Class NonDaemonPGroup

  extended by
      extended by

public final class NonDaemonPGroup
extends PGroup

Provides logical grouping for actors, agents and dataflow tasks and operators. Each group has an underlying thread pool, which will perform actions on behalf of the users belonging to the group. Actors created through the method will automatically belong to the group through which they were created, just like agents created through the agent() or fairAgent() methods or dataflow tasks and operators created through the task() or operator() methods. Uses a pool of non-daemon threads. The DefaultPGroup class implements the Pool interface through @Delegate.

Vaclav Pech Date: Jun 17, 2009

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class
Constructor Summary
          Creates a group for actors, agents, tasks and operators.
NonDaemonPGroup(int poolSize)
          Creates a group for actors, agents, tasks and operators.
Method Summary
Methods inherited from class
actor, agent, agent, blockingActor, execute, fairActor, fairAgent, fairAgent, fairMessageHandler, fairReactor, fairStaticMessageHandler, finalize, getPoolSize, getThreadPool, messageHandler, operator, operator, operator, operator, operator, prioritySelector, prioritySelector, prioritySelector, prioritySelector, reactor, resetDefaultSize, resize, select, select, selector, selector, selector, selector, shutdown, splitter, splitter, staticMessageHandler, task, task, task, whenAllBound, whenAllBound, whenAllBound, whenAllBound, whenAllBound, whenAllBound, whenAllBound, whenAllBound, whenAllBound, whenAllBound
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public NonDaemonPGroup()
Creates a group for actors, agents, tasks and operators. The actors will share a common non-daemon thread pool.


public NonDaemonPGroup(int poolSize)
Creates a group for actors, agents, tasks and operators. The actors will share a common non-daemon thread pool.

poolSize - The initial size of the underlying thread pool

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