived previously. You may thing of these as flat message handlers, which process messages as they come. Any state-based behavior has to be implemented by the user.

The stateful actors, represented in GPars by the DefaultActor class (and previously also by the AbstractPooledActor class), allow the user to handle implicit state directly. After receiving a message the actor moves into a new state with different ways to handle future messages. To give you an example, a freshly started actor may only accept some types of messages, e.g. encrypted messages for decryption, only after it has received the encryption keys. The stateful actors allow to encode such dependencies directly in the structure of the message-handling code. Implicit state management, however, comes at a slight performance cost, mainly due to the lack of continuations support on JVM.

Actor threading model

Since actors are detached from the system threads, a great number of actors can share a relatively small thread pool. This can go as far as having many concurrent actors that share a single pooled thread. This architecture allows to avoid some of the threading limitations of the JVM. In general, while the JVM can only give you a limited number of threads (typically around a couple of thousands), the number of actors is only limited by the available memory. If an actor has no work to do, it doesn't consume threads.

Actor code is processed in chunks separated by quiet periods of waiting for new events (messages). This can be naturally modeled through continuations . As JVM doesn't support continuations directly, they have to be simulated in the actors frameworks, which has slight impact on organization of the actors' code. However, the benefits in most cases outweigh the difficulties.


class GameMaster extends DefaultActor { int secretNum

void afterStart() { secretNum = new Random().nextInt(10) }

void act() { loop { react { int num -> if (num > secretNum) reply 'too large' else if (num < secretNum) reply 'too small' else { reply 'you win' terminate() } } } } }

class Player extends DefaultActor { String name Actor server int myNum

void act() { loop { myNum = new Random().nextInt(10) server.send myNum react { switch (it) { case 'too large': println "$name: $myNum was too large"; break case 'too small': println "$name: $myNum was too small"; break case 'you win': println "$name: I won $myNum"; terminate(); break } } } } }

def master = new GameMaster().start() def player = new Player(name: 'Player', server: master).start()

//this forces main thread to live until both actors stop [master, player]*.join()

example by Jordi Campos i Miralles, Departament de MatemĂ tica Aplicada i AnĂ lisi, MAiA Facultat de MatemĂ tiques, Universitat de Barcelona

Usage of Actors

Gpars provides consistent Actor APIs and DSLs. Actors in principal perform three specific operations - send messages, receive messages and create new actors. Although not specifically enforced by GPars messages should be immutable or at least follow the hands-off policy when the sender never touches the messages after the message has been sent off.

Sending messages

Messages can be sent to actors using the send() method.

def passiveActor ={
    loop {
        react { msg -> println "Received: $msg"; }
passiveActor.send 'Message 1'
passiveActor << 'Message 2'    //using the << operator
passiveActor 'Message 3'       //using the implicit call() method

Alternatively, the << operator or the implicit call() method can be used. A family of sendAndWait() methods is available to block the caller until a reply from the actor is available. The reply is returned from the sendAndWait() method as a return value. The sendAndWait() methods may also return after a timeout expires or in case of termination of the called actor.

def replyingActor ={
    loop {
        react { msg ->
            println "Received: $msg";
            reply "I've got $msg"
def reply1 = replyingActor.sendAndWait('Message 4')
def reply2 = replyingActor.sendAndWait('Message 5', 10, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
use (TimeCategory) {
    def reply3 = replyingActor.sendAndWait('Message 6', 10.seconds)

The sendAndContinue() method allows the caller to continue its processing while the supplied closure is waiting for a reply from the actor.

friend.sendAndContinue 'I need money!', {money -> pocket money}
println 'I can continue while my friend is collecting money for me'

All send() , sendAndWait() or sendAndContinue() methods will throw an exception if invoked on a non-active actor.

Receiving messages

Non-blocking message retrieval

Calling the react() method, optionally with a timeout parameter, from within the actor's code will consume the next message from the actor's inbox, potentially waiting, if there is no message to be processed immediately.

println 'Waiting for a gift'
react {gift ->
    if (myWife.likes gift) reply 'Thank you!'

Under the covers the supplied closure is not invoked directly, but scheduled for processing by any thread in the thread pool once a message is available. After scheduling the current thread will then be detached from the actor and freed to process any other actor, which has received a message already.

To allow detaching actors from the threads the react() method demands the code to be written in a special Continuation-style. {
    loop {
        println 'Waiting for a gift'
        react {gift ->
            if (myWife.likes gift) reply 'Thank you!'
            else {
                reply 'Try again, please'
                react {anotherGift ->
                    if ( gift) reply 'Thank you!'
                println 'Never reached'
        println 'Never reached'
    println 'Never reached'

The react() method has a special semantics to allow actors to be detached from threads when no messages are available in their mailbox. Essentially, react() schedules the supplied code (closure) to be executed upon next message arrival and returns. The closure supplied to the react() methods is the code where the computation should continue . Thus continuation style .

Since actor has to preserve the guarantee of at most one thread active within the actor's body, the next message cannot be handled before the current message processing finishes. Typically, there shouldn't be a need to put code after calls to react() . Some actor implementations even enforce this, however, GPars does not for performance reasons. The loop() method allows iteration within the actor body. Unlike typical looping constructs, like for or while loops, loop() cooperates with nested react() blocks and will ensure looping across subsequent message retrievals.

Sending replies

The reply/replyIfExists methods are not only defined on the actors themselves, but for AbstractPooledActor (not available in DefaultActor , DynamicDispatchActor nor ReactiveActor classes) also on the processed messages themselves upon their reception, which is particularly handy when handling multiple messages in a single call. In such cases reply() invoked on the actor sends a reply to authors of all the currently processed message (the last one), whereas reply() called on messages sends a reply to the author of the particular message only.

See demo here

The sender property

Messages upon retrieval offer the sender property to identify the originator of the message. The property is available inside the Actor's closure:

react {tweet ->
    if (isSpam(tweet)) ignoreTweetsFrom sender
    sender.send 'Never write me again!'


When sending a message, a different actor can be specified as the sender so that potential replies to the message will be forwarded to the specified actor and not to the actual originator.

def decryptor = {
    react {message ->
        reply message.reverse()
//        sender.send message.reverse()    //An alternative way to send replies

def console = { //This actor will print out decrypted messages, since the replies are forwarded to it react { println 'Decrypted message: ' + it } }

decryptor.send 'lellarap si yvoorG', console //Specify an actor to send replies to console.join()

Creating Actors

Actors share a pool of threads, which are dynamically assigned to actors when the actors need to react to messages sent to them. The threads are returned to back the pool once a message has been processed and the actor is idle waiting for some more messages to arrive.

For example, this is how you create an actor that prints out all messages that it receives.

def console = {
    loop {
        react {
            println it

Notice the loop() method call, which ensures that the actor doesn't stop after having processed the first message.

Here's an example with a decryptor service, which can decrypt submitted messages and send the decrypted messages back to the originators.

final def decryptor = {
    loop {
        react {String message ->
            if ('stopService' == message) {
                println 'Stopping decryptor'
            else reply message.reverse()
} { decryptor.send 'lellarap si yvoorG' react { println 'Decrypted message: ' + it decryptor.send 'stopService' } }.join()

Here's an example of an actor that waits for up to 30 seconds to receive a reply to its message.

def friend = {
    react {
        //this doesn't reply -> caller won't receive any answer in time
        println it
        //reply 'Hello' //uncomment this to answer conversation
        react {
            println it

def me = { friend.send('Hi') //wait for answer 1sec react(1000) {msg -> if (msg == Actor.TIMEOUT) { friend.send('I see, busy as usual. Never mind.') stop() } else { //continue conversation println "Thank you for $msg" } } }


Undelivered messages

Sometimes messages cannot be delivered to the target actor. When special action needs to be taken for undelivered messages, at actor termination all unprocessed messages from its queue have their onDeliveryError() method called. The onDeliveryError() method or closure defined on the message can, for example, send a notification back to the original sender of the message.

final DefaultActor me
me = {
    def message = 1

message.metaClass.onDeliveryError = {-> //send message back to the caller me << "Could not deliver $delegate" }

def actor = { react { //wait 2sec in order next call in demo can be emitted Thread.sleep(2000) //stop actor after first message stop() } }

actor << message actor << message

react { //print whatever comes back println it }



Alternatively the onDeliveryError() method can be specified on the sender itself. The method can be added both dynamically

final DefaultActor me
me = {
    def message1 = 1
    def message2 = 2

def actor = { react { //wait 2sec in order next call in demo can be emitted Thread.sleep(2000) //stop actor after first message stop() } }

me.metaClass.onDeliveryError = {msg -> //callback on actor inaccessibility println "Could not deliver message $msg" }

actor << message1 actor << message2




and statically in actor definition:

class MyActor extends DefaultActor {
    public void onDeliveryError(msg) {
        println "Could not deliver message $msg"

Joining actors

Actors provide a join() method to allow callers to wait for the actor to terminate. A variant accepting a timeout is also available. The Groovy spread-dot operator comes in handy when joining multiple actors at a time.

def master = new GameMaster().start()
def player = new Player(name: 'Player', server: master).start()

[master, player]*.join()

Conditional and counting loops

The loop() method allows for either a condition or a number of iterations to be specified, optionally accompanied with a closure to invoke once the loop finishes - After Loop Termination Code Handler .

The following actor will loop three times to receive 3 messages and then prints out the maximum of the received messages.

final Actor actor = {
    def candidates = []
    def printResult = {-> println "The best offer is ${candidates.max()}"}

loop(3, printResult) { react { candidates << it } } }

actor 10 actor 30 actor 20 actor.join()

The following actor will receive messages until a value greater then 30 arrives.

final Actor actor = {
    def candidates = []
    final Closure printResult = {-> println "Reached best offer - ${candidates.max()}"}

loop({-> candidates.max() < 30}, printResult) { react { candidates << it } } }

actor 10 actor 20 actor 25 actor 31 actor 20 actor.join()

The After Loop Termination Code Handler can use actor's react{} but not loop() .

DefaultActor can be set to behave in a fair on non-fair (default) manner. Depending on the strategy chosen, the actor either makes the thread available to other actors sharing the same parallel group (fair), or keeps the thread fot itself until the message queue gets empty (non-fair). Generally, non-fair actors perform 2 - 3 times better than fair ones.

Use either the fairActor() factory method or the actor's makeFair() method.

Custom schedulers

Actors leverage the standard JDK concurrency library by default. To provide a custom thread scheduler use the appropriate constructor parameter when creating a parallel group (PGroup class). The supplied scheduler will orchestrate threads in the group's thread pool.

Please also see the numerous Actor Demos .

5.1 Actors Principles

Actors share a pool of threads, which are dynamically assigned to actors when the actors need to react to messages sent to them. The threads are returned back to the pool once a message has been processed and the actor is idle waiting for some more messages to arrive. Actors become detached from the underlying threads and so a relatively small thread pool can serve potentially unlimited number of actors. Virtually unlimited scalability in number of actors is the main advantage of event-based actors , which are detached from the underlying physical threads.

Here are some examples of how to use actors. This is how you create an actor that prints out all messages that it receives.

import static*

def console = actor { loop { react { println it } }

Notice the loop() method call, which ensures that the actor doesn't stop after having processed the first message.

As an alternative you can extend the DefaultActor class and override the act() method. Once you instantiate the actor, you need to start it so that it attaches itself to the thread pool and can start accepting messages. The actor() factory method will take care of starting the actor.

class CustomActor extends DefaultActor {
    protected void act() {
        loop {
            react {
                println it

def console=new CustomActor() console.start()

Messages can be sent to the actor using multiple methods

console 'Message'
console.sendAndWait 'Message'                                                     //Wait for a reply
console.sendAndContinue 'Message', {reply -> println "I received reply: $reply"}  //Forward the reply to a function

Creating an asynchronous service

import static*

final def decryptor = actor { loop { react {String message-> reply message.reverse() } } }

def console = actor { decryptor.send 'lellarap si yvoorG' react { println 'Decrypted message: ' + it } }


As you can see, you create new actors with the actor() method passing in the actor's body as a closure parameter. Inside the actor's body you can use loop() to iterate, react() to receive messages and reply() to send a message to the actor, which has sent the currently processed message. The sender of the current message is also available through the actor's sender property. When the decryptor actor doesn't find a message in its message queue at the time when react() is called, the react() method gives up the thread and returns it back to the thread pool for other actors to pick it up. Only after a new message arrives to the actor's message queue, the closure of the react() method gets scheduled for processing with the pool. Event-based actors internally simulate continuations - actor's work is split into sequentially run chunks, which get invoked once a message is available in the inbox. Each chunk for a single actor can be performed by a different thread from the thread pool.

