Class PAS.FJBase

  extended by jsr166y.ForkJoinTask<java.lang.Void>
      extended by jsr166y.RecursiveAction
          extended by groovyx.gpars.extra166y.PAS.FJBase
All Implemented Interfaces:, java.util.concurrent.Future<java.lang.Void>
Direct Known Subclasses:
PAS.FJCountSelected, PAS.FJDApply, PAS.FJDBinaryIndexMap, PAS.FJDCombineInPlace, PAS.FJDFill, PAS.FJDGenerate, PAS.FJDIndexMap, PAS.FJDMap, PAS.FJDPACombineInPlace, PAS.FJDReduce, PAS.FJDStats, PAS.FJDTransform, PAS.FJDUniquifier, PAS.FJLApply, PAS.FJLBinaryIndexMap, PAS.FJLCombineInPlace, PAS.FJLFill, PAS.FJLGenerate, PAS.FJLIndexMap, PAS.FJLMap, PAS.FJLPACombineInPlace, PAS.FJLReduce, PAS.FJLStats, PAS.FJLTransform, PAS.FJLUniquifier, PAS.FJOApply, PAS.FJOBinaryIndexMap, PAS.FJOCombineInPlace, PAS.FJOFill, PAS.FJOGenerate, PAS.FJOIndexMap, PAS.FJOMap, PAS.FJOPACombineInPlace, PAS.FJOReduce, PAS.FJOStats, PAS.FJOTransform, PAS.FJOUniquifier
Enclosing class:

abstract static class PAS.FJBase
extends jsr166y.RecursiveAction

Base for most divide-and-conquer tasks used for computing ParallelArray operations. Rather than pure recursion, it links right-hand-sides and then joins up the tree, exploiting cases where tasks aren't stolen. This generates and joins tasks with a bit less overhead than pure recursive style -- there are only as many tasks as leaves (no strictly internal nodes). Split control relies on pap.getThreshold(), which is expected to err on the side of generating too many tasks. To counterbalance, if a task pops off its own smallest subtask, it directly runs its leaf action rather than possibly resplitting. There are, with a few exceptions, three flavors of each FJBase subclass, prefixed FJO (object reference), FJD (double) and FJL (long).

Field Summary
(package private)  int hi
(package private)  int lo
(package private)  PAS.FJBase next
(package private)  AbstractParallelAnyArray pap
Constructor Summary
PAS.FJBase(AbstractParallelAnyArray pap, int lo, int hi, PAS.FJBase next)
Method Summary
(package private) abstract  void atLeaf(int l, int h)
          Leaf computation
 void compute()
(package private)  void internalCompute(int l, int h, int g)
(package private) abstract  PAS.FJBase newSubtask(int l, int h, PAS.FJBase r)
          Factory method to create new subtask, normally of current type
(package private)  void onReduce(PAS.FJBase right)
          Operation performed after joining right subtask -- default noop
Methods inherited from class jsr166y.RecursiveAction
exec, getRawResult, setRawResult
Methods inherited from class jsr166y.ForkJoinTask
adapt, adapt, adapt, cancel, complete, completeExceptionally, fork, get, get, getException, getPool, getQueuedTaskCount, getSurplusQueuedTaskCount, helpQuiesce, inForkJoinPool, invoke, invokeAll, invokeAll, invokeAll, isCancelled, isCompletedAbnormally, isCompletedNormally, isDone, join, peekNextLocalTask, pollNextLocalTask, pollTask, quietlyInvoke, quietlyJoin, reinitialize, tryUnfork
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


final AbstractParallelAnyArray pap


final int lo


final int hi


final PAS.FJBase next
Constructor Detail


PAS.FJBase(AbstractParallelAnyArray pap,
           int lo,
           int hi,
           PAS.FJBase next)
Method Detail


public final void compute()
Specified by:
compute in class jsr166y.RecursiveAction


final void internalCompute(int l,
                           int h,
                           int g)


abstract void atLeaf(int l,
                     int h)
Leaf computation


void onReduce(PAS.FJBase right)
Operation performed after joining right subtask -- default noop


abstract PAS.FJBase newSubtask(int l,
                               int h,
                               PAS.FJBase r)
Factory method to create new subtask, normally of current type

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