
[Java] Class CommonOps


public class CommonOps

A collection of static factory methods providing commonly useful implementations of operations.

Nested Class Summary
static class CommonOps.DoubleAdder

static class CommonOps.DoubleBoundedRandomGenerator

static class CommonOps.DoubleEqualityPredicate

static class CommonOps.DoubleInequalityPredicate

static class CommonOps.DoubleIntervalRandomGenerator

static class CommonOps.DoubleRandomGenerator

static class CommonOps.EqualityPredicate

static class CommonOps.IdentityPredicate

static class CommonOps.InequalityPredicate

static class CommonOps.IntAdder

static class CommonOps.IntBoundedRandomGenerator

static class CommonOps.IntEqualityPredicate

static class CommonOps.IntInequalityPredicate

static class CommonOps.IntIntervalRandomGenerator

static class CommonOps.IntRandomGenerator

static class CommonOps.IsNonNullPredicate

static class CommonOps.IsNullPredicate

static class CommonOps.LongAdder

static class CommonOps.LongBoundedRandomGenerator

static class CommonOps.LongEqualityPredicate

static class CommonOps.LongInequalityPredicate

static class CommonOps.LongIntervalRandomGenerator

static class CommonOps.LongRandomGenerator

static class CommonOps.NaturalDoubleComparator

static class CommonOps.NaturalDoubleMaxReducer

static class CommonOps.NaturalDoubleMinReducer

static class CommonOps.NaturalLongComparator

static class CommonOps.NaturalLongMaxReducer

static class CommonOps.NaturalLongMinReducer

static class CommonOps.NonidentityPredicate

static class CommonOps.RawComparator

static class CommonOps.RawMaxReducer

static class CommonOps.RawMinReducer

Constructor Summary
private CommonOps()

Method Summary
static Predicate andPredicate(Predicate first, Predicate second)

Returns a predicate evaluating to the conjunction of its contained predicates

static DoublePredicate andPredicate(DoublePredicate first, DoublePredicate second)

Returns a predicate evaluating to the conjunction of its contained predicates

static LongPredicate andPredicate(LongPredicate first, LongPredicate second)

Returns a predicate evaluating to the conjunction of its contained predicates

static java.util.Comparator castedComparator()

Returns a Comparator that casts its arguments as Comparable on each comparison, throwing ClassCastException on failure.

static Reducer castedMaxReducer()

Returns a reducer returning maximum of two values, or null if both arguments are null, and that casts its arguments as Comparable on each comparison, throwing ClassCastException on failure.

static Reducer castedMinReducer()

Returns a reducer returning minimum of two values, or null if both arguments are null, and that casts its arguments as Comparable on each comparison, throwing ClassCastException on failure.

static Op compoundOp(Op first, Op second)

Returns a composite mapper that applies a second mapper to the results of applying the first one

static Op compoundOp(ObjectToDouble first, DoubleToObject second)

Returns a composite mapper that applies a second mapper to the results of applying the first one

static Op compoundOp(ObjectToLong first, LongToObject second)

Returns a composite mapper that applies a second mapper to the results of applying the first one

static DoubleToObject compoundOp(DoubleToObject first, Op second)

Returns a composite mapper that applies a second mapper to the results of applying the first one

static LongToObject compoundOp(LongToObject first, Op second)

Returns a composite mapper that applies a second mapper to the results of applying the first one

static ObjectToDouble compoundOp(Op first, ObjectToDouble second)

Returns a composite mapper that applies a second mapper to the results of applying the first one

static ObjectToLong compoundOp(Op first, ObjectToLong second)

Returns a composite mapper that applies a second mapper to the results of applying the first one

static ObjectToDouble compoundOp(ObjectToDouble first, DoubleOp second)

Returns a composite mapper that applies a second mapper to the results of applying the first one

static ObjectToLong compoundOp(ObjectToDouble first, DoubleToLong second)