Groovy flexible syntax with closures allows our library to offer multiple ways to define actors. For instance, here's an example of an actor that waits for up to 30 seconds to receive a reply to its message. Actors allow time DSL defined by org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.TimeCategory class to be used for timeout specification to the react() method, provided the user wraps the call within a TimeCategory use block.

def friend = {
    react {
        //this doesn't reply -> caller won't receive any answer in time
        println it
        //reply 'Hello' //uncomment this to answer conversation
        react {
            println it

def me = { friend.send('Hi') //wait for answer 1sec react(1000) {msg -> if (msg == Actor.TIMEOUT) { friend.send('I see, busy as usual. Never mind.') stop() } else { //continue conversation println "Thank you for $msg" } } }


When a timeout expires when waiting for a message, the Actor.TIMEOUT message arrives instead. Also the onTimeout() handler is invoked, if present on the actor:

def friend = {
    react {
        //this doesn't reply -> caller won't receive any answer in time
        println it
        //reply 'Hello' //uncomment this to answer conversation
        react {
            println it

def me = { friend.send('Hi')

delegate.metaClass.onTimeout = {-> friend.send('I see, busy as usual. Never mind.') stop() }

//wait for answer 1sec react(1000) {msg -> if (msg != Actor.TIMEOUT) { //continue conversation println "Thank you for $msg" } } }


Notice the possibility to use Groovy meta-programming to define actor's lifecycle notification methods (e.g. onTimeout() ) dynamically. Obviously, the lifecycle methods can be defined the usual way when you decide to define a new class for your actor.

class MyActor extends DefaultActor {
    public void onTimeout() {

protected void act() { … } }

Actors guarantee thread-safety for non-thread-safe code

Actors guarantee that always at most one thread processes the actor's body at a time and also under the covers the memory gets synchronized each time a thread gets assigned to an actor so the actor's state can be safely modified by code in the body without any other extra (synchronization or locking) effort .

class MyCounterActor extends DefaultActor {
    private Integer counter = 0

protected void act() { loop { react { counter++ } } } }

Ideally actor's code should never be invoked directly from outside so all the code of the actor class can only be executed by the thread handling the last received message and so all the actor's code is implicitly thread-safe . If any of the actor's methods is allowed to be called by other objects directly, the thread-safety guarantee for the actor's code and state are no longer valid .

Simple calculator

A little bit more realistic example of an event-driven actor that receives two numeric messages, sums them up and sends the result to the console actor.


//not necessary, just showing that a single-threaded pool can still handle multiple actors def group = new DefaultPGroup(1);

final def console = { loop { react { println 'Result: ' + it } } }

final def calculator = { react {a -> react {b -> console.send(a + b) } } }

calculator.send 2 calculator.send 3

calculator.join() group.shutdown()

Notice that event-driven actors require special care regarding the react() method. Since event_driven actors need to split the code into independent chunks assignable to different threads sequentially and continuations are not natively supported on JVM, the chunks are created artificially. The react() method creates the next message handler. As soon as the current message handler finishes, the next message handler (continuation) gets scheduled.

Concurrent Merge Sort Example

For comparison I'm also including a more involved example performing a concurrent merge sort of a list of integers using actors. You can see that thanks to flexibility of Groovy we came pretty close to the Scala model, although I still miss Scala pattern matching for message handling.

import static

Closure createMessageHandler(def parentActor) { return { react {List<Integer> message -> assert message != null switch (message.size()) { case 0..1: parentActor.send(message) break case 2: if (message[0] <= message[1]) parentActor.send(message) else parentActor.send(message[-1..0]) break default: def splitList = split(message)

def child1 = actor(createMessageHandler(delegate)) def child2 = actor(createMessageHandler(delegate)) child1.send(splitList[0]) child2.send(splitList[1])

react {message1 -> react {message2 -> parentActor.send merge(message1, message2) } } } } } }

def console = new DefaultPGroup(1).actor { react { println "Sorted array:t${it}" System.exit 0 } }

def sorter = actor(createMessageHandler(console)) sorter.send([1, 5, 2, 4, 3, 8, 6, 7, 3, 9, 5, 3]) console.join()

def split(List<Integer> list) { int listSize = list.size() int middleIndex = listSize / 2 def list1 = list[0..<middleIndex] def list2 = list[middleIndex..listSize - 1] return [list1, list2] }

List<Integer> merge(List<Integer> a, List<Integer> b) { int i = 0, j = 0 final int newSize = a.size() + b.size() List<Integer> result = new ArrayList<Integer>(newSize)

while ((i < a.size()) && (j < b.size())) { if (a[i] <= b[j]) result << a[i++] else result << b[j++] }

if (i < a.size()) result.addAll(a[i..-1]) else result.addAll(b[j..-1]) return result }

Since actors reuse threads from a pool, the script will work with virtually any size of a thread pool, no matter how many actors are created along the way.

Actor lifecycle methods

Each Actor can define lifecycle observing methods, which will be called whenever a certain lifecycle event occurs.

You can either define the methods statically in your Actor class or add them dynamically to the actor's metaclass:

class MyActor extends DefaultActor {
    public void afterStart() {
    public void onTimeout() {

protected void act() { … } }

def myActor = actor {
    delegate.metaClass.onException = {
        log.error('Exception occurred', it)

… }

To help performance, you may consider using the silentStart() method instead of start() when starting a DynamicDispatchActor or a ReactiveActor . Calling silentStart() will by-pass some of the start-up machinery and as a result will also avoid calling the afterStart() method. Due to its stateful nature, DefaultActor cannot be started silently.

Pool management

Actors can be organized into groups and as a default there's always an application-wide pooled actor group available. And just like the Actors abstract factory can be used to create actors in the default group, custom groups can be used as abstract factories to create new actors instances belonging to these groups.

def myGroup = new DefaultPGroup()

def actor1 = { … }

def actor2 = { … }

The actors belonging to the same group share the underlying thread pool of that group. The pool by default contains n + 1 threads, where n stands for the number of CPUs detected by the JVM. The pool size can be set explicitly either by setting the gpars.poolsize system property or individually for each actor group by specifying the appropriate constructor parameter.

def myGroup = new DefaultPGroup(10)  //the pool will contain 10 threads

The thread pool can be manipulated through the appropriate DefaultPGroup class, which delegates to the Pool interface of the thread pool. For example, the resize() method allows you to change the pool size any time and the resetDefaultSize() sets it back to the default value. The shutdown() method can be called when you need to safely finish all tasks, destroy the pool and stop all the threads in order to exit JVM in an organized manner.

… (n+1 threads in the default pool after startup)

Actors.defaultActorPGroup.resize 1 //use one-thread pool

… (1 thread in the pool)


… (n+1 threads in the pool)


As an alternative to the DefaultPGroup , which creates a pool of daemon threads, the NonDaemonPGroup class can be used when non-daemon threads are required.

def daemonGroup = new DefaultPGroup()

def actor1 = { … }

def nonDaemonGroup = new NonDaemonPGroup()

def actor2 = { … }

class MyActor { def MyActor() { this.parallelGroup = nonDaemonGroup }

void act() {...} }

Actors belonging to the same group share the underlying thread pool. With pooled actor groups you can split your actors to leverage multiple thread pools of different sizes and so assign resources to different components of your system and tune their performance.

def coreActors = new NonDaemonPGroup(5)  //5 non-daemon threads pool
def helperActors = new DefaultPGroup(1)  //1 daemon thread pool

def priceCalculator = { … }

def paymentProcessor = { … }

def emailNotifier = { … }

def cleanupActor = { … }

//increase size of the core actor group coreActors.resize 6

//shutdown the group's pool once you no longer need the group to release resources helperActors.shutdown()

Do not forget to shutdown custom pooled actor groups, once you no longer need them and their actors, to preserve system resources.

Common trap: App terminates while actors do not receive messages

Most likely you're using daemon threads and pools, which is the default setting, and your main thread finishes. Calling actor.join() on any, some or all of your actors would block the main thread until the actor terminates and thus keep all your actors running. Alternatively use instances of NonDaemonPGroup and assign some of your actors to these groups.

def nonDaemonGroup = new NonDaemonPGroup()
def myActor = {...}


def nonDaemonGroup = new NonDaemonPGroup()

class MyActor extends DefaultActor { def MyActor() { this.parallelGroup = nonDaemonGroup }

void act() {...} }

def myActor = new MyActor()

Blocking Actors

Instead of event-driven continuation-styled actors, you may in some scenarios prefer using blocking actors. Blocking actors hold a single pooled thread for their whole life-time including the time when waiting for messages. They avoid some of the thread management overhead, since they never fight for threads after start, and also they let you write straight code without the necessity of continuation style, since they only do blocking message reads via the receive method. Obviously the number of blocking actors running concurrently is limited by the number of threads available in the shared pool. On the other hand, blocking actors typically provide better performance compared to continuation-style actors, especially when the actor's message queue rarely gets empty.

def decryptor = blockingActor {
    while (true) {
        receive {message ->
            if (message instanceof String) reply message.reverse()
            else stop()

def console = blockingActor { decryptor.send 'lellarap si yvoorG' println 'Decrypted message: ' + receive() decryptor.send false }

[decryptor, console]*.join()

Blocking actors increase the number of options to tune performance of your applications. They may in particular be good candidates for high-traffic positions in your actor network.

5.2 Stateless Actors

Dynamic Dispatch Actor

The DynamicDispatchActor class is an actor allowing for an alternative structure of the message handling code. In general DynamicDispatchActor repeatedly scans for messages and dispatches arrived messages to one of the onMessage(message) methods defined on the actor. The DynamicDispatchActor leverages the Groovy dynamic method dispatch mechanism under the covers. Since, unlike DefaultActor descendants, a DynamicDispatchActor not ReactiveActor (discussed below) do not need to implicitly remember actor's state between subsequent message receptions, they provide much better performance characteristics, generally comparable to other actor frameworks, like e.g. Scala Actors.


final class MyActor extends DynamicDispatchActor {

void onMessage(String message) { println 'Received string' }

void onMessage(Integer message) { println 'Received integer' reply 'Thanks!' }

void onMessage(Object message) { println 'Received object' sender.send 'Thanks!' }

void onMessage(List message) { println 'Received list' stop() } }

final def myActor = new MyActor().start() { myActor 1 myActor '' myActor 1.0 myActor(new ArrayList()) myActor.join() }.join()

In some scenarios, typically when no implicit conversation-history-dependent state needs to be preserved for the actor, the dynamic dispatch code structure may be more intuitive than the traditional one using nested loop and react statements.

The DynamicDispatchActor class also provides a handy facility to add message handlers dynamically at actor construction time or any time later using the when handlers, optionally wrapped inside a become method:

final Actor myActor = new DynamicDispatchActor().become {
    when {String msg -> println 'A String'; reply 'Thanks'}
    when {Double msg -> println 'A Double'; reply 'Thanks'}
    when {msg -> println 'A something ...'; reply 'What was that?';stop()}
myActor.start() {
    myActor 'Hello'
    myActor 1.0d
    myActor 10 as BigDecimal

Obviously the two approaches can be combined:

final class MyDDA extends DynamicDispatchActor {

void onMessage(String message) { println 'Received string' }

void onMessage(Integer message) { println 'Received integer' }

void onMessage(Object message) { println 'Received object' }

void onMessage(List message) { println 'Received list' stop() } }

final def myActor = new MyDDA().become { when {BigDecimal num -> println 'Received BigDecimal'} when {Float num -> println 'Got a float'} }.start() { myActor 'Hello' myActor 1.0f myActor 10 as BigDecimal myActor.send([]) myActor.join() }.join()

The dynamic message handlers registered via when take precedence over the static onMessage handlers.

DynamicDispatchActor can be set to behave in a fair on non-fair (default) manner. Depending on the strategy chosen, the actor either makes the thread available to other actors sharing the same parallel group (fair), or keeps the thread fot itself until the message queue gets empty (non-fair). Generally, non-fair actors perform 2 - 3 times better than fair ones.

Use either the fairMessageHandler() factory method or the actor's makeFair() method.

def fairActor = Actors.fairMessageHandler {...}

Reactive Actor

The ReactiveActor class, constructed typically by calling Actors.reactor() or DefaultPGroup.reactor() , allow for more event-driven like approach. When a reactive actor receives a message, the supplied block of code, which makes up the reactive actor's body, is run with the message as a parameter. The result returned from the code is sent in reply.

final def group = new DefaultPGroup()

final def doubler = group.reactor { 2 * it } { println 'Double of 10 = ' + doubler.sendAndWait(10) } { println 'Double of 20 = ' + doubler.sendAndWait(20) } { println 'Double of 30 = ' + doubler.sendAndWait(30) }

for(i in (1..10)) { println "Double of $i = ${doubler.sendAndWait(i)}" }

doubler.stop() doubler.join()

Here's an example of an actor, which submits a batch of numbers to a ReactiveActor for processing and then prints the results gradually as they arrive.


final def doubler = Actors.reactor { 2 * it }

Actor actor = { (1..10).each {doubler << it} int i = 0 loop { i += 1 if (i > 10) stop() else { react {message -> println "Double of $i = $message" } } } }

actor.join() doubler.stop() doubler.join()

Essentially reactive actors provide a convenience shortcut for an actor that would wait for messages in a loop, process them and send back the result. This is schematically how the reactive actor looks inside:

public class ReactiveActor extends DefaultActor {
    Closure body

void act() { loop { react {message -> reply body(message) } } } }

ReactiveActor can be set to behave in a fair on non-fair (default) manner. Depending on the strategy chosen, the actor either makes the thread available to other actors sharing the same parallel group (fair), or keeps the thread fot itself until the message queue gets empty (non-fair). Generally, non-fair actors perform 2 - 3 times better than fair ones.

