5 Actors - Reference Documentation
Authors: The Whole GPars Gang
Version: 1.1.0
Table of Contents
5 Actors
The actor support in GPars was originally inspired by the Actors library in Scala, but has since gone well beyond what Scala offers as standard.Actors allow for a message passing-based concurrency model: programs are collections of independent active objects that exchange messages and have no mutable shared state. Actors can help developers avoid issues such as deadlock, live-lock and starvation, which are common problems for shared memory based approaches. Actors are a way of leveraging the multi-core nature of today's hardware without all the problems traditionally associated with shared-memory multi-threading, which is why programming languages such as Erlang and Scala have taken up this model.A nice article summarizing the key concepts behind actors was written recently by Ruben Vermeersch. Actors always guarantee that at most one thread processes the actor's body at any one time and also, under the covers, that the memory gets synchronized each time a thread gets assigned to an actor so the actor's state can be safely modified by code in the body without any other extra (synchronization or locking) effort . Ideally actor's code should never be invoked directly from outside so all the code of the actor class can only be executed by the thread handling the last received message and so all the actor's code is implicitly thread-safe . If any of the actor's methods is allowed to be called by other objects directly, the thread-safety guarantee for the actor's code and state are no longer valid .Types of actors
In general, you can find two types of actors in the wild - ones that hold implicit state and those, who don't. GPars gives you both options. Stateless actors, represented in GPars by the DynamicDispatchActor and the ReactiveActor classes, keep no track of what messages have arrived previously. You may thing of these as flat message handlers, which process messages as they come. Any state-based behavior has to be implemented by the user.The stateful actors, represented in GPars by the DefaultActor class (and previously also by the AbstractPooledActor class), allow the user to handle implicit state directly. After receiving a message the actor moves into a new state with different ways to handle future messages. To give you an example, a freshly started actor may only accept some types of messages, e.g. encrypted messages for decryption, only after it has received the encryption keys. The stateful actors allow to encode such dependencies directly in the structure of the message-handling code. Implicit state management, however, comes at a slight performance cost, mainly due to the lack of continuations support on JVM.Actor threading model
Since actors are detached from the system threads, a great number of actors can share a relatively small thread pool. This can go as far as having many concurrent actors that share a single pooled thread. This architecture allows to avoid some of the threading limitations of the JVM. In general, while the JVM can only give you a limited number of threads (typically around a couple of thousands), the number of actors is only limited by the available memory. If an actor has no work to do, it doesn't consume threads.Actor code is processed in chunks separated by quiet periods of waiting for new events (messages). This can be naturally modeled through continuations . As JVM doesn't support continuations directly, they have to be simulated in the actors frameworks, which has slight impact on organization of the actors' code. However, the benefits in most cases outweigh the difficulties.import groovyx.gpars.actor.Actor import groovyx.gpars.actor.DefaultActorclass GameMaster extends DefaultActor { int secretNum void afterStart() { secretNum = new Random().nextInt(10) } void act() { loop { react { int num -> if (num > secretNum) reply 'too large' else if (num < secretNum) reply 'too small' else { reply 'you win' terminate() } } } } }class Player extends DefaultActor { String name Actor server int myNum void act() { loop { myNum = new Random().nextInt(10) server.send myNum react { switch (it) { case 'too large': println "$name: $myNum was too large"; break case 'too small': println "$name: $myNum was too small"; break case 'you win': println "$name: I won $myNum"; terminate(); break } } } } }def master = new GameMaster().start() def player = new Player(name: 'Player', server: master).start()//this forces main thread to live until both actors stop [master, player]*.join()
Usage of Actors
Gpars provides consistent Actor APIs and DSLs. Actors in principal perform three specific operations - send messages, receive messages and create new actors. Although not specifically enforced by GPars messages should be immutable or at least follow the hands-off policy when the sender never touches the messages after the message has been sent off.Sending messages
Messages can be sent to actors using the send() method.def passiveActor = Actors.actor{ loop { react { msg -> println "Received: $msg"; } } } passiveActor.send 'Message 1' passiveActor << 'Message 2' //using the << operator passiveActor 'Message 3' //using the implicit call() method
def replyingActor = Actors.actor{ loop { react { msg -> println "Received: $msg"; reply "I've got $msg" } } } def reply1 = replyingActor.sendAndWait('Message 4') def reply2 = replyingActor.sendAndWait('Message 5', 10, TimeUnit.SECONDS) use (TimeCategory) { def reply3 = replyingActor.sendAndWait('Message 6', 10.seconds) }
friend.sendAndContinue 'I need money!', {money -> pocket money} println 'I can continue while my friend is collecting money for me'
Promise loan = friend.sendAndPromise 'I need money!' println 'I can continue while my friend is collecting money for me' loan.whenBound {money -> pocket money} //asynchronous waiting for a reply println "Received ${loan.get()}" //synchronous waiting for a reply