Returns a composite mapper that applies a second mapper to the results of applying the first one

static ObjectToLong compoundOp(ObjectToLong first, LongOp second)

Returns a composite mapper that applies a second mapper to the results of applying the first one

static ObjectToDouble compoundOp(ObjectToLong first, LongToDouble second)

Returns a composite mapper that applies a second mapper to the results of applying the first one

static DoubleOp compoundOp(DoubleOp first, DoubleOp second)

Returns a composite mapper that applies a second mapper to the results of applying the first one

static DoubleToLong compoundOp(DoubleOp first, DoubleToLong second)

Returns a composite mapper that applies a second mapper to the results of applying the first one

static DoubleToLong compoundOp(DoubleToLong first, LongOp second)

Returns a composite mapper that applies a second mapper to the results of applying the first one

static DoubleToObject compoundOp(DoubleToLong first, LongToObject second)

Returns a composite mapper that applies a second mapper to the results of applying the first one

static LongToObject compoundOp(LongToDouble first, DoubleToObject second)

Returns a composite mapper that applies a second mapper to the results of applying the first one

static LongToDouble compoundOp(LongOp first, LongToDouble second)

Returns a composite mapper that applies a second mapper to the results of applying the first one

static LongToDouble compoundOp(LongToDouble first, DoubleOp second)

Returns a composite mapper that applies a second mapper to the results of applying the first one

static DoubleToObject compoundOp(DoubleOp first, DoubleToObject second)

Returns a composite mapper that applies a second mapper to the results of applying the first one

static LongToObject compoundOp(LongOp first, LongToObject second)

Returns a composite mapper that applies a second mapper to the results of applying the first one

static DoubleOp compoundOp(DoubleToObject first, ObjectToDouble second)

Returns a composite mapper that applies a second mapper to the results of applying the first one

static LongToDouble compoundOp(LongToObject first, ObjectToDouble second)

Returns a composite mapper that applies a second mapper to the results of applying the first one

static DoubleToLong compoundOp(DoubleToObject first, ObjectToLong second)

Returns a composite mapper that applies a second mapper to the results of applying the first one

static LongOp compoundOp(LongToObject first, ObjectToLong second)

Returns a composite mapper that applies a second mapper to the results of applying the first one

static LongOp compoundOp(LongOp first, LongOp second)

Returns a composite mapper that applies a second mapper to the results of applying the first one

static DoubleOp compoundOp(DoubleToLong first, LongToDouble second)

Returns a composite mapper that applies a second mapper to the results of applying the first one

static LongOp compoundOp(LongToDouble first, DoubleToLong second)

Returns a composite mapper that applies a second mapper to the results of applying the first one

static DoubleReducer doubleAdder()

Returns a reducer that adds two double elements

static BinaryDoublePredicate doubleEqualityPredicate()

Returns a predicate evaluating to true if the first argument == the second

static BinaryDoublePredicate doubleInequalityPredicate()

Returns a predicate evaluating to true if the first argument !

static DoubleReducer doubleMaxReducer(DoubleComparator comparator)

Returns a reducer returning the maximum of two double elements, using the given comparator

static DoubleReducer doubleMinReducer(DoubleComparator comparator)

Returns a reducer returning the minimum of two double elements, using the given comparator

static DoubleGenerator doubleRandom()

Returns a generator producing uniform random values between zero and one, with the same properties as java.util.Random#nextDouble

static DoubleGenerator doubleRandom(double bound)

Returns a generator producing uniform random values between zero and the given bound, with the same properties as java.util.Random#nextDouble.

static DoubleGenerator doubleRandom(double least, double bound)

Returns a generator producing uniform random values between the given least value (inclusive) and bound (exclusive)

static BinaryPredicate equalityPredicate()

Returns a predicate evaluating to true if the first argument equals the second

static BinaryPredicate identityPredicate()

Returns a predicate evaluating to true if the first argument == the second

static BinaryPredicate inequalityPredicate()

Returns a predicate evaluating to true if the first argument !

