Interface SelectRequest<T>

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface SelectRequest<T>

Represents a request for value from a select. Each request holds a list of guards (boolean flags) to indicate, which input channels of the select should be queried, and a routine to invoke once a value is available.

Vaclav Pech Date: 30th Sep 2010

Method Summary
 boolean matchesMask(int index)
          Checks, whether the given index should be queried for value or not.
 void valueFound(int index, T value)
          Invoked, when a value has been found bound to any of the input channels monitored by the select.

Method Detail


boolean matchesMask(int index)
Checks, whether the given index should be queried for value or not.

index - The index of the input channel to check for guard
True, it the select user is interested in values from the channel represented by the provided index


void valueFound(int index,
                T value)
Invoked, when a value has been found bound to any of the input channels monitored by the select.

index - The index of the input channel
value - The value obtained from the channel

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