Uses of Class

Packages that use MessageStream
groovyx.gpars.activeobject This package holds classes forming the public actor API. This package holds classes some non-public aspects of actor implementation. 
groovyx.gpars.dataflow This package holds classes for basic dataflow concurrency constructs, like dataflow variables, streams and threads. 
groovyx.gpars.dataflow.operator This package holds classes representing operators and channels necessary for full dataflow concurrency.   

Uses of MessageStream in groovyx.gpars.activeobject

Subclasses of MessageStream in groovyx.gpars.activeobject
 class InternalActor
          Backs active objects and invokes all object's active methods.

Uses of MessageStream in

Subclasses of MessageStream in
 class AbstractLoopingActor
          Wraps all actors that repeatedly loop through incoming messages and hold no implicit state between subsequent messages.
 class Actor
          Actors are active objects, which borrow a thread from a thread pool.
static class Actor.RemoteActor
 class BlockingActor
 class DefaultActor
          The DefaultActor class is the base for all stateful actors, who need to maintain implicit state between subsequent message arrivals.
 class DynamicDispatchActor
          A pooled actor allowing for an alternative structure of the message handling code.
 class ReactiveActor
          An actor representing a reactor.
 class StaticDispatchActor<T>
          Offers a statically dispatched and thus slightly faster alternative to the DynamicDispatchActor class.

Fields in declared as MessageStream
private  MessageStream AbstractLoopingActor.currentSender
private  MessageStream ActorMessage.sender

Methods in that return MessageStream
protected  MessageStream AbstractLoopingActor.getSender()
          Retrieves the sender actor of the currently processed message.
 MessageStream ActorMessage.getSender()
 MessageStream AbstractLoopingActor.send(java.lang.Object message)
 MessageStream Actor.RemoteActor.send(java.lang.Object message)
<T> MessageStream
Actor.sendAndContinue(T message, groovy.lang.Closure closure)
          Sends a message and execute continuation when reply became available.

Methods in with parameters of type MessageStream
 void Actor.join(MessageStream listener)
          Notify listener when finished

Constructors in with parameters of type MessageStream
ActorMessage(java.lang.Object payLoad, MessageStream sender)
          Creates a new instance

Uses of MessageStream in

Subclasses of MessageStream in
static class MessageStream.RemoteMessageStream
private static class MessageStream.ResultWaiter<V>
          Represents a pending request for a reply from an actor.
 class ReplyingMessageStream
 class RunnableBackedBlockingActor
          Utility class to implement a blocking actor backed by any Runnable (including Closure)
 class SequentialProcessingActor

Fields in declared as MessageStream
private  MessageStream ReplyingMessageStream.sender
          A list of senders for the currently processed messages
private  MessageStream

Methods in that return MessageStream
<T> MessageStream message)
          Same as send
protected  MessageStream ReplyingMessageStream.getSender()
 MessageStream MessageStream.SendTo.getTo()
<T> MessageStream
MessageStream.leftShift(T message)
          Same as send
 MessageStream MessageStream.send()
          Convenience method for send(new Object()).
abstract  MessageStream MessageStream.send(java.lang.Object message)
          Send message to stream and return immediately
 MessageStream MessageStream.ResultWaiter.send(java.lang.Object message)
          Accepts the message as a reply and wakes up the sleeping thread.
 MessageStream MessageStream.RemoteMessageStream.send(java.lang.Object message)
 MessageStream SequentialProcessingActor.send(java.lang.Object message)
<T> MessageStream
MessageStream.send(T message, MessageStream replyTo)
          Send message to stream and return immediately.

Methods in with parameters of type MessageStream
<T> MessageStream
MessageStream.send(T message, MessageStream replyTo)
          Send message to stream and return immediately.
protected  void ReplyingMessageStream.setSender(MessageStream sender)

Constructors in with parameters of type MessageStream
MessageStream.SendTo(MessageStream to, ActorMessage message)

Uses of MessageStream in groovyx.gpars.dataflow

Subclasses of MessageStream in groovyx.gpars.dataflow
 class DataCallback
          A helper class enabling the 'whenBound()' or 'getValAsync' functionality of a DataflowVariable and DataflowQueue, as well as 'sendAndContinue()' on actors.
 class DataCallbackWithPool
          A helper class enabling the 'whenBound()' or 'getValAsync' functionality of a DataflowVariable and DataflowQueue, whenever a thread pool instead of a PGroup is specified..

Fields in groovyx.gpars.dataflow with type parameters of type MessageStream
private  java.util.Collection<MessageStream> DataflowQueue.wheneverBoundListeners
          A collection of listeners who need to be informed each time the stream is bound to a value

Methods in groovyx.gpars.dataflow that return MessageStream
 MessageStream DataCallback.send(java.lang.Object message)
          Sends a message back to the DataCallback.
 MessageStream DataCallbackWithPool.send(java.lang.Object message)
          Sends a message back to the DataCallback.