static Predicate instanceofPredicate(java.lang.Class type)

Returns a predicate evaluating to true if its argument is an instance of (see java.lang.Class#isInstance the given type (class).

static IntReducer intAdder()

Returns a reducer that adds two int elements

static BinaryIntPredicate intEqualityPredicate()

Returns a predicate evaluating to true if the first argument == the second

static BinaryIntPredicate intInequalityPredicate()

Returns a predicate evaluating to true if the first argument !

static IntGenerator intRandom()

Returns a generator producing uniform random values with the same properties as java.util.Random#nextInt

static IntGenerator intRandom(int bound)

Returns a generator producing uniform random values with the same properties as java.util.Random#nextInt(int)

static IntGenerator intRandom(int least, int bound)

Returns a generator producing uniform random values between the given least value (inclusive) and bound (exclusive)

static Predicate isAssignablePredicate(java.lang.Class type)

Returns a predicate evaluating to true if its argument is assignable from (see java.lang.Class#isAssignableFrom the given type (class).

static Predicate isNonNullPredicate()

Returns a predicate evaluating to true if its argument is non-null

static Predicate isNullPredicate()

Returns a predicate evaluating to true if its argument is null

static LongReducer longAdder()

Returns a reducer that adds two long elements

static BinaryLongPredicate longEqualityPredicate()

Returns a predicate evaluating to true if the first argument == the second

static BinaryLongPredicate longInequalityPredicate()

Returns a predicate evaluating to true if the first argument == the second

static LongReducer longMaxReducer(LongComparator comparator)

Returns a reducer returning the maximum of two long elements, using the given comparator

static LongReducer longMinReducer(LongComparator comparator)

Returns a reducer returning the minimum of two long elements, using the given comparator

static LongGenerator longRandom()

Returns a generator producing uniform random values with the same properties as java.util.Random#nextLong

static LongGenerator longRandom(long bound)

Returns a generator producing uniform random values with the same properties as java.util.Random#nextInt(int)

static LongGenerator longRandom(long least, long bound)

Returns a generator producing uniform random values between the given least value (inclusive) and bound (exclusive).

static Reducer maxReducer(java.util.Comparator comparator)

Returns a reducer returning the maximum of two elements, using the given comparator, and treating null as less than any non-null element.

static Reducer minReducer(java.util.Comparator comparator)

Returns a reducer returning the minimum of two elements, using the given comparator, and treating null as greater than any non-null element.

static java.util.Comparator naturalComparator(java.lang.Class type)

Returns a Comparator for Comparable objects

static DoubleComparator naturalDoubleComparator()

Returns a comparator for doubles relying on natural ordering

static DoubleReducer naturalDoubleMaxReducer()

Returns a reducer returning the maximum of two double elements, using natural comparator

static DoubleReducer naturalDoubleMinReducer()

Returns a reducer returning the minimum of two double elements, using natural comparator

static LongComparator naturalLongComparator()

Returns a comparator for longs relying on natural ordering

static LongReducer naturalLongMaxReducer()

Returns a reducer returning the maximum of two long elements, using natural comparator

static LongReducer naturalLongMinReducer()

A reducer returning the minimum of two long elements, using natural comparator

static Reducer naturalMaxReducer(java.lang.Class type)

Returns a reducer returning the maximum of two Comparable elements, treating null as less than any non-null element.

static Reducer naturalMinReducer(java.lang.Class type)

Returns a reducer returning the minimum of two Comparable elements, treating null as greater than any non-null element.

static BinaryPredicate nonidentityPredicate()

Returns a predicate evaluating to true if the first argument !

static Predicate notPredicate(Predicate pred)

Returns a predicate evaluating to the negation of its contained predicate

static DoublePredicate notPredicate(DoublePredicate pred)

Returns a predicate evaluating to the negation of its contained predicate

static LongPredicate notPredicate(LongPredicate pred)

