Class ParallelLongArrayWithMapping<U>

  extended by groovyx.gpars.extra166y.AbstractParallelAnyArray
      extended by groovyx.gpars.extra166y.AbstractParallelAnyArray.LPap
          extended by groovyx.gpars.extra166y.ParallelLongArrayWithMapping<U>
Direct Known Subclasses:
AbstractParallelAnyArray.LOCPap, AbstractParallelAnyArray.LOMPap

public abstract class ParallelLongArrayWithMapping<U>
extends AbstractParallelAnyArray.LPap

A prefix view of ParallelLongArray that causes operations to apply to mappings of elements, not to the elements themselves. Instances of this class may be constructed only via prefix methods of ParallelLongArray or its other prefix classes.

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class groovyx.gpars.extra166y.AbstractParallelAnyArray
AbstractParallelAnyArray.AndPredicate<T>, AbstractParallelAnyArray.DDCPap, AbstractParallelAnyArray.DDMPap, AbstractParallelAnyArray.DFDCPap, AbstractParallelAnyArray.DFDMPap, AbstractParallelAnyArray.DFLCPap, AbstractParallelAnyArray.DFLMPap, AbstractParallelAnyArray.DFOCPap<U>, AbstractParallelAnyArray.DFOMPap<U>, AbstractParallelAnyArray.DFPap, AbstractParallelAnyArray.DLCPap, AbstractParallelAnyArray.DLMPap, AbstractParallelAnyArray.DOCPap<U>, AbstractParallelAnyArray.DOMPap<U>, AbstractParallelAnyArray.DPap, AbstractParallelAnyArray.DRDCPap, AbstractParallelAnyArray.DRDMPap, AbstractParallelAnyArray.DRLCPap, AbstractParallelAnyArray.DRLMPap, AbstractParallelAnyArray.DROCPap<U>, AbstractParallelAnyArray.DROMPap<U>, AbstractParallelAnyArray.DRPap, AbstractParallelAnyArray.DUDCPap, AbstractParallelAnyArray.DUDMPap, AbstractParallelAnyArray.DULCPap, AbstractParallelAnyArray.DULMPap, AbstractParallelAnyArray.DUOCPap<U>, AbstractParallelAnyArray.DUOMPap<U>, AbstractParallelAnyArray.DUPap, AbstractParallelAnyArray.FilteredAsDoubleIterator, AbstractParallelAnyArray.FilteredAsLongIterator, AbstractParallelAnyArray.FilteredIterator<U>, AbstractParallelAnyArray.LDCPap, AbstractParallelAnyArray.LDMPap, AbstractParallelAnyArray.LFDCPap, AbstractParallelAnyArray.LFDMPap, AbstractParallelAnyArray.LFLCPap, AbstractParallelAnyArray.LFLMPap, AbstractParallelAnyArray.LFOCPap<U>, AbstractParallelAnyArray.LFOMPap<U>, AbstractParallelAnyArray.LFPap, AbstractParallelAnyArray.LLCPap, AbstractParallelAnyArray.LLMPap, AbstractParallelAnyArray.LOCPap<U>, AbstractParallelAnyArray.LOMPap<U>, AbstractParallelAnyArray.LPap, AbstractParallelAnyArray.LRDCPap, AbstractParallelAnyArray.LRDMPap, AbstractParallelAnyArray.LRLCPap, AbstractParallelAnyArray.LRLMPap, AbstractParallelAnyArray.LROCPap<U>, AbstractParallelAnyArray.LROMPap<U>, AbstractParallelAnyArray.LRPap, AbstractParallelAnyArray.LUDCPap, AbstractParallelAnyArray.LUDMPap, AbstractParallelAnyArray.LULCPap, AbstractParallelAnyArray.LULMPap, AbstractParallelAnyArray.LUOCPap<U>, AbstractParallelAnyArray.LUOMPap<U>, AbstractParallelAnyArray.LUPap, AbstractParallelAnyArray.ODCPap<T>, AbstractParallelAnyArray.ODMPap<T>, AbstractParallelAnyArray.OFDCPap<T>, AbstractParallelAnyArray.OFDMPap<T>, AbstractParallelAnyArray.OFLCPap<T>, AbstractParallelAnyArray.OFLMPap<T>, AbstractParallelAnyArray.OFOCPap<T,U>, AbstractParallelAnyArray.OFOMPap<T,U>, AbstractParallelAnyArray.OFPap<T>, AbstractParallelAnyArray.OLCPap<T>, AbstractParallelAnyArray.OLMPap<T>, AbstractParallelAnyArray.OOCPap<T,U>, AbstractParallelAnyArray.OOMPap<T,U>, AbstractParallelAnyArray.OPap<T>, AbstractParallelAnyArray.ORDCPap<T>, AbstractParallelAnyArray.ORDMPap<T>, AbstractParallelAnyArray.ORLCPap<T>, AbstractParallelAnyArray.ORLMPap<T>, AbstractParallelAnyArray.OROCPap<T,U>, AbstractParallelAnyArray.OROMPap<T,U>, AbstractParallelAnyArray.ORPap<T>, AbstractParallelAnyArray.OUDCPap<T>, AbstractParallelAnyArray.OUDMPap<T>, AbstractParallelAnyArray.OULCPap<T>, AbstractParallelAnyArray.OULMPap<T>, AbstractParallelAnyArray.OUOCPap<T,U>, AbstractParallelAnyArray.OUOMPap<T,U>, AbstractParallelAnyArray.OUPap<T>, AbstractParallelAnyArray.Sequentially<U>, AbstractParallelAnyArray.SequentiallyAsDouble, AbstractParallelAnyArray.SequentiallyAsLong, AbstractParallelAnyArray.UnfilteredAsDoubleIterator, AbstractParallelAnyArray.UnfilteredAsLongIterator, AbstractParallelAnyArray.UnfilteredIterator<U>
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class groovyx.gpars.extra166y.AbstractParallelAnyArray.LPap
Fields inherited from class groovyx.gpars.extra166y.AbstractParallelAnyArray
ex, fence, origin, threshold
Constructor Summary
