A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _


AbstractForkJoinWorker - Class in groovyx.gpars.forkjoin
Implements the ForkJoin worker contract.
AbstractForkJoinWorker() - Constructor in AbstractForkJoinWorker
AbstractLoopingActor - Class in
Wraps all actors that repeatedly loop through incoming messages and hold no implicit state between subsequent messages.
AbstractLoopingActor() - Constructor in AbstractLoopingActor
AbstractPAWrapper - Class in groovyx.gpars
Wraps a ParallelArray instance in map/reduce operation chains.
AbstractPAWrapper(def) - Constructor in AbstractPAWrapper
Creates an instance wrapping the supplied instance of ParallelArray
act() - Method in DefaultActor
If no parameter is provided at construction time, the act() method becomes the actor's body
act() - Method in RunnableBackedBlockingActor
act() - Method in SequentialProcessingActor
This method represents the body of the actor.
action - Field in RunnableBackedBlockingActor
active - Field in AsyncMessagingCore
Indicates, whether there's an active thread handling a message inside the agent's body
ActiveMethod - Annotation Type in groovyx.gpars.activeobject
ActiveObject - Annotation Type in groovyx.gpars.activeobject
ActiveObjectASTTransformation - Class in groovyx.gpars.activeobject
Transforms active objects so that their active methods can be invoked asynchronously through an internal actor.
ActiveObjectASTTransformation.MyClassCodeExpressionTransformer - Class in groovyx.gpars.activeobject
ActiveObjectASTTransformation.MyClassCodeExpressionTransformer(SourceUnit, String, String) - Constructor in ActiveObjectASTTransformation.MyClassCodeExpressionTransformer
ActiveObjectASTTransformation() - Constructor in ActiveObjectASTTransformation
ActiveObjectRegistry - Class in groovyx.gpars.activeobject
Maps string identifiers to instances of PGroup.
ActiveObjectRegistry() - Constructor in ActiveObjectRegistry
activeParallelGroup - Field in Dataflow
Maps threads/tasks to parallel groups they belong to
activeUpdater - Field in AsyncMessagingCore
Actor - Class in
Actors are active objects, which borrow a thread from a thread pool.
Actor.MyRemoteHandle - Class in
Actor.MyRemoteHandle(SerialHandle, SerialContext, DataflowExpression) - Constructor in Actor.MyRemoteHandle
Actor.RemoteActor - Class in
Actor.RemoteActor.StopActorMsg - Class in
Actor.RemoteActor.StopActorMsg(RemoteActor) - Constructor in Actor.RemoteActor.StopActorMsg
Actor.RemoteActor.TerminateActorMsg - Class in
Actor.RemoteActor.TerminateActorMsg(RemoteActor) - Constructor in Actor.RemoteActor.TerminateActorMsg
Actor.RemoteActor(SerialContext, DataflowExpression) - Constructor in Actor.RemoteActor
Actor(DataflowExpression, PGroup) - Constructor in Actor
actor - Field in Actor.RemoteActor.StopActorMsg
actor - Field in Actor.RemoteActor.TerminateActorMsg
actor(Runnable) - Method in Actors
Creates a new instance of DefaultActor, using the passed-in closure as the body of the actor's act() method.
actor - Field in ActorTimerTask
actor - Field in DataflowProcessor
The internal actor performing on behalf of the processor
actor(Runnable) - Method in PGroup
Creates a new instance of DefaultActor, using the passed-in runnable/closure as the body of the actor's act() method.
ActorException - Class in
Pooled actors need to simulate continuations to create stacktrace-less chunks of work (ActorActions) to assign to the threads from the pool.
ActorException() - Constructor in ActorException
actorFieldName - Field in ActiveObjectASTTransformation.MyClassCodeExpressionTransformer
actorGroupName - Field in ActiveObjectASTTransformation.MyClassCodeExpressionTransformer
ActorMessage - Class in
An internal representation of received messages holding both the original message plus the sender actor reference.
ActorMessage() - Constructor in ActorMessage
Constructor for serialization
actorName - Field in ActiveObject
actorNode - Field in ActiveObjectASTTransformation.MyClassCodeExpressionTransformer
ActorReplyException - Class in
Indicates problems sending replies to actors.
ActorReplyException(String, List) - Constructor in ActorReplyException
Actors - Class in
Provides handy helper methods to create pooled actors and customize the underlying thread pool.
Actors() - Constructor in Actors
ActorStopException - Class in
An exception indicating Actor stopping request.
ActorStopException() - Constructor in ActorStopException
ActorTerminationException - Class in
An exception indicating Actor termination request.
ActorTerminationException() - Constructor in ActorTerminationException
ActorTimerTask - Class in
Represents an ongoing timeout
ActorTimerTask(AbstractLoopingActor, int) - Constructor in ActorTimerTask
add(Object) - Method in DefaultMessageQueue
add(Object) - Method in FQMessageQueue
add(Object) - Method in MessageQueue
add(SerialHandle) - Method in SerialContext
add(SerialHandle) - Method in SerialHandles
addActiveMethod(FieldNode, ClassNode, MethodNode, boolean) - Method in ActiveObjectASTTransformation.MyClassCodeExpressionTransformer
addActorFieldToClass(ClassNode, String, String) - Method in ActiveObjectASTTransformation.MyClassCodeExpressionTransformer
addConnection(RemoteConnection) - Method in RemoteHost
addDiscoveryListener(Closure) - Method in LocalNode
addError(String, ASTNode, SourceUnit) - Method in ASTUtils
addListener(Closure) - Method in AgentBase
Adds a listener interested in state updates A listener should be a closure accepting the old and the new value in this order plus optionally the agent reference as the first argument.
addLocalHost(LocalHost) - Method in LocalHostRegistry
addPoolActiveCount(int) - Method in ForkJoinPoolEnhancer
address - Field in BroadcastDiscovery
address - Field in NettyTransportProvider.Server
addToMap(Object, Object, Closure, Closure) - Method in CombineHolder
addValidator(Closure) - Method in AgentBase
Adds a validator checking the agent's state A listener should be a closure accepting the old and the new value in this order plus optionally the agent reference as the first argument.
AFTER_START - Field in Actor
afterLoopCode - Field in DefaultActor
afterStart() - Method in DataflowOperatorActor
afterStart() - Method in DataflowSelectorActor
Agent - Class in groovyx.gpars.agent
A special-purpose thread-safe non-blocking reference implementation inspired by Agents in Clojure.
Agent(T, Closure) - Constructor in Agent
Creates a new Agent around the supplied modifiable object
agent(T, Closure) - Method in PGroup
Creates an agent instance initialized with the given state
AgentBase - Class in groovyx.gpars.agent
Implements most of Agent's public method in Java
AgentBase.AwaitClosure - Class in groovyx.gpars.agent
Returns the current value of the Agent's state
AgentBase.AwaitClosure() - Constructor in AgentBase.AwaitClosure
AgentBase(T, Closure) - Constructor in AgentBase
Creates a new Agent around the supplied modifiable object
AgentCore - Class in groovyx.gpars.agent
@author Vaclav Pech Date: 13.4.2010
AgentCore() - Constructor in AgentCore
AgentThreadFactory - Class in groovyx.gpars.agent
Creates daemon threads for the default agent thread pools
AgentThreadFactory() - Constructor in AgentThreadFactory
ALT - Class in groovyx.gpars.csp
ALT is used to create an Alternative object
ALT(List) - Constructor in ALT
anchor - Field in SerialHandle
any(Closure) - Method in TransparentParallel
anyParallel(Closure) - Method in GParsExecutorsPoolEnhancer
Performs the any() operation using an asynchronous variant of the supplied closure to evaluate each collection's/object's element.
anyParallel(Map, Closure) - Method in GParsExecutorsPoolUtil
Does parallel any on a map
anyParallel(Map, Closure) - Method in GParsPoolUtil
Creates a Parallel Array out of the supplied map and invokes the withFilter() method using the supplied closure as the filter predicate.
anyParallel(Closure) - Method in Parallel
Performs the any() operation using an asynchronous variant of the supplied closure to evaluate each collection's/object's element.
append(def) - Method in ChannelInputList
append(def) - Method in ChannelOutputList
appendingString() - Method in DataflowStream
appendingString() - Method in FList
apply(Closure) - Method in DataflowStream
Calls the supplied closure with the stream as a parameter
arg - Field in DataflowExpression.TransformOne
args - Field in DataflowComplexExpression
args - Field in FJWorker
asConcurrent(Object, Closure) - Method in GParsPoolUtil
Makes the collection concurrent for the passed-in block of code.
asConcurrent(Object, Closure) - Method in Parallel
Makes the collection concurrent for the passed-in block of code.
ASTUtils - Class in groovyx.gpars.util
Common functions for writing AST related code.
ASTUtils() - Constructor in ASTUtils
async(Closure) - Method in GParsExecutorsPoolUtil
Creates an asynchronous variant of the supplied closure, which, when invoked returns a future for the potential return value
async(Closure) - Method in GParsPoolUtil
Creates an asynchronous variant of the supplied closure, which, when invoked returns a future for the potential return value
AsyncException - Class in groovyx.gpars
This class wraps multiple exception, which occurred in concurrently run code inside one of the GParsExecutorsPoolUtil methods.
AsyncException(String, List) - Constructor in AsyncException
AsyncFun - Annotation Type in groovyx.gpars
This annotation makes a field or local variable as an asynchronous function, and the field/variable should be evaluated only within the context of a ThreadPool.
asyncFun(Closure, boolean) - Method in GParsExecutorsPoolUtil
Creates an asynchronous and composable variant of the supplied closure, which, when invoked returns a DataflowVariable for the potential return value
asyncFun(Closure, boolean) - Method in GParsPoolUtil
Creates an asynchronous and composable variant of the supplied closure, which, when invoked returns a DataflowVariable for the potential return value
AsyncFunASTTransformation - Class in groovyx.gpars.util
This transformation turns field initialExpressions into method calls to GParsPoolUtil.asyncFun.
AsyncFunASTTransformation() - Constructor in AsyncFunASTTransformation
asyncHead - Field in DataflowStreamReadAdapter
AsyncMessagingCore - Class in groovyx.gpars.util
@author Vaclav Pech Date: Aug 23, 2010
AsyncMessagingCore(Pool) - Constructor in AsyncMessagingCore
atomic(AtomicBlock, Closure) - Method in GParsStm
Performs the supplied code atomically within a transaction using the supplied atomic block.
atomicWithBoolean(AtomicBlock, Closure) - Method in GParsStm
Performs the supplied code atomically within a transaction using the supplied atomic block.
atomicWithDouble(AtomicBlock, Closure) - Method in GParsStm
Performs the supplied code atomically within a transaction using the supplied atomic block.
atomicWithInt(AtomicBlock, Closure) - Method in GParsStm
Performs the supplied code atomically within a transaction using the supplied atomic block.
atomicWithLong(AtomicBlock, Closure) - Method in GParsStm
Performs the supplied code atomically within a transaction using the supplied atomic block.
atomicWithVoid(AtomicBlock, Closure) - Method in GParsStm
Performs the supplied code atomically within a transaction using the supplied atomic block.
ATTACHMENT - Field in DataflowExpression
attachment - Field in DataflowExpression.WaitingThread
attachToThreadPool(Pool) - Method in AgentCore
Sets a new thread pool to be used by the agent
attachToThreadPool(Pool) - Method in AsyncMessagingCore
Sets a new thread pool to be used by the agent
await() - Method in AgentBase
Blocks until all messages in the queue prior to call to await() complete.
awaitClosure - Field in AgentBase
awaitNextMessage(long) - Method in SequentialProcessingActor
Holds common functionality for takeMessage() methods.


become(Closure) - Method in DynamicDispatchActor
Executes the supplied closure in the context of the actor to set all when() handlers
bind(T) - Method in DataflowExpression
Assigns a value to the variable.
bind(T) - Method in DataflowQueue
Adds a DataflowVariable representing the passed in value to the buffer.
bind(T) - Method in DataflowStream
bind(T) - Method in DataflowStreamWriteAdapter
bind(T) - Method in DataflowWriteChannel
Assigns a value to the variable.
bindAllOutputs(def) - Method in DataflowProcessor
Used by the processor's body to send a value to all output channels.
bindAllOutputsAtomically(def) - Method in DataflowProcessor
Used by the processor's body to send a value to all output channels, while guaranteeing atomicity of the operation and preventing other calls to bindAllOutputsAtomically() from interfering with one another.
bindAllOutputValues(def) - Method in DataflowProcessor
Used by the processor's body to send a value to all output channels.
bindAllOutputValuesAtomically(def) - Method in DataflowProcessor
Used by the processor's body to send a value to all output channels, while guaranteeing atomicity of the operation and preventing other calls to bindAllOutputsAtomically() from interfering with one another.
bindDFV(DataflowReadChannel) - Method in DataflowVariable
bindOutput(def) - Method in DataflowProcessor
Used by the processor's body to send a value to the first / only output channel
bindSafely(T) - Method in DataflowExpression
Assigns a value to the variable.
bindUnique(T) - Method in DataflowExpression
Assigns a value to the variable.
blocking - Field in ActiveMethod
@default true
blocking - Field in AsyncFun
Set to true to execute the closure in blocking mode.
BlockingActor - Class in
@author Vaclav Pech, Alex Tkachman, Dierk Koenig
blockingActor(Runnable) - Method in Actors
Creates a new instance of BlockingActor, using the passed-in closure as the body of the actor's act() method.
BlockingActor() - Constructor in BlockingActor
blockingActor(Runnable) - Method in PGroup
Creates a new instance of BlockingActor, using the passed-in closure as the body of the actor's act() method.
blockingMandated(String) - Method in ActiveObjectASTTransformation.MyClassCodeExpressionTransformer
bootstrap - Field in NettyTransportProvider.Server
boundNotification(int, DataflowReadChannel) - Method in SelectBase
Invoked by the SelectCallback instances, potentially concurrently to inform about new values being available for read from channels.
BroadcastDiscovery - Class in groovyx.gpars.remote
BroadcastDiscovery(UUID, InetSocketAddress) - Constructor in BroadcastDiscovery
broadcastDiscovery - Field in NettyTransportProvider
build(T) - Method in ActorMessage
Factory method to create instances of ActorMessage with given payload.
buildClosureForMaps(Closure) - Method in PAUtils
If the passed-in closure expects two arguments, it is considered to be a map-iterative code and is then wrapped with a single-argument closure, which unwraps the key:value pairs for the original closure.
buildClosureForMapsWithIndex(Closure) - Method in PAUtils
If the passed-in closure expects three arguments, it is considered to be a map-iterative_with_index code and is then wrapped with a two-argument closure, which unwraps the key:value pairs for the original closure.
buildMemoizeFunction(def, Closure) - Method in GParsPoolUtil
buildMessage() - Method in AsyncException
buildResultMap(Collection) - Method in PAUtils
Builds a resulting map out of an map entry collection
buildSoftReferenceMemoizeFunction(int, def, Closure) - Method in GParsPoolUtil
bundle - Field in SerialHandle


call(Object) - Method in AgentBase.AwaitClosure
call(Object) - Method in AgentCore
Adds the message to the agent\s message queue
call(Object) - Method in CallClosure
call(Object) - Method in DataflowMessagingRunnable
call(Object) - Method in DefaultActorClosure
call(T) - Method in MessageStream
Same as send
call(Object) - Method in MessagingRunnable
call(Object) - Method in ReactorMessagingRunnable
call(MessageStream, List) - Method in Select
Selects a value from a single randomly chosen input channel, which has a value available for read.
call(Object[]) - Method in SelectCallback
Invoked by the channel when a value has been bound to it and is available for consumption
call(Object[]) - Method in SumClosure
callAsync(Closure, Object) - Method in GParsExecutorsPoolUtil
Calls a closure in a separate thread supplying the given arguments, returning a future for the potential return value.
callAsync(Closure, Object) - Method in GParsPoolUtil
Calls a closure in a separate thread supplying the given arguments, returning a future for the potential return value.
callback - Field in DataflowExpression.WaitingThread
CallClosure - Class in
A call-forwarding closure
CallClosure(Closure) - Constructor in CallClosure
callDynamic(String, Object[]) - Method in Actor
callParallel(Closure) - Method in GParsExecutorsPoolUtil
schedules the supplied closure for processing in the underlying thread pool.
callParallel(Closure) - Method in GParsPoolUtil
schedules the supplied closure for processing in the underlying thread pool.
callTimeoutAsync(Closure, Duration, Object) - Method in GParsExecutorsPoolUtil
Calls a closure in a separate thread supplying the given arguments, returning a future for the potential return value.
callTimeoutAsync(Closure, Duration, Object) - Method in GParsPoolUtil
Calls a closure in a separate thread supplying the given arguments, returning a future for the potential return value.
cancel(boolean) - Method in GParsPool.MyCancellableRecursiveTask
cancelCurrentTimeoutTask() - Method in AbstractLoopingActor
channel - Field in NettyHandler
channel - Field in NettyTransportProvider.Server
channel - Field in SelectCallback
channelConnected(ChannelHandlerContext, ChannelStateEvent) - Method in NettyHandler
channelDisconnected(ChannelHandlerContext, ChannelStateEvent) - Method in NettyHandler
channelDisconnected(ChannelHandlerContext, ChannelStateEvent) - Method in NettyTransportProvider.ClientHandler
channelFuture - Field in NettyTransportProvider.Client
ChannelInputList - Class in groovyx.gpars.csp
ChannelInputList is used to create a list of ChannelInputEnds
ChannelInputList() - Constructor in ChannelInputList
ChannelInputList uses the ArrayList class of java This constructor creates an empty ArrayList to be populated with NetChannelInputs
channelOpen(ChannelHandlerContext, ChannelStateEvent) - Method in NettyHandler
ChannelOutputList - Class in groovyx.gpars.csp
ChannelOutputList is used to create a list of ChannelOUTPUTEnds