Returns a predicate evaluating to the negation of its contained predicate

static Predicate orPredicate(Predicate first, Predicate second)

Returns a predicate evaluating to the disjunction of its contained predicates

static DoublePredicate orPredicate(DoublePredicate first, DoublePredicate second)

Returns a predicate evaluating to the disjunction of its contained predicates

static LongPredicate orPredicate(LongPredicate first, LongPredicate second)

Returns a predicate evaluating to the disjunction of its contained predicates

Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
java.lang.Object#wait(long), java.lang.Object#wait(), java.lang.Object#wait(long, int), java.lang.Object#equals(java.lang.Object), java.lang.Object#toString(), java.lang.Object#hashCode(), java.lang.Object#getClass(), java.lang.Object#notify(), java.lang.Object#notifyAll()

Constructor Detail


private CommonOps()

Method Detail


public static Predicate andPredicate(Predicate first, Predicate second)
Returns a predicate evaluating to the conjunction of its contained predicates


public static DoublePredicate andPredicate(DoublePredicate first, DoublePredicate second)
Returns a predicate evaluating to the conjunction of its contained predicates


public static LongPredicate andPredicate(LongPredicate first, LongPredicate second)
Returns a predicate evaluating to the conjunction of its contained predicates


public static java.util.Comparator castedComparator()
Returns a Comparator that casts its arguments as Comparable on each comparison, throwing ClassCastException on failure.


public static Reducer castedMaxReducer()
Returns a reducer returning maximum of two values, or null if both arguments are null, and that casts its arguments as Comparable on each comparison, throwing ClassCastException on failure.


public static Reducer castedMinReducer()
Returns a reducer returning minimum of two values, or null if both arguments are null, and that casts its arguments as Comparable on each comparison, throwing ClassCastException on failure.


public static Op compoundOp(Op first, Op second)
Returns a composite mapper that applies a second mapper to the results of applying the first one


public static Op compoundOp(ObjectToDouble first, DoubleToObject second)
Returns a composite mapper that applies a second mapper to the results of applying the first one


public static Op compoundOp(ObjectToLong first, LongToObject second)
Returns a composite mapper that applies a second mapper to the results of applying the first one


public static DoubleToObject compoundOp(DoubleToObject first, Op second)
Returns a composite mapper that applies a second mapper to the results of applying the first one


public static LongToObject compoundOp(LongToObject first, Op second)
Returns a composite mapper that applies a second mapper to the results of applying the first one


public static ObjectToDouble compoundOp(Op first, ObjectToDouble second)
Returns a composite mapper that applies a second mapper to the results of applying the first one


public static ObjectToLong compoundOp(Op first, ObjectToLong second)
Returns a composite mapper that applies a second mapper to the results of applying the first one


public static ObjectToDouble compoundOp(ObjectToDouble first, DoubleOp second)
Returns a composite mapper that applies a second mapper to the results of applying the first one


public static ObjectToLong compoundOp(ObjectToDouble first, DoubleToLong second)
Returns a composite mapper that applies a second mapper to the results of applying the first one


public static ObjectToLong compoundOp(ObjectToLong first, LongOp second)
Returns a composite mapper that applies a second mapper to the results of applying the first one


public static ObjectToDouble compoundOp(ObjectToLong first, LongToDouble second)
Returns a composite mapper that applies a second mapper to the results of applying the first one


public static DoubleOp compoundOp(DoubleOp first, DoubleOp second)
Returns a composite mapper that applies a second mapper to the results of applying the first one


public static DoubleToLong compoundOp(DoubleOp first, DoubleToLong second)
Returns a composite mapper that applies a second mapper to the results of applying the first one


public static DoubleToLong compoundOp(DoubleToLong first, LongOp second)
Returns a composite mapper that applies a second mapper to the results of applying the first one


public static DoubleToObject compoundOp(DoubleToLong first, LongToObject second)
Returns a composite mapper that applies a second mapper to the results of applying the first one