ParallelLongArrayWithMapping(jsr166y.ForkJoinPool ex, int origin, int fence, long[] array)
Method Summary
 ParallelArray<U> all()
          Returns a new ParallelArray holding mapped elements
 ParallelArray<U> all(java.lang.Class<? super U> elementType)
          Returns a new ParallelArray with the given element type holding all elements
 U any()
          Returns mapping of some element matching bound and filter constraints, or null if none.
 void apply(Ops.Procedure<? super U> procedure)
          Applies the given procedure to mapped elements
 U max()
          Returns the maximum mapped element, or null if empty assuming that all elements are Comparables
 U max(java.util.Comparator<? super U> comparator)
          Returns the maximum mapped element, or null if empty
 U min()
          Returns the minimum mapped element, or null if empty, assuming that all elements are Comparables
 U min(java.util.Comparator<? super U> comparator)
          Returns the minimum mapped element, or null if empty
 U reduce(Ops.Reducer<U> reducer, U base)
          Returns reduction of mapped elements
 java.lang.Iterable<U> sequentially()
          Returns an Iterable view to sequentially step through mapped elements also obeying bound and filter constraints, without performing computations to evaluate them in parallel
 ParallelArray.SummaryStatistics<U> summary()
          Returns summary statistics, assuming that all elements are Comparables
 ParallelArray.SummaryStatistics<U> summary(java.util.Comparator<? super U> comparator)
          Returns summary statistics, using the given comparator to locate minimum and maximum elements.
abstract  ParallelLongArrayWithDoubleMapping withIndexedMapping(Ops.IntAndObjectToDouble<? super U> mapper)
          Returns an operation prefix that causes a method to operate on mappings of this array using the given mapper that accepts as arguments an element's current index and value (as mapped by preceding mappings, if any), and produces a new value.
abstract  ParallelLongArrayWithLongMapping withIndexedMapping(Ops.IntAndObjectToLong<? super U> mapper)
          Returns an operation prefix that causes a method to operate on mappings of this array using the given mapper that accepts as arguments an element's current index and value (as mapped by preceding mappings, if any), and produces a new value.
<V> ParallelLongArrayWithMapping<V>
withIndexedMapping(Ops.IntAndObjectToObject<? super U,? extends V> mapper)
          Returns an operation prefix that causes a method to operate on mappings of this array using the given mapper that accepts as arguments an element's current index and value (as mapped by preceding mappings, if any), and produces a new value.
<V,W,X> ParallelLongArrayWithMapping<W>
withMapping(Ops.BinaryOp<? super U,? super V,? extends W> combiner, ParallelArrayWithMapping<X,V> other)
          Returns an operation prefix that causes a method to operate on binary mappings of this array and the other array.
 ParallelLongArrayWithDoubleMapping withMapping(Ops.ObjectAndDoubleToDouble<? super U> combiner, ParallelDoubleArrayWithDoubleMapping other)
          Returns an operation prefix that causes a method to operate on binary mappings of this array and the other array.
 ParallelLongArrayWithLongMapping withMapping(Ops.ObjectAndDoubleToLong<? super U> combiner, ParallelDoubleArrayWithDoubleMapping other)
          Returns an operation prefix that causes a method to operate on binary mappings of this array and the other array.
<V> ParallelLongArrayWithMapping<V>
withMapping(Ops.ObjectAndDoubleToObject<? super U,? extends V> combiner, ParallelDoubleArrayWithDoubleMapping other)
          Returns an operation prefix that causes a method to operate on binary mappings of this array and the other array.
 ParallelLongArrayWithDoubleMapping withMapping(Ops.ObjectAndLongToDouble<? super U> combiner, ParallelLongArrayWithLongMapping other)
          Returns an operation prefix that causes a method to operate on binary mappings of this array and the other array.
 ParallelLongArrayWithLongMapping withMapping(Ops.ObjectAndLongToLong<? super U> combiner, ParallelLongArrayWithLongMapping other)
          Returns an operation prefix that causes a method to operate on binary mappings of this array and the other array.
<V> ParallelLongArrayWithMapping<V>
withMapping(Ops.ObjectAndLongToObject<? super U,? extends V> combiner, ParallelLongArrayWithLongMapping other)
          Returns an operation prefix that causes a method to operate on binary mappings of this array and the other array.