Use either the fairReactor() factory method or the actor's makeFair() method.

def fairActor = Actors.fairReactor {...}

5.3 Tips and Tricks

Structuring actor's code

When extending the DefaultActor class, you can call any actor's methods from within the act() method and use the react() or loop() methods in them.
class MyDemoActor extends DefaultActor {

protected void act() { handleA() }

private void handleA() { react {a -> handleB(a) } }

private void handleB(int a) { react {b -> println a + b reply a + b } } }

final def demoActor = new MyDemoActor() demoActor.start() { demoActor 10 demoActor 20 react { println "Result: $it" } }.join()

Bear in mind that the methods handleA() and handleB() in all our examples will only schedule the supplied message handlers to run as continuations of the current calculation in reaction to the next message arriving.

Alternatively, when using the actor() factory method, you can add event-handling code through the meta class as closures.

Actor demoActor = {
    delegate.metaClass {
        handleA = {->
            react {a ->

handleB = {a -> react {b -> println a + b reply a + b } } }

handleA() } { demoActor 10 demoActor 20 react { println "Result: $it" } }.join()

Closures, which have the actor set as their delegate can also be used to structure event-handling code.

Closure handleB = {a ->
    react {b ->
        println a + b
        reply a + b

Closure handleA = {-> react {a -> handleB(a) } }

Actor demoActor = { handleA.delegate = delegate handleB.delegate = delegate

handleA() } { demoActor 10 demoActor 20 react { println "Result: $it" } }.join()

Event-driven loops

When coding event-driven actors you have to have in mind that calls to react() and loop() methods have slightly different semantics. This becomes a bit of a challenge once you try to implement any types of loops in your actors. On the other hand, if you leverage the fact that react() only schedules a continuation and returns, you may call methods recursively without fear to fill up the stack. Look at the examples below, which respectively use the three described techniques for structuring actor's code.

A subclass of DefaultActor

class MyLoopActor extends DefaultActor {

protected void act() { outerLoop() }

private void outerLoop() { react {a -> println 'Outer: ' + a if (a != 0) innerLoop() else println 'Done' } }

private void innerLoop() { react {b -> println 'Inner ' + b if (b == 0) outerLoop() else innerLoop() } } }

final def actor = new MyLoopActor().start() actor 10 actor 20 actor 0 actor 0 actor.join()

Enhancing the actor's metaClass

Actor actor = {

delegate.metaClass { outerLoop = {-> react {a -> println 'Outer: ' + a if (a!=0) innerLoop() else println 'Done' } }

innerLoop = {-> react {b -> println 'Inner ' + b if (b==0) outerLoop() else innerLoop() } } }

outerLoop() }

actor 10 actor 20 actor 0 actor 0 actor.join()

Using Groovy closures

Closure innerLoop

Closure outerLoop = {-> react {a -> println 'Outer: ' + a if (a!=0) innerLoop() else println 'Done' } }

innerLoop = {-> react {b -> println 'Inner ' + b if (b==0) outerLoop() else innerLoop() } }

Actor actor = { outerLoop.delegate = delegate innerLoop.delegate = delegate

outerLoop() }

actor 10 actor 20 actor 0 actor 0 actor.join()

Plus don't forget about the possibility to use the actor's loop() method to create a loop that runs until the actor terminates.

class MyLoopingActor extends DefaultActor {

protected void act() { loop { outerLoop() } }

private void outerLoop() { react {a -> println 'Outer: ' + a if (a!=0) innerLoop() else println 'Done for now, but will loop again' } }

private void innerLoop() { react {b -> println 'Inner ' + b if (b == 0) outerLoop() else innerLoop() } } }

final def actor = new MyLoopingActor().start() actor 10 actor 20 actor 0 actor 0 actor 10 actor.stop() actor.join()

5.4 Active Objects

Active objects provide an OO facade on top of actors, allowing you to avoid dealing directly with the actor machinery, having to match messages, wait for results and send replies.

Actors with a friendly facade

import groovyx.gpars.activeobject.ActiveObject
import groovyx.gpars.activeobject.ActiveMethod

@ActiveObject class Decryptor { @ActiveMethod def decrypt(String encryptedText) { return encryptedText.reverse() }

@ActiveMethod def decrypt(Integer encryptedNumber) { return -1*encryptedNumber + 142 } }

final Decryptor decryptor = new Decryptor() def part1 = decryptor.decrypt(' noitcA ni yvoorG') def part2 = decryptor.decrypt(140) def part3 = decryptor.decrypt('noittide dn')

print part1.get() print part2.get() println part3.get()

You mark active objects with the @ActiveObject annotation. This will ensure a hidden actor instance is created for each instance of your class. Now you can mark methods with the @ActiveMethod annotation indicating that you want the method to be invoked asynchronously by the target object's internal actor. An optional boolean blocking parameter to the @ActiveMethod annotation specifies, whether the caller should block until a result is available or whether instead the caller should only receive a promise for a future result in a form of a DataflowVariable and so the caller is not blocked waiting.

By default, all active methods are set to be non-blocking . However, methods, which declare their return type explicitly, must be configured as blocking, otherwise the compiler will report an error. Only def , void and DataflowVariable are allowed return types for non-blocking methods.

Under the covers, GPars will translate your method call to a message being sent to the internal actor . The actor will eventually handle that message by invoking the desired method on behalf of the caller and once finished a reply will be sent back to the caller. Non-blocking methods return promises for results, aka DataflowVariables .

But blocking means we're not really asynchronous, are we?

Indeed, if you mark your active methods as blocking , the caller will be blocked waiting for the result, just like when doing normal plain method invocation. All we've achieved is being thread-safe inside the Active object from concurrent access. Something the synchronized keyword could give you as well. So it is the non-blocking methods that should drive your decision towards using active objects. Blocking methods will then provide the usual synchronous semantics yet give the consistency guarantees across concurrent method invocations. The blocking methods are then still very useful when used in combination with non-blocking ones.

import groovyx.gpars.activeobject.ActiveMethod
import groovyx.gpars.activeobject.ActiveObject
import groovyx.gpars.dataflow.DataflowVariable

@ActiveObject class Decryptor { @ActiveMethod(blocking=true) String decrypt(String encryptedText) { encryptedText.reverse() }

@ActiveMethod(blocking=true) Integer decrypt(Integer encryptedNumber) { -1*encryptedNumber + 142 } }

final Decryptor decryptor = new Decryptor() print decryptor.decrypt(' noitcA ni yvoorG') print decryptor.decrypt(140) println decryptor.decrypt('noittide dn')

Non-blocking semantics

Now calling the non-blocking active method will return as soon as the actor has been sent a message. The caller is now allowed to do whatever he likes, while the actor is taking care of the calculation. The state of the calculation can be polled using the bound property on the promise. Calling the get() method on the returned promise will block the caller until a value is available. The call to get() will eventually return a value or throw an exception, depending on the outcome of the actual calculation.

The get() method has also a variant with a timeout parameter, if you want to avoid the risk of waiting indefinitely.

Annotation rules

There are a few rules to follow when annotating your objects:

  1. The ActiveMethod annotations are only accepted in classes annotated as ActiveObject
  2. Only instance (non-static) methods can be annotated as ActiveMethod
  3. You can override active methods with non-active ones and vice versa
  4. Subclasses of active objects can declare additional active methods, provided they are themselves annotated as ActiveObject
  5. Combining concurrent use of active and non-active methods may result in race conditions. Ideally design your active objects as completely encapsulated classes with all non-private methods marked as active


The @ActiveObject annotation can appear on any class in an inheritance hierarchy. The actor field will only be created in top-most annotated class in the hierarchy, the subclasses will reuse the field.

import groovyx.gpars.activeobject.ActiveObject
import groovyx.gpars.activeobject.ActiveMethod
import groovyx.gpars.dataflow.DataflowVariable

@ActiveObject class A { @ActiveMethod def fooA(value) { … } }

class B extends A { }

@ActiveObject class C extends B { @ActiveMethod def fooC(value1, value2) { … } }

In our example the actor field will be generated into class A . Class C has to be annotated with @ActiveObject since it holds the @ActiveMethod annotation on method fooC() , while class B does not need the annotation, since none of its methods is active.


Just like actors can be grouped around thread pools, active objects can be configured to use threads from particular parallel groups.

class MyActiveObject {

The value parameter to the @ActiveObject annotation specifies a name of parallel group to bind the internal actor to. Only threads from the specified group will be used to run internal actors of instances of the class. The groups, however, need to be created and registered prior to creation of any of the active object instances belonging to that group. If not specified explicitly, an active object will use the default actor group - Actors.defaultActorPGroup .

final DefaultPGroup group = new DefaultPGroup(10)
ActiveObjectRegistry.instance.register("group1", group)

Alternative names for the internal actor

You will probably only rarely run into name collisions with the default name for the active object's internal actor field. May you need to change the default name internalActiveObjectActor , use the actorName parameter to the @ActiveObject annotation.

@ActiveObject(actorName = "alternativeActorName")
class MyActiveObject {

Alternative names for internal actors as well as their desired groups cannot be overriden in subclasses. Make sure you only specify these values in the top-most active objects in your inheritance hierarchy. Obviously, the top most active object is still allowed to subclass other classes, just none of the predecessors must be an active object.

5.5 Classic Examples using Actors

A few examples on Actors use


The Sieve of Eratosthenes

Problem description


/** * Demonstrates concurrent implementation of the Sieve of Eratosthenes using actors * * In principle, the algorithm consists of concurrently run chained filters, * each of which detects whether the current number can be divided by a single prime number. * (generate nums 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ...) -> (filter by mod 2) -> (filter by mod 3) -> (filter by mod 5) -> (filter by mod 7) -> (filter by mod 11) -> (caution! Primes falling out here) * The chain is built (grows) on the fly, whenever a new prime is found. */

int requestedPrimeNumberBoundary = 1000

final def firstFilter = new FilterActor(2).start()

/** * Generating candidate numbers and sending them to the actor chain */ (2..requestedPrimeNumberBoundary).each { firstFilter it } firstFilter.sendAndWait 'Poison'

/** * Filter out numbers that can be divided by a single prime number */ final class FilterActor extends DynamicDispatchActor { private final int myPrime private def follower

def FilterActor(final myPrime) { this.myPrime = myPrime; }

/** * Try to divide the received number with the prime. If the number cannot be divided, send it along the chain. * If there's no-one to send it to, I'm the last in the chain, the number is a prime and so I will create and chain * a new actor responsible for filtering by this newly found prime number. */ def onMessage(int value) { if (value % myPrime != 0) { if (follower) follower value else { println "Found $value" follower = new FilterActor(value).start() } } }

/** * Stop the actor on poisson reception */ def onMessage(def poisson) { if (follower) { def sender = sender follower.sendAndContinue(poisson, {this.stop(); sender?.send('Done')}) //Pass the poisson along and stop after a reply } else { //I am the last in the chain stop() reply 'Done' } } }

Sleeping Barber

Problem description


final def group = new DefaultPGroup()

final def barber = { final def random = new Random() loop { react {message -> switch (message) { case Enter: message.customer.send new Start() println "Barber: Processing customer ${}" doTheWork(random) message.customer.send new Done() reply new Next() break case Wait: println "Barber: No customers. Going to have a sleep" break } } } }

private def doTheWork(Random random) { Thread.sleep(random.nextInt(10) * 1000) }

final Actor waitingRoom

waitingRoom = { final int capacity = 5 final List<Customer> waitingCustomers = [] boolean barberAsleep = true

loop { react {message -> switch (message) { case Enter: if (waitingCustomers.size() == capacity) { reply new Full() } else { waitingCustomers << message.customer if (barberAsleep) { assert waitingCustomers.size() == 1 barberAsleep = false waitingRoom.send new Next() } else reply new Wait() } break case Next: if (waitingCustomers.size()>0) { def customer = waitingCustomers.remove(0) barber.send new Enter(customer:customer) } else { barber.send new Wait() barberAsleep = true } } } }


class Customer extends DefaultActor { String name Actor localBarbers

void act() { localBarbers << new Enter(customer:this) loop { react {message -> switch (message) { case Full: println "Customer: $name: The waiting room is full. I am leaving." stop() break case Wait: println "Customer: $name: I will wait." break case Start: println "Customer: $name: I am now being served." break case Done: println "Customer: $name: I have been served." stop(); break

} } } } }

class Enter { Customer customer } class Full {} class Wait {} class Next {} class Start {} class Done {}

def customers = [] customers << new Customer(name:'Joe', localBarbers:waitingRoom).start() customers << new Customer(name:'Dave', localBarbers:waitingRoom).start() customers << new Customer(name:'Alice', localBarbers:waitingRoom).start()

sleep 15000 customers << new Customer(name: 'James', localBarbers: waitingRoom).start() sleep 5000 customers*.join() barber.stop() waitingRoom.stop()

Dining Philosophers

Problem description


Actors.defaultActorPGroup.resize 5

final class Philosopher extends DefaultActor { private Random random = new Random()

String name def forks = []

void act() { assert 2 == forks.size() loop { think() forks*.send new Take() def messages = [] react {a -> messages << [a, sender] react {b -> messages << [b, sender] if ([a, b].any {Rejected.isCase it}) { println "$name: tOops, can't get my forks! Giving up." final def accepted = messages.find {Accepted.isCase it[0]} if (accepted!=null) accepted[1].send new Finished() } else { eat() reply new Finished() } } } } }

void think() { println "$name: tI'm thinking" Thread.sleep random.nextInt(5000) println "$name: tI'm done thinking" }

void eat() { println "$name: tI'm EATING" Thread.sleep random.nextInt(2000) println "$name: tI'm done EATING" } }

final class Fork extends DefaultActor {

String name boolean available = true

void act() { loop { react {message -> switch (message) { case Take: if (available) { available = false reply new Accepted() } else reply new Rejected() break case Finished: assert !available available = true break default: throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot process the message: $message") } } } } }

final class Take {} final class Accepted {} final class Rejected {} final class Finished {}

def forks = [ new Fork(name:'Fork 1'), new Fork(name:'Fork 2'), new Fork(name:'Fork 3'), new Fork(name:'Fork 4'), new Fork(name:'Fork 5') ]

def philosophers = [ new Philosopher(name:'Joe', forks:[forks[0], forks[1]]), new Philosopher(name:'Dave', forks:[forks[1], forks[2]]), new Philosopher(name:'Alice', forks:[forks[2], forks[3]]), new Philosopher(name:'James', forks:[forks[3], forks[4]]), new Philosopher(name:'Phil', forks:[forks[4], forks[0]]), ]

forks*.start() philosophers*.start()

sleep 10000 forks*.stop() philosophers*.stop()

Word sort

Given a folder name, the script will sort words in all files in the folder. The SortMaster actor creates a given number of WordSortActors , splits among them the files to sort words in and collects the results.