public static LongToObject compoundOp(LongToDouble first, DoubleToObject second)
Returns a composite mapper that applies a second mapper to the results of applying the first one


public static LongToDouble compoundOp(LongOp first, LongToDouble second)
Returns a composite mapper that applies a second mapper to the results of applying the first one


public static LongToDouble compoundOp(LongToDouble first, DoubleOp second)
Returns a composite mapper that applies a second mapper to the results of applying the first one


public static DoubleToObject compoundOp(DoubleOp first, DoubleToObject second)
Returns a composite mapper that applies a second mapper to the results of applying the first one


public static LongToObject compoundOp(LongOp first, LongToObject second)
Returns a composite mapper that applies a second mapper to the results of applying the first one


public static DoubleOp compoundOp(DoubleToObject first, ObjectToDouble second)
Returns a composite mapper that applies a second mapper to the results of applying the first one


public static LongToDouble compoundOp(LongToObject first, ObjectToDouble second)
Returns a composite mapper that applies a second mapper to the results of applying the first one


public static DoubleToLong compoundOp(DoubleToObject first, ObjectToLong second)
Returns a composite mapper that applies a second mapper to the results of applying the first one


public static LongOp compoundOp(LongToObject first, ObjectToLong second)
Returns a composite mapper that applies a second mapper to the results of applying the first one


public static LongOp compoundOp(LongOp first, LongOp second)
Returns a composite mapper that applies a second mapper to the results of applying the first one


public static DoubleOp compoundOp(DoubleToLong first, LongToDouble second)
Returns a composite mapper that applies a second mapper to the results of applying the first one


public static LongOp compoundOp(LongToDouble first, DoubleToLong second)
Returns a composite mapper that applies a second mapper to the results of applying the first one


public static DoubleReducer doubleAdder()
Returns a reducer that adds two double elements


public static BinaryDoublePredicate doubleEqualityPredicate()
Returns a predicate evaluating to true if the first argument == the second


public static BinaryDoublePredicate doubleInequalityPredicate()
Returns a predicate evaluating to true if the first argument != the second


public static DoubleReducer doubleMaxReducer(DoubleComparator comparator)
Returns a reducer returning the maximum of two double elements, using the given comparator


public static DoubleReducer doubleMinReducer(DoubleComparator comparator)
Returns a reducer returning the minimum of two double elements, using the given comparator


public static DoubleGenerator doubleRandom()
Returns a generator producing uniform random values between zero and one, with the same properties as java.util.Random#nextDouble


public static DoubleGenerator doubleRandom(double bound)
Returns a generator producing uniform random values between zero and the given bound, with the same properties as java.util.Random#nextDouble.
bound - the upper bound (exclusive) of opd values


public static DoubleGenerator doubleRandom(double least, double bound)
Returns a generator producing uniform random values between the given least value (inclusive) and bound (exclusive)
least - the least value returned
bound - the upper bound (exclusive) of opd values


public static BinaryPredicate equalityPredicate()
Returns a predicate evaluating to true if the first argument equals the second


public static BinaryPredicate identityPredicate()
Returns a predicate evaluating to true if the first argument == the second


public static BinaryPredicate inequalityPredicate()
Returns a predicate evaluating to true if the first argument !equals the second


public static Predicate instanceofPredicate(java.lang.Class type)
Returns a predicate evaluating to true if its argument is an instance of (see java.lang.Class#isInstance the given type (class).


public static IntReducer intAdder()
Returns a reducer that adds two int elements


public static BinaryIntPredicate intEqualityPredicate()
Returns a predicate evaluating to true if the first argument == the second


public static BinaryIntPredicate intInequalityPredicate()
Returns a predicate evaluating to true if the first argument != the second


public static IntGenerator intRandom()
Returns a generator producing uniform random values with the same properties as java.util.Random#nextInt


public static IntGenerator intRandom(int bound)
Returns a generator producing uniform random values with the same properties as java.util.Random#nextInt(int)
bound - the upper bound (exclusive) of opd values


public static IntGenerator intRandom(int least, int bound)
Returns a generator producing uniform random values between the given least value (inclusive) and bound (exclusive)
least - the least value returned
bound - the upper bound (exclusive) of opd values


public static Predicate isAssignablePredicate(java.lang.Class type)
Returns a predicate evaluating to true if its argument is assignable from (see java.lang.Class#isAssignableFrom the given type (class).


