Class Pipeline

  extended by groovyx.gpars.dataflow.operator.Pipeline

public final class Pipeline
extends java.lang.Object

A builder for operator pipelines. The greatest benefit of using the Pipeline class compared to chaining the channels directly is the ease with which a custom thread pool/group can be applied to all the operators along the constructed chain.

Vaclav Pech

Field Summary
private  boolean complete
private  PGroup group
private  DataflowReadChannel output
Constructor Summary
Pipeline(DataflowReadChannel output)
Pipeline(PGroup group, DataflowReadChannel output)
Pipeline(Pool pool, DataflowReadChannel output)
Method Summary
<T> void
binaryChoice(DataflowWriteChannel<T> trueBranch, DataflowWriteChannel<T> falseBranch, groovy.lang.Closure<java.lang.Boolean> code)
          Directs the output to one of the two output channels depending on the boolean result of the provided closure.
<T> void
binaryChoice(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> params, DataflowWriteChannel<T> trueBranch, DataflowWriteChannel<T> falseBranch, groovy.lang.Closure<java.lang.Boolean> code)
          Directs the output to one of the two output channels depending on the boolean result of the provided closure.
 Pipeline filter(groovy.lang.Closure<java.lang.Boolean> closure)
          Creates and attaches a new operator that will filter data using the provided closure
 Pipeline filter(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> params, groovy.lang.Closure<java.lang.Boolean> closure)
          Creates and attaches a new operator that will filter data using the provided closure
 PGroup getGroup()
 DataflowReadChannel getOutput()
<V> Pipeline
chainWith(groovy.lang.Closure<V> closure)
          Creates and attaches a new operator
<V> Pipeline
chainWith(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> params, groovy.lang.Closure<V> closure)
          Creates and attaches a new operator
private  void checkState()
<T> void
choice(java.util.List<DataflowWriteChannel<T>> outputs, groovy.lang.Closure<java.lang.Integer> code)
          Directs the output to one of the output channels depending on the int result of the provided closure.
<T> void
choice(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> params, java.util.List<DataflowWriteChannel<T>> outputs, groovy.lang.Closure<java.lang.Integer> code)
          Directs the output to one of the output channels depending on the int result of the provided closure.
<V> void
into(DataflowWriteChannel<V> target)
          Makes the output of the pipeline to be an input for the specified channel
<V> void
into(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> params, DataflowWriteChannel<V> target)
          Makes the output of the pipeline to be an input for the specified channel
 boolean isComplete()
(package private)  Pipeline merge(DataflowReadChannel<java.lang.Object> other, groovy.lang.Closure closure)
          Merges channels together as inputs for a single dataflow operator.
(package private)  Pipeline merge(java.util.List<DataflowReadChannel<java.lang.Object>> others, groovy.lang.Closure closure)
          Merges channels together as inputs for a single dataflow operator.
(package private)  Pipeline merge(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> params, DataflowReadChannel<java.lang.Object> other, groovy.lang.Closure closure)
          Merges channels together as inputs for a single dataflow operator.
(package private)  Pipeline merge(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> params, java.util.List<DataflowReadChannel<java.lang.Object>> others, groovy.lang.Closure closure)
          Merges channels together as inputs for a single dataflow operator.
<V> Pipeline
or(groovy.lang.Closure<V> closure)
          Creates and attaches a new operator
<V> void
or(DataflowWriteChannel<V> target)
          Makes the output of the pipeline to be an input for the specified channel
 void separate(java.util.List<DataflowWriteChannel<?>> outputs, groovy.lang.Closure<java.util.List<java.lang.Object>> code)
          Allows the closure to output different values to different output channels.
 void separate(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> params, java.util.List<DataflowWriteChannel<?>> outputs, groovy.lang.Closure<java.util.List<java.lang.Object>> code)
          Allows the closure to output different values to different output channels.
<V> void
split(DataflowWriteChannel<V> target1, DataflowWriteChannel<V> target2)
          Splits the output of the pipeline to be an input for the specified channels
<V> void
split(java.util.List<DataflowWriteChannel<V>> targets)
          Makes the output of the pipeline to be an input for the specified channels
<V> void
split(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> params, DataflowWriteChannel<V> target1, DataflowWriteChannel<V> target2)
          Splits the output of the pipeline to be an input for the specified channels
<V> void
split(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> params, java.util.List<DataflowWriteChannel<V>> targets)
          Makes the output of the pipeline to be an input for the specified channels
<V> Pipeline
tap(DataflowWriteChannel<V> target)
          Taps into the pipeline at the current position, sending all data that pass through the pipeline also to the channel specified.
<V> Pipeline
tap(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> params, DataflowWriteChannel<V> target)
          Taps into the pipeline at the current position, sending all data that pass through the pipeline also to the channel specified.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


