Uses of Interface

Packages that use Ops.Predicate
groovyx.gpars.extra166y Collections supporting parallel operations.   

Uses of Ops.Predicate in groovyx.gpars.extra166y

Classes in groovyx.gpars.extra166y that implement Ops.Predicate
(package private) static class AbstractParallelAnyArray.AndPredicate<T>
(package private) static class CommonOps.IsNonNullPredicate
(package private) static class CommonOps.IsNullPredicate

Fields in groovyx.gpars.extra166y declared as Ops.Predicate
(package private)  Ops.Predicate<? super T> AbstractParallelAnyArray.AndPredicate.first
(package private)  Ops.Predicate<? super T> AbstractParallelAnyArray.AndPredicate.second
(package private)  Ops.Predicate<? super T> AbstractParallelAnyArray.OFPap.selector
(package private)  Ops.Predicate<? super T> AbstractParallelAnyArray.OFOMPap.selector
(package private)  Ops.Predicate<? super T> AbstractParallelAnyArray.OFOCPap.selector
(package private)  Ops.Predicate<? super T> AbstractParallelAnyArray.OFDMPap.selector
(package private)  Ops.Predicate<? super T> AbstractParallelAnyArray.OFDCPap.selector
(package private)  Ops.Predicate<? super T> AbstractParallelAnyArray.OFLMPap.selector
(package private)  Ops.Predicate<? super T> AbstractParallelAnyArray.OFLCPap.selector

Methods in groovyx.gpars.extra166y that return Ops.Predicate
<S,T extends S>
CommonOps.andPredicate(Ops.Predicate<S> first, Ops.Predicate<? super T> second)
          Returns a predicate evaluating to the conjunction of its contained predicates
static Ops.Predicate<java.lang.Object> CommonOps.instanceofPredicate(java.lang.Class type)
          Returns a predicate evaluating to true if its argument is an instance of (see Class.isInstance(java.lang.Object) the given type (class).
static Ops.Predicate<java.lang.Object> CommonOps.isAssignablePredicate(java.lang.Class type)
          Returns a predicate evaluating to true if its argument is assignable from (see Class.isAssignableFrom(java.lang.Class) the given type (class).
static Ops.Predicate<java.lang.Object> CommonOps.isNonNullPredicate()
          Returns a predicate evaluating to true if its argument is non-null
static Ops.Predicate<java.lang.Object> CommonOps.isNullPredicate()
          Returns a predicate evaluating to true if its argument is null
<T> Ops.Predicate<T>
CommonOps.notPredicate(Ops.Predicate<T> pred)
          Returns a predicate evaluating to the negation of its contained predicate
<S,T extends S>
CommonOps.orPredicate(Ops.Predicate<S> first, Ops.Predicate<? super T> second)
          Returns a predicate evaluating to the disjunction of its contained predicates

Methods in groovyx.gpars.extra166y with parameters of type Ops.Predicate
<S,T extends S>
CommonOps.andPredicate(Ops.Predicate<S> first, Ops.Predicate<? super T> second)
          Returns a predicate evaluating to the conjunction of its contained predicates
<S,T extends S>
CommonOps.andPredicate(Ops.Predicate<S> first, Ops.Predicate<? super T> second)
          Returns a predicate evaluating to the conjunction of its contained predicates
(package private) static
<S,T extends S>
AbstractParallelAnyArray.compoundIndexedSelector(Ops.IntAndObjectPredicate<S> fst, Ops.Predicate<? super T> snd)
(package private) static
<S,T extends S>
AbstractParallelAnyArray.compoundIndexedSelector(Ops.Predicate<S> fst, Ops.IntAndObjectPredicate<? super T> snd)
<T> Ops.Predicate<T>
CommonOps.notPredicate(Ops.Predicate<T> pred)
          Returns a predicate evaluating to the negation of its contained predicate
<S,T extends S>
CommonOps.orPredicate(Ops.Predicate<S> first, Ops.Predicate<? super T> second)
          Returns a predicate evaluating to the disjunction of its contained predicates
<S,T extends S>
CommonOps.orPredicate(Ops.Predicate<S> first, Ops.Predicate<? super T> second)
          Returns a predicate evaluating to the disjunction of its contained predicates
 ParallelArray<T> ParallelArray.removeAll(Ops.Predicate<? super T> selector)
          Removes from the array all elements for which the given selector holds.
 ParallelArrayWithFilter<T> AbstractParallelAnyArray.OUPap.withFilter(Ops.Predicate<? super T> selector)
 ParallelArrayWithFilter<T> AbstractParallelAnyArray.OFPap.withFilter(Ops.Predicate<? super T> selector)
 ParallelArrayWithFilter<T> AbstractParallelAnyArray.ORPap.withFilter(Ops.Predicate<? super T> selector)
 ParallelArrayWithFilter<T> ParallelArray.withFilter(Ops.Predicate<? super T> selector)
          Returns an operation prefix that causes a method to operate only on the elements of the array for which the given selector returns true
abstract  ParallelArrayWithFilter<T> ParallelArrayWithFilter.withFilter(Ops.Predicate<? super T> selector)
          Returns an operation prefix that causes a method to operate only on elements for which the current selector (if present) and the given selector returns true

Constructors in groovyx.gpars.extra166y with parameters of type Ops.Predicate
AbstractParallelAnyArray.AndPredicate(Ops.Predicate<? super T> first, Ops.Predicate<? super T> second)
AbstractParallelAnyArray.AndPredicate(Ops.Predicate<? super T> first, Ops.Predicate<? super T> second)
AbstractParallelAnyArray.OFDCPap(jsr166y.ForkJoinPool ex, int origin, int fence, T[] array, Ops.Predicate<? super T> selector, Ops.IntAndObjectToDouble<? super T> op)
AbstractParallelAnyArray.OFDMPap(jsr166y.ForkJoinPool ex, int origin, int fence, T[] array, Ops.Predicate<? super T> selector, Ops.ObjectToDouble<? super T> op)
AbstractParallelAnyArray.OFLCPap(jsr166y.ForkJoinPool ex, int origin, int fence, T[] array, Ops.Predicate<? super T> selector, Ops.IntAndObjectToLong<? super T> op)
AbstractParallelAnyArray.OFLMPap(jsr166y.ForkJoinPool ex, int origin, int fence, T[] array, Ops.Predicate<? super T> selector, Ops.ObjectToLong<? super T> op)
AbstractParallelAnyArray.OFOCPap(jsr166y.ForkJoinPool ex, int origin, int fence, T[] array, Ops.Predicate<? super T> selector, Ops.IntAndObjectToObject<? super T,? extends U> op)
AbstractParallelAnyArray.OFOMPap(jsr166y.ForkJoinPool ex, int origin, int fence, T[] array, Ops.Predicate<? super T> selector, Ops.Op<? super T,? extends U> op)
AbstractParallelAnyArray.OFPap(jsr166y.ForkJoinPool ex, int origin, int fence, T[] array, Ops.Predicate<? super T> selector)

Uses of Ops.Predicate in

Classes in that implement Ops.Predicate
 class ClosureNegationPredicate
          A PA predicate built around a closure
 class ClosurePredicate
          A PA predicate built around a closure

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