Inspired by Scala Concurrency blog post by Michael Galpin

private final class FileToSort { String fileName }
private final class SortResult { String fileName; List<String> words }

//Worker actor final class WordSortActor extends DefaultActor {

private List<String> sortedWords(String fileName) { parseFile(fileName).sort {it.toLowerCase()} }

private List<String> parseFile(String fileName) { List<String> words = [] new File(fileName).splitEachLine(' ') {words.addAll(it)} return words }

void act() { loop { react {message -> switch (message) { case FileToSort: println "Sorting file=${message.fileName} on thread ${Thread.currentThread().name}" reply new SortResult(fileName: message.fileName, words: sortedWords(message.fileName)) } } } } }

//Master actor final class SortMaster extends DefaultActor {

String docRoot = '/' int numActors = 1

List<List<String>> sorted = [] private CountDownLatch startupLatch = new CountDownLatch(1) private CountDownLatch doneLatch

private void beginSorting() { int cnt = sendTasksToWorkers() doneLatch = new CountDownLatch(cnt) }

private List createWorkers() { return (1..numActors).collect {new WordSortActor().start()} }

private int sendTasksToWorkers() { List<Actor> workers = createWorkers() int cnt = 0 new File(docRoot).eachFile { workers[cnt % numActors] << new FileToSort(fileName: it) cnt += 1 } return cnt }

public void waitUntilDone() { startupLatch.await() doneLatch.await() }

void act() { beginSorting() startupLatch.countDown() loop { react { switch (it) { case SortResult: sorted << it.words doneLatch.countDown() println "Received results for file=${it.fileName}" } } } } }

//start the actors to sort words def master = new SortMaster(docRoot: 'c:/tmp/Logs/', numActors: 5).start() master.waitUntilDone() println 'Done'

File file = new File("c:/tmp/Logs/sorted_words.txt") file.withPrintWriter { printer -> master.sorted.each { printer.println it } }

Load Balancer

Demonstrates work balancing among adaptable set of workers. The load balancer receives tasks and queues them in a temporary task queue. When a worker finishes his assignment, it asks the load balancer for a new task.

If the load balancer doesn't have any tasks available in the task queue, the worker is stopped. If the number of tasks in the task queue exceeds certain limit, a new worker is created to increase size of the worker pool.


/** * Demonstrates work balancing among adaptable set of workers. * The load balancer receives tasks and queues them in a temporary task queue. * When a worker finishes his assignment, it asks the load balancer for a new task. * If the load balancer doesn't have any tasks available in the task queue, the worker is stopped. * If the number of tasks in the task queue exceeds certain limit, a new worker is created * to increase size of the worker pool. */

final class LoadBalancer extends DefaultActor { int workers = 0 List taskQueue = [] private static final QUEUE_SIZE_TRIGGER = 10

void act() { loop { react { message -> switch (message) { case NeedMoreWork: if (taskQueue.size() == 0) { println 'No more tasks in the task queue. Terminating the worker.' reply DemoWorker.EXIT workers -= 1 } else reply taskQueue.remove(0) break case WorkToDo: taskQueue << message if ((workers == 0) || (taskQueue.size() >= QUEUE_SIZE_TRIGGER)) { println 'Need more workers. Starting one.' workers += 1 new DemoWorker(this).start() } } println "Active workers=${workers}tTasks in queue=${taskQueue.size()}" } } } }

final class DemoWorker extends DefaultActor { final static Object EXIT = new Object() private static final Random random = new Random()

Actor balancer

def DemoWorker(balancer) { this.balancer = balancer }

void act() { loop { this.balancer << new NeedMoreWork() react { switch (it) { case WorkToDo: processMessage(it) break case EXIT: terminate() } } }


private void processMessage(message) { synchronized (random) { Thread.sleep random.nextInt(5000) } } } final class WorkToDo {} final class NeedMoreWork {}

final Actor balancer = new LoadBalancer().start()

//produce tasks for (i in 1..20) { Thread.sleep 100 balancer << new WorkToDo() }

//produce tasks in a parallel thread Thread.start { for (i in 1..10) { Thread.sleep 1000 balancer << new WorkToDo() } }

Thread.sleep 35000 //let the queues get empty balancer << new WorkToDo() balancer << new WorkToDo() Thread.sleep 10000

balancer.stop() balancer.join()

6. Agent

The Agent class, which is a thread-safe non-blocking shared mutable state wrapper implementation inspired by Agents in Clojure.

A lot of the concurrency problems disappear when you eliminate the need for Shared Mutable State with your architecture. Indeed, concepts like actors, CSP or dataflow concurrency avoid or isolate mutable state completely. In some cases, however, sharing mutable data is either inevitable or makes the design more natural and understandable. Think, for example, of a shopping cart in a typical e-commerce application, when multiple AJAX requests may hit the cart with read or write requests concurrently.


In the Clojure programing language you can find a concept of Agents, the purpose of which is to protect mutable data that need to be shared across threads. Agents hide the data and protect it from direct access. Clients can only send commands (functions) to the agent. The commands will be serialized and processed against the data one-by-one in turn. With the commands being executed serially the commands do not need to care about concurrency and can assume the data is all theirs when run. Although implemented differently, GPars Agents, called Agent , fundamentally behave like actors. They accept messages and process them asynchronously. The messages, however, must be commands (functions or Groovy closures) and will be executed inside the agent. After reception the received function is run against the internal state of the Agent and the return value of the function is considered to be the new internal state of the Agent.

Essentially, agents safe-guard mutable values by allowing only a single agent-managed thread to make modifications to them. The mutable values are not directly accessible from outside, but instead requests have to be sent to the agent and the agent guarantees to process the requests sequentially on behalf of the callers. Agents guarantee sequential execution of all requests and so consistency of the values.


agent = new Agent(0)  //created a new Agent wrapping an integer with initial value 0
agent.send {increment()}  //asynchronous send operation, sending the increment() function
//after some delay to process the message the internal Agent's state has been updated
assert agent.val== 1
To wrap integers, we can certainly use AtomicXXX types on the Java platform, but when the state is a more complex object we need more support.


GPars provides an Agent class, which is a special-purpose thread-safe non-blocking implementation inspired by Agents in Clojure.

An Agent wraps a reference to mutable state, held inside a single field, and accepts code (closures / commands) as messages, which can be sent to the Agent just like to any other actor using the '<<' operator, the send() methods or the implicit call() method. At some point after reception of a closure / command, the closure is invoked against the internal mutable field and can make changes to it. The closure is guaranteed to be run without intervention from other threads and so may freely alter the internal state of the Agent held in the internal <i>data</i> field.

The whole update process is of the fire-and-forget type, since once the message (closure) is sent to the Agent, the caller thread can go off to do other things and come back later to check the current value with Agent.val or Agent.valAsync(closure).

Basic rules


Shared list of members

The Agent wraps a list of members, who have been added to the jug. To add a new member a message (command to add a member) has to be sent to the jugMembers Agent.

import groovyx.gpars.agent.Agent
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService
import java.util.concurrent.Executors

/** * Create a new Agent wrapping a list of strings */ def jugMembers = new Agent<List<String>>(['Me']) //add Me

jugMembers.send {it.add 'James'} //add James

final Thread t1 = Thread.start { jugMembers.send {it.add 'Joe'} //add Joe }

final Thread t2 = Thread.start { jugMembers << {it.add 'Dave'} //add Dave jugMembers {it.add 'Alice'} //add Alice (using the implicit call() method) }

[t1, t2]*.join() println jugMembers.val jugMembers.valAsync {println "Current members: $it"}


Shared conference counting number of registrations

The Conference class allows registration and un-registration, however these methods can only be called from the commands sent to the conference Agent.

import groovyx.gpars.agent.Agent

/** * Conference stores number of registrations and allows parties to register and unregister. * It inherits from the Agent class and adds the register() and unregister() private methods, * which callers may use it the commands they submit to the Conference. */ class Conference extends Agent<Long> { def Conference() { super(0) } private def register(long num) { data += num } private def unregister(long num) { data -= num } }

final Agent conference = new Conference() //new Conference created

/** * Three external parties will try to register/unregister concurrently */

final Thread t1 = Thread.start { conference << {register(10L)} //send a command to register 10 attendees }

final Thread t2 = Thread.start { conference << {register(5L)} //send a command to register 5 attendees }

final Thread t3 = Thread.start { conference << {unregister(3L)} //send a command to unregister 3 attendees }

[t1, t2, t3]*.join()

assert 12L == conference.val

Factory methods

Agent instances can also be created using the Agent.agent() factory method.

def jugMembers = Agent.agent ['Me']  //add Me

Listeners and validators

Agents allow the user to add listeners and validators. While listeners will get notified each time the internal state changes, validators get a chance to reject a coming change by throwing an exception.

final Agent counter = new Agent()

counter.addListener {oldValue, newValue -> println "Changing value from $oldValue to $newValue"} counter.addListener {agent, oldValue, newValue -> println "Agent $agent changing value from $oldValue to $newValue"}

counter.addValidator {oldValue, newValue -> if (oldValue > newValue) throw new IllegalArgumentException('Things can only go up in Groovy')} counter.addValidator {agent, oldValue, newValue -> if (oldValue == newValue) throw new IllegalArgumentException('Things never stay the same for $agent')}

counter 10 counter 11 counter {updateValue 12} counter 10 //Will be rejected counter {updateValue it - 1} //Will be rejected counter {updateValue it} //Will be rejected counter {updateValue 11} //Will be rejected counter 12 //Will be rejected counter 20 counter.await()

Both listeners and validators are essentially closures taking two or three arguments. Exceptions thrown from the validators will be logged inside the agent and can be tested using the hasErrors() method or retrieved through the errors property.

assert counter.hasErrors()
assert counter.errors.size() == 5

Validator gotchas

With Groovy being not very strict on data types and immutability, agent users should be aware of potential bumps on the road. If the submitted code modifies the state directly, validators will not be able to un-do the change in case of a validation rule violation. There are two possible solutions available:

  1. Make sure you never change the supplied object representing current agent state
  2. Use custom copy strategy on the agent to allow the agent to create copies of the internal state

In both cases you need to call updateValue() to set and validate the new state properly.

The problem as well as both of the solutions are shown below:

//Create an agent storing names, rejecting 'Joe'
final Closure rejectJoeValidator = {oldValue, newValue -> if ('Joe' in newValue) throw new IllegalArgumentException('Joe is not allowed to enter our list.')}

Agent agent = new Agent([]) agent.addValidator rejectJoeValidator

agent {it << 'Dave'} //Accepted agent {it << 'Joe'} //Erroneously accepted, since by-passes the validation mechanism println agent.val

//Solution 1 - never alter the supplied state object agent = new Agent([]) agent.addValidator rejectJoeValidator

agent {updateValue(['Dave', * it])} //Accepted agent {updateValue(['Joe', * it])} //Rejected println agent.val

//Solution 2 - use custom copy strategy on the agent agent = new Agent([], {it.clone()}) agent.addValidator rejectJoeValidator

agent {updateValue it << 'Dave'} //Accepted agent {updateValue it << 'Joe'} //Rejected, since 'it' is now just a copy of the internal agent's state println agent.val


By default all Agent instances belong to the same group sharing its daemon thread pool.