Receiving messages
Non-blocking message retrieval
Calling the react() method, optionally with a timeout parameter, from within the actor's code will consume the next message from the actor's inbox, potentially waiting, if there is no message to be processed immediately.println 'Waiting for a gift' react {gift -> if (myWife.likes gift) reply 'Thank you!' }
Actors.actor { loop { println 'Waiting for a gift' react {gift -> if (myWife.likes gift) reply 'Thank you!' else { reply 'Try again, please' react {anotherGift -> if (myChildren.like gift) reply 'Thank you!' } println 'Never reached' } } println 'Never reached' } println 'Never reached' }
Sending replies
The reply/replyIfExists methods are not only defined on the actors themselves, but for AbstractPooledActor (not available in DefaultActor , DynamicDispatchActor nor ReactiveActor classes) also on the processed messages themselves upon their reception, which is particularly handy when handling multiple messages in a single call. In such cases reply() invoked on the actor sends a reply to authors of all the currently processed message (the last one), whereas reply() called on messages sends a reply to the author of the particular message only.See demo hereThe sender property
Messages upon retrieval offer the sender property to identify the originator of the message. The property is available inside the Actor's closure:react {tweet ->
if (isSpam(tweet)) ignoreTweetsFrom sender
sender.send 'Never write me again!'
When sending a message, a different actor can be specified as the sender so that potential replies to the message will be forwarded to the specified actor and not to the actual originator.def decryptor = Actors.actor { react {message -> reply message.reverse() // sender.send message.reverse() //An alternative way to send replies } }def console = Actors.actor { //This actor will print out decrypted messages, since the replies are forwarded to it react { println 'Decrypted message: ' + it } }decryptor.send 'lellarap si yvoorG', console //Specify an actor to send replies to console.join()
Creating Actors
Actors share a pool of threads, which are dynamically assigned to actors when the actors need to react to messages sent to them. The threads are returned to back the pool once a message has been processed and the actor is idle waiting for some more messages to arrive.For example, this is how you create an actor that prints out all messages that it receives.def console = Actors.actor { loop { react { println it } } }
final def decryptor = Actors.actor { loop { react {String message -> if ('stopService' == message) { println 'Stopping decryptor' stop() } else reply message.reverse() } } }Actors.actor { decryptor.send 'lellarap si yvoorG' react { println 'Decrypted message: ' + it decryptor.send 'stopService' } }.join()
def friend = Actors.actor { react { //this doesn't reply -> caller won't receive any answer in time println it //reply 'Hello' //uncomment this to answer conversation react { println it } } }def me = Actors.actor { friend.send('Hi') //wait for answer 1sec react(1000) {msg -> if (msg == Actor.TIMEOUT) { friend.send('I see, busy as usual. Never mind.') stop() } else { //continue conversation println "Thank you for $msg" } } }me.join()
Undelivered messages
Sometimes messages cannot be delivered to the target actor. When special action needs to be taken for undelivered messages, at actor termination all unprocessed messages from its queue have their onDeliveryError() method called. The onDeliveryError() method or closure defined on the message can, for example, send a notification back to the original sender of the message.final DefaultActor me me = Actors.actor { def message = 1 message.metaClass.onDeliveryError = {-> //send message back to the caller me << "Could not deliver $delegate" } def actor = Actors.actor { react { //wait 2sec in order next call in demo can be emitted Thread.sleep(2000) //stop actor after first message stop() } } actor << message actor << message react { //print whatever comes back println it }}me.join()
final DefaultActor me me = Actors.actor { def message1 = 1 def message2 = 2 def actor = Actors.actor { react { //wait 2sec in order next call in demo can be emitted Thread.sleep(2000) //stop actor after first message stop() } } me.metaClass.onDeliveryError = {msg -> //callback on actor inaccessibility println "Could not deliver message $msg" } actor << message1 actor << message2 actor.join()}me.join()
class MyActor extends DefaultActor { public void onDeliveryError(msg) { println "Could not deliver message $msg" } … }
Joining actors
Actors provide a join() method to allow callers to wait for the actor to terminate. A variant accepting a timeout is also available. The Groovy spread-dot operator comes in handy when joining multiple actors at a time.def master = new GameMaster().start() def player = new Player(name: 'Player', server: master).start()[master, player]*.join()
Conditional and counting loops
The loop() method allows for either a condition or a number of iterations to be specified, optionally accompanied with a closure to invoke once the loop finishes - After Loop Termination Code Handler .The following actor will loop three times to receive 3 messages and then prints out the maximum of the received messages.final Actor actor = Actors.actor { def candidates = [] def printResult = {-> println "The best offer is ${candidates.max()}"} loop(3, printResult) { react { candidates << it } } }actor 10 actor 30 actor 20 actor.join()
final Actor actor = Actors.actor { def candidates = [] final Closure printResult = {-> println "Reached best offer - ${candidates.max()}"} loop({-> candidates.max() < 30}, printResult) { react { candidates << it } } }actor 10 actor 20 actor 25 actor 31 actor 20 actor.join()
The After Loop Termination Code Handler can use actor's react{} but not loop() .
