
Package groovyx.gpars.dataflow.operator


Interface Summary
ControlMessage A marker interface indicating control dataflow messages, which in general do not get propagated to the operator's body
DataflowEventListener Enables external entities to observe the state of dataflow selectors and operators

Class Summary
BinaryChoiceClosure Used by the chainWith() method to wrap the supplied closure inside the operator's body.
ChainWithClosure Used by the chainWith() method to wrap the supplied closure inside the operator's body.
ChoiceClosure Used by the chainWith() method to wrap the supplied closure inside the operator's body.
CopyChannelsClosure Used by the chainWith() method to wrap the supplied closure inside the operator's body.
CountingPoisonPill Represents a non-immediate PoisonPill that counts stopped operators and can be used to wait for all the operators to terminate.
DataflowEventAdapter A default empty implementation of DataflowEventListener
DataflowOperator Dataflow selectors and operators (processors) form the basic units in dataflow networks.
DataflowOperatorActor An operator's internal actor.
DataflowPrioritySelector Dataflow selectors and operators (processors) form the basic units in dataflow networks.
DataflowProcessor Dataflow selectors and operators (processors) form the basic units in dataflow networks.
DataflowProcessorActor A base actor class for operators' and selectors' actors
DataflowSelector Dataflow selectors and operators (processors) form the basic units in dataflow networks.
DataflowSelectorActor An selector's internal actor.
FilterClosure Used by the filter() method to wrap the supplied closure and use it for filtering data.
ForkingDataflowOperatorActor An operator's internal actor.
ForkingDataflowSelectorActor An selector's internal actor.
ImmediateCountingPoisonPill Represents an immediate PoisonPill that counts stopped operators and can be used to wait for all the operators to terminate.
Pipeline A builder for operator pipelines.
PoisonPill Represents the poison for dataflow operators.
PoisonTrackCounter A helper class used by poison messages to count terminated dataflow processors
SeparationClosure Used by the chainWith() method to wrap the supplied closure inside the operator's body.
StopGently A message to stop operators' actors once they handle the next round of messages.

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