Custom groups can also create instances of Agent. These instances will belong to the group, which created them, and will share a thread pool. To create an Agent instance belonging to a group, call the agent() factory method on the group. This way you can organize and tune performance of agents.

final def group = new NonDaemonPGroup(5)  //create a group around a thread pool
def jugMembers = group.agent(['Me'])  //add Me

The default thread pool for agents contains daemon threads. Make sure that your custom thread pools either use daemon threads, too, which can be achieved either by using DefaultPGroup or by providing your own thread factory to a thread pool constructor, or in case your thread pools use non-daemon threads, such as when using the NonDaemonPGroup group class, make sure you shutdown the group or the thread pool explicitly by calling its shutdown() method, otherwise your applications will not exit.

Direct pool replacement

Alternatively, by calling the attachToThreadPool() method on an Agent instance a custom thread pool can be specified for it.

def jugMembers = new Agent<List<String>>(['Me'])  //add Me

final ExecutorService pool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(10) jugMembers.attachToThreadPool(new DefaultPool(pool))

Remember, like actors, a single Agent instance (aka agent) can never use more than one thread at a time

The shopping cart example

import groovyx.gpars.agent.Agent

class ShoppingCart { private def cartState = new Agent([:]) //----------------- public methods below here ---------------------------------- public void addItem(String product, int quantity) { cartState << {it[product] = quantity} //the << operator sends //a message to the Agent } public void removeItem(String product) { cartState << {it.remove(product)} } public Object listContent() { return cartState.val } public void clearItems() { cartState << performClear }

public void increaseQuantity(String product, int quantityChange) { cartState << this.&changeQuantity.curry(product, quantityChange) } //----------------- private methods below here --------------------------------- private void changeQuantity(String product, int quantityChange, Map items) { items[product] = (items[product] ?: 0) + quantityChange } private Closure performClear = { it.clear() } } //----------------- script code below here ------------------------------------- final ShoppingCart cart = new ShoppingCart() cart.addItem 'Pilsner', 10 cart.addItem 'Budweisser', 5 cart.addItem 'Staropramen', 20

cart.removeItem 'Budweisser' cart.addItem 'Budweisser', 15

println "Contents ${cart.listContent()}"

cart.increaseQuantity 'Budweisser', 3 println "Contents ${cart.listContent()}"

cart.clearItems() println "Contents ${cart.listContent()}"

You might have noticed two implementation strategies in the code.
  1. Public methods may internally just send the required code off to the Agent, instead of executing the same functionality directly

And so sequential code like

public void addItem(String product, int quantity) {



public void addItem(String product, int quantity) {
    cartState << {it[product] = quantity}
2. Public methods may send references to internal private methods or closures, which hold the desired functionality to perform
public void clearItems() {
    cartState << performClear

private Closure performClear = { it.clear() }

Currying might be necessary, if the closure takes other arguments besides the current internal state instance. See the increaseQuantity method.

The printer service example

Another example - a not thread-safe printer service shared by multiple threads. The printer needs to have the document and quality properties set before printing, so obviously a potential for race conditions if not guarded properly. Callers don't want to block until the printer is available, which the fire-and-forget nature of actors solves very elegantly.

import groovyx.gpars.agent.Agent

/** * A non-thread-safe service that slowly prints documents on at a time */ class PrinterService { String document String quality

public void printDocument() { println "Printing $document in $quality quality" Thread.sleep 5000 println "Done printing $document" } }

def printer = new Agent<PrinterService>(new PrinterService())

final Thread thread1 = Thread.start { for (num in (1..3)) { final String text = "document $num" printer << {printerService -> printerService.document = text printerService.quality = 'High' printerService.printDocument() } Thread.sleep 200 } println 'Thread 1 is ready to do something else. All print tasks have been submitted' }

final Thread thread2 = Thread.start { for (num in (1..4)) { final String text = "picture $num" printer << {printerService -> printerService.document = text printerService.quality = 'Medium' printerService.printDocument() } Thread.sleep 500 } println 'Thread 2 is ready to do something else. All print tasks have been submitted' }

[thread1, thread2]*.join() printer.await()

For latest update, see the respective Demos.

Reading the value

To follow the clojure philosophy closely the Agent class gives reads higher priority than to writes. By using the instantVal property your read request will bypass the incoming message queue of the Agent and return the current snapshot of the internal state. The val property will wait in the message queue for processing, just like the non-blocking variant valAsync(Clojure cl) , which will invoke the provided closure with the internal state as a parameter.

You have to bear in mind that the instantVal property might return although correct, but randomly looking results, since the internal state of the Agent at the time of instantVal execution is non-deterministic and depends on the messages that have been processed before the thread scheduler executes the body of instantVal .

The await() method allows you to wait for processing all the messages submitted to the Agent before and so blocks the calling thread.

State copy strategy

To avoid leaking the internal state the Agent class allows to specify a copy strategy as the second constructor argument. With the copy strategy specified, the internal state is processed by the copy strategy closure and the output value of the copy strategy value is returned to the caller instead of the actual internal state. This applies to instantVal , val as well as to valAsync() .

Error handling

Exceptions thrown from within the submitted commands are stored inside the agent and can be obtained from the errors property. The property gets cleared once read.

def jugMembers = new Agent<List>()
    assert jugMembers.errors.empty

jugMembers.send {throw new IllegalStateException('test1')} jugMembers.send {throw new IllegalArgumentException('test2')} jugMembers.await()

List errors = jugMembers.errors assertEquals(2, errors.size()) assert errors[0] instanceof IllegalStateException assertEquals 'test1', errors[0].message assert errors[1] instanceof IllegalArgumentException assertEquals 'test2', errors[1].message

assert jugMembers.errors.empty

Fair and Non-fair agents

Agents can be either fair or non-fair. Fair agents give up the thread after processing each message, non-fair agents keep a thread until their message queue is empty. As a result, non-fair agents tend to perform better than fair ones. The default setting for all Agent instances is to be non-fair, however by calling its makeFair() method the instance can be made fair.

def jugMembers = new Agent<List>(['Me'])  //add Me

7. Dataflow Concurrency

Dataflow concurrency offers an alternative concurrency model, which is inherently safe and robust.


Check out the small example written in Groovy using GPars, which sums results of calculations performed by three concurrently run tasks:

import static groovyx.gpars.dataflow.Dataflow.task

final def x = new DataflowVariable() final def y = new DataflowVariable() final def z = new DataflowVariable()

task { z << x.val + y.val }

task { x << 10 }

task { y << 5 }

println "Result: ${z.val}"

Or the same algorithm rewritten using the Dataflows class.

import static groovyx.gpars.dataflow.Dataflow.task

final def df = new Dataflows()

task { df.z = df.x + df.y }

task { df.x = 10 }

task { df.y = 5 }

println "Result: ${df.z}"

We start three logical tasks, which can run in parallel and perform their particular activities. The tasks need to exchange data and they do so using Dataflow Variables. Think of Dataflow Variables as one-shot channels safely and reliably transferring data from producers to their consumers.

The Dataflow Variables have a pretty straightforward semantics. When a task needs to read a value from DataflowVariable (through the val property), it will block until the value has been set by another task or thread (using the '<<' operator). Each DataflowVariable can be set only once in its lifetime. Notice that you don't have to bother with ordering and synchronizing the tasks or threads and their access to shared variables. The values are magically transferred among tasks at the right time without your intervention. The data flow seamlessly among tasks / threads without your intervention or care.

Implementation detail: The three tasks in the example do not necessarily need to be mapped to three physical threads. Tasks represent so-called "green" or "logical" threads and can be mapped under the covers to any number of physical threads. The actual mapping depends on the scheduler, but the outcome of dataflow algorithms doesn't depend on the actual scheduling.

The bind operation of dataflow variables silently accepts re-binding to a value, which is equal to an already bound value. Call bindUnique to reject equal values on already-bound variables.


Here's what you gain by using Dataflow Concurrency (by Jonas Bonér ):

This doesn't sound bad, does it?


Dataflow programming

Quoting Wikipedia

Operations (in Dataflow programs) consist of "black boxes" with inputs and outputs, all of which are always explicitly defined. They run as soon as all of their inputs become valid, as opposed to when the program encounters them. Whereas a traditional program essentially consists of a series of statements saying "do this, now do this", a dataflow program is more like a series of workers on an assembly line, who will do their assigned task as soon as the materials arrive. This is why dataflow languages are inherently parallel; the operations have no hidden state to keep track of, and the operations are all "ready" at the same time.


With Dataflow Concurrency you can safely share variables across tasks. These variables (in Groovy instances of the DataflowVariable class) can only be assigned (using the '<<' operator) a value once in their lifetime. The values of the variables, on the other hand, can be read multiple times (in Groovy through the val property), even before the value has been assigned. In such cases the reading task is suspended until the value is set by another task. So you can simply write your code for each task sequentially using Dataflow Variables and the underlying mechanics will make sure you get all the values you need in a thread-safe manner.

In brief, you generally perform three operations with Dataflow variables:

And these are the three essential rules your programs have to follow:

Dataflow Queues and Broadcasts

Before you go to check the samples of using Dataflow Variables, Tasks and Operators, you should know a bit about streams and queues to have a full picture of Dataflow Concurrency. Except for dataflow variables there are also the concepts of DataflowQueues and DataflowBroadcast that you can leverage in your code. You may think of them as thread-safe buffers or queues for message transfer among concurrent tasks or threads. Check out a typical producer-consumer demo:

import static groovyx.gpars.dataflow.Dataflow.task

def words = ['Groovy', 'fantastic', 'concurrency', 'fun', 'enjoy', 'safe', 'GPars', 'data', 'flow'] final def buffer = new DataflowQueue()

task { for (word in words) { buffer << word.toUpperCase() //add to the buffer } }

task { while(true) println buffer.val //read from the buffer in a loop }

Both DataflowBroadcasts and DataflowQueues , just like DataflowVariables , implement the DataflowChannel interface with common methods allowing users to write to them and read values from them. The ability to treat both types identically through the DataflowChannel interface comes in handy once you start using them to wire tasks , operators or selectors together.

The DataflowChannel interface combines two interfaces, each serving its purpose:

You may prefer using these dedicated interfaces instead of the general DataflowChannel interface, to better express the intended usage.

Point-to-point communication

The DataflowQueue class can be viewed as a point-to-point (1 to 1, many to 1) communication channel. It allows one or more producers send messages to one reader. If multiple readers read from the same DataflowQueue , they will each consume different messages. Or to put it a different way, each message is consumed by exactly one reader. You can easily imagine a simple load-balancing scheme built around a shared DataflowQueue with readers being added dynamically when the consumer part of your algorithm needs to scale up. This is also a useful default choice when connecting tasks or operators.

Publish-subscribe communication

The DataflowBroadcast class offers a publish-subscribe (1 to many, many to many) communication model. One or more producers write messages, while all registered readers will receive all the messages. Each message is thus consumed by all readers with a valid subscription at the moment when the message is being written to the channel. The readers subscribe by calling the createReadChannel() method.

DataflowWriteChannel broadcastStream = new DataflowBroadcast()
DataflowReadChannel stream1 = broadcastStream.createReadChannel()
DataflowReadChannel stream2 = broadcastStream.createReadChannel()
broadcastStream << 'Message1'
broadcastStream << 'Message2'
broadcastStream << 'Message3'
assert stream1.val == stream2.val
assert stream1.val == stream2.val
assert stream1.val == stream2.val

Under the hood DataflowBroadcast uses the DataflowStream class to implement the message delivery.


The DataflowStream class represents a deterministic dataflow channel. It is build around the concept of a functional queue and so provides a lock-free thread-safe implementation for message passing. Essentially, you may think of DataflowStream as a 1 to many communication channel, since when a reader consumes a messages, other readers will still be able to read the message. Also, all messages arrive to all readers in the same order. Since DataflowStream is implemented as a functional queue, its API requires that users traverse the values in the stream themselves. On the other hand DataflowStream offers handy methods for value filtering or transformation together with interesting performance characteristics.

The DataflowStream class, unlike the other communication elements, does not implement the DataflowChannel interface, since the semantics of its use is different. Use DataflowStreamReadAdapter and DataflowStreamWriteAdapter classes to wrap instances of the DataflowChannel class in DataflowReadChannel or DataflowWriteChannel implementations.

import groovyx.gpars.scheduler.ResizeablePool

/** * Demonstrates concurrent implementation of the Sieve of Eratosthenes using dataflow tasks * * In principle, the algorithm consists of a concurrently run chained filters, * each of which detects whether the current number can be divided by a single prime number. * (generate nums 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ...) -> (filter by mod 2) -> (filter by mod 3) -> (filter by mod 5) -> (filter by mod 7) -> (filter by mod 11) -> (caution! Primes falling out here) * The chain is built (grows) on the fly, whenever a new prime is found */

/** * We need a resizeable thread pool, since tasks consume threads while waiting blocked for values at DataflowQueue.val */ group = new DefaultPGroup(new ResizeablePool(true))

final int requestedPrimeNumberCount = 100

/** * Generating candidate numbers */ final DataflowStream candidates = new DataflowStream() group.task { candidates.generate(2, {it + 1}, {it < 1000}) }

/** * Chain a new filter for a particular prime number to the end of the Sieve * @param inChannel The current end channel to consume * @param prime The prime number to divide future prime candidates with * @return A new channel ending the whole chain */ def filter(DataflowStream inChannel, int prime) { inChannel.filter { number -> group.task { number % prime != 0 } } }

/** * Consume Sieve output and add additional filters for all found primes */ def currentOutput = candidates requestedPrimeNumberCount.times { int prime = currentOutput.first println "Found: $prime" currentOutput = filter(currentOutput, prime) }

For convenience and for the ability to use DataflowStream with other dataflow constructs, like e.g. operators, you can wrap it with DataflowReadAdapter for read access or DataflowWriteAdapter for write access. The DataflowStream class is designed for single-threaded producers and consumers. If multiple threads are supposed to read or write values to the stream, their access to the stream must be serialized externally or the adapters should be used.