Methods in groovyx.gpars.dataflow with parameters of type MessageStream
 void messageStream)
          Selects a value from a single randomly chosen input channel, which has a value available for read.
 void messageStream, java.util.List<java.lang.Boolean> mask)
          Selects a value from a single randomly chosen input channel, which has a value available for read.
 void DataflowQueue.getValAsync(MessageStream callback)
          Asynchronously retrieves the value at the head of the buffer.
 void DataflowReadChannel.getValAsync(MessageStream callback)
          Asynchronously retrieves the value from the channel.
 void SyncDataflowStreamReadAdapter.getValAsync(MessageStream callback)
 void DataflowQueue.getValAsync(java.lang.Object attachment, MessageStream callback)
          Asynchronously retrieves the value at the head of the buffer.
 void DataflowReadChannel.getValAsync(java.lang.Object attachment, MessageStream callback)
          Asynchronously retrieves the value from the channel.
 void SyncDataflowStreamReadAdapter.getValAsync(java.lang.Object attachment, MessageStream callback)
 void Select.prioritySelect(MessageStream messageStream)
          Selects a value from a single input channel, which has a value available for read.
 void Select.prioritySelect(MessageStream messageStream, java.util.List<java.lang.Boolean> mask)
          Selects a value from a single input channel, which has a value available for read.
 void messageStream)
          Selects a value from a single randomly chosen input channel, which has a value available for read.
private  void messageStream, int startIndex, java.util.List<java.lang.Boolean> mask)
          Invokes the internal select base with a SelectRequest instance ensuring a message is sent, once a value has been selected
 void messageStream, java.util.List<java.lang.Boolean> mask)
          Selects a value from a single randomly chosen input channel, which has a value available for read.
protected  void SyncDataflowVariable.scheduleCallback(java.lang.Object attachment, MessageStream callback)
 void DataflowQueue.whenBound(MessageStream stream)
          Send the next bound piece of data to the provided stream when it becomes available.
 void DataflowReadChannel.whenBound(MessageStream stream)
          Send the bound data to provided stream when it becomes available
 void Promise.whenBound(MessageStream stream)
          Send the bound data to provided stream when it becomes available
 void SyncDataflowStreamReadAdapter.whenBound(MessageStream stream)
 void DataflowQueue.wheneverBound(MessageStream stream)
          Send all pieces of data bound in the future to the provided stream when it becomes available.
 void DataflowReadChannel.wheneverBound(MessageStream stream)
          Send all pieces of data bound in the future to the provided stream when it becomes available.
 void SyncDataflowStreamReadAdapter.wheneverBound(MessageStream stream)

Uses of MessageStream in groovyx.gpars.dataflow.expression

Subclasses of MessageStream in groovyx.gpars.dataflow.expression
(package private)  class DataflowExpression.DataflowExpressionsCollector
          Listener for availability of data flow expressions we depend on.

Fields in groovyx.gpars.dataflow.expression declared as MessageStream
private  MessageStream DataflowExpression.WaitingThread.callback

Methods in groovyx.gpars.dataflow.expression that return MessageStream
 MessageStream DataflowExpression.DataflowExpressionsCollector.send(java.lang.Object message)

Methods in groovyx.gpars.dataflow.expression with parameters of type MessageStream
 void DataflowExpression.getValAsync(MessageStream callback)
          Asynchronously retrieves the value of the variable.
 void DataflowExpression.getValAsync(java.lang.Object attachment, MessageStream callback)
          Used by Dataflow operators.
protected  void DataflowExpression.scheduleCallback(java.lang.Object attachment, MessageStream callback)
          Sends the result back to the actor, which is waiting asynchronously for the value to be bound.
 void DataflowExpression.whenBound(MessageStream stream)
          Send the bound data to provided stream when it becomes available
 void DataflowExpression.wheneverBound(MessageStream stream)
          Send all pieces of data bound in the future to the provided stream when it becomes available.

Constructors in groovyx.gpars.dataflow.expression with parameters of type MessageStream
DataflowExpression.WaitingThread(java.lang.Thread thread, DataflowExpression.WaitingThread previous, java.lang.Object attachment, MessageStream callback)
          Creates a representation of the request to read the value once it is bound

Uses of MessageStream in groovyx.gpars.dataflow.operator

Subclasses of MessageStream in groovyx.gpars.dataflow.operator
(package private)  class DataflowOperatorActor
          An operator's internal actor.
(package private)  class DataflowProcessorActor
          A base actor class for operators' and selectors' actors
(package private)  class DataflowSelectorActor
          An selector's internal actor.
(package private)  class ForkingDataflowOperatorActor
          An operator's internal actor.
(package private)  class ForkingDataflowSelectorActor
          An selector's internal actor.

Methods in groovyx.gpars.dataflow.operator that return MessageStream
 MessageStream DataflowProcessorActor.send(java.lang.Object message)
          Sends the message, ignoring exceptions caused by the actor not being active anymore

Uses of MessageStream in

Fields in with type parameters of type MessageStream
protected  java.util.Collection<MessageStream> StreamCore.wheneverBoundListeners
          A collection of listeners who need to be informed each time the stream is bound to a value

Methods in with parameters of type MessageStream
 void DataflowStreamReadAdapter.getValAsync(MessageStream callback)
 void DataflowStreamReadAdapter.getValAsync(java.lang.Object attachment, MessageStream callback)
 void DataflowStreamReadAdapter.whenBound(MessageStream stream)
 void DataflowStreamReadAdapter.wheneverBound(MessageStream stream)
 void StreamCore.wheneverBound(MessageStream stream)

Constructor parameters in with type arguments of type MessageStream
DataflowStream(java.util.Collection<MessageStream> wheneverBoundListeners, java.util.Collection<DataflowChannelListener<T>> updateListeners)
StreamCore(DataflowVariable<T> first, java.util.Collection<MessageStream> wheneverBoundListeners, java.util.Collection<DataflowChannelListener<T>> updateListeners)
SyncDataflowStream(int parties, java.util.Collection<MessageStream> wheneverBoundListeners, java.util.Collection<DataflowChannelListener<T>> updateListeners)
          Creates an empty stream with the specified listeners set

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