Uses of Interface

Packages that use Ops.BinaryDoublePredicate
groovyx.gpars.extra166y Collections supporting parallel operations. 

Uses of Ops.BinaryDoublePredicate in groovyx.gpars.extra166y

Classes in groovyx.gpars.extra166y that implement Ops.BinaryDoublePredicate
(package private) static class CommonOps.DoubleEqualityPredicate
(package private) static class CommonOps.DoubleInequalityPredicate

Methods in groovyx.gpars.extra166y that return Ops.BinaryDoublePredicate
static Ops.BinaryDoublePredicate CommonOps.doubleEqualityPredicate()
          Returns a predicate evaluating to true if the first argument == the second
static Ops.BinaryDoublePredicate CommonOps.doubleInequalityPredicate()
          Returns a predicate evaluating to true if the first argument !

Methods in groovyx.gpars.extra166y with parameters of type Ops.BinaryDoublePredicate
(package private) static Ops.IntAndDoublePredicate AbstractParallelAnyArray.indexedSelector(Ops.BinaryDoublePredicate bp, ParallelDoubleArrayWithDoubleMapping u, int origin)
 ParallelDoubleArrayWithFilter ParallelDoubleArray.withFilter(Ops.BinaryDoublePredicate selector, ParallelDoubleArrayWithDoubleMapping other)
          Returns an operation prefix that causes a method to operate only on elements for which the given binary selector returns true
 ParallelDoubleArrayWithFilter ParallelDoubleArrayWithFilter.withFilter(Ops.BinaryDoublePredicate selector, ParallelDoubleArrayWithDoubleMapping other)
          Returns an operation prefix that causes a method to operate only on elements for which the current selector (if present) and the given binary selector returns true

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