DataflowStream Adapters

Since the DataflowStream API as well as the semantics of its use are very different from the one defined by Dataflow(Read/Write)Channel , adapters have to be used in order to allow DataflowStreams to be used with other dataflow elements. The DataflowStreamReadAdapter class will wrap a DataflowStream with necessary methods to read values, while the DataflowStreamWriteAdapter class will provide write methods around the wrapped DataflowStream .

It is important to mention that the DataflowStreamWriteAdapter is thread safe allowing multiple threads to add values to the wrapped DataflowStream through the adapter. On the other hand, DataflowStreamReadAdapter is designed to be used by a single thread.

To minimize the overhead and stay in-line with the DataflowStream semantics, the DataflowStreamReadAdapter class is not thread-safe and should only be used from within a single thread. If multiple threads need to read from a DataflowStream, they should each create their own wrapping DataflowStreamReadAdapter .

Thanks to the adapters DataflowStream can be used for communication between operators or selectors, which expect Dataflow(Read/Write)Channels .

import groovyx.gpars.dataflow.DataflowQueue
import static groovyx.gpars.dataflow.Dataflow.selector
import static groovyx.gpars.dataflow.Dataflow.operator

/** * Demonstrates the use of DataflowStreamAdapters to allow dataflow operators to use DataflowStreams */

final DataflowStream a = new DataflowStream() final DataflowStream b = new DataflowStream() def aw = new DataflowStreamWriteAdapter(a) def bw = new DataflowStreamWriteAdapter(b) def ar = new DataflowStreamReadAdapter(a) def br = new DataflowStreamReadAdapter(b)

def result = new DataflowQueue()

def op1 = operator(ar, bw) { bindOutput it } def op2 = selector([br], [result]) { result << it }

aw << 1 aw << 2 aw << 3 assert([1, 2, 3] == [result.val, result.val, result.val]) op1.stop() op2.stop() op1.join() op2.join()

Also the ability to select a value from multiple DataflowChannels can only be used through an adapter around a DataflowStream :

import groovyx.gpars.dataflow.Select
import static
import static groovyx.gpars.dataflow.Dataflow.task

/** * Demonstrates the use of DataflowStreamAdapters to allow dataflow select to select on DataflowStreams */

final DataflowStream a = new DataflowStream() final DataflowStream b = new DataflowStream() def aw = new DataflowStreamWriteAdapter(a) def bw = new DataflowStreamWriteAdapter(b) def ar = new DataflowStreamReadAdapter(a) def br = new DataflowStreamReadAdapter(b)

final Select<?> select = select(ar, br) task { aw << 1 aw << 2 aw << 3 } assert 1 == select().value assert 2 == select().value assert 3 == select().value task { bw << 4 aw << 5 bw << 6 } def result = (1..3).collect{select()}.sort{it.value} assert result*.value == [4, 5, 6] assert result*.index == [1, 0, 1]

If you don't need any of the functional queue DataflowStream-special functionality, like generation, filtering or mapping, you may consider using the DataflowBroadcast class instead, which offers the publish-subscribe communication model through the DataflowChannel interface.

Bind handlers

def a = new DataflowVariable()
a >> {println "The variable has just been bound to $it"}
a.whenBound {println "Just to confirm that the variable has been really set to $it"}

A bound handlers can be registered on all dataflow channels (variables, queues or broadcasts) either using the >> operator or the whenBound() method. They will be run once a value is bound to the variable.

Dataflow queues and broadcasts also support a wheneverBound method to register a closure or a message handler to run each time a value is bound to them.

def queue = new DataflowQueue()
queue.wheneverBound {println "A value $it arrived to the queue"}

Dataflow variables and broadcasts are one of several possible ways to implement Parallel Speculations . For details, please check out Parallel Speculations in the Parallel Collections section of the User Guide.

Further reading

Scala Dataflow library by Jonas Bonér

JVM concurrency presentation slides by Jonas Bonér

Dataflow Concurrency library for Ruby

7.1 Tasks

The Dataflow tasks give you an easy-to-grasp abstraction of mutually-independent logical tasks or threads, which can run concurrently and exchange data solely through Dataflow Variables, Queues, Broadcasts and Streams. Dataflow tasks with their easy-to-express mutual dependencies and inherently sequential body could also be used as a practical implementation of UML Activity Diagrams .

Check out the examples.

A simple mashup example

In the example we're downloading the front pages of three popular web sites, each in their own task, while in a separate task we're filtering out sites talking about Groovy today and forming the output. The output task synchronizes automatically with the three download tasks on the three Dataflow variables through which the content of each website is passed to the output task.

import static groovyx.gpars.GParsPool.*
import groovyx.gpars.dataflow.DataflowVariable
import static groovyx.gpars.dataflow.Dataflow.task

/** * A simple mashup sample, downloads content of three websites * and checks how many of them refer to Groovy. */

def dzone = new DataflowVariable() def jroller = new DataflowVariable() def theserverside = new DataflowVariable()

task { println 'Started downloading from DZone' dzone << ''.toURL().text println 'Done downloading from DZone' }

task { println 'Started downloading from JRoller' jroller << ''.toURL().text println 'Done downloading from JRoller' }

task { println 'Started downloading from TheServerSide' theserverside << ''.toURL().text println 'Done downloading from TheServerSide' }

task { withPool { println "Number of Groovy sites today: " + ([dzone, jroller, theserverside].findAllParallel { it.val.toUpperCase().contains 'GROOVY' }).size() } }.join()

Grouping tasks

Dataflow tasks can be organized into groups to allow for performance fine-tuning. Groups provide a handy task() factory method to create tasks attached to the groups. Using groups allows you to organize tasks or operators around different thread pools (wrapped inside the group). While the Dataflow.task() command schedules the task on a default thread pool (java.util.concurrent.Executor, fixed size=#cpu+1, daemon threads), you may prefer being able to define your own thread pool(s) to run your tasks.


def group = new DefaultPGroup()

group.with { task { … }

task { … } }

The default thread pool for dataflow tasks contains daemon threads, which means your application will exit as soon as the main thread finishes and won't wait for all tasks to complete. When grouping tasks, make sure that your custom thread pools either use daemon threads, too, which can be achieved by using DefaultPGroup or by providing your own thread factory to a thread pool constructor, or in case your thread pools use non-daemon threads, such as when using the NonDaemonPGroup group class, make sure you shutdown the group or the thread pool explicitly by calling its shutdown() method, otherwise your applications will not exit.

A mashup variant with methods

To avoid giving you wrong impression about structuring the Dataflow code, here's a rewrite of the mashup example, with a downloadPage() method performing the actual download in a separate task and returning a DataflowVariable instance, so that the main application thread could eventually get hold of the downloaded content. Dataflow variables can obviously be passed around as parameters or return values.

package groovyx.gpars.samples.dataflow

import static groovyx.gpars.GParsExecutorsPool.* import groovyx.gpars.dataflow.DataflowVariable import static groovyx.gpars.dataflow.Dataflow.task

/** * A simple mashup sample, downloads content of three websites and checks how many of them refer to Groovy. */ final List urls = ['', '', '']

task { def pages = urls.collect { downloadPage(it) } withPool { println "Number of Groovy sites today: " + (pages.findAllParallel { it.val.toUpperCase().contains 'GROOVY' }).size() } }.join()

def downloadPage(def url) { def page = new DataflowVariable() task { println "Started downloading from $url" page << url.toURL().text println "Done downloading from $url" } return page }

A physical calculation example

Dataflow programs naturally scale with the number of processors. Up to a certain level, the more processors you have the faster the program runs. Check out, for example, the following script, which calculates parameters of a simple physical experiment and prints out the results. Each task performs its part of the calculation and may depend on values calculated by some other tasks as well as its result might be needed by some of the other tasks. With Dataflow Concurrency you can split the work between tasks or reorder the tasks themselves as you like and the dataflow mechanics will ensure the calculation will be accomplished correctly.

import groovyx.gpars.dataflow.DataflowVariable
import static groovyx.gpars.dataflow.Dataflow.task

final def mass = new DataflowVariable() final def radius = new DataflowVariable() final def volume = new DataflowVariable() final def density = new DataflowVariable() final def acceleration = new DataflowVariable() final def time = new DataflowVariable() final def velocity = new DataflowVariable() final def decelerationForce = new DataflowVariable() final def deceleration = new DataflowVariable() final def distance = new DataflowVariable()

def t = task { println """ Calculating distance required to stop a moving ball. ==================================================== The ball has a radius of ${radius.val} meters and is made of a material with ${density.val} kg/m3 density, which means that the ball has a volume of ${volume.val} m3 and a mass of ${mass.val} kg. The ball has been accelerating with ${acceleration.val} m/s2 from 0 for ${time.val} seconds and so reached a velocity of ${velocity.val} m/s.

Given our ability to push the ball backwards with a force of ${decelerationForce.val} N (Newton), we can cause a deceleration of ${deceleration.val} m/s2 and so stop the ball at a distance of ${distance.val} m.

======================================================================================================================= This example has been calculated asynchronously in multiple tasks using GPars Dataflow concurrency in Groovy. Author: ${author.val} """

System.exit 0 }

task { mass << volume.val * density.val }

task { volume << Math.PI * (radius.val ** 3) }

task { radius << 2.5 density << 998.2071 //water acceleration << 9.80665 //free fall decelerationForce << 900 }

task { println 'Enter your name:' def name = new InputStreamReader( author << (name?.trim()?.size()>0 ? name : 'anonymous') }

task { time << 10 velocity << acceleration.val * time.val }

task { deceleration << decelerationForce.val / mass.val }

task { distance << deceleration.val * ((velocity.val/deceleration.val) ** 2) * 0.5 }


Note: I did my best to make all the physical calculations right. Feel free to change the values and see how long distance you need to stop the rolling ball.

Deterministic deadlocks

If you happen to introduce a deadlock in your dependencies, the deadlock will occur each time you run the code. No randomness allowed. That's one of the benefits of Dataflow concurrency. Irrespective of the actual thread scheduling scheme, if you don't get a deadlock in tests, you won't get them in production.

task {
    println a.val
    b << 'Hi there'

task { println b.val a << 'Hello man' }

Dataflows map

As a handy shortcut the Dataflows class can help you reduce the amount of code you have to write to leverage Dataflow variables.

def df = new Dataflows()
df.x = 'value1'
assert df.x == 'value1'

Dataflow.task {df.y = 'value2}

assert df.y == 'value2'

Think of Dataflows as a map with Dataflow Variables as keys storing their bound values as appropriate map values. The semantics of reading a value (e.g. df.x) and binding a value (e.g. df.x = 'value') remain identical to the semantics of plain Dataflow Variables (x.val and x << 'value' respectively).

Mixing Dataflows and Groovy with blocks

When inside a with block of a Dataflows instance, the dataflow variables stored inside the Dataflows instance can be accessed directly without the need to prefix them with the Dataflows instance identifier.

new Dataflows().with {
    x = 'value1'
    assert x == 'value1'

Dataflow.task {y = 'value2}

assert y == 'value2' }

Returning a value from a task

Typically dataflow tasks communicate through dataflow variables. On top of that, tasks can also return values, again through a dataflow variable. When you invoke the task() factory method, you get back an instance of DataflowVariable, on which you can listen for the task's return value, just like when using any other DataflowVariable.

final DataflowVariable t1 = task {
        return 10
    final DataflowVariable t2 = task {
        return 20
    def results = [t1, t2]*.val
    println 'Both sub-tasks finished and returned values: ' + results

Obviously the value can also be obtained without blocking the caller using the whenBound() method.

def task = task {
    println 'The task is running and calculating the return value'
task >> {value -> println "The task finished and returned $value"}

h2. Joining tasks

Using the join() operation on the result dataflow variable of a task you can block until the task finishes.

task {
     final DataflowVariable t1 = task {
         println 'First sub-task running.'
     final DataflowVariable t2 = task {
         println 'Second sub-task running'
     [t1, t2]*.join()
     println 'Both sub-tasks finished'

7.2 Selects

Frequently a value needs to be obtained from one of several dataflow channels (variables, queues, broadcasts or streams). The Select class is suitable for such scenarios. Select can scan multiple dataflow channels and pick one channel from all the input channels, which currently have a value available for read. The value from that channels is read and returned to the caller together with the index of the originating channel. Picking the channel is either random, or based on channel priority, in which case channels with lower position index in the Select constructor have higher priority.

