Uses of Interface

Packages that use Ops.IntToObject
groovyx.gpars.extra166y Collections supporting parallel operations. 

Uses of Ops.IntToObject in groovyx.gpars.extra166y

Fields in groovyx.gpars.extra166y declared as Ops.IntToObject
(package private)  Ops.IntToObject PAS.FJOIndexMap.op

Methods in groovyx.gpars.extra166y with parameters of type Ops.IntToObject
(package private)  void AbstractParallelAnyArray.leafIndexMap(int l, int h, Ops.IntToObject op)
(package private)  void AbstractParallelAnyArray.OUPap.leafIndexMap(int l, int h, Ops.IntToObject op)
(package private)  void AbstractParallelAnyArray.OFPap.leafIndexMap(int l, int h, Ops.IntToObject op)
(package private)  void AbstractParallelAnyArray.ORPap.leafIndexMap(int l, int h, Ops.IntToObject op)
 ParallelArray<T> ParallelArray.replaceWithMappedIndex(Ops.IntToObject<? extends T> op)
          Replaces elements with the results of applying the given mapping to their indices.
 ParallelArrayWithFilter<T> ParallelArrayWithFilter.replaceWithMappedIndex(Ops.IntToObject<? extends T> op)
          Replaces elements with the results of applying the given op to their indices

Constructors in groovyx.gpars.extra166y with parameters of type Ops.IntToObject
PAS.FJOIndexMap(AbstractParallelAnyArray pap, int lo, int hi, PAS.FJBase next, Ops.IntToObject op)

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