Class AgentBase<T>

  extended by groovyx.gpars.agent.AgentCore
      extended by groovyx.gpars.agent.AgentBase<T>
Direct Known Subclasses:

abstract class AgentBase<T>
extends AgentCore

Implements most of Agent's public method in Java

Vaclav Pech

Nested Class Summary
private static class AgentBase.AwaitClosure
          Returns the current value of the Agent's state
Field Summary
private static groovy.lang.Closure awaitClosure
private  groovy.lang.Closure copy
          Function converting the internal state during read to prevent internal state escape from the protected boundary of the agent
protected  T data
          Holds the internal mutable state
private  java.util.Collection<groovy.lang.Closure> listeners
          Holds all listeners interested in state updates A listener should be a closure accepting the old and the new value in this order.
protected  java.util.concurrent.locks.ReadWriteLock lock
          Allows reads not to wait in the message queue.
private  java.util.Collection<groovy.lang.Closure> validators
          Holds all validators checking the agent's state A validator should be a closure accepting the old and the new value in this order.
Constructor Summary
AgentBase(T data)
AgentBase(T data, groovy.lang.Closure copy)
          Creates a new Agent around the supplied modifiable object
Method Summary
 void addListener(groovy.lang.Closure listener)
          Adds a listener interested in state updates A listener should be a closure accepting the old and the new value in this order plus optionally the agent reference as the first argument.
 void addValidator(groovy.lang.Closure validator)
          Adds a validator checking the agent's state A listener should be a closure accepting the old and the new value in this order plus optionally the agent reference as the first argument.
 void await()
          Blocks until all messages in the queue prior to call to await() complete.
 T getInstantVal()
          A shorthand method for safe message-based retrieval of the internal state.
 T getVal()
          A shorthand method for safe message-based retrieval of the internal state.
private  groovy.lang.Closure checkClosure(groovy.lang.Closure code)
          Only two-argument closures are allowed
(package private)  void onMessage(groovy.lang.Closure code)
          Accepts and invokes the closure
(package private)  void onMessage(org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.NullObject obj)
          Accepts a NullObject instance and sets the internal state to null
(package private)  void onMessage(T message)
          Other messages than closures are accepted as new values for the internal state
 T sendAndWait(groovy.lang.Closure message)
          Submits the closure waiting for the result
 void updateValue(T newValue)
          Allows closures to set the new internal state as a whole Do not call this method directly from the outside.
 void valAsync(groovy.lang.Closure callback)
          A shorthand method for safe asynchronous message-based retrieval of the internal state.
Methods inherited from class groovyx.gpars.agent.AgentCore
attachToThreadPool, call, getErrors, handleMessage, hasErrors, isFair, leftShift, makeFair, registerError, send, setPGroup
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected java.util.concurrent.locks.ReadWriteLock lock
Allows reads not to wait in the message queue. Writes and reads are mutually separated by using write or read locks respectively.


protected T data
Holds the internal mutable state


private final groovy.lang.Closure copy
Function converting the internal state during read to prevent internal state escape from the protected boundary of the agent


private final java.util.Collection<groovy.lang.Closure> listeners
Holds all listeners interested in state updates A listener should be a closure accepting the old and the new value in this order.


private final java.util.Collection<groovy.lang.Closure> validators
Holds all validators checking the agent's state A validator should be a closure accepting the old and the new value in this order.


private static final groovy.lang.Closure awaitClosure
Constructor Detail


AgentBase(T data)


AgentBase(T data,
          groovy.lang.Closure copy)
Creates a new Agent around the supplied modifiable object

data - The object to use for storing the internal state of the variable
copy - A closure to use to create a copy of the internal state when sending the internal state out
Method Detail


final void onMessage(org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.NullObject obj)
Accepts a NullObject instance and sets the internal state to null

obj - The received message


final void onMessage(groovy.lang.Closure code)
Accepts and invokes the closure

code - The received message


final void onMessage(T message)
Other messages than closures are accepted as new values for the internal state

message - The received message


public final void updateValue(T newValue)
Allows closures to set the new internal state as a whole Do not call this method directly from the outside. It is designed to be used from within the submitted closures.

newValue - The value to set the internal state to


public final T getInstantVal()
A shorthand method for safe message-based retrieval of the internal state. Retrieves the internal state immediately by-passing the queue of tasks waiting to be processed.

The current value of the actor's state


public final T getVal()
               throws java.lang.InterruptedException
A shorthand method for safe message-based retrieval of the internal state. The request to retrieve a value is put into the message queue, so will wait for all messages delivered earlier to complete.

The value of the actor's state once all previously sent messages in the queue get processed
java.lang.InterruptedException - If the thread gets interrupted while waiting for a value to be bound


public final void valAsync(groovy.lang.Closure callback)
A shorthand method for safe asynchronous message-based retrieval of the internal state. The request to retrieve a value is put into the message queue, so will wait for all messages delivered earlier to complete.

callback - A closure to invoke with the internal state as a parameter


public final T sendAndWait(groovy.lang.Closure message)
                    throws java.lang.InterruptedException
Submits the closure waiting for the result

message - The message/closure to send
The return value of the closure
java.lang.InterruptedException - If the thread gets interrupted while waiting for a value to be bound


public final void await()
                 throws java.lang.InterruptedException
Blocks until all messages in the queue prior to call to await() complete. Provides a means to synchronize with the Agent

java.lang.InterruptedException - If the thread gets interrupted while waiting for a value to be bound


public void addListener(groovy.lang.Closure listener)
Adds a listener interested in state updates A listener should be a closure accepting the old and the new value in this order plus optionally the agent reference as the first argument.

listener - The closure with two or three arguments


public void addValidator(groovy.lang.Closure validator)
Adds a validator checking the agent's state A listener should be a closure accepting the old and the new value in this order plus optionally the agent reference as the first argument.

validator - The closure with two or three arguments


private groovy.lang.Closure checkClosure(groovy.lang.Closure code)
Only two-argument closures are allowed

code - The passed-in closure
Either the original closure or a two-argument closure after currying the first argument of the passed-in closure to self

Copyright © 2008–2012 Václav Pech. All Rights Reserved.