Company: Napier University

ChannelOutputList() - Constructor in ChannelOutputList
ChannelOutputList uses the ArrayList class of java This constructor creates an empty ArrayList to be populated with NetChannelOUTPUTs
channels - Field in SelectBase
checkBlockingMethod(MethodNode, Iterable) - Method in ActiveObjectASTTransformation.MyClassCodeExpressionTransformer
checkClosure(Closure) - Method in AgentBase
Only two-argument closures are allowed
checkForBodyArguments(Closure) - Method in DefaultActor
checkForMessageHandlerArguments(Closure) - Method in DefaultActor
checkForNull(Runnable) - Method in DefaultActor
checkPoison(def) - Method in DataflowProcessorActor
Handles the poisson message.
checkStoppedFlags() - Method in BlockingActor
checkStopTerminate() - Method in SequentialProcessingActor
checkValidPoolSize(int) - Method in PoolUtils
children - Field in AbstractForkJoinWorker
Stores the child workers
cleanUpNullReferences(def, def) - Method in GParsPoolUtil
clearInputArea - Property in GConsole
clients - Field in NettyTransportProvider
cList - Property in ChannelInputList
cList - Property in ChannelOutputList
clone() - Method in CallClosure
clone() - Method in LRUProtectionStorage
Performs a shallow clone
closure - Field in DataflowExpression.TransformMany
closure - Field in DataflowExpression.TransformOne
closure - Field in RemoteNodeDiscoveryListener.RemoteNodeDiscoveryListenerClosure
ClosureMapper - Class in
A PA mapper built around a closure
ClosureMapper(Closure) - Constructor in ClosureMapper
ClosurePredicate - Class in
A PA predicate built around a closure
ClosurePredicate(Closure) - Constructor in ClosurePredicate
ClosureReducer - Class in
A PA reducer built around a closure
ClosureReducer(Closure) - Constructor in ClosureReducer
code - Field in ClosureMapper
code - Field in ClosurePredicate
code - Field in ClosureReducer
code - Field in DataCallback
code - Field in DataCallbackWithPool
code - Field in DataflowProcessorActor
code - Field in FJWorker
code - Field in GParsAtomicBlock
code - Field in GParsAtomicBooleanBlock
code - Field in GParsAtomicDoubleBlock
code - Field in GParsAtomicIntBlock
code - Field in GParsAtomicLongBlock
code - Field in GParsAtomicVoidBlock
code - Field in GParsPool.MyCancellableRecursiveTask
collect(Closure) - Method in TransparentParallel
collectParallel(Closure) - Method in GParsExecutorsPoolEnhancer
Iterates over a collection/object with the collect() method using an asynchronous variant of the supplied closure to evaluate each collection's element.
collectParallel(Map, Closure) - Method in GParsExecutorsPoolUtil
Does parallel collect on a map
collectParallel(Map, Closure) - Method in GParsPoolUtil
Creates a Parallel Array out of the supplied map and invokes the withMapping() method using the supplied closure as the transformation operation.
collectParallel(Closure) - Method in Parallel
Iterates over a collection/object with the collect() method using an asynchronous variant of the supplied closure to evaluate each collection's element.
combine(Object, Closure) - Method in AbstractPAWrapper
Performs a parallel combine operation.
CombineHolder - Class in groovyx.gpars
Holds a temporary reduce result for groupBy
CombineHolder(def) - Constructor in CombineHolder
combineImpl(def, def, Closure, Closure) - Method in AbstractPAWrapper
compute() - Method in AbstractForkJoinWorker
compute() - Method in GParsPool.MyCancellableRecursiveTask
computeTask() - Method in AbstractForkJoinWorker
computeTask() - Method in FJWorker
concurrencyActive - Field in TransparentParallel
concurrentExceptions - Field in AsyncException
configuredPoolSize - Field in FJPool
connect(def) - Method in GroovyMobileProcess
connect(LocalNode) - Method in LocalHost
Connect local node to the provider
connect(LocalNode) - Method in LocalHostRegistry
connect(LocalHost) - Method in LocalNode
connect(List) - Method in MobileAgent
connect(LocalNode) - Method in RemoteHost
connection - Field in NettyHandler
connection - Field in RemoteObjectDecoder
connection - Field in RemoteObjectEncoder
connections - Field in RemoteHost
connectRemoteNode(UUID, SerialContext, Actor) - Method in LocalHost
contains(def) - Method in ChannelInputList
contains(def) - Method in ChannelOutputList
contains(Object) - Method in Dataflows
Checks whether a certain key is contained in the map.
content - Property in CombineHolder
context - Field in SerialHandle
local host
continueProcessingMessages() - Method in AsyncMessagingCore
Informs about a new thread being assigned to process the next message
copy - Field in AgentBase
Function converting the internal state during read to prevent internal state escape from the protected boundary of the agent
copy() - Method in JCSPCopy
The interface JCSPCopy is used to define a copy method that is used to make a deep copy of an object.
copyDFV(Queue, Queue) - Method in DataflowQueue
core - Field in AbstractLoopingActor
Holds the particular instance of async messaging core to use
core - Field in AgentCore
count - Field in DataflowExpression.DataflowExpressionsCollector
count(def) - Method in TransparentParallel
countParallel(Object, def) - Method in GParsPoolUtil
Creates a Parallel Array out of the supplied collection/object and invokes the withFilter() method using the supplied rule as the filter predicate.
countParallel(Object) - Method in Parallel
Performs the count() operation using an asynchronous variant of the supplied closure to evaluate each collection's/object's element.
create(Object) - Method in InternalActor
create(WithSerialId, UUID) - Method in SerialHandle
createActorMessage(Object) - Method in Actor
createArray(Map) - Method in PAUtils
createAtomicBlock(Map) - Method in GParsStm
A factory method to create custom atomic blocks allowing the caller to set desired transactional characteristics.
createCollection(Object) - Method in PAGroovyUtils
createCollection(Iterator) - Method in PAUtils
createComparator(Closure) - Method in PAUtils
Builds a comparator depending on the number of arguments accepted by the supplied closure.
createDDAClosure(DynamicDispatchActor) - Method in DDAClosure
Creates the closure for a given DDA
createDefaultThreadFactory() - Method in GParsExecutorsPool
createDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler() - Method in GParsPool
createGroupByClosure(Closure, ConcurrentMap) - Method in PAUtils
Creates a closure that will insert elements in the appropriate group
createObject(SerialContext) - Method in Actor.MyRemoteHandle
createObject(SerialContext) - Method in DefaultRemoteHandle
createObject(SerialContext) - Method in RemoteHandle
createPA(Object, ForkJoinPool) - Method in GParsPoolUtil
createPAFromArray(T[], ForkJoinPool) - Method in GParsPoolUtil
createPAFromCollection(def, ForkJoinPool) - Method in GParsPoolUtil
createPool(boolean, int) - Method in DefaultPool
Creates a fixed-thread pool of given size.
createPool(int) - Method in FJPool
Creates a fork/join pool of given size.
createPool(int, ThreadFactory) - Method in GParsExecutorsPool
createPool(int, UncaughtExceptionHandler) - Method in GParsPool
createReadChannel() - Method in DataflowBroadcast
Retrieves an implementation of DataflowReadChannel to read all messages submitted to the broadcast chanel.
createRemoteHandle(SerialHandle, SerialContext) - Method in Actor
createRemoteHandle(SerialHandle, SerialContext) - Method in WithSerialId
createResizeablePool(boolean, int) - Method in ResizeablePool
Creates a fixed-thread pool of given size.
createThreadName() - Method in DefaultPool
Created a JVM-unique name for Actors' threads.
current - Field in FListIterator
currentActorPerThread - Field in Actor
Maps each thread to the actor it currently processes.
currentPoolStack - Field in GParsExecutorsPool
Maps threads to their appropriate thread pools
currentPoolStack - Field in GParsPool
Maps threads to their appropriate thread pools
currentSender - Field in AbstractLoopingActor
currentThread - Field in Actor
currentTimerTask - Field in AbstractLoopingActor


data - Field in AgentBase
Holds the internal mutable state
DATA_FLOW_GROUP - Field in Dataflow
The parallel group used by all Dataflow Concurrency actors by default.
DataCallback - Class in groovyx.gpars.dataflow
A helper class enabling the 'whenBound()' or 'getValAsync' functionality of a DataflowVariable and DataflowQueue, as well as 'sendAndContinue()' on actors.
DataCallback(Closure, PGroup) - Constructor in DataCallback
@param code The closure to run
DataCallbackWithPool - Class in groovyx.gpars.dataflow
A helper class enabling the 'whenBound()' or 'getValAsync' functionality of a DataflowVariable and DataflowQueue, whenever a thread pool instead of a PGroup is specified..
DataCallbackWithPool(Pool, Closure) - Constructor in DataCallbackWithPool
@param pool The thread pool to schedule on
Dataflow - Class in groovyx.gpars.dataflow
Contains factory methods to create dataflow actors and starting them.
Dataflow() - Constructor in Dataflow
DataflowBroadcast - Class in groovyx.gpars.dataflow
Offers a deterministic one-to-many and many-to-many messaging alternative to DataflowQueue.
DataflowBroadcast() - Constructor in DataflowBroadcast
Creates a new adapter
DataflowChannel - Interface in groovyx.gpars.dataflow
A common interface for all dataflow variables, streams or queues
DataflowComplexExpression - Class in groovyx.gpars.dataflow
@author Alex Tkachman
DataflowComplexExpression(Object) - Constructor in DataflowComplexExpression
DataflowExpression - Class in groovyx.gpars.dataflow
The base class for all dataflow elements.
DataflowExpression.BindDataflow - Class in groovyx.gpars.dataflow
Represents a remote message binding a value to a remoted DataflowExpression
DataflowExpression.BindDataflow(DataflowExpression, T, UUID) - Constructor in DataflowExpression.BindDataflow
@param expr The local DataflowExpression instance
DataflowExpression.DataflowExpressionsCollector - Class in groovyx.gpars.dataflow
Listener for availability of data flow expressions we depend from
DataflowExpression.DataflowExpressionsCollector() - Constructor in DataflowExpression.DataflowExpressionsCollector
DataflowExpression.TransformMany - Class in groovyx.gpars.dataflow
DataflowExpression.TransformMany(Collection, Closure) - Constructor in DataflowExpression.TransformMany
DataflowExpression.TransformOne - Class in groovyx.gpars.dataflow
DataflowExpression.TransformOne(Object, Closure) - Constructor in DataflowExpression.TransformOne
DataflowExpression.WaitingThread - Class in groovyx.gpars.dataflow
A logical representation of a synchronous or asynchronous request to read the value once it is bound.
DataflowExpression.WaitingThread(Thread, WaitingThread, Object, MessageStream) - Constructor in DataflowExpression.WaitingThread
Creates a representation of the request to read the value once it is bound
DataflowExpression() - Constructor in DataflowExpression
DataflowGetPropertyExpression - Class in groovyx.gpars.dataflow
DFE which evaluate property when receiver became available
DataflowGetPropertyExpression(DataflowExpression, String) - Constructor in DataflowGetPropertyExpression
DataflowInvocationExpression - Class in groovyx.gpars.dataflow
Data flow expression which invokes method of object after receiver and all arguments became available
DataflowInvocationExpression(Object, String, Object[]) - Constructor in DataflowInvocationExpression
DataflowMessagingRunnable - Class in groovyx.gpars
Represents a multi-argument Closure when using GPars dataflow operators and selectors through the Java API.
DataflowMessagingRunnable(Object, int) - Constructor in DataflowMessagingRunnable
DataflowOperator - Class in groovyx.gpars.dataflow.operator
Dataflow selectors and operators (processors) form the basic units in dataflow networks.
DataflowOperator(PGroup, Map, Closure) - Constructor in DataflowOperator
Creates an operator After creation the operator needs to be started using the start() method.
DataflowOperatorActor - Class in groovyx.gpars.dataflow.operator
An operator's internal actor.
DataflowOperatorActor(def, def, def, def, def) - Constructor in DataflowOperatorActor
DataflowPrioritySelector - Class in groovyx.gpars.dataflow.operator
Dataflow selectors and operators (processors) form the basic units in dataflow networks.
DataflowPrioritySelector(PGroup, Map, Closure) - Constructor in DataflowPrioritySelector
Creates a priority selector After creation the selector needs to be started using the start() method.
DataflowProcessor - Class in groovyx.gpars.dataflow.operator
Dataflow selectors and operators (processors) form the basic units in dataflow networks.
DataflowProcessor(Map, Closure) - Constructor in DataflowProcessor
Creates a processor After creation the processor needs to be started using the start() method.
DataflowProcessorActor - Class in groovyx.gpars.dataflow.operator
DataflowProcessorActor(def, def, def, def, def) - Constructor in DataflowProcessorActor
DataflowQueue - Class in groovyx.gpars.dataflow
Represents a thread-safe data flow stream.
DataflowQueue() - Constructor in DataflowQueue
DataflowReadChannel - Interface in groovyx.gpars.dataflow
A common interface for all dataflow variables, streams or queues
Dataflows - Class in groovyx.gpars.dataflow
Convenience class that makes working with DataflowVariables more comfortable.
Dataflows() - Constructor in Dataflows
Constructor with default values for building the underlying ConcurrentHashMap
DataflowSelector - Class in groovyx.gpars.dataflow.operator
Dataflow selectors and operators (processors) form the basic units in dataflow networks.
DataflowSelector(PGroup, Map, Closure) - Constructor in DataflowSelector
Creates a selector After creation the selector needs to be started using the start() method.
DataflowSelectorActor - Class in groovyx.gpars.dataflow.operator
An selector's internal actor.
DataflowSelectorActor(def, def, def, def, def) - Constructor in DataflowSelectorActor
DataflowStream - Class in
Represents a deterministic dataflow channel.
DataflowStream(Collection) - Constructor in DataflowStream
DataflowStreamReadAdapter - Class in
Adapts a DataflowStream to accommodate for the DataflowReadChannel interface.
DataflowStreamReadAdapter(DataflowStream) - Constructor in DataflowStreamReadAdapter
Creates a new adapter
DataflowStreamWriteAdapter - Class in
Adapts a DataflowStream to accommodate for the DataflowWriteChannel interface.
DataflowStreamWriteAdapter(DataflowStream) - Constructor in DataflowStreamWriteAdapter
Creates a new adapter
DataflowVariable - Class in groovyx.gpars.dataflow
Represents a thread-safe single-assignment, multi-read variable.
DataflowVariable.RemoteDataflowVariable - Class in groovyx.gpars.dataflow
DataflowVariable.RemoteDataflowVariable(RemoteHost) - Constructor in DataflowVariable.RemoteDataflowVariable
DataflowVariable() - Constructor in DataflowVariable
Creates a new unbound Dataflow Variable
DataflowWriteChannel - Interface in groovyx.gpars.dataflow
A common interface for all writable dataflow variables, streams or queues
DDAClosure - Class in
Creates a DDA closure to invoke appropriate actor's message handlers based on message runtime type
DDAClosure() - Constructor in DDAClosure
DDAHelper - Class in
Hooks the supplied when handlers to DDAs
DDAHelper() - Constructor in DDAHelper
decode(ChannelHandlerContext, Channel, ChannelBuffer) - Method in RemoteObjectDecoder
DEFAULT_LOAD_FACTOR - Field in Dataflows
DefaultActor - Class in
The DefaultActor class is the base for all stateful actors, who need to maintain implicit state between subsequent message arrivals.
DefaultActor(Runnable) - Constructor in DefaultActor
Creates an actor, which will execute the supplied code
DefaultActorClosure - Class in
Represents the DDA closure to invoke appropriate message handlers based on message runtime type
DefaultActorClosure(DefaultActor) - Constructor in DefaultActorClosure
defaultActorPGroup - Field in Actors
The default actor group to share by all actors created through the Actors class.
defaultAtomicBlock - Field in GParsStm
The atomic block to use when no block is specified explicitly
DefaultMessageQueue - Class in groovyx.gpars.util
An implementation of the message queue for actor and agent messaging.
DefaultMessageQueue() - Constructor in DefaultMessageQueue
defaultParamTypes - Field in DataflowMessagingRunnable
DefaultPGroup - Class in
Provides logical grouping for actors, agents and dataflow tasks and operators.
DefaultPGroup(int) - Constructor in DefaultPGroup
Creates a group for actors, agents, tasks and operators.
DefaultPool - Class in groovyx.gpars.scheduler
Represents the actors' thread pool, which performs tasks on behalf of the actors.
DefaultPool(ThreadPoolExecutor) - Constructor in DefaultPool
Creates the pool around the given executor service
defaultPoolSize - Field in GParsExecutorsPool
Caches the default pool size.
defaultPoolSize - Field in GParsPool
Caches the default pool size.
DefaultRemoteHandle - Class in groovyx.gpars.serial
@author Alex Tkachman
DefaultRemoteHandle(UUID, UUID, Class) - Constructor in DefaultRemoteHandle
delay - Property in GFixedDelay
delay - Property in GParPrint
delay - Property in GPrint
deregisterCurrentActorWithThread() - Method in Actor
Deregisters the actor registered from the thread
disabledDFVs - Field in SelectBase
Since DataflowVariables should be only read once, they need to be disabled after selecting their value The array stores a boolean flag for each index, indicating, whether the channel/variable has been disabled
disableDFV(int, DataflowReadChannel) - Method in SelectBase
Sets the flag in the disabledDFVs array, if the channel is a DFV
disconnect() - Method in GroovyMobileProcess
disconnect() - Method in LocalHost
disconnect(LocalNode) - Method in LocalHostRegistry
disconnect() - Method in LocalNode
disconnect() - Method in MobileAgent
disconnect() - Method in NettyRemoteConnection
disconnect() - Method in NettyTransportProvider
disconnect() - Method in RemoteConnection
disconnect(LocalNode) - Method in RemoteHost
disconnected - Field in DataflowVariable.RemoteDataflowVariable
disconnectRemoteNode(UUID) - Method in LocalHost
doBind(T) - Method in DataflowExpression
Performs the actual bind operation, unblocks all blocked threads and informs all asynchronously waiting actors.
doBindImpl(T) - Method in DataflowExpression
doBindRemote(UUID, T) - Method in DataflowExpression
Binds the value after receiving a bing message over the wire
doLoop(Callable, Closure, Runnable) - Method in DefaultActor
Ensures that the supplied closure will be invoked repeatedly in a loop.
doRun(Object[]) - Method in DataflowMessagingRunnable
Defines the action performed by the Runnable
doRun(T) - Method in MessagingRunnable
Defines the action performed by the Runnable
doRun(T) - Method in ReactorMessagingRunnable
Defines the action performed by the Runnable
doSelect() - Method in DataflowPrioritySelector
Ask for another select operation on the internal select instance.
doSelect() - Method in DataflowSelector
Ask for another select operation on the internal select instance.
doSelect(int, SelectRequest) - Method in SelectBase
Invoked whenever the Select is asked for the next value.
doStart() - Method in AbstractLoopingActor
DUMMY - Field in Dataflows
dummyWaitingThread - Field in DataflowExpression
A request chain terminator
DynamicDispatchActor - Class in
A pooled actor allowing for an alternative structure of the message handling code.
DynamicDispatchActor() - Constructor in DynamicDispatchActor
Creates a new instance without any when handlers registered


