Uses of Class

Packages that use ParallelArrayWithFilter
groovyx.gpars.extra166y Collections supporting parallel operations. 

Uses of ParallelArrayWithFilter in groovyx.gpars.extra166y

Subclasses of ParallelArrayWithFilter in groovyx.gpars.extra166y
(package private) static class AbstractParallelAnyArray.OFPap<T>
(package private) static class AbstractParallelAnyArray.ORPap<T>
(package private) static class AbstractParallelAnyArray.OUPap<T>
 class ParallelArray<T>
          An array supporting parallel operations.
 class ParallelArrayWithBounds<T>
          A prefix view of ParallelArray that causes operations to apply only to elements within a given range.

Methods in groovyx.gpars.extra166y that return ParallelArrayWithFilter
 ParallelArrayWithFilter<T> ParallelArrayWithFilter.replaceWithGeneratedValue(Ops.Generator<? extends T> generator)
          Replaces elements with results of applying the given generator.
 ParallelArrayWithFilter<T> ParallelArrayWithFilter.replaceWithMappedIndex(Ops.IntAndObjectToObject<? super T,? extends T> op)
          Replaces elements with the results of applying the given mapping to each index and current element value
 ParallelArrayWithFilter<T> ParallelArrayWithFilter.replaceWithMappedIndex(Ops.IntToObject<? extends T> op)
          Replaces elements with the results of applying the given op to their indices
<V,W> ParallelArrayWithFilter<T>
ParallelArrayWithFilter.replaceWithMapping(Ops.BinaryOp<? super T,? super V,? extends T> combiner, ParallelArrayWithMapping<W,V> other)
          Replaces elements with results of applying op(thisElement, otherElement)
 ParallelArrayWithFilter<T> ParallelArrayWithFilter.replaceWithMapping(Ops.BinaryOp<T,T,T> combiner, T[] other)
          Replaces elements with results of applying op(thisElement, otherElement)
 ParallelArrayWithFilter<T> ParallelArrayWithFilter.replaceWithMapping(Ops.Op<? super T,? extends T> op)
          Replaces elements with the results of applying the given op to their current values.
 ParallelArrayWithFilter<T> ParallelArrayWithFilter.replaceWithValue(T value)
          Replaces elements with the given value.
<V,W> ParallelArrayWithFilter<T>
ParallelArray.withFilter(Ops.BinaryPredicate<? super T,? super V> selector, ParallelArrayWithMapping<W,V> other)
          Returns an operation prefix that causes a method to operate only on elements for which the given binary selector returns true
<V,W> ParallelArrayWithFilter<T>
ParallelArrayWithFilter.withFilter(Ops.BinaryPredicate<? super T,? super V> selector, ParallelArrayWithMapping<W,V> other)
          Returns an operation prefix that causes a method to operate only on elements for which the current selector (if present) and the given binary selector returns true
 ParallelArrayWithFilter<T> AbstractParallelAnyArray.OUPap.withFilter(Ops.Predicate<? super T> selector)
 ParallelArrayWithFilter<T> AbstractParallelAnyArray.OFPap.withFilter(Ops.Predicate<? super T> selector)
 ParallelArrayWithFilter<T> AbstractParallelAnyArray.ORPap.withFilter(Ops.Predicate<? super T> selector)
 ParallelArrayWithFilter<T> ParallelArray.withFilter(Ops.Predicate<? super T> selector)
          Returns an operation prefix that causes a method to operate only on the elements of the array for which the given selector returns true
abstract  ParallelArrayWithFilter<T> ParallelArrayWithFilter.withFilter(Ops.Predicate<? super T> selector)
          Returns an operation prefix that causes a method to operate only on elements for which the current selector (if present) and the given selector returns true
 ParallelArrayWithFilter<T> AbstractParallelAnyArray.OUPap.withIndexedFilter(Ops.IntAndObjectPredicate<? super T> selector)
 ParallelArrayWithFilter<T> AbstractParallelAnyArray.OFPap.withIndexedFilter(Ops.IntAndObjectPredicate<? super T> selector)
 ParallelArrayWithFilter<T> AbstractParallelAnyArray.ORPap.withIndexedFilter(Ops.IntAndObjectPredicate<? super T> selector)
 ParallelArrayWithFilter<T> ParallelArray.withIndexedFilter(Ops.IntAndObjectPredicate<? super T> selector)
          Returns an operation prefix that causes a method to operate only on elements for which the given indexed selector returns true
abstract  ParallelArrayWithFilter<T> ParallelArrayWithFilter.withIndexedFilter(Ops.IntAndObjectPredicate<? super T> selector)
          Returns an operation prefix that causes a method to operate only on elements for which the current selector (if present) and the given indexed selector returns true

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