DefaultActor can be set to behave in a fair on non-fair (default) manner. Depending on the strategy chosen, the actor either makes the thread available to other actors sharing the same parallel group (fair), or keeps the thread fot itself until the message queue gets empty (non-fair). Generally, non-fair actors perform 2 - 3 times better than fair ones.Use either the fairActor() factory method or the actor's makeFair() method.
Custom schedulers
Actors leverage the standard JDK concurrency library by default. To provide a custom thread scheduler use the appropriate constructor parameter when creating a parallel group (PGroup class). The supplied scheduler will orchestrate threads in the group's thread pool.Please also see the numerous Actor Demos .5.1 Actors Principles
Actors share a pool of threads, which are dynamically assigned to actors when the actors need to react to messages sent to them. The threads are returned back to the pool once a message has been processed and the actor is idle waiting for some more messages to arrive. Actors become detached from the underlying threads and so a relatively small thread pool can serve potentially unlimited number of actors. Virtually unlimited scalability in number of actors is the main advantage of event-based actors , which are detached from the underlying physical threads.Here are some examples of how to use actors. This is how you create an actor that prints out all messages that it receives.import static groovyx.gpars.actor.Actors.actordef console = actor { loop { react { println it } }
class CustomActor extends DefaultActor { @Override protected void act() { loop { react { println it } } } }def console=new CustomActor() console.start()
console.send('Message') console 'Message' console.sendAndWait 'Message' //Wait for a reply console.sendAndContinue 'Message', {reply -> println "I received reply: $reply"} //Forward the reply to a function
Creating an asynchronous service
import static groovyx.gpars.actor.Actors.actorfinal def decryptor = actor { loop { react {String message-> reply message.reverse() } } }def console = actor { decryptor.send 'lellarap si yvoorG' react { println 'Decrypted message: ' + it } }console.join()
def friend = Actors.actor { react { //this doesn't reply -> caller won't receive any answer in time println it //reply 'Hello' //uncomment this to answer conversation react { println it } } }def me = Actors.actor { friend.send('Hi') //wait for answer 1sec react(1000) {msg -> if (msg == Actor.TIMEOUT) { friend.send('I see, busy as usual. Never mind.') stop() } else { //continue conversation println "Thank you for $msg" } } }me.join()
def friend = Actors.actor { react { //this doesn't reply -> caller won't receive any answer in time println it //reply 'Hello' //uncomment this to answer conversation react { println it } } }def me = Actors.actor { friend.send('Hi') delegate.metaClass.onTimeout = {-> friend.send('I see, busy as usual. Never mind.') stop() } //wait for answer 1sec react(1000) {msg -> if (msg != Actor.TIMEOUT) { //continue conversation println "Thank you for $msg" } } }me.join()
class MyActor extends DefaultActor { public void onTimeout() { … } protected void act() { … } }
Actors guarantee thread-safety for non-thread-safe code
Actors guarantee that always at most one thread processes the actor's body at a time and also under the covers the memory gets synchronized each time a thread gets assigned to an actor so the actor's state can be safely modified by code in the body without any other extra (synchronization or locking) effort .class MyCounterActor extends DefaultActor { private Integer counter = 0 protected void act() { loop { react { counter++ } } } }