each(Closure) - Method in TransparentParallel
eachParallel(Closure) - Method in GParsExecutorsPoolEnhancer
Iterates over a collection/object with the each() method using an asynchronous variant of the supplied closure to evaluate each collection's element.
eachParallel(Map, Closure) - Method in GParsExecutorsPoolUtil
Does parallel each on maps
eachParallel(Map, Closure) - Method in GParsPoolUtil
Creates a Parallel Array out of the supplied map and invokes the withMapping() method using the supplied closure as the transformation operation.
eachParallel(Closure) - Method in Parallel
Iterates over a collection/object with the each() method using an asynchronous variant of the supplied closure to evaluate each collection's element.
eachParallelPA(ParallelArray, Closure) - Method in GParsPoolUtil
eachWithIndex(Closure) - Method in TransparentParallel
eachWithIndexParallel(Closure) - Method in GParsExecutorsPoolEnhancer
Iterates over a collection/object with the eachWithIndex() method using an asynchronous variant of the supplied closure to evaluate each collection's element.
eachWithIndexParallel(Map, Closure) - Method in GParsExecutorsPoolUtil
Does parallel eachWithIndex on maps
eachWithIndexParallel(Map, Closure) - Method in GParsPoolUtil
Does parallel eachWithIndex on maps
eachWithIndexParallel(Closure) - Method in Parallel
Iterates over a collection/object with the eachWithIndex() method using an asynchronous variant of the supplied closure to evaluate each collection's element.
EMPTY_ARGUMENTS - Field in Actor
empty - Field in DefaultMessageQueue
EMPTY_OBJECTS - Field in FJWorker
encode(ChannelHandlerContext, Channel, Object) - Method in RemoteObjectEncoder
enhance(Object) - Method in Parallel
Enhances to resulting collection so that parallel methods can be chained.
enhanceAndUnwrap(ActorMessage) - Method in BlockingActor
enhanceClass(Class) - Method in GParsExecutorsPoolEnhancer
Enhances a class and so all instances created in the future by mixing-in an instance of GParsExecutorsPoolEnhancer.
enhanceClass(Class) - Method in ParallelEnhancer
Enhances a class and so all instances created in the future by mixing-in an instance of Parallel.
enhanceClosure(Closure) - Method in DefaultActor
EnhancedRWLock - Class in groovyx.gpars.util
Extends ReentrantReadWriteLock with handy withReadLock(Closure) and withWriteLock(Closure) methods to safely lock and unlock the lock for the passed-in closure.
EnhancedRWLock(boolean) - Constructor in EnhancedRWLock
EnhancedSemaphore - Class in groovyx.gpars.util
Extends Semaphore with a handy withSemaphore(Closure) method to safely acquire and release the Semaphore for the passed-in closure.
EnhancedSemaphore(int) - Constructor in EnhancedSemaphore
Creates a new EnhancedSemaphore, delegating to the Semaphore class constructor.
enhanceInstance(Object) - Method in GParsExecutorsPoolEnhancer
Enhances a single instance by mixing-in an instance of GParsExecutorsPoolEnhancer.
enhanceInstance(Object) - Method in ParallelEnhancer
Enhances a single instance by mixing-in an instance of Parallel.
enhanceReplies(ActorMessage) - Method in BlockingActor
Adds reply and replyIfExists methods to the current Actor and the message.
ensurePool(def, Closure) - Method in GParsPool
Just like withExistingPool() registers a thread pool, but doesn't install the GParsPoolUtil category.
ensureToContainVariable(Object) - Method in Dataflows
The idea is following: - we try to putIfAbsent dummy DFV in to map - if something real already there we are done - if not we obtain lock and put new DFV with double check

Unfortunately we have to sync on this as there is no better option (God forbid to sync on name)

enter() - Method in SerialContext
Enter to the context
eos() - Method in DataflowStream
equals(Object) - Method in DataflowStream
equals(Object) - Method in NullValue
equals(Object) - Method in SelectResult
errors - Field in AgentCore
Holds agent errors
eval(Object) - Method in DataflowStream
evalLoopCondition() - Method in DefaultActor
evaluate() - Method in DataflowComplexExpression
evaluate() - Method in DataflowExpression
Evaluate expression after the ones we depend on are ready
evaluate() - Method in DataflowExpression.TransformMany
evaluate() - Method in DataflowExpression.TransformOne
evaluate() - Method in DataflowGetPropertyExpression
evaluate() - Method in DataflowInvocationExpression
evaluate() - Method in RemoteDataflowExpression
evaluateArguments(Pool, Object[], int, List, DataflowVariable, Closure, boolean) - Method in PAUtils
Performs a single step in the evaluation of parameters passed into an asynchronous function
every(Closure) - Method in TransparentParallel
everyParallel(Closure) - Method in GParsExecutorsPoolEnhancer
Performs the all() operation using an asynchronous variant of the supplied closure to evaluate each collection's/object's element.
everyParallel(Map, Closure) - Method in GParsExecutorsPoolUtil
Does parallel every on a map
everyParallel(Map, Closure) - Method in GParsPoolUtil
Creates a Parallel Array out of the supplied map and invokes the withFilter() method using the supplied closure as the filter predicate.
everyParallel(Closure) - Method in Parallel
Performs the all() operation using an asynchronous variant of the supplied closure to evaluate each collection's/object's element.
exceptionCaught(ChannelHandlerContext, ExceptionEvent) - Method in NettyHandler
execute(RemoteConnection) - Method in Actor.RemoteActor.StopActorMsg
execute(RemoteConnection) - Method in Actor.RemoteActor.TerminateActorMsg
execute(RemoteConnection) - Method in DataflowExpression.BindDataflow
Performs the actual bind on the remote host
execute(Runnable) - Method in DefaultPool
schedules a new task for processing with the pool
execute(Runnable) - Method in FJPool
schedules a new task for processing with the pool
execute(Transaction) - Method in GParsAtomicBlock
execute(Transaction) - Method in GParsAtomicBooleanBlock
execute(Transaction) - Method in GParsAtomicDoubleBlock
execute(Transaction) - Method in GParsAtomicIntBlock
execute(Transaction) - Method in GParsAtomicLongBlock
execute(Transaction) - Method in GParsAtomicVoidBlock
execute(RemoteConnection) - Method in MessageStream.SendTo
execute(RemoteConnection) - Method in NodeConnectedMsg
execute(RemoteConnection) - Method in NodeDisconnectedMsg
execute(Runnable) - Method in Pool
schedules a new task for processing with the pool
execute(Runnable) - Method in Scheduler
execute(RemoteConnection) - Method in SerialHandle.RemoteSerialHandle.ReleaseHandle
execute(RemoteConnection) - Method in SerialMsg
executeAsync(List) - Method in GParsExecutorsPool
Starts multiple closures in separate threads, collecting Futures for their return values If an exception is thrown from the closure when called on any of the collection's elements, it will be re-thrown in the calling thread when it calls the Future.get() method.
executeAsync(List) - Method in GParsPool
Starts multiple closures in separate threads, collecting Futures for their return values Reuses the pool defined by the surrounding withPool() call.
executeAsyncAndWait(List) - Method in GParsExecutorsPool
Starts multiple closures in separate threads, collecting their return values If an exception is thrown from the closure when called on any of the collection's elements, it will be re-thrown in the calling thread when it calls the Future.get() method.
executeAsyncAndWait(List) - Method in GParsPool
Starts multiple closures in separate threads, collecting their return values Reuses the pool defined by the surrounding withPool() call.
EXPECTED - Field in DefaultActor
expr - Field in DataflowExpression.BindDataflow


factory - Field in NettyTransportProvider.Client
factory - Field in NettyTransportProvider.Server
fair - Field in AsyncMessagingCore
Fair agents give up the thread after processing each message, non-fair agents keep a thread until their message queue is empty.
fairActor(Runnable) - Method in Actors
Creates a new instance of PooledActor, using the passed-in closure as the body of the actor's act() method.
fairActor(Runnable) - Method in PGroup
Creates a new instance of DefaultActor, using the passed-in runnable/closure as the body of the actor's act() method.
fairAgent(T, Closure) - Method in Agent
Creates an agent instance initialized with the given state, which will cooperate in thread sharing with other agents and actors in a fair manner.
fairAgent(T, Closure) - Method in PGroup
Creates an agent instance initialized with the given state, which will cooperate in thread sharing with other agents and actors in a fair manner.
fairMessageHandler(Closure) - Method in Actors
Creates an instance of DynamicDispatchActor, which will cooperate in thread sharing with other actors in a fair manner.
fairMessageHandler(Closure) - Method in PGroup
Creates an instance of DynamicDispatchActor, which will cooperate in thread sharing with other actors sharing the same thread pool
FairMultiplex - Class in groovyx.gpars.csp.util
FairMultiplex() - Constructor in FairMultiplex
fairReactor(Closure) - Method in Actors
Creates a reactor around the supplied code, which will cooperate in thread sharing with other actors in a fair manner.
fairReactor(Closure) - Method in PGroup
Creates a reactor around the supplied code, which will cooperate in thread sharing with other actors sharing the same thread pool When a reactor receives a message, the supplied block of code is run with the message as a parameter and the result of the code is send in reply.
filter(Closure) - Method in AbstractPAWrapper
Filters concurrently elements in the collection based on the outcome of the supplied function on each of the elements.
filter(DataflowStream, Closure, DataflowStream) - Method in DataflowStream
filter(Closure) - Method in FList
filter(Closure) - Method in MappedPAWrapper
Filters concurrently elements in the collection based on the outcome of the supplied function on each of the elements.
finalize() - Method in PGroup
Shutdown the thread pool gracefully
finalizeHandle(SerialHandle) - Method in SerialContext
finalizeHandle(SerialHandle) - Method in SerialHandles
finalizeReference() - Method in SerialHandle
finalizeReference() - Method in SerialHandle.RemoteSerialHandle
find(Closure) - Method in TransparentParallel
findAll(Closure) - Method in TransparentParallel
findAllParallel(Closure) - Method in GParsExecutorsPoolEnhancer
Performs the findAll() operation using an asynchronous variant of the supplied closure to evaluate each collection's/object's element.
findAllParallel(Map, Closure) - Method in GParsExecutorsPoolUtil
Does parallel findAll on a map returning a map of found items
findAllParallel(Map, Closure) - Method in GParsPoolUtil
Creates a Parallel Array out of the supplied map and invokes the withFilter() method using the supplied closure as the filter predicate.
findAllParallel(Closure) - Method in Parallel
Performs the findAll() operation using an asynchronous variant of the supplied closure to evaluate each collection's/object's element.
findAllParallelPA(ParallelArray, Closure) - Method in GParsPoolUtil
findAny(Closure) - Method in TransparentParallel
findAnyParallel(Map, Closure) - Method in GParsExecutorsPoolUtil
Does parallel findAny on a map
findAnyParallel(Map, Closure) - Method in GParsPoolUtil
Creates a Parallel Array out of the supplied map and invokes the withFilter() method using the supplied closure as the filter predicate.
findAnyParallel(Closure) - Method in Parallel
Performs the find() operation using an asynchronous variant of the supplied closure to evaluate each collection's/object's element.
findAnyParallelPA(ParallelArray, Closure) - Method in GParsPoolUtil
findGroupById(String) - Method in ActiveObjectRegistry
findParallel(Closure) - Method in GParsExecutorsPoolEnhancer
Performs the find() operation using an asynchronous variant of the supplied closure to evaluate each collection's/object's element.
findParallel(Map, Closure) - Method in GParsExecutorsPoolUtil
Does parallel find on a map
findParallel(Map, Closure) - Method in GParsPoolUtil
Creates a Parallel Array out of the supplied map and invokes the withFilter() method using the supplied closure as the filter predicate.
findParallel(Closure) - Method in Parallel
Performs the find() operation using an asynchronous variant of the supplied closure to evaluate each collection's/object's element.
findParallelPA(ParallelArray, Closure) - Method in GParsPoolUtil
findSuitablePrivateMethodName(ClassNode, MethodNode) - Method in ActiveObjectASTTransformation.MyClassCodeExpressionTransformer
first - Field in DataflowStream
first - Field in ForwardingDelegate
first - Field in RunnableBackedBlockingActor.RunnableBackedPooledActorDelegate
FJPool - Class in groovyx.gpars.scheduler
Represents the actors' thread pool, which performs tasks on behalf of the actors.
FJPool(ForkJoinPool) - Constructor in FJPool
Creates the pool wrapping the provided ForkJoinPool
FJWorker - Class in groovyx.gpars.forkjoin
Represents a recursive task for the builder-style fork/join algorithm.
FJWorker(Object) - Constructor in FJWorker
FList - Interface in
Represents a list implemented as a Functional Queue.
FListIterator - Class in
FListIterator(FList) - Constructor in FListIterator
fold(def, Closure) - Method in TransparentParallel
foldParallel(Object, def, Closure) - Method in GParsPoolUtil
Creates a Parallel Array out of the supplied collection/object and invokes its reduce() method using the supplied closure as the reduction operation.
foldParallel(def, Closure) - Method in Parallel
Creates a Parallel Array out of the supplied collection/object and invokes its reduce() method using the supplied closure as the reduction operation.
ForkingDataflowOperatorActor - Class in groovyx.gpars.dataflow.operator
An operator's internal actor.
ForkingDataflowOperatorActor(def, def, def, def, def, def) - Constructor in ForkingDataflowOperatorActor
ForkingDataflowSelectorActor - Class in groovyx.gpars.dataflow.operator
An selector's internal actor.
ForkingDataflowSelectorActor(def, def, def, def, def, def) - Constructor in ForkingDataflowSelectorActor
ForkJoinPoolEnhancer - Class in groovyx.gpars.scheduler
Enhanced the ForkJoinPool class with the resizing capability
ForkJoinPoolEnhancer(int, ForkJoinWorkerThreadFactory, def, boolean) - Constructor in ForkJoinPoolEnhancer
ForkJoinUtils - Class in groovyx.gpars.forkjoin
@author Vaclav Pech
ForkJoinUtils() - Constructor in ForkJoinUtils
forkOffChild(AbstractForkJoinWorker) - Method in AbstractForkJoinWorker
Forks a child task.
forkOffChild(Object) - Method in FJWorker
ForwardingDelegate - Class in
@author Alex Tkachman, Vaclav Pech
ForwardingDelegate(Object, Object) - Constructor in ForwardingDelegate
FQMessageQueue - Class in groovyx.gpars.util
An implementation of the message queue for actor and agent messaging using functional queues.
FQMessageQueue.EmptyNode - Class in groovyx.gpars.util
FQMessageQueue.EmptyNode() - Constructor in FQMessageQueue.EmptyNode
FQMessageQueue.Node - Class in groovyx.gpars.util
FQMessageQueue.Node(Node, Object) - Constructor in FQMessageQueue.Node
FQMessageQueue() - Constructor in FQMessageQueue
frameLabel - Property in GConsole
fromConsole - Property in GConsole


