Uses of Class

Packages that use ParallelLongArray
groovyx.gpars.extra166y Collections supporting parallel operations. 

Uses of ParallelLongArray in groovyx.gpars.extra166y

Methods in groovyx.gpars.extra166y that return ParallelLongArray
 ParallelLongArray ParallelLongArray.addAll(long[] other)
          Equivalent to asList().addAll but specialized for array arguments and likely to be more efficient.
 ParallelLongArray ParallelLongArray.addAll(ParallelLongArrayWithLongMapping other)
          Appends all (possibly bounded, filtered, or mapped) elements of the given ParallelDoubleArray, resizing and/or reallocating this array if necessary.
 ParallelLongArray ParallelArrayWithLongMapping.all()
          Returns a new ParallelLongArray holding mappings
 ParallelLongArray ParallelDoubleArrayWithLongMapping.all()
          Returns a new ParallelLongArray holding mappings
 ParallelLongArray ParallelLongArray.all()
          Returns a new ParallelLongArray holding all elements
 ParallelLongArray ParallelLongArrayWithLongMapping.all()
          Returns a new ParallelLongArray holding elements
 ParallelLongArray ParallelLongArray.allUniqueElements()
          Returns a new ParallelLongArray containing only the unique elements of this array (that is, without any duplicates).
 ParallelLongArray ParallelLongArrayWithFilter.allUniqueElements()
          Returns a new ParallelLongArray containing only unique elements (that is, without any duplicates).
static ParallelLongArray ParallelLongArray.create(int size, jsr166y.ForkJoinPool executor)
          Creates a new ParallelLongArray using the given executor and an array of the given size
static ParallelLongArray ParallelLongArray.createEmpty(int size, jsr166y.ForkJoinPool executor)
          Creates a new ParallelLongArray using the given executor and an array of the given size, but with an initial effective size of zero, enabling incremental insertion via asList() operations.
static ParallelLongArray ParallelLongArray.createFromCopy(int size, long[] source, jsr166y.ForkJoinPool executor)
          Creates a new ParallelLongArray using an array of the given size, initially holding copies of the given source truncated or padded with zeros to obtain the specified length.
static ParallelLongArray ParallelLongArray.createFromCopy(long[] source, jsr166y.ForkJoinPool executor)
          Creates a new ParallelLongArray using the given executor and initially holding copies of the given source elements.
static ParallelLongArray ParallelLongArray.createUsingHandoff(long[] handoff, jsr166y.ForkJoinPool executor)
          Creates a new ParallelLongArray initially using the given array and executor.
 ParallelLongArray ParallelLongArray.cumulate(Ops.LongReducer reducer, long base)
          Replaces each element with the running cumulation of applying the given reducer.
 ParallelLongArray ParallelLongArray.cumulateSum()
          Replaces each element with the running sum
 ParallelLongArray ParallelLongArray.removeAll(Ops.LongPredicate selector)
          Removes from the array all elements for which the given selector holds.
 ParallelLongArray ParallelLongArray.removeConsecutiveDuplicates()
          Removes consecutive elements that are equal, shifting others leftward, and possibly decreasing size.
 ParallelLongArray ParallelLongArray.replaceWithGeneratedValue(Ops.LongGenerator generator)
          Replaces elements with the results of applying the given generator.
 ParallelLongArray ParallelLongArray.replaceWithMappedIndex(Ops.IntAndLongToLong op)
          Replaces elements with the results of applying the given mapping to each index and current element value
 ParallelLongArray ParallelLongArray.replaceWithMappedIndex(Ops.IntToLong op)
          Replaces elements with the results of applying the given op to their indices.
 ParallelLongArray ParallelLongArray.replaceWithMapping(Ops.BinaryLongOp combiner, long[] other)
          Replaces elements with results of applying op(thisElement, otherElement)
 ParallelLongArray ParallelLongArray.replaceWithMapping(Ops.BinaryLongOp combiner, ParallelLongArrayWithLongMapping other)
          Replaces elements with results of applying op(thisElement, otherElement)
 ParallelLongArray ParallelLongArray.replaceWithMapping(Ops.LongOp op)
          Replaces elements with the results of applying the given op to their current values.
 ParallelLongArray ParallelLongArray.replaceWithValue(long value)
          Replaces elements with the given value.
 ParallelLongArray ParallelLongArray.sort()
          Sorts the array, assuming all elements are Comparable.
 ParallelLongArray ParallelLongArray.sort(Ops.LongComparator comparator)
          Sorts the array.

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