
[Java] Interface CustomConcurrentHashMap.Node

All Superinterfaces:

static interface CustomConcurrentHashMap.Node
extends Reclaimable

An object maintaining a key-value mapping. Nodes provide methods that are intended to used only by the map creating the node. This includes methods used solely for internal bookkeeping by maps, that must be treating opaquely by implementation classes. (This requirement stems from the fact that concrete implementations may be required to subclass java.lang.ref.Reference or other classes, so a base class cannot be established.) This interface uses raw types as the lesser of evils. Otherwise we'd encounter almost as many unchecked casts when nodes are used across sets, etc.

Method Summary
java.lang.Object get()

Node getLinkage()

Returns the linkage established during the creation of this node or, if since updated, the linkage set by the most recent call to setLinkage.

int getLocator()

Returns the locator established during the creation of this node.

java.lang.Object getValue()

Returns the value established during the creation of this node or, if since updated, the value set by the most recent call to setValue, or throws an exception if value could not be computed.

void setLinkage(Node linkage)

Records the linkage to be returned by the next call to getLinkage.

void setValue(java.lang.Object value)

Nodes the value to be returned by the next call to getValue.


Method Detail


public java.lang.Object get()


public Node getLinkage()
Returns the linkage established during the creation of this node or, if since updated, the linkage set by the most recent call to setLinkage.
the linkage


public int getLocator()
Returns the locator established during the creation of this node.
the locator


public java.lang.Object getValue()
Returns the value established during the creation of this node or, if since updated, the value set by the most recent call to setValue, or throws an exception if value could not be computed.
RuntimeException or Error if computeValue failed
the value


public void setLinkage(Node linkage)
Records the linkage to be returned by the next call to getLinkage.
linkage - the linkage


public void setValue(java.lang.Object value)
Nodes the value to be returned by the next call to getValue.
value - the value


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