Selecting a value from multiple channels

import groovyx.gpars.dataflow.DataflowQueue
import groovyx.gpars.dataflow.DataflowVariable
import static
import static groovyx.gpars.dataflow.Dataflow.task

/** * Shows a basic use of Select, which monitors a set of input channels for values and makes these values * available on its output irrespective of their original input channel. * Note that dataflow variables and queues can be combined for Select. * * You might also consider checking out the prioritySelect method, which prioritizes values by the index of their input channel */ def a = new DataflowVariable() def b = new DataflowVariable() def c = new DataflowQueue()

task { sleep 3000 a << 10 }

task { sleep 1000 b << 20 }

task { sleep 5000 c << 30 }

def select = select([a, b, c]) println "The fastest result is ${select().value}"

Note that the return type from select() is SelectResult , holding the value as well as the originating channel index.

There are multiple ways to read values from a Select:

def sel = select(a, b, c, d)
def result =                                       //Random selection
def result = sel()                                              //Random selection (a short-hand variant)
def result =[true, true, false, true])              //Random selection with guards specified
def result = sel([true, true, false, true])                     //Random selection with guards specified (a short-hand variant)
def result = sel.prioritySelect()                               //Priority selection
def result = sel.prioritySelect([true, true, false, true])      //Priority selection with guards specifies

By default the Select blocks the caller until a value to read is available. Alternatively, Select allows to have the value sent to a provided MessageStream (e.g. an actor) without blocking the caller.

def handler = actor {...}
def sel = select(a, b, c, d) //Random selection sel(handler) //Random selection (a short-hand variant), [true, true, false, true]) //Random selection with guards specified sel(handler, [true, true, false, true]) //Random selection with guards specified (a short-hand variant) sel.prioritySelect(handler) //Priority selection sel.prioritySelect(handler, [true, true, false, true]) //Priority selection with guards specifies


Guards allow the caller to omit some input channels from the selection. Guards are specified as a List of boolean flags passed to the select() or prioritySelect() methods.

def sel = select(leaders, seniors, experts, juniors)
def teamLead = sel([true, true, false, false]).value        //Only 'leaders' and 'seniors' qualify for becoming a teamLead here

A typical use for guards is to make Selects flexible to adopt to the changes in the user state.

import groovyx.gpars.dataflow.DataflowQueue
import static
import static groovyx.gpars.dataflow.Dataflow.task

/** * Demonstrates the ability to enable/disable channels during a value selection on a select by providing boolean guards. */ final DataflowQueue operations = new DataflowQueue() final DataflowQueue numbers = new DataflowQueue()

def t = task { final def select = select(operations, numbers) 3.times { def instruction = select([true, false]).value def num1 = select([false, true]).value def num2 = select([false, true]).value final def formula = "$num1 $instruction $num2" println "$formula = ${new GroovyShell().evaluate(formula)}" } }

task { operations << '+' operations << '+' operations << '*' }

task { numbers << 10 numbers << 20 numbers << 30 numbers << 40 numbers << 50 numbers << 60 }


Priority Select

When certain channels should have precedence over others when selecting, the prioritySelect methods should be used instead.

 * Shows a basic use of Priority Select, which monitors a set of input channels for values and makes these values
 * available on its output irrespective of their original input channel.
 * Note that dataflow variables, queues and broadcasts can be combined for Select.
 * Unlike plain select method call, the prioritySelect call gives precedence to input channels with lower index.
 * Available messages from high priority channels will be served before messages from lower-priority channels.
 * Messages received through a single input channel will have their mutual order preserved.
def critical = new DataflowVariable()
def ordinary = new DataflowQueue()
def whoCares = new DataflowQueue()

task { ordinary << 'All working fine' whoCares << 'I feel a bit tired' ordinary << 'We are on target' }

task { ordinary << 'I have just started my work. Busy. Will come back later...' sleep 5000 ordinary << 'I am done for now' }

task { whoCares << 'Huh, what is that noise' ordinary << 'Here I am to do some clean-up work' whoCares << 'I wonder whether unplugging this cable will eliminate that nasty sound.' critical << 'The server room goes on UPS!' whoCares << 'The sound has disappeared' }

def select = select([critical, ordinary, whoCares]) println 'Starting to monitor our IT department' sleep 3000 10.times {println "Received: ${select.prioritySelect().value}"}

7.3 Operators

Dataflow Operators and Selectors provide a full Dataflow implementation with all the usual ceremony.


Full dataflow concurrency builds on the concept of channels connecting operators and selectors, which consume values coming through input channels, transform them into new values and output the new values into their output channels. While Operators wait for all input channels to have a value available for read before they start process them, Selectors are triggered by a value available on any of the input channels.

operator(inputs: [a, b, c], outputs: [d]) {x, y, z ->
    bindOutput 0, x + y + z

 * Caches sites' contents. Accepts requests for url content, outputs the content. Outputs requests for download
 * if the site is not in cache yet.
operator(inputs: [urlRequests], outputs: [downloadRequests, sites]) {request ->

if (!request.content) { println "[Cache] Retrieving ${}" def content = cache[] if (content) { println "[Cache] Found in cache" bindOutput 1, [site:, word:request.word, content: content] } else { def downloads = pendingDownloads[] if (downloads != null) { println "[Cache] Awaiting download" downloads << request } else { pendingDownloads[] = [] println "[Cache] Asking for download" bindOutput 0, request } } } else { println "[Cache] Caching ${}" cache[] = request.content bindOutput 1, request def downloads = pendingDownloads[] if (downloads != null) { for (downloadRequest in downloads) { println "[Cache] Waking up" bindOutput 1, [site:, word:downloadRequest.word, content: request.content] } pendingDownloads.remove( } } }

The standard error handling will print out an error message to standard error output and stop the operator in case an uncaught exception is thrown from withing the operator's body. To alter the behavior, you can redefine the reportError() method on the operator:

op.metaClass.reportError = {Throwable e ->
        //handle the exception
        stop()  //You can also stop the operator

Types of operators

There are specialized versions of operators serving specific purposes:

Chaining operators

Operators are typically combined into networks, when some operators consume output by other operators.

operator(inputs:[a, b], outputs:[c, d]) {...}
splitter(c, [e, f])
selector(inputs:[e, d]: outputs:[]) {...}

You may alternatively refer to output channels through operators themselves:

def op1 = operator(inputs:[a, b], outputs:[c, d]) {...}
def sp1 = splitter(op1.outputs[0], [e, f])                            //takes the first output of op1
selector(inputs:[sp1.outputs[0], op1.outputs[1]]: outputs:[]) {...}   //takes the first output of sp1 and the second output of op1

Parallelize operators

By default an operator's body is processed by a single thread at a time. While this is a safe setting allowing the operator's body to be written in a non-thread-safe manner, once an operator becomes "hot" and data start to accumulate in the operator's input queues, you might consider allowing multiple threads to run the operator's body concurrently. Bear in mind that in such a case you need to avoid or protect shared resources from multi-threaded access. To enable multiple threads to run the operator's body concurrently, pass an extra maxForks parameter when creating an operator:

def op = operator(inputs: [a, b, c], outputs: [d, e], maxForks: 2) {x, y, z ->
    bindOutput 0, x + y + z
    bindOutput 1, x * y * z

The value of the maxForks parameter indicates the maximum of threads running the operator concurrently. Only positive numbers are allowed with value 1 being the default.

Please always make sure the group serving the operator holds enough threads to support all requested forks. Using groups allows you to organize tasks or operators around different thread pools (wrapped inside the group). While the Dataflow.task() command schedules the task on a default thread pool (java.util.concurrent.Executor, fixed size=#cpu+1, daemon threads), you may prefer being able to define your own thread pool(s) to run your tasks.

def group = new DefaultPGroup(10)
group.operator((inputs: [a, b, c], outputs: [d, e], maxForks: 5) {x, y, z -> ...}

The default group uses a resizeable thread pool as so will never run out of threads.

Synchronizing the output

When enabling internal parallelization of an operator by setting the value for maxForks to a value greater than 1 it is important to remember that without explicit or implicit synchronization in the operators' body race-conditions may occur. Especially bear in mind that values written to multiple output channels are not guarantied to be written atomically in the same order to all the channels

operator(inputs:[inputChannel], outputs:[a, b], maxForks:5) {msg ->
    bindOutput 0, msg
    bindOutput 1, msg
inputChannel << 1
inputChannel << 2
inputChannel << 3
inputChannel << 4
inputChannel << 5
May result in output channels having the values mixed-up something like:
a -> 1, 3, 2, 4, 5
b -> 2, 1, 3, 5, 4

Explicit synchronization is one way to get correctly bound all output channels and protect operator not-thread local state:

def lock = new Object()
operator(inputs:[inputChannel], outputs:[a, b], maxForks:5) {msg ->

synchronized(lock) { doSomethingThatMustNotBeAccessedByMultipleThreadsAtTheSameTime() bindOutput 0, msg bindOutput 1, 2*msg } }

Obviously you need to weight the pros and cons here, since synchronization may defeat the purpose of setting maxForks to a value greater than 1.

To set values of all the operator's output channels in one atomic step, you may also consider calling either the bindAllOutputsAtomically method, passing in a single value to write to all output channels or the bindAllOutputsAtomically method, which takes a multiple values, each of which will be written to the output channel with the same position index.

operator(inputs:[inputChannel], outputs:[a, b], maxForks:5) {msg ->
        bindAllOutputValuesAtomically msg, 2*msg

Using the bindAllOutputs or the bindAllOutputValues methods will not guarantee atomicity of writes across al the output channels when using internal parallelism. If preserving the order of messages in multiple output channels is not an issue, bindAllOutputs as well as bindAllOutputValues will provide better performance over the atomic variants.

Stopping operators

Dataflow operators and selectors can be stopped in two ways:

  1. by calling the stop() method on all operators that need to be stopped
  2. by sending a poisson message.

Using the stop() method:

def op1 = operator(inputs: [a, b, c], outputs: [d, e]) {x, y, z -> }

def op2 = selector(inputs: [d], outputs: [f, out]) { }

def op3 = prioritySelector(inputs: [e, f], outputs: [b]) {value, index -> }

[op1, op2, op3]*.stop() //Stop all operators by calling the stop() method on them op1.join() op2.join() op3.join()

Using the poisson message:

def op1 = operator(inputs: [a, b, c], outputs: [d, e]) {x, y, z -> }

def op2 = selector(inputs: [d], outputs: [f, out]) { }

def op3 = prioritySelector(inputs: [e, f], outputs: [b]) {value, index -> }

a << PoisonPill.instance //Send the poisson

op1.join() op2.join() op3.join()

After receiving a poisson an operator stops. It only makes sure the poisson is first sent to all its output channels, so that the poisson can spread to the connected operators.

Grouping operators

Dataflow operators can be organized into groups to allow for performance fine-tuning. Groups provide a handy operator() factory method to create tasks attached to the groups.


def group = new DefaultPGroup()

group.with { operator(inputs: [a, b, c], outputs: [d]) {x, y, z -> … bindOutput 0, x + y + z } }

The default thread pool for dataflow operators contains daemon threads, which means your application will exit as soon as the main thread finishes and won't wait for all tasks to complete. When grouping operators, make sure that your custom thread pools either use daemon threads, too, which can be achieved by using DefaultPGroup or by providing your own thread factory to a thread pool constructor, or in case your thread pools use non-daemon threads, such as when using the NonDaemonPGroup group class, make sure you shutdown the group or the thread pool explicitly by calling its shutdown() method, otherwise your applications will not exit.


Selector's body should be a closure consuming either one or two arguments.

selector (inputs : [a, b, c], outputs : [d, e]) {value ->

The two-argument closure will get a value plus an index of the input channel, the value of which is currently being processed. This allows the selector to distinguish between values coming through different input channels.

selector (inputs : [a, b, c], outputs : [d, e]) {value, index ->

Priority Selector

When priorities need to be preserved among input channels, a DataflowPrioritySelector should be used.

prioritySelector(inputs : [a, b, c], outputs : [d, e]) {value, index ->

The priority selector will always prefer values from channels with lower position index over values coming through the channels with higher position index.

Join selector

A selector without a body closure specified will copy all incoming values to all of its output channels.

def join = selector (inputs : [programmers, analysis, managers], outputs : [employees, colleagues])

Internal parallelism

The maxForks attribute allowing for internal selectors parallelism is also available.

selector (inputs : [a, b, c], outputs : [d, e], maxForks : 5) {value ->


Just like Selects , Selectors also allow the users to temporarily include/exclude individual input channels from selection. The guards input property can be used to set the initial mask on all input channels and the setGuards and setGuard methods are then available in the selector's body.

import groovyx.gpars.dataflow.DataflowQueue
import static groovyx.gpars.dataflow.Dataflow.selector
import static groovyx.gpars.dataflow.Dataflow.task

/** * Demonstrates the ability to enable/disable channels during a value selection on a select by providing boolean guards. */ final DataflowQueue operations = new DataflowQueue() final DataflowQueue numbers = new DataflowQueue()

def instruction def nums = []

selector(inputs: [operations, numbers], outputs: [], guards: [true, false]) {value, index -> //initial guards is set here if (index == 0) { instruction = value setGuard(0, false) //setGuard() used here setGuard(1, true) } else nums << value if (nums.size() == 2) { setGuards([true, false]) //setGuards() used here final def formula = "${nums[0]} $instruction ${nums[1]}" println "$formula = ${new GroovyShell().evaluate(formula)}" nums.clear() } }

task { operations << '+' operations << '+' operations << '*' }

task { numbers << 10 numbers << 20 numbers << 30 numbers << 40 numbers << 50 numbers << 60 }

Avoid combining guards and maxForks greater than 1. Although the Selector is thread-safe and won't be damaged in any way, the guards are likely not to be set the way you expect. The multiple threads running selector's body concurrently will tend to over-write each-other's settings to the guards property.

