


Class Summary
DDAClosure Creates a DDA closure to invoke appropriate actor's message handlers based on message runtime type
MessageStream Represents a stream of messages and forms the base class for actors
MessageStream.ResultWaiter Represents a pending request for a reply from an actor.
ReplyingMessageStream @author Alex Tkachman, Vaclav Pech
RunnableBackedBlockingActor Utility class to implement a blocking actor backed by any Runnable (including Closure)
SDAClosure Creates a SDA closure to invoke appropriate actor's message handlers based on message compile-type type
SequentialProcessingActor @author Alex Tkachman, Vaclav Pech
SequentialProcessingActor.Node Represents an element in the message queue.

Exception Summary
ActorException Pooled actors need to simulate continuations to create stacktrace-less chunks of work (ActorActions) to assign to the threads from the pool.
ActorReplyException Indicates problems sending replies to actors.
ActorStopException An exception indicating Actor stopping request.
ActorTerminationException An exception indicating Actor termination request.

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