Class PAS.FJOSorter

  extended by jsr166y.ForkJoinTask<java.lang.Void>
      extended by jsr166y.RecursiveAction
          extended by groovyx.gpars.extra166y.PAS.FJOSorter
All Implemented Interfaces:, java.util.concurrent.Future<java.lang.Void>
Enclosing class:

static final class PAS.FJOSorter
extends jsr166y.RecursiveAction

Sorter classes based mainly on CilkSort Cilk: Basic algorithm: if array size is small, just use a sequential quicksort Otherwise: 1. Break array in half. 2. For each half, a. break the half in half (i.e., quarters), b. sort the quarters c. merge them together 3. merge together the two halves. One reason for splitting in quarters is that this guarantees that the final sort is in the main array, not the workspace array. (workspace and main swap roles on each subsort step.) Leaf-level sorts use a Sequential quicksort, that in turn uses insertion sort if under threshold. Otherwise it uses median of three to pick pivot, and loops rather than recurses along left path. It is sad but true that sort and merge performance are sensitive enough to inner comparison overhead to warrant creating 6 versions (not just 3) -- one each for natural comparisons vs supplied comparators.

Field Summary
(package private)  java.lang.Object[] a
(package private)  java.util.Comparator cmp
(package private)  int gran
(package private)  int n
(package private)  int origin
(package private)  java.lang.Object[] w
Constructor Summary
PAS.FJOSorter(java.util.Comparator cmp, java.lang.Object[] a, java.lang.Object[] w, int origin, int n, int gran)
Method Summary
 void compute()
Methods inherited from class jsr166y.RecursiveAction
exec, getRawResult, setRawResult
Methods inherited from class jsr166y.ForkJoinTask
adapt, adapt, adapt, cancel, complete, completeExceptionally, fork, get, get, getException, getPool, getQueuedTaskCount, getSurplusQueuedTaskCount, helpQuiesce, inForkJoinPool, invoke, invokeAll, invokeAll, invokeAll, isCancelled, isCompletedAbnormally, isCompletedNormally, isDone, join, peekNextLocalTask, pollNextLocalTask, pollTask, quietlyInvoke, quietlyJoin, reinitialize, tryUnfork
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


final java.util.Comparator cmp


final java.lang.Object[] a


final java.lang.Object[] w


final int origin


final int n


final int gran
Constructor Detail


PAS.FJOSorter(java.util.Comparator cmp,
              java.lang.Object[] a,
              java.lang.Object[] w,
              int origin,
              int n,
              int gran)
Method Detail


public void compute()
Specified by:
compute in class jsr166y.RecursiveAction

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