Uses of Class

Packages that use DataflowVariable
groovyx.gpars.dataflow This package holds classes for basic dataflow concurrency constructs, like dataflow variables, streams and threads. 
groovyx.gpars.dataflow.operator This package holds classes representing operators and channels necessary for full dataflow concurrency. 
groovyx.gpars.util Various utility classes enhancing basic Java concurrency constructs. 

Uses of DataflowVariable in groovyx.gpars.activeobject

Methods in groovyx.gpars.activeobject that return DataflowVariable
(package private)  DataflowVariable<java.lang.Object> InternalActor.submit(java.lang.Object... args)
          A DataflowVariable is passed to the actor, which will bind it once the result is known.

Uses of DataflowVariable in groovyx.gpars.dataflow

Subclasses of DataflowVariable in groovyx.gpars.dataflow
static class DataflowVariable.RemoteDataflowVariable<T>
 class SyncDataflowVariable<T>
          A synchronous variant of DataflowVariable, which blocks the writer as well as the readers.

Fields in groovyx.gpars.dataflow declared as DataflowVariable
private static DataflowVariable<java.lang.Object> Dataflows.DUMMY

Fields in groovyx.gpars.dataflow with type parameters of type DataflowVariable
private  java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue<DataflowVariable<T>> DataflowQueue.queue
          Stores the received DataflowVariables in the buffer.
private  java.util.Queue<DataflowVariable<T>> DataflowQueue.requests
          Stores unsatisfied requests for values
private  java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap<java.lang.Object,DataflowVariable<java.lang.Object>> Dataflows.variables

Methods in groovyx.gpars.dataflow that return DataflowVariable
private  DataflowVariable<T> DataflowQueue.copyDFV(java.util.Queue<DataflowVariable<T>> from, java.util.Queue<DataflowVariable<T>> to)
protected  DataflowVariable<T> DataflowQueue.createVariable()
          Creates a new variable to perform the next data exchange
protected  DataflowVariable<T> SyncDataflowQueue.createVariable()
          Creates a new variable to perform the next data exchange
private  DataflowVariable<java.lang.Object> Dataflows.ensureToContainVariable(java.lang.Object name)
          The idea is following: - we try to putIfAbsent dummy DFV in to map - if something real already there we are done - if not we obtain lock and put new DFV with double check

Unfortunately we have to sync on this as there is no better option (God forbid to sync on name)

private  DataflowVariable<java.lang.Object> Dataflows.putNewUnderLock(java.lang.Object name)
          Utility method extracted just to help JIT
 DataflowVariable<java.lang.Object> Dataflows.remove(java.lang.Object name)
          Removes a DFV from the map and binds it to null, if it has not been bound yet
private  DataflowVariable<T> DataflowQueue.retrieveForBind()
          Takes the first unsatisfied value request and binds a value on it.
private  DataflowVariable<T> DataflowQueue.retrieveOrCreateVariable()
          Checks whether there's a DFV waiting in the queue and retrieves it.

Methods in groovyx.gpars.dataflow that return types with arguments of type DataflowVariable
(package private)  java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue<DataflowVariable<T>> DataflowQueue.getQueue()
 java.util.Iterator<java.util.Map.Entry<java.lang.Object,DataflowVariable<java.lang.Object>>> Dataflows.iterator()
          Convenience method to play nicely with Groovy object iteration methods.

Method parameters in groovyx.gpars.dataflow with type arguments of type DataflowVariable
private  DataflowVariable<T> DataflowQueue.copyDFV(java.util.Queue<DataflowVariable<T>> from, java.util.Queue<DataflowVariable<T>> to)
private  DataflowVariable<T> DataflowQueue.copyDFV(java.util.Queue<DataflowVariable<T>> from, java.util.Queue<DataflowVariable<T>> to)

Uses of DataflowVariable in groovyx.gpars.dataflow.impl

Fields in groovyx.gpars.dataflow.impl declared as DataflowVariable
private  DataflowVariable<V> ThenMessagingRunnable.result

Constructors in groovyx.gpars.dataflow.impl with parameters of type DataflowVariable
ThenMessagingRunnable(DataflowVariable<V> result, groovy.lang.Closure<V> closure)
ThenMessagingRunnable(DataflowVariable<V> result, groovy.lang.Closure<V> closure, groovy.lang.Closure<V> errorHandler)

Uses of DataflowVariable in groovyx.gpars.dataflow.operator

Fields in groovyx.gpars.dataflow.operator declared as DataflowVariable
private  DataflowVariable<java.lang.Boolean> PoisonTrackCounter.termination

Uses of DataflowVariable in groovyx.gpars.dataflow.operator.component

Fields in groovyx.gpars.dataflow.operator.component declared as DataflowVariable
private  DataflowVariable<java.lang.Boolean> GracefulShutdownMonitor.result
          The final latch that indicates the network has been shutdown

Uses of DataflowVariable in

Fields in declared as DataflowVariable
protected  DataflowVariable<T> StreamCore.first

Methods in that return DataflowVariable
(package private)  DataflowVariable<T> StreamCore.getFirstDFV()

Methods in that return types with arguments of type DataflowVariable
protected  java.util.List<DataflowVariable<T>> DataflowStreamReadAdapter.allUnprocessedDFVs()

Constructors in with parameters of type DataflowVariable
StreamCore(DataflowVariable<T> first)
          Creates an empty stream
StreamCore(DataflowVariable<T> first, groovy.lang.Closure toBeApplied)
          Creates a stream while applying the supplied initialization closure to it
StreamCore(DataflowVariable<T> first, java.util.Collection<MessageStream> wheneverBoundListeners, java.util.Collection<DataflowChannelListener<T>> updateListeners)

Uses of DataflowVariable in

Methods in with parameters of type DataflowVariable
<T> void
PGroup.whenAllBound(java.util.List<Promise> promises, int index, java.util.List<java.lang.Object> values, DataflowVariable<T> result, groovy.lang.Closure<T> code, groovy.lang.Closure<T> errorHandler)
          Waits for the promise identified by the index to be bound and then passes on to the next promise in the list

Uses of DataflowVariable in groovyx.gpars.util

Methods in groovyx.gpars.util with parameters of type DataflowVariable
<T> void
PAUtils.evaluateArguments(Pool pool, java.lang.Object[] args, int current, java.util.List<java.lang.Object> soFarArgs, DataflowVariable<java.lang.Object> result, groovy.lang.Closure<T> original, boolean pooledThreadFlag)
          Performs a single step in the evaluation of parameters passed into an asynchronous function

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