Package groovyx.gpars.util

Various utility classes enhancing basic Java concurrency constructs.


Interface Summary
GeneralTimer Represents timers, either java.util.Timer or timers provided by the hosting environment, such as GAE
MessageQueue The high-performance actor message queue
PoolFactory Used to create thread pools in hosted environment
TimerFactory Allows customized timers to be created in managed environments such as GAE

Class Summary
ASTUtils Common functions for writing AST related code.
AsyncFunASTTransformation This transformation turns field initialExpressions into method calls to GParsPoolUtil.asyncFun(groovy.lang.Closure, boolean).
DefaultMessageQueue An implementation of the message queue for actor and agent messaging.
EnhancedRWLock Extends ReentrantReadWriteLock with handy withReadLock(Closure) and withWriteLock(Closure) methods to safely lock and unlock the lock for the passed-in closure.
EnhancedSemaphore Extends Semaphore with a handy withSemaphore(Closure) method to safely acquire and release the Semaphore for the passed-in closure.
FQMessageQueue An implementation of the message queue for actor and agent messaging using functional queues.
PAUtils Handy methods build PA from different types
PoolUtils Provides a couple of utility methods to pools and schedulers.

Package groovyx.gpars.util Description

Various utility classes enhancing basic Java concurrency constructs.

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