Simple calculator
A little bit more realistic example of an event-driven actor that receives two numeric messages, sums them up and sends the result to the console actor.import groovyx.gpars.group.DefaultPGroup//not necessary, just showing that a single-threaded pool can still handle multiple actors def group = new DefaultPGroup(1);final def console = group.actor { loop { react { println 'Result: ' + it } } }final def calculator = group.actor { react {a -> react {b -> console.send(a + b) } } }calculator.send 2 calculator.send 3calculator.join() group.shutdown()
Concurrent Merge Sort Example
For comparison I'm also including a more involved example performing a concurrent merge sort of a list of integers using actors. You can see that thanks to flexibility of Groovy we came pretty close to the Scala model, although I still miss Scala pattern matching for message handling.import groovyx.gpars.group.DefaultPGroup import static groovyx.gpars.actor.Actors.actorClosure createMessageHandler(def parentActor) { return { react {List<Integer> message -> assert message != null switch (message.size()) { case 0..1: parentActor.send(message) break case 2: if (message[0] <= message[1]) parentActor.send(message) else parentActor.send(message[-1..0]) break default: def splitList = split(message) def child1 = actor(createMessageHandler(delegate)) def child2 = actor(createMessageHandler(delegate)) child1.send(splitList[0]) child2.send(splitList[1]) react {message1 -> react {message2 -> parentActor.send merge(message1, message2) } } } } } }def console = new DefaultPGroup(1).actor { react { println "Sorted array:t${it}" System.exit 0 } }def sorter = actor(createMessageHandler(console)) sorter.send([1, 5, 2, 4, 3, 8, 6, 7, 3, 9, 5, 3]) console.join()def split(List<Integer> list) { int listSize = list.size() int middleIndex = listSize / 2 def list1 = list[0..<middleIndex] def list2 = list[middleIndex..listSize - 1] return [list1, list2] }List<Integer> merge(List<Integer> a, List<Integer> b) { int i = 0, j = 0 final int newSize = a.size() + b.size() List<Integer> result = new ArrayList<Integer>(newSize) while ((i < a.size()) && (j < b.size())) { if (a[i] <= b[j]) result << a[i++] else result << b[j++] } if (i < a.size()) result.addAll(a[i..-1]) else result.addAll(b[j..-1]) return result }
Actor lifecycle methods
Each Actor can define lifecycle observing methods, which will be called whenever a certain lifecycle event occurs.- afterStart() - called right after the actor has been started.
- afterStop(List undeliveredMessages) - called right after the actor is stopped, passing in all the unprocessed messages from the queue.
- onInterrupt(InterruptedException e) - called when the actor's thread gets interrupted. Thread interruption will result in the stopping the actor in any case.
- onTimeout() - called when no messages are sent to the actor within the timeout specified for the currently blocking react method.
- onException(Throwable e) - called when an exception occurs in the actor's event handler. Actor will stop after return from this method.
class MyActor extends DefaultActor { public void afterStart() { … } public void onTimeout() { … } protected void act() { … } }
def myActor = actor { delegate.metaClass.onException = { log.error('Exception occurred', it) }… }
To help performance, you may consider using the silentStart() method instead of start() when starting a DynamicDispatchActor or a ReactiveActor . Calling silentStart() will by-pass some of the start-up machinery and as a result will also avoid calling the afterStart() method. Due to its stateful nature, DefaultActor cannot be started silently.