7.4 Dataflow implementation

The Dataflow Concurrency in GPars builds on top of its actor support. All of the dataflow tasks share a thread pool and so the number threads created through Dataflow.task() factory method don't need to correspond to the number of physical threads required from the system. The PGroup.task() factory method can be used to attach the created task to a group. Since each group defines its own thread pool, you can easily organize tasks around different thread pools just like you do with actors.

Combining actors and Dataflow Concurrency

The good news is that you can combine actors and Dataflow Concurrency in any way you feel fit for your particular problem at hands. You can freely you use Dataflow Variables from actors.

final DataflowVariable a = new DataflowVariable()

final Actor doubler = { react {message-> a << 2 * message } }

final Actor fakingDoubler = actor { react { doubler.send it //send a number to the doubler println "Result ${a.val}" //wait for the result to be bound to 'a' } }

fakingDoubler << 10

In the example you see the "fakingDoubler" using both messages and a DataflowVariable to communicate with the doubler actor.

Using plain java threads

The DataflowVariable as well as the DataflowQueue classes can obviously be used from any thread of your application, not only from the tasks created by Dataflow.task() . Consider the following example:

import groovyx.gpars.dataflow.DataflowVariable

final DataflowVariable a = new DataflowVariable<String>() final DataflowVariable b = new DataflowVariable<String>()

Thread.start { println "Received: $a.val" Thread.sleep 2000 b << 'Thank you' }

Thread.start { Thread.sleep 2000 a << 'An important message from the second thread' println "Reply: $b.val" }

We're creating two plain java.lang.Thread instances, which exchange data using the two data flow variables. Obviously, neither the actor lifecycle methods, nor the send/react functionality or thread pooling take effect in such scenarios.

7.5 Classic examples

The Sieve of Eratosthenes implementation using dataflow tasks

import groovyx.gpars.dataflow.DataflowQueue
import static groovyx.gpars.dataflow.Dataflow.task

/** * Demonstrates concurrent implementation of the Sieve of Eratosthenes using dataflow tasks */

final int requestedPrimeNumberCount = 1000

final DataflowQueue initialChannel = new DataflowQueue()

/** * Generating candidate numbers */ task { (2..10000).each { initialChannel << it } }

/** * Chain a new filter for a particular prime number to the end of the Sieve * @param inChannel The current end channel to consume * @param prime The prime number to divide future prime candidates with * @return A new channel ending the whole chain */ def filter(inChannel, int prime) { def outChannel = new DataflowQueue()

task { while (true) { def number = inChannel.val if (number % prime != 0) { outChannel << number } } } return outChannel }

/** * Consume Sieve output and add additional filters for all found primes */ def currentOutput = initialChannel requestedPrimeNumberCount.times { int prime = currentOutput.val println "Found: $prime" currentOutput = filter(currentOutput, prime) }

The Sieve of Eratosthenes implementation using a combination of dataflow tasks and operators

import groovyx.gpars.dataflow.DataflowQueue
       import static groovyx.gpars.dataflow.Dataflow.operator
       import static groovyx.gpars.dataflow.Dataflow.task

/** * Demonstrates concurrent implementation of the Sieve of Eratosthenes using dataflow tasks and operators */

final int requestedPrimeNumberCount = 100

final DataflowQueue initialChannel = new DataflowQueue()

/** * Generating candidate numbers */ task { (2..1000).each { initialChannel << it } }

/** * Chain a new filter for a particular prime number to the end of the Sieve * @param inChannel The current end channel to consume * @param prime The prime number to divide future prime candidates with * @return A new channel ending the whole chain */ def filter(inChannel, int prime) { def outChannel = new DataflowQueue()

operator([inputs: [inChannel], outputs: [outChannel]]) { if (it % prime != 0) { bindOutput it } } return outChannel }

/** * Consume Sieve output and add additional filters for all found primes */ def currentOutput = initialChannel requestedPrimeNumberCount.times { int prime = currentOutput.val println "Found: $prime" currentOutput = filter(currentOutput, prime) }

8. Stm

Software Transactional Memory (STM) gives developers transactional semantics for accessing in-memory data. When multiple threads share data in memory, by marking blocks of code as transactional (atomic) the developer delegates the responsibility for data consistency to the Stm engine. GPars leverages the Multiverse Stm engine. Check out more details on the transactional engine at the Multiverse site

Running a piece of code atomically

When using Stm, developers organize their code into transactions. A transaction is a piece of code, which is executed atomically - either all the code is run or none at all. The data used by the transactional code remains consistent irrespective of whether the transaction finishes normally or abruptly. While running inside a transaction the code is given an illusion of being isolated from the other concurrently run transactions so that changes to data in one transaction are not visible in the other ones until the transactions commit. This gives us the ACI part of the ACID characteristics of database transactions. The durability transactional aspect so typical for databases, is not typically mandated for Stm.

GPars allows developers to specify transaction boundaries by using the atomic closures.

import groovyx.gpars.stm.GParsStm
import org.multiverse.api.references.IntRef
import static org.multiverse.api.StmUtils.newIntRef

public class Account { private final IntRef amount = newIntRef(0);

public void transfer(final int a) { GParsStm.atomic { amount.increment(a); } }

public int getCurrentAmount() { GParsStm.atomicWithInt { amount.get(); } } }

There are several types of atomic closures, each for different type of return value:

Multiverse by default uses optimistic locking strategy and automatically rolls back and retries colliding transactions. Developers should thus restrain from irreversible actions (e.g. writing to the console, sending and e-mail, launching a missile, etc.) in their transactional code. To increase flexibility, the default Multiverse settings can be customized through custom atomic blocks .

Customizing the transactional properties

Frequently it may be desired to specify different values for some of the transaction properties (e.g. read-only transactions, locking strategy, isolation level, etc.). The createAtomicBlock method will create a new AtomicBlock configured with the supplied values:

import groovyx.gpars.stm.GParsStm
import org.multiverse.api.AtomicBlock
import org.multiverse.api.PropagationLevel

final AtomicBlock block = GParsStm.createAtomicBlock(maxRetries: 3000, familyName: 'Custom', PropagationLevel: PropagationLevel.Requires, interruptible: false) assert GParsStm.atomicWithBoolean(block) { true }

The customized AtomicBlock can then be used to create transactions following the specified settings. AtomicBlock instances are thread-safe and can be freely reused among threads and transactions.

Using the Transaction object

The atomic closures are provided the current Transaction as a parameter. The Transaction objects can then be used to manually control the transaction. This is illustrated in the example below, where we use the retry() method to block the current transaction until the counter reaches the desired value:

import groovyx.gpars.stm.GParsStm
import org.multiverse.api.AtomicBlock
import org.multiverse.api.PropagationLevel
import static org.multiverse.api.StmUtils.newIntRef

final AtomicBlock block = GParsStm.createAtomicBlock(maxRetries: 3000, familyName: 'Custom', PropagationLevel: PropagationLevel.Requires, interruptible: false)

def counter = newIntRef(0) final int max = 100 Thread.start { while (counter.atomicGet() < max) { counter.atomicIncrementAndGet(1) sleep 10 } } assert max + 1 == GParsStm.atomicWithInt(block) {tx -> if (counter.get() == max) return counter.get() + 1 tx.retry() }

Data structures

You might have noticed in the code examples above that we use dedicated data structures to hold values. The fact is that normal Java classes do not support transactions and thus cannot be used directly, since Multiverse would not be able to share them safely among concurrent transactions, commit them nor roll them back. We need to use data that know about transactions:

You typically create these through the factory methods of the org.multiverse.api.StmUtils class.

More information

We decided not to duplicate the information that is already available on the Multiverse website. Please visit the Multiverse site and use it as a reference for your further Stm adventures with GPars.

9. Tips

General GPars Tips


High-level concurrency concepts, like Agents, Actors or Dataflow tasks and operators can be grouped around shared thread pools. The PGroup class and its sub-classes represent convenient GPars wrappers around thread pools. Objects created using the group's factory methods will share the group's thread pool.

def group1 = new DefaultPGroup()
def group2 = new NonDaemonPGroup()

group1.with { task {...} task {...} def op = operator(...) {...} def actor = actor{...} def anotherActor ={...} //will belong to group2 def agent = safe(0) }

When customizing the thread pools for groups, consider using the existing GPars implementations - the DefaultPool or ResizeablePool classes. Or you may create your own implementation of the groovyx.gpars.scheduler.Pool interface to pass to the DefaultPGroup or NonDaemonPGroup constructors.

Java API

Most of GPars functionality can be used from Java just as well as from Groovy. Checkout the 2.6 Java API - Using GPars from Java section of the User Guide and experiment with the maven-based stand-alone Java demo application . Take GPars with you wherever you go!

9.1. Performance

Your code in Groovy can be just as fast as code written in Java, Scala or any other programing language. This should not be surprising, since GPars is technically a solid tasty Java-made cake with a Groovy DSL cream on it.

Unlike in Java, however, with GPars, as well as with other DSL-friendly languages, you are very likely to experience a useful kind of code speed-up for free, a speed-up coming from a better and cleaner design of your application. Coding with a concurrency DSL will give you smaller code-base with code using the concurrency primitives as language constructs. So it is much easier to build robust concurrent applications, identify potential bottle-necks or errors and eliminate them.

While this whole User Guide is describing how to use Groovy and GPars to create beautiful and robust concurrent code, let's use this chapter to highlight a few places, where some code tuning or minor design compromises could give you interesting performance gains.

Parallel Collections

Methods for parallel collection processing, like eachParallel() , collectParallel() and such use Parallel Array , an efficient tree-like data structure behind the scenes. This data structure has to be built from the original collection each time you call any of the parallel collection methods. Thus when chaining parallel method calls you might consider using the map/reduce API instead or resort to using the ParallelArray API directly, to avoid the Parallel Array creation overhead.

GParsPool.withPool {
    people.findAllParallel{it.isMale()}.collectParallel{}.any{it == 'Joe'}
    people.parallel.filter{it.isMale()}.map{}.filter{it == 'Joe'}.size() > 0
    people.parallelArray.withFilter({it.isMale()} as Predicate).withMapping({} as Mapper).any{it == 'Joe'} != null

In many scenarios changing the pool size from the default value may give you performance benefits. Especially if your tasks perform IO operations, like file or database access, networking and such, increasing the number of threads in the pool is likely to help performance.

GParsPool.withPool(50) {

Since the closures you provide to the parallel collection processing methods will get executed frequently and concurrently, you may further slightly benefit from turning them into Java.


GPars actors are fast. DynamicDispatchActors and ReactiveActors are about twice as fast as the DefaultActors , since they don't have to maintain an implicit state between subsequent message arrivals. The DefaultActors are in fact on par in performance with actors in Scala , which you can hardly hear of as being slow.

If top performance is what you're looking for, a good start is to identify the following patterns in your actor code:

actor {
    loop {
        react {msg ->
            switch(msg) {
                case String:…
                case Integer:…
and replace them with DynamicDispatchActor :
messageHandler {
    when{String msg -> ...}
    when{Integer msg -> ...}

The loop and react methods are rather costly to call.

Defining a DynamicDispatchActor or ReactiveActor as classes instead of using the messageHandler and reactor factory methods will also give you some more speed:

class MyHandler extends DynamicDispatchActor {
    public void handleMessage(String msg) {

public void handleMessage(Integer msg) { … } }

Now, moving the MyHandler class into Java will squeeze the last bit of performance from GPars.

Pool adjustment

GPars allows you to group actors around thread pools, giving you the freedom to organize actors any way you like. It is always worthwhile to experiment with the actor pool size and type. FJPool usually gives better characteristics that DefaultPool , but seems to be more sensitive to the number of threads in the pool. Sometimes using a ResizeablePool or ResizeableFJPool could help performance by automatic eliminating unneeded threads.

def attackerGroup = new DefaultPGroup(new ResizeableFJPool(10))
def defenderGroup = new DefaultPGroup(new DefaultPool(5))

def attacker = {...} def defender = defenderGroup.messageHandler {...} ...


GPars Agents are even a bit faster in processing messages than actors. The advice to group agents wisely around thread pools and tune the pool sizes and types applies to agents as well as to actors. With agents, you may also benefit from submitting Java-written closures as messages.

Share your experience

The more we hear about GPars uses in the wild the better we can adapt it for the future. Let us know how you use GPars and how it performs. Send us your benchmarks, performance comparisons or profiling reports to help us tune GPars for you.

10. Conclusion

This was quite a wild ride, wasn't it? Now, after going through the User Guide, you're certainly ready to build fast, robust and reliable concurrent applications. You've seen that there are many concepts you can choose from and each has its own areas of applicability. The ability to pick the right concept to apply to a given problem and combine it with the rest of the system is key to being a successful developer. If you feel you can do this with GPars, the mission of the User Guide has been accomplished.

Now, go ahead, use GPars and have fun!