org.codehaus.gpars | |||||||
Interface Summary | |
ControlMessage | A marker interface indicating control dataflow messages, which in general do not get propagated to the operator's body |
DataflowEventListener | Enables external entities to observe the state of dataflow selectors and operators |
Class Summary | |
BinaryChoiceClosure | Used by the chainWith() method to wrap the supplied closure inside the operator's body. |
ChainWithClosure | Used by the chainWith() method to wrap the supplied closure inside the operator's body. |
ChoiceClosure | Used by the chainWith() method to wrap the supplied closure inside the operator's body. |
CopyChannelsClosure | Used by the chainWith() method to wrap the supplied closure inside the operator's body. |
CountingPoisonPill | Represents a non-immediate PoisonPill that counts stopped operators and can be used to wait for all the operators to terminate. |
DataflowEventAdapter | A default empty implementation of DataflowEventListener |
DataflowOperator | Dataflow selectors and operators (processors) form the basic units in dataflow networks. |
DataflowOperatorActor | An operator's internal actor. |
DataflowPrioritySelector | Dataflow selectors and operators (processors) form the basic units in dataflow networks. |
DataflowProcessor | Dataflow selectors and operators (processors) form the basic units in dataflow networks. |
DataflowProcessorActor | A base actor class for operators' and selectors' actors |
DataflowProcessorAtomicBoundAllClosure | |
DataflowSelector | Dataflow selectors and operators (processors) form the basic units in dataflow networks. |
DataflowSelectorActor | An selector's internal actor. |
FilterClosure | Used by the filter() method to wrap the supplied closure and use it for filtering data. |
ForkingDataflowOperatorActor | An operator's internal actor. |
ForkingDataflowSelectorActor | An selector's internal actor. |
ImmediateCountingPoisonPill | Represents an immediate PoisonPill that counts stopped operators and can be used to wait for all the operators to terminate. |
Pipeline | A builder for operator pipelines. |
PoisonPill | Represents the poison for dataflow operators. |
PoisonTrackCounter | A helper class used by poison messages to count terminated dataflow processors |
SeparationClosure | Used by the chainWith() method to wrap the supplied closure inside the operator's body. |
StopGently | A message to stop operators' actors once they handle the next round of messages. |
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