GConsole - Class in groovyx.gpars.csp.plugAndPlay
GConsole() - Constructor in GConsole
GConsoleStringToInteger - Class in groovyx.gpars.csp.plugAndPlay
GConsoleStringToInteger() - Constructor in GConsoleStringToInteger
GDelta2 - Class in groovyx.gpars.csp.plugAndPlay
GDelta2() - Constructor in GDelta2
generate(T, Closure, Closure) - Method in DataflowStream
Populates the stream with generated values
generateNext(T, DataflowStream, Closure, Closure) - Method in DataflowStream
get(long, TimeUnit) - Method in DataflowVariable
Retrieves the value of the variable, blocking up to given timeout, if the value has not been assigned yet.
get(Object) - Method in LRUProtectionStorage
get(long, TimeUnit) - Method in Promise
Retrieves the value of the variable, blocking up to given timeout, if the value has not been assigned yet.
get(UUID) - Method in SerialContext
get(UUID) - Method in SerialHandles
getAddress() - Method in NettyTransportProvider.Server
getAt(def) - Method in ChannelInputList
getAt(def) - Method in ChannelOutputList
getAt(int) - Method in Dataflows
Retrieves the DFV associated with the given index
getChannel() - Method in NettyHandler
getChildrenResults() - Method in AbstractForkJoinWorker
Waits for and returns the results of the child tasks.
getCollection() - Method in AbstractPAWrapper
Reconstructs a collection from the wrapped ParallelArray instance
getConcurrentExceptions() - Method in AsyncException
getConfiguredPoolSize() - Method in FJPool
getConnection() - Method in RemoteHost
getCore() - Method in AbstractLoopingActor
getCurrent() - Method in ThreadLocalPools
Gives the current element
getErrors() - Method in AgentCore
Retrieves a list of exception thrown within the agent's body.
getExecutorService() - Method in DefaultPool
Retrieves the internal executor service.
getFirst() - Method in DataflowStream
Retrieved the first element in the stream, blocking until a value is available
getFirst() - Method in FList
getFirstDFV() - Method in DataflowStream
getForkJoinPool() - Method in FJPool
Retrieves the internal executor service.
getHead() - Method in DataflowStreamWriteAdapter
getHost() - Method in RemoteConnection
getHostId() - Method in SerialContext
getId() - Method in ActorTimerTask
getId() - Method in LocalHandle
getId() - Method in LocalNode
getId() - Method in RemoteNode
getId() - Method in SerialHandles
Getter for provider id
getIndex() - Method in SelectResult
getInstance() - Method in ActiveObjectRegistry
getInstantVal() - Method in AgentBase
A shorthand method for safe message-based retrieval of the internal state.
getIssues() - Method in ActorReplyException
getJoinLatch() - Method in Actor
Join-point for this actor
getLocalHost() - Method in LocalNode
getLocalHost() - Method in RemoteHost
getLocalHostId() - Method in SerialContext
getMainActor() - Method in LocalNode
getMainActor() - Method in RemoteNode
getMaximumNumberOfParameters() - Method in DataflowMessagingRunnable
getMaximumNumberOfParameters() - Method in MessagingRunnable
getMaximumNumberOfParameters() - Method in ReactorMessagingRunnable
getMessage() - Method in AsyncException
getMessage() - Method in MessageStream.SendTo
getMetaClass() - Method in DataflowExpression
getOrCreateSerialHandle() - Method in WithSerialId
Gets serial handle for the object If needed new handle created and serialization host subscribed for the object handle
getOutput() - Method in DataflowProcessor
The processor's first / only output channel
getOutputs() - Method in DataflowProcessor
The processor's output channel of the given index
getOwningProcessor() - Method in DataflowMessagingRunnable
Retrieves the owning processor (operator or selector) giving the DataflowMessagingRunnable a way to call methods like bindOutput()
getParallel(Object) - Method in GParsPoolUtil
Creates a PAWrapper around a ParallelArray wrapping the elements of the original collection.
getParallel() - Method in Parallel
Creates a PAWrapper around a ParallelArray wrapping te elements of the original collection.
getParallelArray(Object) - Method in GParsPoolUtil
Creates a ParallelArray wrapping the elements of the original collection.
getParallelGroup() - Method in Actor
Retrieves the group to which the actor belongs
getParameterTypes() - Method in DataflowMessagingRunnable
Returns types expected by the Runnable.
getParameterTypes() - Method in MessagingRunnable
getParameterTypes() - Method in ReactorMessagingRunnable
getPayLoad() - Method in ActorMessage
getPipeline() - Method in NettyTransportProvider.ServerPipelineFactory
getPoolSize() - Method in DefaultPool
Retrieves the current thread pool size
getPoolSize() - Method in FJPool
Retrieves the current thread pool size
getPoolSize() - Method in Pool
Retrieves the current thread pool size
getPoolSize() - Method in Scheduler
Retrieves the current thread pool size
getProperty(String) - Method in DataflowExpression
Returns either standard property of expression or creates expression, which will request given property when receiver became available
getProperty(String) - Method in Dataflows
the value of the DataflowVariable associated with the property "name".
getProperty(String) - Method in ForwardingDelegate
getProperty(String) - Method in RunnableBackedBlockingActor.RunnableBackedPooledActorDelegate
getRealSelf() - Method in Parallel
Retrieves the mixed it parent and potentially casts it dynamically to a Map.
getRemoteClass() - Method in DataflowVariable
getRemoteClass() - Method in MessageStream
getRemoteClass() - Method in WithSerialId
Class of remote object to be created
getRemoteHost() - Method in RemoteNode
getRest() - Method in DataflowStream
Retrieves a DataflowStream representing the rest of this Stream after removing the first element
getRest() - Method in FList
getResult(long, TimeUnit) - Method in MessageStream.ResultWaiter
Retrieves the response blocking until a message arrives
getScheduler() - Method in LocalNode
getSender() - Method in AbstractLoopingActor
Retrieves the sender actor of the currently processed message.
getSender() - Method in ActorMessage
getSender() - Method in ReplyingMessageStream
getSerialHost(UUID, Object) - Method in LocalHost
getSerialHost(UUID, Object) - Method in SerialContext
getSerialHost(UUID, Object) - Method in SerialHandles
getSerialId() - Method in SerialHandle
Serial id of the object
getSourceUnit() - Method in ActiveObjectASTTransformation.MyClassCodeExpressionTransformer
getSubscribers() - Method in SerialHandle
Getter for subscribers
getThreadPool() - Method in AsyncMessagingCore
getThreadPool() - Method in GParsExecutorsPoolEnhancer
Retrieves the underlying pool
getThreadPool() - Method in ParallelEnhancer
Retrieves the underlying pool
getThreadPool() - Method in PGroup
getTo() - Method in MessageStream.SendTo
getVal() - Method in AgentBase
A shorthand method for safe message-based retrieval of the internal state.
getVal(long, TimeUnit) - Method in DataflowExpression
Reads the value of the variable.
getVal(long, TimeUnit) - Method in DataflowQueue
Retrieves the value at the head of the buffer.
getVal(long, TimeUnit) - Method in DataflowReadChannel
Reads the current value of the channel.
getVal(long, TimeUnit) - Method in DataflowStreamReadAdapter
getVal(long, TimeUnit) - Method in Promise
Reads the current value of the channel.
getValAsync(Object, MessageStream) - Method in DataflowExpression
Used by Dataflow operators.
getValAsync(Object, MessageStream) - Method in DataflowQueue
Asynchronously retrieves the value at the head of the buffer.
getValAsync(Object, MessageStream) - Method in DataflowReadChannel
Asynchronously retrieves the value from the channel.
getValAsync(Object, MessageStream) - Method in DataflowStreamReadAdapter
getValAsync(Object, MessageStream) - Method in Promise
Asynchronously retrieves the value from the channel.
getValue() - Method in SelectResult
GFixedDelay - Class in groovyx.gpars.csp.plugAndPlay
GFixedDelay() - Constructor in GFixedDelay
GIdentity - Class in groovyx.gpars.csp.plugAndPlay
GIdentity() - Constructor in GIdentity
GIntegrate - Class in groovyx.gpars.csp.plugAndPlay
GIntegrate() - Constructor in GIntegrate
gmemoize(Closure) - Method in GParsPoolUtil
Creates a caching variant of the supplied closure.
gmemoizeAtLeast(Closure, int) - Method in GParsPoolUtil
Creates a caching variant of the supplied closure with automatic cache size adjustment and lower limit on the cache size.
gmemoizeAtMost(Closure, int) - Method in GParsPoolUtil
Creates a caching variant of the supplied closure with upper limit on the cache size.
gmemoizeBetween(Closure, int, int) - Method in GParsPoolUtil
Creates a caching variant of the supplied closure with automatic cache size adjustment and lower and upper limits on the cache size.
GNumbers - Class in groovyx.gpars.csp.plugAndPlay
GNumbers() - Constructor in GNumbers
GObjectToConsoleString - Class in groovyx.gpars.csp.plugAndPlay
GObjectToConsoleString() - Constructor in GObjectToConsoleString
GPairs - Class in groovyx.gpars.csp.plugAndPlay
GPairs() - Constructor in GPairs
GParPrint - Class in groovyx.gpars.csp.plugAndPlay
GParPrint() - Constructor in GParPrint
GPARS_POOLSIZE - Field in PoolUtils
GParsAtomicBlock - Class in groovyx.gpars.stm
A default implementation of org.multiverse.api.closures.AtomicClosure properly handling exception propagation
GParsAtomicBlock(Closure) - Constructor in GParsAtomicBlock
GParsAtomicBooleanBlock - Class in groovyx.gpars.stm
A default implementation of org.multiverse.api.closures.AtomicBooleanClosure properly handling exception propagation
GParsAtomicBooleanBlock(Closure) - Constructor in GParsAtomicBooleanBlock
GParsAtomicDoubleBlock - Class in groovyx.gpars.stm
A default implementation of org.multiverse.api.closures.AtomicDoubleClosure properly handling exception propagation
GParsAtomicDoubleBlock(Closure) - Constructor in GParsAtomicDoubleBlock
GParsAtomicIntBlock - Class in groovyx.gpars.stm
A default implementation of org.multiverse.api.closures.AtomicIntClosure properly handling exception propagation
GParsAtomicIntBlock(Closure) - Constructor in GParsAtomicIntBlock
GParsAtomicLongBlock - Class in groovyx.gpars.stm
A default implementation of org.multiverse.api.closures.AtomicLongClosure properly handling exception propagation
GParsAtomicLongBlock(Closure) - Constructor in GParsAtomicLongBlock
GParsAtomicVoidBlock - Class in groovyx.gpars.stm
A default implementation of org.multiverse.api.closures.AtomicVoidClosure properly handling exception propagation
GParsAtomicVoidBlock(Closure) - Constructor in GParsAtomicVoidBlock
GParsExecutorsPool - Class in groovyx.gpars
Enables a ExecutorService-based DSL on closures, objects and collections.
GParsExecutorsPool() - Constructor in GParsExecutorsPool
GParsExecutorsPoolEnhancer - Class in groovyx.gpars
GParsExecutorsPoolEnhancer allows classes or instances to be enhanced with asynchronous variants of iterative methods, like eachParallel(), collectParallel(), findAllParallel() and others.
GParsExecutorsPoolEnhancer() - Constructor in GParsExecutorsPoolEnhancer
GParsExecutorsPoolUtil - Class in groovyx.gpars
This class forms the core of the DSL initialized by GParsExecutorsPool.
GParsExecutorsPoolUtil() - Constructor in GParsExecutorsPoolUtil
GParsPool - Class in groovyx.gpars
Enables a ParallelArray-based (from JSR-166y) DSL on collections.
GParsPool.MyCancellableRecursiveTask - Class in groovyx.gpars
GParsPool.MyCancellableRecursiveTask(def) - Constructor in GParsPool.MyCancellableRecursiveTask
GParsPool() - Constructor in GParsPool
GParsPoolUtil - Class in groovyx.gpars
This class forms the core of the DSL initialized by GParsPool.
GParsPoolUtil() - Constructor in GParsPoolUtil
GParsStm - Class in groovyx.gpars.stm
Provides access to GPars Stm services.
GParsStm() - Constructor in GParsStm
GPCopy - Class in groovyx.gpars.csp.plugAndPlay
GPCopy() - Constructor in GPCopy
GPlus - Class in groovyx.gpars.csp.plugAndPlay
GPlus() - Constructor in GPlus
GPrefix - Class in groovyx.gpars.csp.plugAndPlay
GPrefix() - Constructor in GPrefix
GPrint - Class in groovyx.gpars.csp.plugAndPlay
GPrint() - Constructor in GPrint
grep(def) - Method in TransparentParallel
grepParallel(Closure) - Method in GParsExecutorsPoolEnhancer
Performs the grep()() operation using an asynchronous variant of the supplied closure to evaluate each collection's/object's element.
grepParallel(Map, def) - Method in GParsExecutorsPoolUtil
Does parallel grep on a map
grepParallel(Map, def) - Method in GParsPoolUtil
Creates a Parallel Array out of the supplied map and invokes the withFilter() method using the supplied rule as the filter predicate.
grepParallel(Object) - Method in Parallel
Performs the grep() operation using an asynchronous variant of the supplied closure to evaluate each collection's/object's element.
grepParallelPA(ParallelArray, def) - Method in GParsPoolUtil
GroovyMobileProcess - Class in groovyx.gpars.csp
GroovyMobileProcess() - Constructor in GroovyMobileProcess
group - Field in BroadcastDiscovery
groupBy(Closure) - Method in AbstractPAWrapper
Performs parallel groupBy operation.
groupBy(Closure) - Method in TransparentParallel
groupByParallel(Closure) - Method in GParsExecutorsPoolEnhancer
Performs the groupBy() operation using an asynchronous variant of the supplied closure to evaluate each collection's/object's element.
groupByParallel(Object, Closure) - Method in GParsExecutorsPoolUtil
Performs the groupBy() operation using an asynchronous variant of the supplied closure to evaluate each collection's/object's element.
groupByParallel(Object, Closure) - Method in GParsPoolUtil
Creates a Parallel Array out of the supplied collection/object and invokes the withMapping() method using the supplied closure as the mapping predicate.
groupByParallel(Closure) - Method in Parallel
Performs the groupBy() operation using an asynchronous variant of the supplied closure to evaluate each collection's/object's element.
groupByParallelPA(ParallelArray, Closure) - Method in GParsPoolUtil
GSquares - Class in groovyx.gpars.csp.plugAndPlay
GSquares() - Constructor in GSquares
GStatePairs - Class in groovyx.gpars.csp.plugAndPlay
GStatePairs() - Constructor in GStatePairs
GSuccessor - Class in groovyx.gpars.csp.plugAndPlay
GSuccessor() - Constructor in GSuccessor
GTail - Class in groovyx.gpars.csp.plugAndPlay
GTail() - Constructor in GTail
GuardedSelectRequest - Class in groovyx.gpars.dataflow.impl
The base implementation of the SelectRequest interface, providing a useful default masking (guarding) functionality.
GuardedSelectRequest(List) - Constructor in GuardedSelectRequest
mask - The list of boolean flags indicating which position should be matched against.
guards - Field in DataflowSelector