private final PGroup group


private DataflowReadChannel output


private boolean complete
Constructor Detail


public Pipeline(DataflowReadChannel output)


public Pipeline(Pool pool,
                DataflowReadChannel output)


public Pipeline(PGroup group,
                DataflowReadChannel output)
Method Detail


public PGroup getGroup()


public DataflowReadChannel getOutput()


public boolean isComplete()


private void checkState()


public <V> Pipeline chainWith(groovy.lang.Closure<V> closure)
Creates and attaches a new operator

Type Parameters:
V - The type of values returned from the supplied closure
closure - The function to invoke on all incoming values as part of the new operator's body
This Pipeline instance


public <V> Pipeline chainWith(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> params,
                              groovy.lang.Closure<V> closure)
Creates and attaches a new operator

Type Parameters:
V - The type of values returned from the supplied closure
params - Additional parameters to initialize the operator with (e.g. listeners or maxForks)
closure - The function to invoke on all incoming values as part of the new operator's body
This Pipeline instance


public <V> Pipeline or(groovy.lang.Closure<V> closure)
Creates and attaches a new operator

Type Parameters:
V - The type of values returned from the supplied closure
closure - The function to invoke on all incoming values as part of the new operator's body
This Pipeline instance


public Pipeline filter(groovy.lang.Closure<java.lang.Boolean> closure)
Creates and attaches a new operator that will filter data using the provided closure

closure - The filter function to invoke on all incoming values to decide whether to pass the value on or not
This Pipeline instance


public Pipeline filter(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> params,
                       groovy.lang.Closure<java.lang.Boolean> closure)
Creates and attaches a new operator that will filter data using the provided closure

params - Additional parameters to initialize the operator with (e.g. listeners or maxForks)
closure - The filter function to invoke on all incoming values to decide whether to pass the value on or not
This Pipeline instance


public <V> void into(DataflowWriteChannel<V> target)
Makes the output of the pipeline to be an input for the specified channel

Type Parameters:
V - The type of values passed between the channels
target - The channel to copy data into


public <V> void into(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> params,
                     DataflowWriteChannel<V> target)
Makes the output of the pipeline to be an input for the specified channel

Type Parameters:
V - The type of values passed between the channels
params - Additional parameters to initialize the operator with (e.g. listeners or maxForks)
target - The channel to copy data into


public <V> void or(DataflowWriteChannel<V> target)
Makes the output of the pipeline to be an input for the specified channel

Type Parameters:
V - The type of values passed between the channels
target - The channel to copy data into


public <V> void split(DataflowWriteChannel<V> target1,
                      DataflowWriteChannel<V> target2)
Splits the output of the pipeline to be an input for the specified channels

Type Parameters:
V - The type of values passed between the channels
target1 - The first channel to copy data into
target2 - The second channel to copy data into


public <V> void split(java.util.List<DataflowWriteChannel<V>> targets)
Makes the output of the pipeline to be an input for the specified channels

Type Parameters:
V - The type of values passed between the channels
targets - The channels to copy data into


public <V> void split(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> params,
                      DataflowWriteChannel<V> target1,
                      DataflowWriteChannel<V> target2)
Splits the output of the pipeline to be an input for the specified channels

Type Parameters:
V - The type of values passed between the channels
params - Additional parameters to initialize the operator with (e.g. listeners or maxForks)
target1 - The first channel to copy data into
target2 - The second channel to copy data into


public <V> void split(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> params,
                      java.util.List<DataflowWriteChannel<V>> targets)
Makes the output of the pipeline to be an input for the specified channels

Type Parameters:
V - The type of values passed between the channels
params - Additional parameters to initialize the operator with (e.g. listeners or maxForks)
targets - The channels to copy data into


public <V> Pipeline tap(DataflowWriteChannel<V> target)
Taps into the pipeline at the current position, sending all data that pass through the pipeline also to the channel specified.

Type Parameters:
V - The type of values passed between the channels
target - The channel to tap data into
This Pipeline instance


public <V> Pipeline tap(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> params,
                        DataflowWriteChannel<V> target)
Taps into the pipeline at the current position, sending all data that pass through the pipeline also to the channel specified.