public static Predicate isNonNullPredicate()
Returns a predicate evaluating to true if its argument is non-null


public static Predicate isNullPredicate()
Returns a predicate evaluating to true if its argument is null


public static LongReducer longAdder()
Returns a reducer that adds two long elements


public static BinaryLongPredicate longEqualityPredicate()
Returns a predicate evaluating to true if the first argument == the second


public static BinaryLongPredicate longInequalityPredicate()
Returns a predicate evaluating to true if the first argument == the second


public static LongReducer longMaxReducer(LongComparator comparator)
Returns a reducer returning the maximum of two long elements, using the given comparator


public static LongReducer longMinReducer(LongComparator comparator)
Returns a reducer returning the minimum of two long elements, using the given comparator


public static LongGenerator longRandom()
Returns a generator producing uniform random values with the same properties as java.util.Random#nextLong


public static LongGenerator longRandom(long bound)
Returns a generator producing uniform random values with the same properties as java.util.Random#nextInt(int)
bound - the upper bound (exclusive) of opd values


public static LongGenerator longRandom(long least, long bound)
Returns a generator producing uniform random values between the given least value (inclusive) and bound (exclusive).
least - the least value returned
bound - the upper bound (exclusive) of opd values


public static Reducer maxReducer(java.util.Comparator comparator)
Returns a reducer returning the maximum of two elements, using the given comparator, and treating null as less than any non-null element.


public static Reducer minReducer(java.util.Comparator comparator)
Returns a reducer returning the minimum of two elements, using the given comparator, and treating null as greater than any non-null element.


public static java.util.Comparator naturalComparator(java.lang.Class type)
Returns a Comparator for Comparable objects


public static DoubleComparator naturalDoubleComparator()
Returns a comparator for doubles relying on natural ordering


public static DoubleReducer naturalDoubleMaxReducer()
Returns a reducer returning the maximum of two double elements, using natural comparator


public static DoubleReducer naturalDoubleMinReducer()
Returns a reducer returning the minimum of two double elements, using natural comparator


public static LongComparator naturalLongComparator()
Returns a comparator for longs relying on natural ordering


public static LongReducer naturalLongMaxReducer()
Returns a reducer returning the maximum of two long elements, using natural comparator


public static LongReducer naturalLongMinReducer()
A reducer returning the minimum of two long elements, using natural comparator


public static Reducer naturalMaxReducer(java.lang.Class type)
Returns a reducer returning the maximum of two Comparable elements, treating null as less than any non-null element.


public static Reducer naturalMinReducer(java.lang.Class type)
Returns a reducer returning the minimum of two Comparable elements, treating null as greater than any non-null element.


public static BinaryPredicate nonidentityPredicate()
Returns a predicate evaluating to true if the first argument != the second


public static Predicate notPredicate(Predicate pred)
Returns a predicate evaluating to the negation of its contained predicate


public static DoublePredicate notPredicate(DoublePredicate pred)
Returns a predicate evaluating to the negation of its contained predicate


public static LongPredicate notPredicate(LongPredicate pred)
Returns a predicate evaluating to the negation of its contained predicate


public static Predicate orPredicate(Predicate first, Predicate second)
Returns a predicate evaluating to the disjunction of its contained predicates


public static DoublePredicate orPredicate(DoublePredicate first, DoublePredicate second)
Returns a predicate evaluating to the disjunction of its contained predicates


public static LongPredicate orPredicate(LongPredicate first, LongPredicate second)
Returns a predicate evaluating to the disjunction of its contained predicates


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