<V,W> ParallelLongArrayWithDoubleMapping
withMapping(Ops.ObjectAndObjectToDouble<? super U,? super V> combiner, ParallelArrayWithMapping<W,V> other)
          Returns an operation prefix that causes a method to operate on binary mappings of this array and the other array.
<V,W> ParallelLongArrayWithLongMapping
withMapping(Ops.ObjectAndObjectToLong<? super U,? super V> combiner, ParallelArrayWithMapping<W,V> other)
          Returns an operation prefix that causes a method to operate on binary mappings of this array and the other array.
abstract  ParallelLongArrayWithDoubleMapping withMapping(Ops.ObjectToDouble<? super U> op)
          Returns an operation prefix that causes a method to operate on mapped elements of the array using the given op applied to current op's results
abstract  ParallelLongArrayWithLongMapping withMapping(Ops.ObjectToLong<? super U> op)
          Returns an operation prefix that causes a method to operate on mapped elements of the array using the given op applied to current op's results
<V> ParallelLongArrayWithMapping<V>
withMapping(Ops.Op<? super U,? extends V> op)
          Returns an operation prefix that causes a method to operate on mapped elements of the array using the given op applied to current op's results
Methods inherited from class groovyx.gpars.extra166y.AbstractParallelAnyArray.LPap
dget, leafMoveByIndex, leafMoveSelected, lgetArray, oget
Methods inherited from class groovyx.gpars.extra166y.AbstractParallelAnyArray
allDoubles, allLongs, allObjects, anyIndex, boundsCheck, compoundIndexedOp, compoundIndexedOp, compoundIndexedOp, compoundIndexedOp, compoundIndexedOp, compoundIndexedOp, compoundIndexedOp, compoundIndexedOp, compoundIndexedOp, compoundIndexedOp, compoundIndexedOp, compoundIndexedOp, compoundIndexedOp, compoundIndexedOp, compoundIndexedOp, compoundIndexedOp, compoundIndexedOp, compoundIndexedOp, compoundIndexedOp, compoundIndexedOp, compoundIndexedOp, compoundIndexedOp, compoundIndexedOp, compoundIndexedOp, compoundIndexedOp, compoundIndexedOp, compoundIndexedOp, compoundIndexedOp, compoundIndexedOp, compoundIndexedOp, compoundIndexedOp, compoundIndexedOp, compoundIndexedOp, compoundIndexedOp, compoundIndexedOp, compoundIndexedOp, compoundIndexedOp, compoundIndexedOp, compoundIndexedOp, compoundIndexedOp, compoundIndexedOp, compoundIndexedOp, compoundIndexedOp, compoundIndexedOp, compoundIndexedOp, compoundIndexedOp, compoundIndexedOp, compoundIndexedOp, compoundIndexedOp, compoundIndexedOp, compoundIndexedOp, compoundIndexedOp, compoundIndexedOp, compoundIndexedOp, compoundIndexedOp, compoundIndexedOp, compoundIndexedOp, compoundIndexedOp, compoundIndexedOp, compoundIndexedOp, compoundIndexedOp, compoundIndexedOp, compoundIndexedOp, compoundIndexedOp, compoundIndexedOp, compoundIndexedOp, compoundIndexedOp, compoundIndexedOp, compoundIndexedOp, compoundIndexedOp, compoundIndexedOp, compoundIndexedOp, compoundIndexedOp, compoundIndexedOp, compoundIndexedOp, compoundIndexedOp, compoundIndexedOp, compoundIndexedOp, compoundIndexedOp, compoundIndexedOp, compoundIndexedOp, compoundIndexedSelector, compoundIndexedSelector, compoundIndexedSelector, compoundIndexedSelector, compoundIndexedSelector, compoundIndexedSelector, compoundIndexedSelector, compoundIndexedSelector, compoundIndexedSelector, computeThreshold, dgetArray, getThreshold, hasFilter, hasMap, indexedMapper, indexedMapper, indexedMapper, indexedMapper, indexedMapper, indexedMapper, indexedMapper, indexedMapper, indexedMapper, indexedMapper, indexedMapper, indexedMapper, indexedMapper, indexedMapper, indexedMapper, indexedMapper, indexedMapper, indexedMapper, indexedMapper, indexedMapper, indexedMapper, indexedMapper, indexedMapper, indexedMapper, indexedMapper, indexedMapper, indexedMapper, indexedSelector, indexedSelector, indexedSelector, isEmpty, isSelected, leafApply, leafApply, leafApply, leafBinaryIndexMap, leafBinaryIndexMap, leafBinaryIndexMap, leafCombineInPlace, leafCombineInPlace, leafCombineInPlace, leafCombineInPlace, leafCombineInPlace, leafCombineInPlace, leafFill, leafFill, leafFill, leafGenerate, leafGenerate, leafGenerate, leafIndexMap, leafIndexMap, leafIndexMap, leafIndexSelected, leafReduce, leafReduce, leafReduce, leafTransfer, leafTransfer, leafTransfer, leafTransferByIndex, leafTransferByIndex, leafTransferByIndex, leafTransform, leafTransform, leafTransform, lget, ogetArray, size
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