handleCurrentMessage(Object) - Method in InternalActor
handleException(Throwable) - Method in Actor
handleInterrupt(InterruptedException) - Method in Actor
handleInterruption(AtomicBoolean) - Method in DataflowExpression
handleMessage(Object) - Method in Agent
Dynamically dispatches the method call
handleMessage(Object) - Method in AgentCore
Dynamically dispatches the method call
handleMessage(Object) - Method in AsyncMessagingCore
handler - Field in NettyRemoteConnection
handler - Field in NettyRemoteConnection.MyChannelFutureListener
handleStart() - Method in Actor
handleStart() - Method in BlockingActor
handleStart() - Method in DefaultActor
Called once the START_MESSAGE arrives.
handleTermination() - Method in Actor
handleTermination() - Method in SequentialProcessingActor
handleTimeout() - Method in Actor
hasBeenStopped() - Method in AbstractLoopingActor
hasBeenStopped() - Method in Actor
hasBeenStopped() - Method in Actor.RemoteActor
hasBeenStopped() - Method in SequentialProcessingActor
hasErrors() - Method in AgentCore
Indicates whether there have been exception thrown within the agent's body.
hashCode() - Method in DataflowStream
hashCode() - Method in NullValue
hashCode() - Method in SelectResult
hasNext() - Method in FListIterator
head - Field in DataflowStreamReadAdapter
head - Field in DataflowStreamWriteAdapter
heading - Property in GPrint
headings - Property in GParPrint
hookWheneverBoundListeners(DataflowExpression) - Method in DataflowQueue
Hooks the registered when bound handlers to the supplied dataflow expression
hookWheneverBoundListeners(DataflowExpression) - Method in DataflowStream
Hooks the registered when bound handlers to the supplied dataflow expression
host - Field in RemoteConnection
hostId - Field in RemoteHandle
hostId - Field in SerialContext
hostId - Field in SerialMsg
HostIdMsg - Class in groovyx.gpars.remote.message
Message sent by NetTransportProvider immediately after connection to another host is set up
HostIdMsg(UUID) - Constructor in HostIdMsg
Construct message representing current state of the transport provider


id - Field in ActorTimerTask
id - Field in LocalHandle
id - Field in LocalNode
id - Field in NettyTransportProvider.ClientHandler
id - Field in RemoteNode
id - Field in SerialHandles
Unique id of the provider
inChannel0 - Property in GPlus
inChannel1 - Property in GPlus
inChannel - Property in GConsoleStringToInteger
inChannel - Property in GDelta2
inChannel - Property in GFixedDelay
inChannel - Property in GIdentity
inChannel - Property in GIntegrate
inChannel - Property in GObjectToConsoleString
inChannel - Property in GPairs
inChannel - Property in GPCopy
inChannel - Property in GPrefix
inChannel - Property in GPrint
inChannel - Property in GStatePairs
inChannel - Property in GSuccessor
inChannel - Property in GTail
inChannels - Property in FairMultiplex
inChannels - Property in GParPrint
inChannels - Property in Multiplexer
inChannels - Property in PriMultiplex
inChannels - Property in TimedMultiplex
index - Field in SelectCallback
index - Field in SelectResult
init(ASTNode[]) - Method in AsyncFunASTTransformation
initialize(Closure) - Method in AbstractLoopingActor
Builds the async messaging core using the supplied code handler
initialValue() - Method in ThreadLocalPools
inputQueue - Field in SequentialProcessingActor
Stored incoming messages.
inputQueueUpdater - Field in SequentialProcessingActor
inputs - Field in DataflowProcessorActor
inside - Field in DefaultMessageQueue
inside - Field in FQMessageQueue
instance - Field in NettyTransportProvider.MyThreadFactory
InternalActor - Class in groovyx.gpars.activeobject
Backs active objects and invokes all object's active methods.
InternalActor() - Constructor in InternalActor
Just like DynamicDispatchActor, except that the actual method dispatch is static through the closure passed to the initialize() method.
invokeMethod(String, Object) - Method in DataflowExpression
invokeMethod(String, Object) - Method in Dataflows
Invokes the given method.
invokeMethod(String, Object) - Method in ForwardingDelegate
invokeMethod(String, Object) - Method in RunnableBackedBlockingActor.RunnableBackedPooledActorDelegate
isActive() - Method in AbstractLoopingActor
isActive() - Method in Actor
Checks the current status of the Actor.
isActive() - Method in Actor.RemoteActor
isActive() - Method in SequentialProcessingActor
Checks the current status of the Actor.
isActorThread() - Method in Actor
Checks whether the current thread is the actor's current thread.
isBound() - Method in DataflowExpression
Check if value has been set already for this expression
isBound() - Method in DataflowQueue
Check if value has been set already for this expression
isBound() - Method in DataflowReadChannel
Check if value has been set already for this expression
isBound() - Method in DataflowStreamReadAdapter
isBound() - Method in Promise
Check if value has been set already for this expression
isConcurrencyActive() - Method in TransparentParallel
Indicates, whether the iterative methods like each() or collect() should have a concurrent or a sequential semantics.
isConcurrent(Object) - Method in GParsPoolUtil
Indicates whether the iterative methods like each() or collect() work have been altered to work concurrently.
isConcurrent() - Method in Parallel
Indicates, whether the iterative methods like each() or collect() have been made parallel.
isConcurrent() - Method in TransparentParallel
Indicates, whether the iterative methods like each() or collect() have been made parallel.
isConnected() - Method in RemoteHost
isEmpty() - Method in DataflowStream
Indicates, whether the first element in the stream is an eos
isEmpty() - Method in DefaultMessageQueue
isEmpty() - Method in FList
isEmpty() - Method in FQMessageQueue
isEmpty() - Method in FQMessageQueue.EmptyNode
isEmpty() - Method in FQMessageQueue.Node
isEmpty() - Method in MessageQueue
isFair() - Method in AbstractLoopingActor
Retrieves the actor's fairness flag Fair actors give up the thread after processing each message, non-fair actors keep a thread until their message queue is empty.
isFair() - Method in AgentCore
Retrieves the agent's fairness flag Fair agents give up the thread after processing each message, non-fair agents keep a thread until their message queue is empty.
isFair() - Method in AsyncMessagingCore
Retrieves the agent's fairness flag Fair agents give up the thread after processing each message, non-fair agents keep a thread until their message queue is empty.
isRootActiveObject(ClassNode) - Method in ActiveObjectASTTransformation
isSet - Field in MessageStream.ResultWaiter
issues - Field in ActorReplyException
iterator() - Method in DataflowQueue
Returns an iterator over a current snapshot of the buffer's content.
iterator() - Method in Dataflows
Convenience method to play nicely with Groovy object iteration methods.
iterator() - Method in DataflowStream
Builds an iterator to iterate over the stream
iterator() - Method in DataflowStreamReadAdapter


JCSPCopy - Interface in groovyx.gpars.csp
join(BaseDuration) - Method in Actor
Joins the actor.
join(long, TimeUnit) - Method in DataflowExpression
Blocks, if the value has not been assigned yet to the DataflowVariable
join() - Method in DataflowProcessor
Joins the processor waiting for it to finish
joinLatch - Field in Actor
joinLatch - Field in Actor.MyRemoteHandle


KEEP_ALIVE_TIME - Field in ResizeablePool
klazz - Field in DefaultRemoteHandle


lastTaskPoke - Field in Scheduler
leave() - Method in SerialContext
Leave this context
leftShift(Object) - Method in AgentCore
Adds the message to the agent\s message queue
leftShift(T) - Method in DataflowQueue
Adds a DataflowVariable representing the passed in value to the buffer.
leftShift(T) - Method in DataflowStream
Adds a value to the stream
leftShift(DataflowReadChannel) - Method in DataflowStreamWriteAdapter
leftShift(DataflowReadChannel) - Method in DataflowVariable
Assigns a value from one DataflowVariable instance to this variable.
leftShift(DataflowReadChannel) - Method in DataflowWriteChannel
Assigns a value from one DataflowVariable instance to this variable.
leftShift(ExecutorService, Closure) - Method in GParsExecutorsPoolUtil
Submits the task for asynchronous processing returning the Future received from the executor service.
leftShift(ForkJoinPool, Closure) - Method in GParsPoolUtil
Submits the task for asynchronous processing returning the Future received from the executor service.
leftShift(T) - Method in MessageStream
Same as send
leftShift(Object) - Method in ThreadLocalPools
Adds a new element
length() - Method in DataflowQueue
Returns the current size of the buffer
list1GEList2(def, def) - Method in TestUtilities
listContains(def, def) - Method in TestUtilities
listeners - Field in AgentBase
Holds all listeners interested in state updates A listener should be a closure accepting the old and the new value in this order.
listeners - Field in LocalNode
LocalHandle - Class in groovyx.gpars.serial
@author Alex Tkachman
LocalHandle(UUID) - Constructor in LocalHandle
localHandles - Field in SerialHandles
Table of local objects serialized out to remote nodes
LocalHost - Class in groovyx.gpars.remote
Represents communication point with other local hosts.
LocalHost() - Constructor in LocalHost
localHost - Field in LocalNode
localHost - Field in RemoteConnection
localHost - Field in SerialContext
LocalHostRegistry - Class in groovyx.gpars.remote
Registry of local hosts
LocalHostRegistry() - Constructor in LocalHostRegistry
localHosts - Field in LocalHostRegistry
LocalNode - Class in groovyx.gpars.remote
Representation of local node
LocalNode(LocalHost, Runnable) - Constructor in LocalNode
localNodes - Field in LocalHost
Local nodes known to the provider
lock - Field in AgentBase
Allows reads not to wait in the message queue.
lock - Field in Dataflows
lookupActorFieldName(AnnotationNode) - Method in ActiveObjectASTTransformation
lookupActorGroupName(AnnotationNode) - Method in ActiveObjectASTTransformation
loop(Closure, Closure, Runnable) - Method in DefaultActor
Ensures that the supplied closure will be invoked repeatedly in a loop.
loop(Runnable) - Method in Scheduler
loopClosure - Field in DefaultActor
loopCode - Field in DefaultActor
Misused also for the code to run at start-up
loopCondition - Field in DefaultActor
LRUProtectionStorage - Class in groovyx.gpars.memoize
Protects stored resources from eviction from memory following the LRU (Last Recently Used) strategy.
LRUProtectionStorage(int) - Constructor in LRUProtectionStorage


MAGIC - Field in BroadcastDiscovery
mainActor - Field in LocalNode
mainActor - Field in NodeConnectedMsg
mainActor - Field in RemoteNode
makeConcurrent(Object) - Method in GParsPoolUtil
Overrides the iterative methods like each(), collect() and such, so that they call their parallel variants from the GParsPoolUtil class like eachParallel(), collectParallel() and such.
makeConcurrent(Object) - Method in Parallel
Overrides the iterative methods like each(), collect() and such, so that they call their parallel variants from the GParsPoolUtil class like eachParallel(), collectParallel() and such.
makeFair() - Method in AbstractLoopingActor
Makes the actor fair.
makeFair() - Method in AgentCore
Makes the agent fair.
makeFair() - Method in AsyncMessagingCore
Makes the agent fair.
makeSequential(Object) - Method in GParsPoolUtil
Gives the iterative methods like each() or find() the original sequential semantics.
makeSequential(Object) - Method in Parallel
Gives the iterative methods like each() or find() the original sequential semantics.
makeTransparent(Object) - Method in GParsPoolUtil
Creates a TransparentParallel class instance and mixes it in the object it is invoked on.
makeTransparent(Object) - Method in Parallel
Creates a TransparentParallel class instance and mixes it in the object it is invoked on.
manager - Field in SerialHandle
map(Closure) - Method in AbstractPAWrapper
Applies concurrently the supplied function to all elements in the collection, returning a collection containing the transformed values.
map(FList, Closure, DataflowStream) - Method in DataflowStream
map(Closure) - Method in FList
MappedPAWrapper - Class in groovyx.gpars
The ParallelArray wrapper used after the map() operation
MappedPAWrapper(ParallelArrayWithMapping) - Constructor in MappedPAWrapper
mask - Field in GuardedSelectRequest
matchesMask(int) - Method in GuardedSelectRequest
Detects, whether the channel at the given index is guarded or not.
matchesMask(int) - Method in SelectRequest
Checks, whether the given index should be queried for value or not.
max(Closure) - Method in AbstractPAWrapper
Finds in parallel the maximum of all values in the collection.
max() - Method in TransparentParallel
maxParallel(Object) - Method in GParsPoolUtil
Creates a Parallel Array out of the supplied collection/object and invokes its max() method using the default comparator.
maxParallel() - Method in Parallel
Creates a Parallel Array out of the supplied collection/object and invokes its max() method using the default comparator.
maxSize - Field in LRUProtectionStorage
memberHasValue(AnnotationNode, String, Object) - Method in AsyncFunASTTransformation
MEMOIZE_NULL - Property in GParsPoolUtil
merge(CombineHolder, Closure, Closure) - Method in CombineHolder
message - Field in DataflowExpression.BindDataflow
message - Field in MessageStream.SendTo
messageHandler(Closure) - Method in Actors
Creates an instance of DynamicDispatchActor.
messageHandler(Closure) - Method in PGroup
Creates an instance of DynamicDispatchActor.
MessageQueue - Interface in groovyx.gpars.util
The high-performance actor message queue
messageReceived(ChannelHandlerContext, MessageEvent) - Method in NettyHandler
MessageStream - Class in
Represents a stream of messages and forms the base class for actors
MessageStream.RemoteMessageStream - Class in
MessageStream.RemoteMessageStream(RemoteHost) - Constructor in MessageStream.RemoteMessageStream
MessageStream.ResultWaiter - Class in
Represents a pending request for a reply from an actor.
MessageStream.ResultWaiter() - Constructor in MessageStream.ResultWaiter
MessageStream.SendTo - Class in
MessageStream.SendTo(MessageStream, ActorMessage) - Constructor in MessageStream.SendTo
MessageStream() - Constructor in MessageStream
MessagingRunnable - Class in groovyx.gpars
Represents a single-argument Closure when using GPars agents, actors or dataflow concurrency through the Java API.
MessagingRunnable(Object) - Constructor in MessagingRunnable
metaClass - Field in DataflowExpression
The current metaclass
METHOD_NAME_PREFIX - Field in InternalActor
methodName - Field in DataflowInvocationExpression
min(Closure) - Method in AbstractPAWrapper
Finds in parallel the minimum of all values in the collection.
min() - Method in TransparentParallel
minParallel(Object) - Method in GParsPoolUtil
Creates a Parallel Array out of the supplied collection/object and invokes its min() method using the default comparator.
minParallel() - Method in Parallel
Creates a Parallel Array out of the supplied collection/object and invokes its min() method using the default comparator.
minus(def) - Method in ChannelInputList
minus(def) - Method in ChannelOutputList
MobileAgent - Interface in groovyx.gpars.csp
moveAsyncHead() - Method in DataflowStreamReadAdapter
moveHead() - Method in DataflowStreamReadAdapter
msg - Field in SequentialProcessingActor.Node
Multiplexer - Class in groovyx.gpars.csp.util
Multiplexer() - Constructor in Multiplexer
MY_TYPE - Field in AsyncFunASTTransformation
myActor - Field in DefaultActorClosure
myThread - Field in GParsPool.MyCancellableRecursiveTask


