Uses of Class

Packages that use SerialHandle This package holds classes forming the public actor API. 
groovyx.gpars.serial This package holds classes used for actor identification in the network. 

Uses of SerialHandle in

Methods in with parameters of type SerialHandle
protected  RemoteHandle Actor.createRemoteHandle(SerialHandle handle, SerialContext host)

Constructors in with parameters of type SerialHandle
Actor.MyRemoteHandle(SerialHandle handle, SerialContext host, DataflowExpression<java.lang.Object> joinLatch)

Uses of SerialHandle in groovyx.gpars.serial

Subclasses of SerialHandle in groovyx.gpars.serial
private static class SerialHandle.LocalSerialHandle
private static class SerialHandle.RemoteSerialHandle

Fields in groovyx.gpars.serial declared as SerialHandle
 SerialHandle WithSerialId.serialHandle
          See SerialHandle class for details

Fields in groovyx.gpars.serial with type parameters of type SerialHandle
private  java.util.HashMap<java.util.UUID,SerialHandle> SerialHandles.localHandles
          Table of local objects serialized out to remote nodes

Methods in groovyx.gpars.serial that return SerialHandle
static SerialHandle SerialHandle.create(WithSerialId obj, java.util.UUID id)
 SerialHandle SerialContext.get(java.util.UUID id)
 SerialHandle SerialHandles.get(java.util.UUID id)
 SerialHandle WithSerialId.getOrCreateSerialHandle()
          Gets serial handle for the object If needed new handle created and serialization host subscribed for the object handle

Methods in groovyx.gpars.serial with parameters of type SerialHandle
 void SerialContext.add(SerialHandle serialHandle)
 void SerialHandles.add(SerialHandle handle)
protected  RemoteHandle WithSerialId.createRemoteHandle(SerialHandle handle, SerialContext host)
 void SerialContext.finalizeHandle(SerialHandle handle)
 void SerialHandles.finalizeHandle(SerialHandle handle)
 void SerialContext.remove(SerialHandle serialHandle)
 void SerialHandles.remove(SerialHandle handle)

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