
Package groovyx.gpars.dataflow


Interface Summary
DataflowChannel A common interface for all dataflow variables, streams or queues
DataflowReadChannel A common interface for all dataflow variables, streams or queues
DataflowWriteChannel A common interface for all writable dataflow variables, streams or queues
Promise A unifying future-like interface to dataflow variables, asynchronous functions and active objects.

Class Summary
DataCallback A helper class enabling the 'whenBound()' or 'getValAsync' functionality of a DataflowVariable and DataflowQueue, as well as 'sendAndContinue()' on actors.
DataCallbackWithPool A helper class enabling the 'whenBound()' or 'getValAsync' functionality of a DataflowVariable and DataflowQueue, whenever a thread pool instead of a PGroup is specified..
Dataflow Contains factory methods to create dataflow actors and starting them.
DataflowBroadcast Offers a deterministic one-to-many and many-to-many messaging alternative to DataflowQueue.
DataflowComplexExpression @author Alex Tkachman
DataflowExpression The base class for all dataflow elements.
DataflowExpression.BindDataflow Represents a remote message binding a value to a remoted DataflowExpression
DataflowExpression.DataflowExpressionsCollector Listener for availability of data flow expressions we depend from
DataflowExpression.WaitingThread A logical representation of a synchronous or asynchronous request to read the value once it is bound.
DataflowGetPropertyExpression DFE which evaluate property when receiver became available
DataflowInvocationExpression Data flow expression which invokes method of object after receiver and all arguments became available
DataflowQueue Represents a thread-safe data flow stream.
DataflowVariable Represents a thread-safe single-assignment, multi-read variable.
Dataflows Convenience class that makes working with DataflowVariables more comfortable.
RemoteDataflowExpression @author Alex Tkachman
Select A Select allows the user to select a value from multiple channels, which have a value available for read at the moment.
SelectResult A bean representing the result of the select operation on a Select.

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