name - Field in DataflowGetPropertyExpression
NettyHandler - Class in groovyx.gpars.remote.netty
@author Alex Tkachman
NettyHandler(NettyTransportProvider) - Constructor in NettyHandler
NettyRemoteConnection - Class in groovyx.gpars.remote.netty
Connection using Netty
NettyRemoteConnection.MyChannelFutureListener - Class in groovyx.gpars.remote.netty
NettyRemoteConnection.MyChannelFutureListener() - Constructor in NettyRemoteConnection.MyChannelFutureListener
NettyRemoteConnection(NettyTransportProvider, NettyHandler) - Constructor in NettyRemoteConnection
NettyTransportProvider - Class in groovyx.gpars.remote.netty
Transport provider using Netty
NettyTransportProvider.Client - Class in groovyx.gpars.remote.netty
NettyTransportProvider.Client(NettyTransportProvider, SocketAddress, UUID) - Constructor in NettyTransportProvider.Client
NettyTransportProvider.ClientHandler - Class in groovyx.gpars.remote.netty
NettyTransportProvider.ClientHandler(NettyTransportProvider, UUID) - Constructor in NettyTransportProvider.ClientHandler
NettyTransportProvider.MyThreadFactory - Class in groovyx.gpars.remote.netty
NettyTransportProvider.MyThreadFactory() - Constructor in NettyTransportProvider.MyThreadFactory
NettyTransportProvider.Server - Class in groovyx.gpars.remote.netty
NettyTransportProvider.Server() - Constructor in NettyTransportProvider.Server
NettyTransportProvider.ServerPipelineFactory - Class in groovyx.gpars.remote.netty
NettyTransportProvider.ServerPipelineFactory(NettyTransportProvider) - Constructor in NettyTransportProvider.ServerPipelineFactory
NettyTransportProvider() - Constructor in NettyTransportProvider
newThread(Runnable) - Method in AgentThreadFactory
newThread(Runnable) - Method in NettyTransportProvider.MyThreadFactory
next() - Method in FListIterator
next - Field in FQMessageQueue.Node
next - Field in SequentialProcessingActor.Node
nextContinuation - Field in DefaultActor
No_ARGS - Field in InternalActor
NodeConnectedMsg - Class in groovyx.gpars.remote.message
Message sent when local node connected to remote host
NodeConnectedMsg(LocalNode) - Constructor in NodeConnectedMsg
NodeDisconnectedMsg - Class in groovyx.gpars.remote.message
Message sent when local node disconnected from remote host
NodeDisconnectedMsg(LocalNode) - Constructor in NodeDisconnectedMsg
nodeId - Field in NodeConnectedMsg
Id of node connected
nodeId - Field in NodeDisconnectedMsg
Id of node disconnected
NonDaemonPGroup - Class in
Provides logical grouping for actors, agents and dataflow tasks and operators.
NonDaemonPGroup(int) - Constructor in NonDaemonPGroup
Creates a group for actors, agents, tasks and operators.
nonGeneric(ClassNode) - Method in ActiveObjectASTTransformation.MyClassCodeExpressionTransformer
notifyRemote(UUID) - Method in DataflowExpression
Sends notifications to all subscribers
NullProtectionStorage - Class in groovyx.gpars.memoize
Doesn't protect any resources.
NullProtectionStorage() - Constructor in NullProtectionStorage
NullValue - Class in groovyx.gpars.memoize
Represents a null or void return value in the cache.
NullValue() - Constructor in NullValue
numberOfChannels - Field in SelectBase
numberOfParameters - Field in DataflowMessagingRunnable


ON_DELIVERY_ERROR - Field in Actor
onConnect(RemoteNode) - Method in LocalNode
onConnect() - Method in RemoteConnection
onConnect(RemoteNode) - Method in RemoteNodeDiscoveryListener
onConnect(RemoteNode) - Method in RemoteNodeDiscoveryListener.RemoteNodeDiscoveryListenerClosure
onDeliveryError(Object) - Method in MessageStream.ResultWaiter
Handle cases when the message sent to the actor doesn't get delivered
onDisconnect(SerialContext) - Method in LocalHost
onDisconnect(RemoteNode) - Method in LocalNode
onDisconnect() - Method in RemoteConnection
onDisconnect(RemoteNode) - Method in RemoteNodeDiscoveryListener
onDisconnect(RemoteNode) - Method in RemoteNodeDiscoveryListener.RemoteNodeDiscoveryListenerClosure
onDisconnectForLocalNodes(RemoteNode) - Method in LocalHost
onDiscovery(UUID, SocketAddress) - Method in BroadcastDiscovery
onException(Throwable) - Method in RemoteConnection
ongoingThreadTermination - Field in SequentialProcessingActor
onMessage(T) - Method in AgentBase
Other messages than closures are accepted as new values for the internal state
onMessage(def) - Method in DataflowOperatorActor
onMessage(def) - Method in DataflowProcessorActor
All messages unhandled by sub-classes will result in an exception being thrown
onMessage(SelectResult) - Method in DataflowSelectorActor
onMessage(Object) - Method in DefaultActor
Handles all incoming messages
onMessage(Object[]) - Method in InternalActor
Handles incoming messages
onMessage(SerialMsg) - Method in RemoteConnection
onStop - Field in Actor
op(Object) - Method in ClosureMapper
op(Object) - Method in ClosurePredicate
op(Object, Object) - Method in ClosureReducer
operationComplete(ChannelFuture) - Method in NettyRemoteConnection.MyChannelFutureListener
operator(DataflowReadChannel, DataflowWriteChannel, int, Closure) - Method in Dataflow
Creates an operator using the current parallel group
operator(DataflowReadChannel, DataflowWriteChannel, int, Closure) - Method in PGroup
Creates an operator using the current parallel group
ourInstance - Field in ActiveObjectRegistry
outChannel0 - Property in GDelta2
outChannel0 - Property in GPCopy
outChannel1 - Property in GDelta2
outChannel1 - Property in GPCopy
outChannel - Property in FairMultiplex
outChannel - Property in GConsoleStringToInteger
outChannel - Property in GFixedDelay
outChannel - Property in GIdentity
outChannel - Property in GIntegrate
outChannel - Property in GNumbers
outChannel - Property in GObjectToConsoleString
outChannel - Property in GPairs
outChannel - Property in GPlus
outChannel - Property in GPrefix
outChannel - Property in GSquares
outChannel - Property in GStatePairs
outChannel - Property in GSuccessor
outChannel - Property in GTail
outChannel - Property in Multiplexer
outChannel - Property in PriMultiplex
outChannel - Property in TimedMultiplex
outputQueue - Field in SequentialProcessingActor
Stores messages ready for processing by the actor.
outputs - Field in DataflowProcessorActor
outside - Field in DefaultMessageQueue
outside - Field in FQMessageQueue
outsideUpdater - Field in FQMessageQueue
owningProcessor - Field in DataflowProcessorActor


pa - Property in AbstractPAWrapper
The wrapper ParallelArray instance
PAGroovyUtils - Class in groovyx.gpars.util
@author Vaclav Pech Date: 6th Sep 2010
PAGroovyUtils() - Constructor in PAGroovyUtils
PAR - Class in groovyx.gpars.csp
PAR is used to create a Parallel object
PAR() - Constructor in PAR
Parallel - Class in groovyx.gpars
The Parallel interface holds methods that ParallelEnhancer adds to classes or instances when they get enhanced.
Parallel() - Constructor in Parallel
ParallelEnhancer - Class in groovyx.gpars
ParallelEnhancer allows classes or instances to be enhanced with parallel variants of iterative methods, like eachParallel(), collectParallel(), findAllParallel() and others.
ParallelEnhancer() - Constructor in ParallelEnhancer
parallelGroup - Field in Actor
The parallel group to which the message stream belongs
parallelGroup - Field in DataCallback
PARAMETER_TYPES - Field in MessagingRunnable
PARAMETER_TYPES - Field in ReactorMessagingRunnable
passIndex - Field in DataflowSelectorActor
PASSIVE - Field in AsyncMessagingCore
PAUtils - Class in groovyx.gpars.util
Handy methods build PA from different types
PAUtils() - Constructor in PAUtils
PAWrapper - Class in groovyx.gpars
The default ParallelArray wrapper class
PAWrapper(def) - Constructor in PAWrapper
payLoad - Field in ActorMessage
pendingRequests - Field in SelectBase
Unsatisfied requests for value, each holding a list of guards and a routine to invoke once a value is available
PGroup - Class in
Provides a common super class of pooled parallel groups.
PGroup(Pool) - Constructor in PGroup
Creates a group for actors, agents, tasks and operators.
pipelineFactory - Field in NettyTransportProvider.Server
plus(def) - Method in ChannelInputList
plus(def) - Method in ChannelOutputList
PoisonPill - Class in groovyx.gpars.dataflow.operator
Represents the poisson for dataflow operators.
PoisonPill() - Constructor in PoisonPill
POKE_INTERVAL - Field in Scheduler
poll() - Method in DataflowExpression
Retrieves the bound value.
poll() - Method in DataflowQueue
Retrieves the value at the head of the buffer.
poll() - Method in DataflowReadChannel
Retrieves the value at the head of the buffer.
poll() - Method in DataflowStreamReadAdapter
poll() - Method in DefaultMessageQueue
poll() - Method in FQMessageQueue
poll() - Method in MessageQueue
pollFromInside() - Method in FQMessageQueue
pollMessage() - Method in SequentialProcessingActor
Polls a message from the queues
Pool - Interface in groovyx.gpars.scheduler
Represents an actor's thread pool
pool - Field in DataCallbackWithPool
pool - Field in DefaultPool
pool - Field in FJPool
PoolUtils - Class in groovyx.gpars.util
Provides a couple of utility methods to pools and schedulers.
PoolUtils() - Constructor in PoolUtils
pop() - Method in ThreadLocalPools
Removes the top (last) element
PORT - Field in BroadcastDiscovery
position - Field in SelectBase
prefixValue - Property in GPrefix
previous - Field in DataflowExpression.WaitingThread
PriMultiplex - Class in groovyx.gpars.csp.util
PriMultiplex() - Constructor in PriMultiplex
printStackTrace() - Method in ActorReplyException
prioritySelect(MessageStream, List) - Method in Select
Selects a value from a single input channel, which has a value available for read.
prioritySelector(List, List) - Method in Dataflow
Creates a prioritizing selector using the default dataflow parallel group.
prioritySelector(List, List) - Method in PGroup
Creates a prioritizing selector using the default dataflow parallel group.
processResult(List) - Method in GParsExecutorsPoolUtil
Promise - Interface in groovyx.gpars.dataflow
A unifying future-like interface to dataflow variables, asynchronous functions and active objects.
provider - Field in NettyTransportProvider.Client
provider - Field in NettyTransportProvider.ClientHandler
provider - Field in NettyTransportProvider.ServerPipelineFactory
putAt(def, def) - Method in ChannelInputList
putAt(def, def) - Method in ChannelOutputList
putAt(Object, Object) - Method in Dataflows
Binds the value to the DataflowVariable that is associated with the property "index".
putNewUnderLock(Object) - Method in Dataflows
Utility method extracted just to help JIT


queryInputs(boolean) - Method in DataflowOperatorActor
queue - Field in AsyncMessagingCore
Incoming messages
queue - Field in DataflowQueue
Stores the received DataflowVariables in the buffer.
queue - Field in Scheduler
queue - Field in SerialHandle
queueLock - Field in DataflowQueue
Internal lock


