Class DefaultActor

  extended by groovyx.gpars.serial.WithSerialId
      extended by
          extended by
              extended by
                  extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class DefaultActor
extends AbstractLoopingActor

The DefaultActor class is the base for all stateful actors, who need to maintain implicit state between subsequent message arrivals. Allowing the actor creator to structure code in a continuation-like style with message retrieval react commands mixed within normal code makes implementation of some algorithms particularly easy.

The DefaultActor upon start-up will grab a thread from the associated actor thread pool and run its body. The body is either the parameter passed to the constructor, or the act() method, if no parameter has been set. The parameter takes precedence over the act() method. Once a react() method call is discovered within the actor's body, its Closure-typed parameter will be scheduled for processing on next message arrival. To preserve the actor principle of at-most-one active thread per actor, the next message, however, will only be handled once the currently run code finishes and frees the current thread. It is thus advisable to avoid code after call to react(). The loop() method will ensure its body is executed repeatedly, until the actor either finishes or an optional loop condition is not met.

Vaclav Pech Date: Nov 4th 2010
See Also:
Serialized Form

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class
Actor.MyRemoteHandle, Actor.RemoteActor
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class
MessageStream.RemoteMessageStream, MessageStream.SendTo
Field Summary
private  groovy.lang.Closure afterLoopCode
private static java.lang.String EXPECTED
private  groovy.lang.Closure loopClosure
private  java.lang.Runnable loopCode
          Misused also for the code to run at start-up
private  java.util.concurrent.Callable<java.lang.Boolean> loopCondition
private  groovy.lang.Closure nextContinuation
private static long serialVersionUID
private  boolean started
Fields inherited from class
Fields inherited from class
Fields inherited from class groovyx.gpars.serial.WithSerialId
Constructor Summary
          Creates an actor, which will execute its act() methods
DefaultActor(java.lang.Runnable code)
          Creates an actor, which will execute the supplied code
Method Summary
protected  void act()
          If no parameter is provided at construction time, the act() method becomes the actor's body
private  void doLoop(java.util.concurrent.Callable<java.lang.Boolean> condition, groovy.lang.Closure afterLoopCode, java.lang.Runnable code)
          Ensures that the supplied closure will be invoked repeatedly in a loop.
private  groovy.lang.Closure enhanceClosure(groovy.lang.Closure closure)
private  boolean evalLoopCondition()
protected  void handleStart()
          Called once the START_MESSAGE arrives.
private static void checkForBodyArguments(groovy.lang.Closure closure)
private static void checkForMessageHandlerArguments(groovy.lang.Closure code)
private static void checkForNull(java.lang.Runnable code)
protected  void loop(groovy.lang.Closure condition, groovy.lang.Closure afterLoopCode, java.lang.Runnable code)
          Ensures that the supplied closure will be invoked repeatedly in a loop.
protected  void loop(groovy.lang.Closure condition, java.lang.Runnable code)
          Ensures that the supplied closure will be invoked repeatedly in a loop.
protected  void loop(int numberOfLoops, groovy.lang.Closure afterLoopCode, java.lang.Runnable code)
          Ensures that the supplied closure will be invoked repeatedly in a loop.
protected  void loop(int numberOfLoops, java.lang.Runnable code)
          Ensures that the supplied closure will be invoked repeatedly in a loop.
 void loop(java.lang.Runnable code)
          Ensures that the supplied closure will be invoked repeatedly in a loop.
(package private)  void onMessage(java.lang.Object message)
          Handles all incoming messages
 void react(groovy.lang.Closure code)
          Schedules an ActorAction to take the next message off the message queue and to pass it on to the supplied closure.
protected  void react(groovy.time.Duration duration, groovy.lang.Closure code)
          Schedules an ActorAction to take the next message off the message queue and to pass it on to the supplied closure.
protected  void react(long timeout, groovy.lang.Closure code)
          Schedules an ActorAction to take the next message off the message queue and to pass it on to the supplied closure.
protected  void react(long timeout, java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit timeUnit, groovy.lang.Closure code)
          Schedules an ActorAction to take the next message off the message queue and to pass it on to the supplied closure.
private  void runAfterLoopCode(groovy.lang.Closure afterLoopCode)
 Actor silentStart()
          Not supported by DefaultActor
 Actor start()
          Starts the Actor and sends it the START_MESSAGE to run any afterStart handlers.
Methods inherited from class
getCore, getSender, hasBeenStopped, initialize, isActive, isFair, makeFair, reply, replyIfExists, send, setParallelGroup, setTimeout, stop, sweepNextMessage, terminate
Methods inherited from class
createActorMessage, createRemoteHandle, deregisterCurrentActorWithThread, getJoinLatch, getParallelGroup, handleException, handleInterrupt, handleTermination, handleTimeout, isActorThread, join, join, join, join, onStop, registerCurrentActorWithThread, sendAndContinue, sendAndPromise, sweepQueue, threadBoundActor
Methods inherited from class
call, getRemoteClass, leftShift, send, send, sendAndWait, sendAndWait, sendAndWait
Methods inherited from class groovyx.gpars.serial.WithSerialId
getOrCreateSerialHandle, writeReplace
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


private groovy.lang.Closure nextContinuation


private groovy.lang.Closure loopClosure


private java.lang.Runnable loopCode
Misused also for the code to run at start-up


private java.util.concurrent.Callable<java.lang.Boolean> loopCondition


private groovy.lang.Closure afterLoopCode


private boolean started


private static final long serialVersionUID
See Also:
Constant Field Values


private static final java.lang.String EXPECTED
See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public DefaultActor()
Creates an actor, which will execute its act() methods


public DefaultActor(java.lang.Runnable code)
Creates an actor, which will execute the supplied code

code - A Runnable or Closure to be considered the actor's body
Method Detail


protected void act()
If no parameter is provided at construction time, the act() method becomes the actor's body


final void onMessage(java.lang.Object message)
Handles all incoming messages

message - The current message to process


public final void loop(java.lang.Runnable code)
Ensures that the supplied closure will be invoked repeatedly in a loop. The method never returns, but instead frees the processing thread back to the thread pool.