ParallelLongArrayWithMapping(jsr166y.ForkJoinPool ex,
                             int origin,
                             int fence,
                             long[] array)
Method Detail


public void apply(Ops.Procedure<? super U> procedure)
Applies the given procedure to mapped elements

procedure - the procedure


public U reduce(Ops.Reducer<U> reducer,
                U base)
Returns reduction of mapped elements

reducer - the reducer
base - the result for an empty array


public U any()
Returns mapping of some element matching bound and filter constraints, or null if none.

mapping of matching element, or null if none.


public U min(java.util.Comparator<? super U> comparator)
Returns the minimum mapped element, or null if empty

comparator - the comparator
minimum mapped element, or null if empty


public U min()
Returns the minimum mapped element, or null if empty, assuming that all elements are Comparables

minimum mapped element, or null if empty
java.lang.ClassCastException - if any element is not Comparable.


public U max(java.util.Comparator<? super U> comparator)
Returns the maximum mapped element, or null if empty

comparator - the comparator
maximum mapped element, or null if empty


public U max()
Returns the maximum mapped element, or null if empty assuming that all elements are Comparables

maximum mapped element, or null if empty
java.lang.ClassCastException - if any element is not Comparable.


public ParallelArray.SummaryStatistics<U> summary(java.util.Comparator<? super U> comparator)
Returns summary statistics, using the given comparator to locate minimum and maximum elements.

comparator - the comparator to use for locating minimum and maximum elements
the summary.


public ParallelArray.SummaryStatistics<U> summary()
Returns summary statistics, assuming that all elements are Comparables

the summary.


public ParallelArray<U> all()
Returns a new ParallelArray holding mapped elements

a new ParallelArray holding mapped elements


public ParallelArray<U> all(java.lang.Class<? super U> elementType)
Returns a new ParallelArray with the given element type holding all elements

elementType - the type of the elements
a new ParallelArray holding all elements


public abstract <V> ParallelLongArrayWithMapping<V> withMapping(Ops.Op<? super U,? extends V> op)
Returns an operation prefix that causes a method to operate on mapped elements of the array using the given op applied to current op's results

op - the op
operation prefix


public abstract ParallelLongArrayWithLongMapping withMapping(Ops.ObjectToLong<? super U> op)
Returns an operation prefix that causes a method to operate on mapped elements of the array using the given op applied to current op's results

op - the op
operation prefix


public abstract ParallelLongArrayWithDoubleMapping withMapping(Ops.ObjectToDouble<? super U> op)
Returns an operation prefix that causes a method to operate on mapped elements of the array using the given op applied to current op's results

op - the op
operation prefix


public <V,W,X> ParallelLongArrayWithMapping<W> withMapping(Ops.BinaryOp<? super U,? super V,? extends W> combiner,
                                                           ParallelArrayWithMapping<X,V> other)
Returns an operation prefix that causes a method to operate on binary mappings of this array and the other array.