react(long, Closure) - Method in DefaultActor
Schedules an ActorAction to take the next message off the message queue and to pass it on to the supplied closure.
ReactiveActor - Class in
An actor representing a reactor.
ReactiveActor(Closure) - Constructor in ReactiveActor
reactor(Closure) - Method in Actors
Creates a reactor around the supplied code.
reactor(Closure) - Method in PGroup
Creates a reactor around the supplied code.
ReactorMessagingRunnable - Class in groovyx.gpars
Represents a single-argument Closure when using GPars ReactiveActors (reactors) through the Java API.
ReactorMessagingRunnable(Object) - Constructor in ReactorMessagingRunnable
read() - Method in ChannelInputList
readResolve() - Method in LocalHandle
readResolve() - Method in RemoteHandle
receive(Duration, Closure) - Method in BlockingActor
Retrieves a message from the message queue, waiting, if necessary, for a message to arrive.
receive(BaseDuration) - Method in SequentialProcessingActor
Retrieves a message from the message queue, waiting, if necessary, for a message to arrive.
receiveImpl(long, TimeUnit) - Method in BlockingActor
Retrieves a message from the message queue, waiting, if necessary, for a message to arrive.
receiveImpl(long, TimeUnit) - Method in SequentialProcessingActor
Retrieves a message from the message queue, waiting, if necessary, for a message to arrive.
receiver - Field in DataflowGetPropertyExpression
receiver - Field in DataflowInvocationExpression
receiveThread - Field in BroadcastDiscovery
reduce(def, Closure) - Method in AbstractPAWrapper
Performs a parallel reduce operation.
reduce(T, FList, Closure) - Method in DataflowStream
reduce(T, Closure) - Method in FList
register(String, PGroup) - Method in ActiveObjectRegistry
registerCurrentActorWithThread(Actor) - Method in Actor
Registers the actor with the current thread
registerError(Throwable) - Method in AgentCore
Adds the exception to the list of thrown exceptions
registerError(Throwable) - Method in AsyncMessagingCore
registry - Field in ActiveObjectRegistry
reInterrupt() - Method in MessageStream
RemoteConnection - Class in groovyx.gpars.remote
Represents connection to remote host
RemoteConnection(LocalHost) - Constructor in RemoteConnection
RemoteDataflowExpression - Class in groovyx.gpars.dataflow
@author Alex Tkachman
RemoteDataflowExpression() - Constructor in RemoteDataflowExpression
RemoteHandle - Class in groovyx.gpars.serial
@author Alex Tkachman
RemoteHandle(UUID, UUID) - Constructor in RemoteHandle
RemoteHost - Class in groovyx.gpars.remote
Representation of remote host connected to transport provider
remoteHost - Field in Actor.RemoteActor
remoteHost - Field in DataflowVariable.RemoteDataflowVariable
remoteHost - Field in MessageStream.RemoteMessageStream
remoteHost - Field in RemoteDataflowExpression
RemoteHost(LocalHost, UUID) - Constructor in RemoteHost
remoteHost - Field in RemoteNode
remoteHosts - Field in LocalHost
Hosts known to the provider
RemoteNode - Class in groovyx.gpars.remote
Representation of remote node
RemoteNode(UUID, SerialContext, Actor) - Constructor in RemoteNode
RemoteNodeDiscoveryListener - Class in groovyx.gpars.remote
Listener for remote node events
RemoteNodeDiscoveryListener.RemoteNodeDiscoveryListenerClosure - Class in groovyx.gpars.remote
Discovery listener backed by closure with two params - node - "connected" | "disconnected"
RemoteNodeDiscoveryListener.RemoteNodeDiscoveryListenerClosure(Closure) - Constructor in RemoteNodeDiscoveryListener.RemoteNodeDiscoveryListenerClosure
RemoteNodeDiscoveryListener() - Constructor in RemoteNodeDiscoveryListener
remoteNodes - Field in LocalHost
Registry of remote nodes known to the provider
RemoteObjectDecoder - Class in groovyx.gpars.remote.netty
RemoteObjectDecoder(RemoteConnection) - Constructor in RemoteObjectDecoder
Creates a new encoder.
RemoteObjectEncoder - Class in groovyx.gpars.remote.netty
RemoteObjectEncoder(RemoteConnection) - Constructor in RemoteObjectEncoder
Creates a new encoder.
RemoteSerialized - Interface in groovyx.gpars.serial
Marker interface for objects, which are proxies to objects on other nodes.
remove(def) - Method in ChannelInputList
remove(def) - Method in ChannelOutputList
remove(Object) - Method in Dataflows
Removes a DFV from the map and binds it to null, if it has not been bound yet
remove() - Method in FListIterator
remove(SerialHandle) - Method in SerialContext
remove(SerialHandle) - Method in SerialHandles
removeConnection(RemoteConnection) - Method in RemoteHost
removeDiscoveryListener(RemoteNodeDiscoveryListener) - Method in LocalNode
removeEldestEntry(def) - Method in LRUProtectionStorage
removeLocalHost(LocalHost) - Method in LocalHostRegistry
reply(Object) - Method in AbstractLoopingActor
Sends a reply to all currently processed messages.
reply(Object) - Method in ReplyingMessageStream
Sends a reply to all currently processed messages.
replyIfExists(Object) - Method in AbstractLoopingActor
Sends a reply to all currently processed messages, which have been sent by an actor.
replyIfExists(Object) - Method in ReplyingMessageStream
Sends a reply to all currently processed messages, which have been sent by an actor.
ReplyingMessageStream - Class in
@author Alex Tkachman, Vaclav Pech
ReplyingMessageStream() - Constructor in ReplyingMessageStream
reportError(Throwable) - Method in DataflowOperator
Is invoked in case the actor throws an exception.
reportError(Throwable) - Method in DataflowProcessor
Is invoked in case the actor throws an exception.
reportError(Throwable) - Method in DataflowSelector
Is invoked in case the actor throws an exception.
reportException(Throwable) - Method in DataflowProcessorActor
requests - Field in DataflowQueue
Stores unsatisfied requests for values
resetDefaultSize() - Method in DefaultPool
Sets the pool size to the default
resetDefaultSize() - Method in FJPool
Sets the pool size to the default
resetDefaultSize() - Method in Pool
Sets the pool size to the default
resetDefaultSize() - Method in Scheduler
resize(int) - Method in DefaultPool
Resizes the thread pool to the specified value
resize(int) - Method in FJPool
Resizes the thread pool to the specified value
resize(int) - Method in Pool
Resizes the thread pool to the specified value
resize(int) - Method in Scheduler
ResizeablePool - Class in groovyx.gpars.scheduler
Represents the actors' thread pool, which performs tasks on behalf of the actors.
ResizeablePool(boolean, int) - Constructor in ResizeablePool
Creates the pool with specified number of threads.
RESPONDS_TO - Field in Actor
rest - Field in DataflowStream
RESULT - Field in DataflowExpression
rethrowException() - Method in MessageStream.ResultWaiter
retrieveCurrentDFPGroup() - Method in Dataflow
Retrieves the thread-local value of the active PGroup or the default DataflowGroup
retrieveCurrentPool() - Method in GParsExecutorsPool
Retrieves the pool assigned to the current thread.
retrieveCurrentPool() - Method in GParsPool
Retrieves the pool assigned to the current thread.
retrieveDefaultPoolSize() - Method in PoolUtils
retrieveForBind() - Method in DataflowQueue
Takes the first unsatisfied value request and binds a value on it.
retrieveNextMessage() - Method in SequentialProcessingActor
Takes the next message from the outputQueue, decrements the counter and possibly throws control exceptions
retrieveOrCreateVariable() - Method in DataflowQueue
Checks whether there's a DFV waiting in the queue and retrieves it.
retrievePool() - Method in GParsPoolUtil
rightShift(Closure) - Method in DataflowExpression
Schedule closure to be executed by pooled actor after data became available It is important to notice that even if data already available the execution of closure will not happen immediately but will be scheduled
rightShift(Closure) - Method in DataflowQueue
Schedule closure to be executed by pooled actor after data became available It is important to notice that even if data already available the execution of closure will not happen immediately but will be scheduled
rightShift(Closure) - Method in DataflowReadChannel
Schedule closure to be executed by pooled actor after data became available It is important to notice that even if data already available the execution of closure will not happen immediately but will be scheduled
rightShift(Closure) - Method in DataflowStreamReadAdapter
rightShift(Closure) - Method in Promise
Schedule closure to be executed by pooled actor after data became available It is important to notice that even if data already available the execution of closure will not happen immediately but will be scheduled
run() - Method in ActorTimerTask
run() - Method in AsyncMessagingCore
Handles a single message from the message queue
run() - Method in FairMultiplex
run() - Method in GConsole
run() - Method in GConsoleStringToInteger
run() - Method in GDelta2
run() - Method in GFixedDelay
run() - Method in GIdentity
run() - Method in GIntegrate
run() - Method in GNumbers
run() - Method in GObjectToConsoleString
run() - Method in GPairs
run() - Method in GParPrint
run() - Method in GPCopy
run() - Method in GPlus
run() - Method in GPrefix
run() - Method in GPrint
run() - Method in GSquares
run() - Method in GStatePairs
run() - Method in GSuccessor
run() - Method in GTail
run() - Method in Multiplexer
run() - Method in PriMultiplex
run() - Method in Scheduler.WatchdogThread
run() - Method in Scheduler.WorkerThread
run() - Method in SequentialProcessingActor
run() - Method in TimedMultiplex
runAfterLoopCode(Closure) - Method in DefaultActor
runChildDirectly(Object) - Method in FJWorker
runEnhancedWithoutRepliesOnMessages(ActorMessage, Closure, Object) - Method in AbstractLoopingActor
runForkJoin(ForkJoinPool, Object) - Method in ForkJoinUtils
runForkJoin(Object) - Method in GParsPool
Starts a ForkJoin calculation with the supplied root worker and waits for the result.
RunnableBackedBlockingActor - Class in
Utility class to implement a blocking actor backed by any Runnable (including Closure)
RunnableBackedBlockingActor.RunnableBackedPooledActorDelegate - Class in
RunnableBackedBlockingActor.RunnableBackedPooledActorDelegate(Object, Object) - Constructor in RunnableBackedBlockingActor.RunnableBackedPooledActorDelegate
RunnableBackedBlockingActor(Runnable) - Constructor in RunnableBackedBlockingActor


S_ACTIVE_MASK - Field in SequentialProcessingActor
S_FINISHED_MASK - Field in SequentialProcessingActor
S_FINISHING_MASK - Field in SequentialProcessingActor
S_INITIALIZED - Field in DataflowExpression
S_INITIALIZING - Field in DataflowExpression
S_NOT_INITIALIZED - Field in DataflowExpression
Possible states
S_NOT_STARTED - Field in SequentialProcessingActor
S_RUNNING - Field in SequentialProcessingActor
S_STOP_TERMINATE_MASK - Field in SequentialProcessingActor
S_STOPPED - Field in SequentialProcessingActor
S_STOPPING - Field in SequentialProcessingActor
S_TERMINATED - Field in SequentialProcessingActor
S_TERMINATING - Field in SequentialProcessingActor
schedule() - Method in AsyncMessagingCore
Schedules processing of a next message, if there are some and if there isn't an active thread handling a message at the moment
scheduleCallback(Object, MessageStream) - Method in DataflowExpression
Sends the result back to the actor, which is waiting asynchronously for the value to be bound.
Scheduler - Class in groovyx.gpars.scheduler
Prototype of self-regulated thread pooled scheduler

Self regulation happened according to following rules - worker thread, which had nothing to do 10 seconds dies - if no tasks were taken for processing during last 0.5sec new worker starts

Scheduler.WatchdogThread - Class in groovyx.gpars.scheduler
Scheduler.WatchdogThread() - Constructor in Scheduler.WatchdogThread
Scheduler.WorkerThread - Class in groovyx.gpars.scheduler
Scheduler.WorkerThread() - Constructor in Scheduler.WorkerThread
scheduler - Field in LocalNode
Scheduler(int) - Constructor in Scheduler
schedulerTime - Field in Scheduler
second - Field in ForwardingDelegate
second - Field in RunnableBackedBlockingActor.RunnableBackedPooledActorDelegate
Select - Class in groovyx.gpars.dataflow
A Select allows the user to select a value from multiple channels, which have a value available for read at the moment.
select(List) - Method in Dataflow
Creates a select using the default dataflow parallel group.
select - Field in DataflowSelector
select(List) - Method in PGroup
Creates a select using the current parallel group.
Select(PGroup, List) - Constructor in Select
@param pGroup The group, the thread pool of which should be used for notification message handlers
SelectBase - Class in groovyx.gpars.dataflow.impl
The implementation of the core for all selects.
selectBase - Field in Select
SelectBase(PGroup, List) - Constructor in SelectBase
Stores the input channel and registers for the wheneverBound() event on each
SelectCallback - Class in groovyx.gpars.dataflow.impl
A closure registered with all the input channels on the wheneverBound() event to inform the Select about a value being available in a particular channel.
SelectCallback(Object, int, DataflowReadChannel) - Constructor in SelectCallback
@param owner The SelectBase instance to notify
selector(List, List) - Method in Dataflow
Creates a selector using the default dataflow parallel group.
selector(List, List) - Method in PGroup
Creates a selector using this parallel group.
SelectRequest - Interface in groovyx.gpars.dataflow.impl
Represents a request for value from a select.
SelectResult - Class in groovyx.gpars.dataflow
A bean representing the result of the select operation on a Select.
SelectResult(int, T) - Constructor in SelectResult
Stores the result of a select operation
semaphore - Field in ForkingDataflowOperatorActor
semaphore - Field in ForkingDataflowSelectorActor
send(Object) - Method in AbstractLoopingActor
send(Object) - Method in Actor.RemoteActor
send(Object) - Method in AgentCore
Adds the message to the agent\s message queue
send(Object) - Method in DataCallback
Sends a message back to the DataCallback.
send(Object) - Method in DataCallbackWithPool
Sends a message back to the DataCallback.
send(Object) - Method in DataflowExpression.DataflowExpressionsCollector
send(Object) - Method in DataflowProcessorActor
Sends the message, ignoring exceptions caused by the actor not being active anymore
send(T, MessageStream) - Method in MessageStream
Send message to stream and return immediately.
send(Object) - Method in MessageStream.RemoteMessageStream
send(Object) - Method in MessageStream.ResultWaiter
Accepts the message as a reply and wakes up the sleeping thread.
send(Object) - Method in SequentialProcessingActor
sendAndContinue(T, Closure) - Method in Actor
Sends a message and execute continuation when reply became available.
sendAndWait(Closure) - Method in AgentBase
Submits the closure waiting for the result
sendAndWait(T, Duration) - Method in MessageStream
Sends a message and waits for a reply.
sender - Field in ActorMessage
sender - Field in ReplyingMessageStream
A list of senders for the currently processed messages
sendThread - Field in BroadcastDiscovery
SequentialProcessingActor - Class in
@author Alex Tkachman, Vaclav Pech
SequentialProcessingActor.Node - Class in
Represents an element in the message queue.
SequentialProcessingActor.Node(ActorMessage) - Constructor in SequentialProcessingActor.Node
SequentialProcessingActor() - Constructor in SequentialProcessingActor
Creates a new instance, sets the default actor group.
SerialContext - Class in groovyx.gpars.serial
@author Alex Tkachman
SerialContext(SerialHandles, UUID) - Constructor in SerialContext
SerialHandle - Class in groovyx.gpars.serial
Weak reference to object, which was serialized to remote hosts.
SerialHandle.LocalSerialHandle - Class in groovyx.gpars.serial
SerialHandle.LocalSerialHandle(WithSerialId, UUID) - Constructor in SerialHandle.LocalSerialHandle
SerialHandle.RemoteSerialHandle - Class in groovyx.gpars.serial
SerialHandle.RemoteSerialHandle.ReleaseHandle - Class in groovyx.gpars.serial
SerialHandle.RemoteSerialHandle.ReleaseHandle(UUID) - Constructor in SerialHandle.RemoteSerialHandle.ReleaseHandle
SerialHandle.RemoteSerialHandle(WithSerialId, UUID) - Constructor in SerialHandle.RemoteSerialHandle
SerialHandle(WithSerialId, UUID) - Constructor in SerialHandle
Construct handle for object with given id to it
serialHandle - Field in WithSerialId
See SerialHandle class for details
SerialHandles - Class in groovyx.gpars.serial
@author Alex Tkachman
SerialHandles() - Constructor in SerialHandles
serialId - Field in RemoteHandle
serialId - Field in SerialHandle
serial id of the object
serialId - Field in SerialHandle.RemoteSerialHandle.ReleaseHandle
SerialMsg - Class in groovyx.gpars.serial
Base class for all messages
SerialMsg(UUID) - Constructor in SerialMsg
serialVersionUID - Field in AbstractLoopingActor
serialVersionUID - Field in Actor
serialVersionUID - Field in Actor.MyRemoteHandle
serialVersionUID - Field in Actor.RemoteActor
serialVersionUID - Field in Actor.RemoteActor.StopActorMsg
serialVersionUID - Field in Actor.RemoteActor.TerminateActorMsg
serialVersionUID - Field in ActorException
serialVersionUID - Field in ActorMessage
serialVersionUID - Field in ActorReplyException
serialVersionUID - Field in ActorStopException
serialVersionUID - Field in ActorTerminationException
serialVersionUID - Field in AgentBase.AwaitClosure
serialVersionUID - Field in AsyncException
serialVersionUID - Field in BlockingActor
serialVersionUID - Field in CallClosure
serialVersionUID - Field in DataCallback
serialVersionUID - Field in DataCallbackWithPool
serialVersionUID - Field in DataflowComplexExpression
serialVersionUID - Field in DataflowExpression
serialVersionUID - Field in DataflowExpression.BindDataflow
serialVersionUID - Field in DataflowExpression.DataflowExpressionsCollector
serialVersionUID - Field in DataflowExpression.TransformMany
serialVersionUID - Field in DataflowExpression.TransformOne
serialVersionUID - Field in DataflowExpression.WaitingThread
serialVersionUID - Field in DataflowGetPropertyExpression
serialVersionUID - Field in DataflowInvocationExpression
serialVersionUID - Field in DataflowMessagingRunnable
serialVersionUID - Field in DataflowVariable
serialVersionUID - Field in DataflowVariable.RemoteDataflowVariable
serialVersionUID - Field in DefaultActor
serialVersionUID - Field in DefaultActorClosure
serialVersionUID - Field in DefaultRemoteHandle
serialVersionUID - Field in DynamicDispatchActor
serialVersionUID - Field in EnhancedRWLock
serialVersionUID - Field in EnhancedSemaphore
serialVersionUID - Field in HostIdMsg
serialVersionUID - Field in InternalActor
serialVersionUID - Field in LocalHandle
serialVersionUID - Field in LRUProtectionStorage
serialVersionUID - Field in MessageStream
serialVersionUID - Field in MessageStream.RemoteMessageStream
serialVersionUID - Field in MessageStream.ResultWaiter
serialVersionUID - Field in MessageStream.SendTo
serialVersionUID - Field in MessagingRunnable
serialVersionUID - Field in NettyRemoteConnection.MyChannelFutureListener
serialVersionUID - Field in NodeConnectedMsg
serialVersionUID - Field in NodeDisconnectedMsg
serialVersionUID - Field in ReactiveActor
serialVersionUID - Field in ReactorMessagingRunnable
serialVersionUID - Field in RemoteDataflowExpression
serialVersionUID - Field in RemoteHandle
serialVersionUID - Field in ReplyingMessageStream
serialVersionUID - Field in RunnableBackedBlockingActor
serialVersionUID - Field in SelectCallback
serialVersionUID - Field in SequentialProcessingActor
serialVersionUID - Field in SerialHandle.RemoteSerialHandle.ReleaseHandle
serialVersionUID - Field in SerialMsg
serialVersionUID - Field in SumClosure
serialVersionUID - Field in WithSerialId
server - Field in NettyTransportProvider
setAction(Runnable) - Method in RunnableBackedBlockingActor
setConcurrencyActive(boolean) - Method in TransparentParallel
Turns concurrency on and off as needed
setGuard(int, boolean) - Method in DataflowSelector
Used to enable/disable individual input channels from next selections
setGuards(List) - Method in DataflowSelector
Used to enable/disable individual input channels from next selections
setHost(RemoteHost) - Method in RemoteConnection
setMetaClass(MetaClass) - Method in DataflowExpression
setParallelGroup(PGroup) - Method in AbstractLoopingActor
setParallelGroup(PGroup) - Method in Actor
Sets the parallel group.
setParallelGroup(PGroup) - Method in SequentialProcessingActor
Sets the actor's group.
setPGroup(PGroup) - Method in AgentCore
Sets an actor group to use for task scheduling
setProperty(String, Object) - Method in DataflowExpression
setProperty(String, Object) - Method in Dataflows
Binds the value to the DataflowVariable that is associated with the property "name".
setProperty(String, Object) - Method in ForwardingDelegate
setProperty(String, Object) - Method in RunnableBackedBlockingActor.RunnableBackedPooledActorDelegate
setSender(MessageStream) - Method in ReplyingMessageStream
setTimeout(long) - Method in AbstractLoopingActor
SHOULD_NOT_REACH_HERE - Field in SequentialProcessingActor
shouldBeMultiThreaded(Map) - Method in DataflowProcessor
shutdown() - Method in DefaultPool
Gently stops the pool
shutdown() - Method in FJPool
Gently stops the pool
shutdown() - Method in Pool
Gently stops the pool
shutdown() - Method in Scheduler
SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT - Field in DefaultPool
silentStart() - Method in AbstractLoopingActor
Starts the Actor without sending the START_MESSAGE message to speed the start-up.
silentStart() - Method in Actor
Starts the Actor without sending the START_MESSAGE message to speed the start-up.
silentStart() - Method in Actor.RemoteActor
silentStart() - Method in DefaultActor
Not supported by DefaultActor
silentStart() - Method in SequentialProcessingActor
size() - Method in AbstractPAWrapper
Size of the collection
size() - Method in ChannelInputList
size() - Method in ChannelOutputList
SLEEP_INTERVAL - Field in Scheduler.WatchdogThread
socket - Field in BroadcastDiscovery
sort(Closure) - Method in AbstractPAWrapper
Returns a sorted parallel collection If the supplied closure takes two arguments it is used directly as a comparator.
source - Field in ActiveObjectASTTransformation.MyClassCodeExpressionTransformer
speculate(Closure) - Method in GParsExecutorsPool
Runs the supplied closures asynchronously and in parallel, returning the first result obtained and cancelling the other (slower) calculations.
speculate(Closure) - Method in GParsPool
Runs the supplied closures asynchronously and in parallel, returning the first result obtained and cancelling the other (slower) calculations.
split(Closure) - Method in TransparentParallel
splitParallel(Object, def) - Method in GParsPoolUtil
Creates a Parallel Array out of the supplied collection/object and invokes the withFilter() method using the supplied rule as the filter predicate.
splitParallel(Closure) - Method in Parallel
Performs the split() operation using an asynchronous variant of the supplied closure to evaluate each collection's/object's element.
splitter(DataflowReadChannel, List, int) - Method in Dataflow
Creates a splitter copying its single input channel into all of its output channels.
splitter(DataflowReadChannel, List, int) - Method in PGroup
Creates a splitter copying its single input channel into all of its output channels.
start() - Method in AbstractLoopingActor
Starts the Actor and sends it the START_MESSAGE to run any afterStart handlers.
start() - Method in Actor
Starts the Actor and sends it the START_MESSAGE to run any afterStart handlers.
start() - Method in Actor.RemoteActor
start() - Method in BroadcastDiscovery
start() - Method in DataflowExpression.DataflowExpressionsCollector
start() - Method in DataflowProcessor
Starts a processor using the specified parallel group
start() - Method in DefaultActor
Starts the Actor and sends it the START_MESSAGE to run any afterStart handlers.
START_MESSAGE - Field in Actor
start(NettyTransportProvider) - Method in NettyTransportProvider.Server
start() - Method in SequentialProcessingActor
Starts the Actor.
started - Field in DefaultActor
startNewThread() - Method in Scheduler
startTask(def) - Method in DataflowOperatorActor
startTask(def, def) - Method in DataflowSelectorActor
startTask(def) - Method in ForkingDataflowOperatorActor
startTask(def, def) - Method in ForkingDataflowSelectorActor
state - Field in DataflowExpression
Holds the current state of the variable
stateUpdater - Field in DataflowExpression
Updater for the state field
stop() - Method in AbstractLoopingActor
stop() - Method in Actor
Send message to stop to the Actor.
stop() - Method in Actor.RemoteActor
STOP - Field in ActorException
stop() - Method in BroadcastDiscovery
stop() - Method in DataflowProcessor
Stops the processor
STOP_MESSAGE - Field in Actor
stop() - Method in NettyTransportProvider.Client
stop() - Method in NettyTransportProvider.Server
stop() - Method in SequentialProcessingActor
Send message to stop to the actor.
stopFlag - Field in SequentialProcessingActor
Indicates whether the actor should terminate
stopFlagUpdater - Field in SequentialProcessingActor
stopped - Field in BroadcastDiscovery
stoppedFlag - Field in AbstractLoopingActor
store(Object) - Method in AsyncMessagingCore
Adds the message to the agent\s message queue
submit(Object) - Method in InternalActor
A DataflowVariable is passed to the actor, which will bind it once the result is known.
submitAndWait(Object) - Method in InternalActor
A DataflowVariable is passed to the actor, which will bind it once the result is known.
subscribe(DataflowExpressionsCollector) - Method in DataflowComplexExpression
subscribe(DataflowExpression.DataflowExpressionsCollector) - Method in DataflowExpression
subscribe(Object) - Method in DataflowExpression.DataflowExpressionsCollector
subscribe(DataflowExpressionsCollector) - Method in DataflowExpression.TransformOne
subscribe(DataflowExpressionsCollector) - Method in DataflowGetPropertyExpression
subscribe(DataflowExpressionsCollector) - Method in DataflowInvocationExpression
subscribe(def) - Method in RemoteDataflowExpression
subscribe(SerialContext) - Method in SerialHandle
Subscribes host as interested in the object
subscribers - Field in SerialHandle
remote hosts subscribed to this objects
sum() - Method in AbstractPAWrapper
Summarizes all elements of the collection in parallel using the "plus()" operator of the elements
sum() - Method in TransparentParallel
SumClosure - Class in
Represents a {a, b -> a + b} closure
SumClosure() - Constructor in SumClosure
sumParallel(Object) - Method in GParsPoolUtil
Creates a Parallel Array out of the supplied collection/object and summarizes its elements using the foldParallel() method with the + operator and the reduction operation.
sumParallel() - Method in Parallel
Creates a Parallel Array out of the supplied collection/object and summarizes its elements using the foldParallel() method with the + operator and the reduction operation.
swap(LinkedList) - Method in DefaultMessageQueue
sweepNextMessage() - Method in AbstractLoopingActor
Removes the head of the message queue
sweepNextMessage() - Method in Actor
Removes the head of the message queue
sweepNextMessage() - Method in Actor.RemoteActor
sweepNextMessage() - Method in AsyncMessagingCore
Removes the head of the message queue
sweepNextMessage() - Method in SequentialProcessingActor
Removes the head of the message queue
sweepQueue() - Method in Actor
Clears the message queue returning all the messages it held.


