Uses of Class

Packages that use Actor
groovyx.gpars.activeobject This package holds classes forming the public actor API. This package holds classes some non-public aspects of actor implementation. 
groovyx.gpars.dataflow.operator This package holds classes representing operators and channels necessary for full dataflow concurrency.   
groovyx.gpars.remote This package holds classes implementing the remote actors functionality. 
groovyx.gpars.remote.message This package holds message classes for the remote actors implementation. 

Uses of Actor in groovyx.gpars.activeobject

Subclasses of Actor in groovyx.gpars.activeobject
 class InternalActor
          Backs active objects and invokes all object's active methods.

Uses of Actor in

Subclasses of Actor in
 class AbstractLoopingActor
          Wraps all actors that repeatedly loop through incoming messages and hold no implicit state between subsequent messages.
static class Actor.RemoteActor
 class BlockingActor
 class DefaultActor
          The DefaultActor class is the base for all stateful actors, who need to maintain implicit state between subsequent message arrivals.
 class DynamicDispatchActor
          A pooled actor allowing for an alternative structure of the message handling code.
 class ReactiveActor
          An actor representing a reactor.
 class StaticDispatchActor<T>
          Offers a statically dispatched and thus slightly faster alternative to the DynamicDispatchActor class.

Fields in declared as Actor
private  Actor
private  Actor

Fields in with type parameters of type Actor
private static java.lang.ThreadLocal<Actor> Actor.currentActorPerThread
          Maps each thread to the actor it currently processes.

Methods in that return Actor
private  Actor AbstractLoopingActor.doStart()
static Actor Actors.fairMessageHandler(groovy.lang.Closure code)
          Creates an instance of DynamicDispatchActor, which will cooperate in thread sharing with other actors in a fair manner.
static Actor Actors.fairReactor(groovy.lang.Closure code)
          Creates a reactor around the supplied code, which will cooperate in thread sharing with other actors in a fair manner.
static Actor Actors.fairStaticMessageHandler(groovy.lang.Closure code)
          Creates an instance of StaticDispatchActor, which will cooperate in thread sharing with other actors sharing the same thread pool.
static Actor Actors.messageHandler(groovy.lang.Closure code)
          Creates an instance of DynamicDispatchActor.
static Actor Actors.reactor(groovy.lang.Closure code)
          Creates a reactor around the supplied code.
 Actor AbstractLoopingActor.silentStart()
          Starts the Actor without sending the START_MESSAGE message to speed the start-up.
abstract  Actor Actor.silentStart()
          Starts the Actor without sending the START_MESSAGE message to speed the start-up.
 Actor Actor.RemoteActor.silentStart()
 Actor DefaultActor.silentStart()
          Not supported by DefaultActor
 Actor AbstractLoopingActor.start()
          Starts the Actor and sends it the START_MESSAGE to run any afterStart handlers.
abstract  Actor Actor.start()
          Starts the Actor and sends it the START_MESSAGE to run any afterStart handlers.
 Actor Actor.RemoteActor.start()
 Actor DefaultActor.start()
          Starts the Actor and sends it the START_MESSAGE to run any afterStart handlers.
static Actor Actors.staticMessageHandler(groovy.lang.Closure code)
          Creates an instance of StaticDispatchActor.
 Actor AbstractLoopingActor.stop()
abstract  Actor Actor.stop()
          Send message to stop to the Actor.
 Actor Actor.RemoteActor.stop()
 Actor AbstractLoopingActor.terminate()
abstract  Actor Actor.terminate()
          Terminates the Actor.
 Actor Actor.RemoteActor.terminate()
static Actor Actor.threadBoundActor()
          Retrieves the actor registered with the current thread

Methods in with parameters of type Actor
protected static void Actor.registerCurrentActorWithThread(Actor currentActor)
          Registers the actor with the current thread

Uses of Actor in

Subclasses of Actor in
 class ReplyingMessageStream
 class RunnableBackedBlockingActor
          Utility class to implement a blocking actor backed by any Runnable (including Closure)
 class SequentialProcessingActor

Methods in that return Actor
 Actor SequentialProcessingActor.silentStart()
 Actor SequentialProcessingActor.stop()
          Send message to stop to the actor.
 Actor SequentialProcessingActor.terminate()
          Terminate the Actor.

Uses of Actor in groovyx.gpars.dataflow.operator

Subclasses of Actor in groovyx.gpars.dataflow.operator
(package private)  class DataflowOperatorActor
          An operator's internal actor.
(package private)  class DataflowProcessorActor
          A base actor class for operators' and selectors' actors
(package private)  class DataflowSelectorActor
          An selector's internal actor.
(package private)  class ForkingDataflowOperatorActor
          An operator's internal actor.
(package private)  class ForkingDataflowSelectorActor
          An selector's internal actor.

Uses of Actor in

Methods in that return Actor
 Actor PGroup.fairMessageHandler(groovy.lang.Closure code)
          Creates an instance of DynamicDispatchActor, which will cooperate in thread sharing with other actors sharing the same thread pool
 Actor PGroup.fairReactor(groovy.lang.Closure code)
          Creates a reactor around the supplied code, which will cooperate in thread sharing with other actors sharing the same thread pool When a reactor receives a message, the supplied block of code is run with the message as a parameter and the result of the code is send in reply.
 Actor PGroup.fairStaticMessageHandler(groovy.lang.Closure code)
          Creates an instance of StaticDispatchActor, which will cooperate in thread sharing with other actors sharing the same thread pool.
 Actor PGroup.messageHandler(groovy.lang.Closure code)
          Creates an instance of DynamicDispatchActor.
 Actor PGroup.reactor(groovy.lang.Closure code)
          Creates a reactor around the supplied code.
 Actor PGroup.staticMessageHandler(groovy.lang.Closure code)
          Creates an instance of StaticDispatchActor.

Uses of Actor in groovyx.gpars.remote

Fields in groovyx.gpars.remote declared as Actor
private  Actor LocalNode.mainActor
private  Actor RemoteNode.mainActor

Methods in groovyx.gpars.remote that return Actor
 Actor LocalNode.getMainActor()
 Actor RemoteNode.getMainActor()

Methods in groovyx.gpars.remote with parameters of type Actor
 void LocalHost.connectRemoteNode(java.util.UUID nodeId, SerialContext host, Actor mainActor)

Constructors in groovyx.gpars.remote with parameters of type Actor
RemoteNode(java.util.UUID id, SerialContext remoteHost, Actor mainActor)

Uses of Actor in groovyx.gpars.remote.message

Fields in groovyx.gpars.remote.message declared as Actor
 Actor NodeConnectedMsg.mainActor

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