combiner - the combiner
other - the other array
operation prefix
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if other array is a filtered view (all filters must precede all mappings).


public <V> ParallelLongArrayWithMapping<V> withMapping(Ops.ObjectAndDoubleToObject<? super U,? extends V> combiner,
                                                       ParallelDoubleArrayWithDoubleMapping other)
Returns an operation prefix that causes a method to operate on binary mappings of this array and the other array.

combiner - the combiner
other - the other array
operation prefix
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if other array is a filtered view (all filters must precede all mappings).


public <V> ParallelLongArrayWithMapping<V> withMapping(Ops.ObjectAndLongToObject<? super U,? extends V> combiner,
                                                       ParallelLongArrayWithLongMapping other)
Returns an operation prefix that causes a method to operate on binary mappings of this array and the other array.

combiner - the combiner
other - the other array
operation prefix
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if other array is a filtered view (all filters must precede all mappings).


public <V,W> ParallelLongArrayWithDoubleMapping withMapping(Ops.ObjectAndObjectToDouble<? super U,? super V> combiner,
                                                            ParallelArrayWithMapping<W,V> other)
Returns an operation prefix that causes a method to operate on binary mappings of this array and the other array.

combiner - the combiner
other - the other array
operation prefix
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if other array is a filtered view (all filters must precede all mappings).


public ParallelLongArrayWithDoubleMapping withMapping(Ops.ObjectAndDoubleToDouble<? super U> combiner,
                                                      ParallelDoubleArrayWithDoubleMapping other)
Returns an operation prefix that causes a method to operate on binary mappings of this array and the other array.

combiner - the combiner
other - the other array
operation prefix
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if other array is a filtered view (all filters must precede all mappings).


public ParallelLongArrayWithDoubleMapping withMapping(Ops.ObjectAndLongToDouble<? super U> combiner,
                                                      ParallelLongArrayWithLongMapping other)
Returns an operation prefix that causes a method to operate on binary mappings of this array and the other array.

combiner - the combiner
other - the other array
operation prefix
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if other array is a filtered view (all filters must precede all mappings).


public <V,W> ParallelLongArrayWithLongMapping withMapping(Ops.ObjectAndObjectToLong<? super U,? super V> combiner,
                                                          ParallelArrayWithMapping<W,V> other)
Returns an operation prefix that causes a method to operate on binary mappings of this array and the other array.

combiner - the combiner
other - the other array
operation prefix
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if other array is a filtered view (all filters must precede all mappings).


public ParallelLongArrayWithLongMapping withMapping(Ops.ObjectAndDoubleToLong<? super U> combiner,
                                                    ParallelDoubleArrayWithDoubleMapping other)
Returns an operation prefix that causes a method to operate on binary mappings of this array and the other array.

combiner - the combiner
other - the other array
operation prefix
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if other array is a filtered view (all filters must precede all mappings).


public ParallelLongArrayWithLongMapping withMapping(Ops.ObjectAndLongToLong<? super U> combiner,
                                                    ParallelLongArrayWithLongMapping other)
Returns an operation prefix that causes a method to operate on binary mappings of this array and the other array.

combiner - the combiner
other - the other array
operation prefix
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if other array is a filtered view (all filters must precede all mappings).


public abstract <V> ParallelLongArrayWithMapping<V> withIndexedMapping(Ops.IntAndObjectToObject<? super U,? extends V> mapper)
Returns an operation prefix that causes a method to operate on mappings of this array using the given mapper that accepts as arguments an element's current index and value (as mapped by preceding mappings, if any), and produces a new value.

mapper - the mapper
operation prefix


public abstract ParallelLongArrayWithDoubleMapping withIndexedMapping(Ops.IntAndObjectToDouble<? super U> mapper)
Returns an operation prefix that causes a method to operate on mappings of this array using the given mapper that accepts as arguments an element's current index and value (as mapped by preceding mappings, if any), and produces a new value.

mapper - the mapper
operation prefix


public abstract ParallelLongArrayWithLongMapping withIndexedMapping(Ops.IntAndObjectToLong<? super U> mapper)
Returns an operation prefix that causes a method to operate on mappings of this array using the given mapper that accepts as arguments an element's current index and value (as mapped by preceding mappings, if any), and produces a new value.

mapper - the mapper
operation prefix


public java.lang.Iterable<U> sequentially()
Returns an Iterable view to sequentially step through mapped elements also obeying bound and filter constraints, without performing computations to evaluate them in parallel

the Iterable view

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