Uses of Interface

Packages that use Ops.LongComparator
groovyx.gpars.extra166y Collections supporting parallel operations. 

Uses of Ops.LongComparator in groovyx.gpars.extra166y

Classes in groovyx.gpars.extra166y that implement Ops.LongComparator
(package private) static class CommonOps.NaturalLongComparator

Fields in groovyx.gpars.extra166y declared as Ops.LongComparator
(package private)  Ops.LongComparator PAS.FJLSorter.cmp
(package private)  Ops.LongComparator PAS.FJLMerger.cmp
(package private)  Ops.LongComparator PAS.FJLStats.comparator

Methods in groovyx.gpars.extra166y that return Ops.LongComparator
static Ops.LongComparator CommonOps.naturalLongComparator()
          Returns a comparator for longs relying on natural ordering

Methods in groovyx.gpars.extra166y with parameters of type Ops.LongComparator
 int AbstractParallelAnyArray.LUPap.binarySearch(long target, Ops.LongComparator comparator)
 int ParallelLongArray.binarySearch(long target, Ops.LongComparator comparator)
          Assuming this array is sorted with respect to the given comparator, returns the index of an element equal to given target, or -1 if not present.
abstract  int ParallelLongArrayWithBounds.binarySearch(long target, Ops.LongComparator comparator)
          Assuming this array is sorted with respect to the given comparator, returns the index of an element equal to given target, or -1 if not present.
static Ops.LongReducer CommonOps.longMaxReducer(Ops.LongComparator comparator)
          Returns a reducer returning the maximum of two long elements, using the given comparator
static Ops.LongReducer CommonOps.longMinReducer(Ops.LongComparator comparator)
          Returns a reducer returning the minimum of two long elements, using the given comparator
(package private) static void PAS.lquickSort(long[] a, Ops.LongComparator cmp, int lo, int hi)
 long ParallelArrayWithLongMapping.max(Ops.LongComparator comparator)
          Returns the maximum element, or Long.MIN_VALUE if empty
 long ParallelDoubleArrayWithLongMapping.max(Ops.LongComparator comparator)
          Returns the maximum element, or Long.MIN_VALUE if empty
 long ParallelLongArray.max(Ops.LongComparator comparator)
          Returns the maximum element, or Long.MIN_VALUE if empty
 long ParallelLongArrayWithLongMapping.max(Ops.LongComparator comparator)
          Returns the maximum element, or Long.MIN_VALUE if empty
 long ParallelArrayWithLongMapping.min(Ops.LongComparator comparator)
          Returns the minimum element, or Long.MAX_VALUE if empty
 long ParallelDoubleArrayWithLongMapping.min(Ops.LongComparator comparator)
          Returns the minimum element, or Long.MAX_VALUE if empty
 long ParallelLongArray.min(Ops.LongComparator comparator)
          Returns the minimum element, or Long.MAX_VALUE if empty
 long ParallelLongArrayWithLongMapping.min(Ops.LongComparator comparator)
          Returns the minimum element, or Long.MAX_VALUE if empty
 ParallelLongArrayWithBounds AbstractParallelAnyArray.LUPap.sort(Ops.LongComparator cmp)
 ParallelLongArray ParallelLongArray.sort(Ops.LongComparator comparator)
          Sorts the array.
abstract  ParallelLongArrayWithBounds ParallelLongArrayWithBounds.sort(Ops.LongComparator cmp)
          Sorts the elements.
 ParallelLongArray.SummaryStatistics ParallelArrayWithLongMapping.summary(Ops.LongComparator comparator)
          Returns summary statistics
 ParallelLongArray.SummaryStatistics ParallelDoubleArrayWithLongMapping.summary(Ops.LongComparator comparator)
          Returns summary statistics
 ParallelLongArray.SummaryStatistics ParallelLongArray.summary(Ops.LongComparator comparator)
          Returns summary statistics, using the given comparator to locate minimum and maximum elements.
 ParallelLongArray.SummaryStatistics ParallelLongArrayWithLongMapping.summary(Ops.LongComparator comparator)
          Returns summary statistics

Constructors in groovyx.gpars.extra166y with parameters of type Ops.LongComparator
PAS.FJLMerger(Ops.LongComparator cmp, long[] a, long[] w, int lo, int ln, int ro, int rn, int wo, int gran, PAS.FJLMerger next)
PAS.FJLSorter(Ops.LongComparator cmp, long[] a, long[] w, int origin, int n, int gran)
PAS.FJLStats(AbstractParallelAnyArray pap, int lo, int hi, PAS.FJBase next, Ops.LongComparator comparator)

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