
Package groovyx.gpars


Class Summary
AbstractPAWrapper Wraps a ParallelArray instance in map/reduce operation chains.
CombineHolder Holds a temporary reduce result for groupBy
DataflowMessagingRunnable Represents a multi-argument Closure when using GPars dataflow operators and selectors through the Java API.
GParsExecutorsPool Enables a ExecutorService-based DSL on closures, objects and collections.
GParsExecutorsPoolEnhancer GParsExecutorsPoolEnhancer allows classes or instances to be enhanced with asynchronous variants of iterative methods, like eachParallel(), collectParallel(), findAllParallel() and others.
GParsExecutorsPoolUtil This class forms the core of the DSL initialized by GParsExecutorsPool.
GParsPool Enables a ParallelArray-based (from JSR-166y) DSL on collections.
GParsPoolUtil This class forms the core of the DSL initialized by GParsPool.
MappedPAWrapper The ParallelArray wrapper used after the map() operation
MessagingRunnable Represents a single-argument Closure when using GPars agents, actors or dataflow concurrency through the Java API.
PAWrapper The default ParallelArray wrapper class
Parallel The Parallel interface holds methods that ParallelEnhancer adds to classes or instances when they get enhanced.
ParallelEnhancer ParallelEnhancer allows classes or instances to be enhanced with parallel variants of iterative methods, like eachParallel(), collectParallel(), findAllParallel() and others.
ReactorMessagingRunnable Represents a single-argument Closure when using GPars ReactiveActors (reactors) through the Java API.
ThreadLocalPools Holds a thread-local stack of pools to allow for nested calls to ForkJoinPool.withPool() or GParsExecutorsPool.withPool()
TransparentParallel Enhances objects by being mixed-in either within a GParsPool.withPool() block or after enhancement by the ParallelEnhancer through the makeConcurrent() method.

Exception Summary
AsyncException This class wraps multiple exception, which occurred in concurrently run code inside one of the GParsExecutorsPoolUtil methods.

Annotation Type Summary
AsyncFun This annotation makes a field or local variable as an asynchronous function, and the field/variable should be evaluated only within the context of a ThreadPool.

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