code - The closure to invoke repeatedly


protected final void loop(int numberOfLoops,
                          java.lang.Runnable code)
Ensures that the supplied closure will be invoked repeatedly in a loop. The method never returns, but instead frees the processing thread back to the thread pool.

numberOfLoops - The loop will only be run the given number of times
code - The closure to invoke repeatedly


protected final void loop(int numberOfLoops,
                          groovy.lang.Closure afterLoopCode,
                          java.lang.Runnable code)
Ensures that the supplied closure will be invoked repeatedly in a loop. The method never returns, but instead frees the processing thread back to the thread pool.

numberOfLoops - The loop will only be run the given number of times
afterLoopCode - Code to run after the main actor's loop finishes
code - The closure to invoke repeatedly


protected final void loop(groovy.lang.Closure condition,
                          java.lang.Runnable code)
Ensures that the supplied closure will be invoked repeatedly in a loop. The method never returns, but instead frees the processing thread back to the thread pool.

condition - A condition to evaluate before each iteration starts. If the condition returns false, the loop exits.
code - The closure to invoke repeatedly


protected final void loop(groovy.lang.Closure condition,
                          groovy.lang.Closure afterLoopCode,
                          java.lang.Runnable code)
Ensures that the supplied closure will be invoked repeatedly in a loop. The method never returns, but instead frees the processing thread back to the thread pool.

condition - A condition to evaluate before each iteration starts. If the condition returns false, the loop exits.
afterLoopCode - Code to run after the main actor's loop finishes
code - The closure to invoke repeatedly


private void doLoop(java.util.concurrent.Callable<java.lang.Boolean> condition,
                    groovy.lang.Closure afterLoopCode,
                    java.lang.Runnable code)
Ensures that the supplied closure will be invoked repeatedly in a loop. The method never returns, but instead frees the processing thread back to the thread pool.

condition - A condition to evaluate before each iteration starts. If the condition returns false, the loop exits.
afterLoopCode - Code to run after the main actor's loop finishes
code - The closure to invoke repeatedly


private void runAfterLoopCode(groovy.lang.Closure afterLoopCode)


private boolean evalLoopCondition()


public final void react(groovy.lang.Closure code)
Schedules an ActorAction to take the next message off the message queue and to pass it on to the supplied closure. The method never returns, but instead frees the processing thread back to the thread pool.

code - The code to handle the next message. The reply() and replyIfExists() methods are available inside the closure to send a reply back to the actor, which sent the original message.


protected final void react(groovy.time.Duration duration,
                           groovy.lang.Closure code)
Schedules an ActorAction to take the next message off the message queue and to pass it on to the supplied closure. The method never returns, but instead frees the processing thread back to the thread pool.

duration - Time to wait at most for a message to arrive. The actor terminates if a message doesn't arrive within the given timeout. The TimeCategory DSL to specify timeouts must be enabled explicitly inside the Actor's act() method.
code - The code to handle the next message. The reply() and replyIfExists() methods are available inside the closure to send a reply back to the actor, which sent the original message.


protected final void react(long timeout,
                           java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit timeUnit,
                           groovy.lang.Closure code)
Schedules an ActorAction to take the next message off the message queue and to pass it on to the supplied closure. The method never returns, but instead frees the processing thread back to the thread pool.

timeout - Time in milliseconds to wait at most for a message to arrive. The actor terminates if a message doesn't arrive within the given timeout.
timeUnit - a TimeUnit determining how to interpret the timeout parameter
code - The code to handle the next message. The reply() and replyIfExists() methods are available inside the closure to send a reply back to the actor, which sent the original message.


protected final void react(long timeout,
                           groovy.lang.Closure code)
Schedules an ActorAction to take the next message off the message queue and to pass it on to the supplied closure. The method never returns, but instead frees the processing thread back to the thread pool. Also adds reply() and replyIfExists() methods to the currentActor and the message. These methods will call send() on the target actor (the sender of the original message). The reply()/replyIfExists() methods invoked on the actor will be sent to all currently processed messages, reply()/replyIfExists() invoked on a message will send a reply to the sender of that particular message only.

timeout - Time in milliseconds to wait at most for a message to arrive. The actor terminates if a message doesn't arrive within the given timeout.
code - The code to handle the next message. The reply() and replyIfExists() methods are available inside the closure to send a reply back to the actor, which sent the original message.


public Actor silentStart()
Not supported by DefaultActor

silentStart in class AbstractLoopingActor
same actor


public Actor start()
Starts the Actor and sends it the START_MESSAGE to run any afterStart handlers. No messages can be sent or received before an Actor is started.

start in class AbstractLoopingActor
same actor


protected void handleStart()
Called once the START_MESSAGE arrives. We need to run the actor's body here, letting it set nextContinuation to hols the next message handler

handleStart in class Actor


private groovy.lang.Closure enhanceClosure(groovy.lang.Closure closure)


private static void checkForNull(java.lang.Runnable code)


private static void checkForBodyArguments(groovy.lang.Closure closure)


private static void checkForMessageHandlerArguments(groovy.lang.Closure code)

Copyright © 2008–2012 Václav Pech. All Rights Reserved.