Type Parameters:
V - The type of values passed between the channels
params - Additional parameters to initialize the operator with (e.g. listeners or maxForks)
target - The channel to tap data into
This Pipeline instance


Pipeline merge(DataflowReadChannel<java.lang.Object> other,
               groovy.lang.Closure closure)
Merges channels together as inputs for a single dataflow operator.

other - The channel to merge with
closure - The function to invoke on all incoming values as part of the new operator's body. The number of arguments to the closure must match the number of input channels.
A channel of the same type as this channel, which the new operator will output into.


Pipeline merge(java.util.List<DataflowReadChannel<java.lang.Object>> others,
               groovy.lang.Closure closure)
Merges channels together as inputs for a single dataflow operator.

others - The channels to merge with
closure - The function to invoke on all incoming values as part of the new operator's body. The number of arguments to the closure must match the number of input channels.
A channel of the same type as this channel, which the new operator will output into.


Pipeline merge(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> params,
               DataflowReadChannel<java.lang.Object> other,
               groovy.lang.Closure closure)
Merges channels together as inputs for a single dataflow operator.

params - Additional parameters to initialize the operator with (e.g. listeners or maxForks)
other - The channel to merge with
closure - The function to invoke on all incoming values as part of the new operator's body. The number of arguments to the closure must match the number of input channels.
A channel of the same type as this channel, which the new operator will output into.


Pipeline merge(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> params,
               java.util.List<DataflowReadChannel<java.lang.Object>> others,
               groovy.lang.Closure closure)
Merges channels together as inputs for a single dataflow operator.

params - Additional parameters to initialize the operator with (e.g. listeners or maxForks)
others - The channels to merge with
closure - The function to invoke on all incoming values as part of the new operator's body. The number of arguments to the closure must match the number of input channels.
A channel of the same type as this channel, which the new operator will output into.


public <T> void binaryChoice(DataflowWriteChannel<T> trueBranch,
                             DataflowWriteChannel<T> falseBranch,
                             groovy.lang.Closure<java.lang.Boolean> code)
Directs the output to one of the two output channels depending on the boolean result of the provided closure.

trueBranch - The channel to send data to if the closure returns true
falseBranch - The channel to send data to if the closure returns true
code - A closure directing data to either the true or the false output branch


public <T> void binaryChoice(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> params,
                             DataflowWriteChannel<T> trueBranch,
                             DataflowWriteChannel<T> falseBranch,
                             groovy.lang.Closure<java.lang.Boolean> code)
Directs the output to one of the two output channels depending on the boolean result of the provided closure.

params - Additional parameters to initialize the operator with (e.g. listeners or maxForks)
trueBranch - The channel to send data to if the closure returns true
falseBranch - The channel to send data to if the closure returns true
code - A closure directing data to either the true or the false output branch


public <T> void choice(java.util.List<DataflowWriteChannel<T>> outputs,
                       groovy.lang.Closure<java.lang.Integer> code)
Directs the output to one of the output channels depending on the int result of the provided closure.

outputs - The channels to send data to.
code - A closure returning an index of the output channel to direct the data to


public <T> void choice(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> params,
                       java.util.List<DataflowWriteChannel<T>> outputs,
                       groovy.lang.Closure<java.lang.Integer> code)
Directs the output to one of the output channels depending on the int result of the provided closure.

params - Additional parameters to initialize the operator with (e.g. listeners or maxForks)
outputs - The channels to send data to.
code - A closure returning an index of the output channel to direct the data to


public void separate(java.util.List<DataflowWriteChannel<?>> outputs,
                     groovy.lang.Closure<java.util.List<java.lang.Object>> code)
Allows the closure to output different values to different output channels.

outputs - The channels to send data to.
code - A closure returning a list of values to pass to the output channels. Values are output to the output channels with identical index.


public void separate(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> params,
                     java.util.List<DataflowWriteChannel<?>> outputs,
                     groovy.lang.Closure<java.util.List<java.lang.Object>> code)
Allows the closure to output different values to different output channels.

params - Additional parameters to initialize the operator with (e.g. listeners or maxForks)
outputs - The channels to send data to.
code - A closure returning a list of values to pass to the output channels. Values are output to the output channels with identical index.

Copyright © 2008–2012 Václav Pech. All Rights Reserved.