takeMessage(long, TimeUnit) - Method in SequentialProcessingActor
Takes a message from the queues.
target - Field in CallClosure
task(Runnable) - Method in Dataflow
Creates a new task assigned to a thread from the current parallel group.
task(Runnable) - Method in PGroup
Creates a new task assigned to a thread from the current parallel group.
terminate() - Method in AbstractLoopingActor
terminate() - Method in Actor
Terminates the Actor.
terminate() - Method in Actor.RemoteActor
TERMINATE - Field in ActorException
TERMINATE - Field in Scheduler
terminate() - Method in SequentialProcessingActor
Terminate the Actor.
terminatedFlag - Field in AbstractLoopingActor
terminating - Field in Scheduler
terminatingFlag - Field in AbstractLoopingActor
TestUtilities - Class in groovyx.gpars.csp.util
TestUtilities() - Constructor in TestUtilities
THE_ACTOR_HAS_BEEN_STOPPED - Field in BlockingActor
thread - Field in DataflowExpression.WaitingThread
threadAssigned() - Method in AsyncMessagingCore
Informs about the thread being removed from the task
threadBoundActor() - Method in Actor
Retrieves the actor registered with the current thread
threadContext - Field in SerialContext
threadCount - Field in DefaultPool
Unique counter for Actors' threads
threadCount - Field in Scheduler
ThreadLocalPools - Class in groovyx.gpars
Holds a thread-local stack of pools to allow for nested calls to ForkJoinPool.withPool() or GParsExecutorsPool.withPool()
ThreadLocalPools() - Constructor in ThreadLocalPools
threadPool - Field in AsyncMessagingCore
threadPool - Field in ForkingDataflowOperatorActor
threadPool - Field in ForkingDataflowSelectorActor
threadPool - Field in GParsExecutorsPoolEnhancer
Holds the internal ExecutorService instance wrapped into a DefaultPool
threadPool - Field in ParallelEnhancer
Holds the internal ForkJoinPool instance wrapped into a FJPool
threadPool - Field in PGroup
Stores the group actors' thread pool
threadUnassigned() - Method in AsyncMessagingCore
Informs about a new thread being assigned to process the next message
throwIfNeeded(ActorMessage) - Method in SequentialProcessingActor
Checks the supplied message and throws either STOP or TERMINATE, if the message is a Stop or Terminate message respectively.
TimedMultiplex - Class in groovyx.gpars.csp.util
TimedMultiplex() - Constructor in TimedMultiplex
TIMEOUT - Field in Actor
TIMEOUT_MESSAGE - Field in Actor
timeout - Property in TimedMultiplex
timeoutCounter - Field in AbstractLoopingActor
timer - Field in Actor
Timer holding timeouts for react methods
timer - Field in GParsExecutorsPoolUtil
Allows timeouts for async operations
timer - Field in GParsPoolUtil
Allows timeouts for async operations
to - Field in MessageStream.SendTo
toArray() - Method in ChannelInputList
toArray() - Method in ChannelOutputList
toConsole - Property in GConsole
toString() - Method in ActorMessage
toString() - Method in ActorReplyException
toString() - Method in AsyncException
toString() - Method in DataflowBroadcast
toString() - Method in DataflowExpression
toString() - Method in DataflowQueue
toString() - Method in DataflowStream
toString() - Method in DataflowStreamReadAdapter
toString() - Method in DataflowStreamWriteAdapter
toString() - Method in LocalNode
toString() - Method in RemoteNode
toString() - Method in SelectResult
touch(Object, Object) - Method in LRUProtectionStorage
The touch method can be used to renew an element and move it to the from of the LRU queue.
touch(Object, Object) - Method in NullProtectionStorage
Does nothing
transactionFactory - Field in GParsStm
Gives access to multiverse TransactionFactoryBuilder to allow customized creation of atomic blocks
transferQueues() - Method in SequentialProcessingActor
Transfers messages from the input queue into the output queue, reverting the order of the elements.
transform(Expression) - Method in ActiveObjectASTTransformation.MyClassCodeExpressionTransformer
transform(Object, Closure) - Method in DataflowExpression
TransparentParallel - Class in groovyx.gpars
Enhances objects by being mixed-in either within a GParsPool.withPool() block or after enhancement by the ParallelEnhancer through the makeConcurrent() method.
TransparentParallel() - Constructor in TransparentParallel


uid - Field in BroadcastDiscovery
unsubscribe(SerialContext) - Method in SerialHandle
unwrapMessage(Object) - Method in SequentialProcessingActor
unwrapStmControlError(InvokerInvocationException) - Method in GParsStm
Unwraps the multiverse control exceptions from Groovy exceptions
updateValue(T) - Method in AgentBase
Allows closures to set the new internal state as a whole Do not call this method directly from the outside.


valAsync(Closure) - Method in AgentBase
A shorthand method for safe asynchronous message-based retrieval of the internal state.
validatePoolClass(Expression, AnnotatedNode, SourceUnit) - Method in AsyncFunASTTransformation
validators - Field in AgentBase
Holds all validators checking the agent's state A validator should be a closure accepting the old and the new value in this order.
value - Field in ActiveObject
@default ""
value - Field in AsyncFun
@default GParsPoolUtil.class
value - Field in DataflowExpression
Holds the actual value.
value - Field in FQMessageQueue.Node
value - Field in MessageStream.ResultWaiter
Holds a reference to the calling thread, while waiting, and the received reply message, once it has arrived.
value - Field in SelectResult
valueFound(int, T) - Method in SelectRequest
Invoked, when a value has been found bound to any of the input channels monitored by the select.
values - Property in DataflowOperatorActor
variables - Field in Dataflows
verifyChannelParameters(Map, int) - Method in DataflowOperator
verifyChannelParameters(Map, int) - Method in DataflowSelector
visit(ASTNode[], SourceUnit) - Method in ActiveObjectASTTransformation
visit(ASTNode[], SourceUnit) - Method in AsyncFunASTTransformation
visitClass(ClassNode) - Method in ActiveObjectASTTransformation.MyClassCodeExpressionTransformer


waiting - Field in DataflowExpression
Points to the head of the chain of requests waiting for a value to be bound
waitingThread - Field in SequentialProcessingActor
waitingUpdater - Field in DataflowExpression
Updater for the waiting field
when(def, def) - Method in DDAHelper
when(Closure) - Method in DynamicDispatchActor
whenBound(MessageStream) - Method in DataflowExpression
Send the bound data to provided stream when it becomes available
whenBound(MessageStream) - Method in DataflowQueue
Send the next bound piece of data to the provided stream when it becomes available
whenBound(MessageStream) - Method in DataflowReadChannel
Send the bound data to provided stream when it becomes available
whenBound(MessageStream) - Method in DataflowStreamReadAdapter
whenBound(MessageStream) - Method in Promise
Send the bound data to provided stream when it becomes available
wheneverBound(MessageStream) - Method in DataflowExpression
Send all pieces of data bound in the future to the provided stream when it becomes available
wheneverBound(MessageStream) - Method in DataflowQueue
Send all pieces of data bound in the future to the provided stream when it becomes available
wheneverBound(MessageStream) - Method in DataflowReadChannel
Send all pieces of data bound in the future to the provided stream when it becomes available
wheneverBound(MessageStream) - Method in DataflowStream
wheneverBound(MessageStream) - Method in DataflowStreamReadAdapter
wheneverBoundListeners - Field in DataflowQueue
A collection of listeners who need to be informed each time the stream is bound to a value
wheneverBoundListeners - Field in DataflowStream
A collection of listeners who need to be informed each time the stream is bound to a value
withExistingPool(ExecutorService, Closure) - Method in GParsExecutorsPool
Creates a new instance of ExecutorService, binds it to the current thread, enables the ExecutorService DSL and runs the supplied closure.
withExistingPool(def, Closure) - Method in GParsPool
Reuses an instance of ForkJoinPool, binds it to the current thread, enables the ParallelArray DSL and runs the supplied closure.
withPool(int, ThreadFactory, Closure) - Method in GParsExecutorsPool
Creates a new instance of ExecutorService, binds it to the current thread, enables the ExecutorService DSL and runs the supplied closure.
withPool(int, UncaughtExceptionHandler, Closure) - Method in GParsPool
Creates a new instance of ForkJoinPool, binds it to the current thread, enables the ParallelArray DSL and runs the supplied closure.
withReadLock(Closure) - Method in EnhancedRWLock
Performs the passed-in closure with the read lock locked and unlocks the read lock automatically after the closure finishes.
withSemaphore(Closure) - Method in EnhancedSemaphore
Performs the passed-in closure with the Semaphore acquired and releases the Semaphore automatically after the closure finishes.
WithSerialId - Class in groovyx.gpars.serial
Base class for objects which can be exposed to remote nodes via serialization.
WithSerialId() - Constructor in WithSerialId
withWriteLock(Closure) - Method in EnhancedRWLock
Performs the passed-in closure with the write lock locked and unlocks the write lock automatically after the closure finishes.
write(def) - Method in ChannelOutputList
write(SerialMsg) - Method in NettyRemoteConnection
write(SerialMsg) - Method in RemoteConnection
write(SerialMsg) - Method in RemoteHost
write(SerialMsg) - Method in SerialContext
writeListener - Field in NettyRemoteConnection
writeReplace() - Method in WithSerialId
Replace object by handle for serialization





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