Pool management
Actors can be organized into groups and as a default there's always an application-wide pooled actor group available. And just like the Actors abstract factory can be used to create actors in the default group, custom groups can be used as abstract factories to create new actors instances belonging to these groups.def myGroup = new DefaultPGroup()def actor1 = myGroup.actor {
}def actor2 = myGroup.actor {
class MyActor extends StaticDispatchActor<Integer> { private static PGroup group = new DefaultPGroup(100) MyActor(...) { this.parallelGroup = group … } }
def myGroup = new DefaultPGroup(10) //the pool will contain 10 threads
… (n+1 threads in the default pool after startup)Actors.defaultActorPGroup.resize 1 //use one-thread pool… (1 thread in the pool)Actors.defaultActorPGroup.resetDefaultSize()… (n+1 threads in the pool)Actors.defaultActorPGroup.shutdown()
def daemonGroup = new DefaultPGroup()def actor1 = daemonGroup.actor { … }def nonDaemonGroup = new NonDaemonPGroup()def actor2 = nonDaemonGroup.actor { … }class MyActor { def MyActor() { this.parallelGroup = nonDaemonGroup } void act() {...} }
def coreActors = new NonDaemonPGroup(5) //5 non-daemon threads pool def helperActors = new DefaultPGroup(1) //1 daemon thread pooldef priceCalculator = coreActors.actor { … }def paymentProcessor = coreActors.actor { … }def emailNotifier = helperActors.actor { … }def cleanupActor = helperActors.actor { … }//increase size of the core actor group coreActors.resize 6//shutdown the group's pool once you no longer need the group to release resources helperActors.shutdown()
The default actor group
Actors that didn't have their parallelGroup property changed or that were created through any of the factory methods on the Actors class share a common group Actors.defaultActorPGroup . This group uses a resizeable thread pool with an upper limit of 1000 threads . This gives you the comfort of having the pool automatically adjust to the demand of the actors. On the other hand, with a growing number of actors the pool may become too big an inefficient. It is advisable to group your actors into your own PGroups with fixed size thread pools for all but trivial applications.Common trap: App terminates while actors do not receive messages
Most likely you're using daemon threads and pools, which is the default setting, and your main thread finishes. Calling actor.join() on any, some or all of your actors would block the main thread until the actor terminates and thus keep all your actors running. Alternatively use instances of NonDaemonPGroup and assign some of your actors to these groups.def nonDaemonGroup = new NonDaemonPGroup()
def myActor = nonDaemonGroup.actor {...}
def nonDaemonGroup = new NonDaemonPGroup()class MyActor extends DefaultActor { def MyActor() { this.parallelGroup = nonDaemonGroup } void act() {...} }def myActor = new MyActor()
Blocking Actors
Instead of event-driven continuation-styled actors, you may in some scenarios prefer using blocking actors. Blocking actors hold a single pooled thread for their whole life-time including the time when waiting for messages. They avoid some of the thread management overhead, since they never fight for threads after start, and also they let you write straight code without the necessity of continuation style, since they only do blocking message reads via the receive method. Obviously the number of blocking actors running concurrently is limited by the number of threads available in the shared pool. On the other hand, blocking actors typically provide better performance compared to continuation-style actors, especially when the actor's message queue rarely gets empty.def decryptor = blockingActor { while (true) { receive {message -> if (message instanceof String) reply message.reverse() else stop() } } }def console = blockingActor { decryptor.send 'lellarap si yvoorG' println 'Decrypted message: ' + receive() decryptor.send false }[decryptor, console]*.join()
5.2 Stateless Actors
Dynamic Dispatch Actor
The DynamicDispatchActor class is an actor allowing for an alternative structure of the message handling code. In general DynamicDispatchActor repeatedly scans for messages and dispatches arrived messages to one of the onMessage(message) methods defined on the actor. The DynamicDispatchActor leverages the Groovy dynamic method dispatch mechanism under the covers. Since, unlike DefaultActor descendants, a DynamicDispatchActor not ReactiveActor (discussed below) do not need to implicitly remember actor's state between subsequent message receptions, they provide much better performance characteristics, generally comparable to other actor frameworks, like e.g. Scala Actors.import groovyx.gpars.actor.Actors import groovyx.gpars.actor.DynamicDispatchActorfinal class MyActor extends DynamicDispatchActor { void onMessage(String message) { println 'Received string' } void onMessage(Integer message) { println 'Received integer' reply 'Thanks!' } void onMessage(Object message) { println 'Received object' sender.send 'Thanks!' } void onMessage(List message) { println 'Received list' stop() } }final def myActor = new MyActor().start()Actors.actor { myActor 1 myActor '' myActor 1.0 myActor(new ArrayList()) myActor.join() }.join()
final Actor myActor = new DynamicDispatchActor().become { when {String msg -> println 'A String'; reply 'Thanks'} when {Double msg -> println 'A Double'; reply 'Thanks'} when {msg -> println 'A something ...'; reply 'What was that?';stop()} } myActor.start() Actors.actor { myActor 'Hello' myActor 1.0d myActor 10 as BigDecimal myActor.join() }.join()
final class MyDDA extends DynamicDispatchActor { void onMessage(String message) { println 'Received string' } void onMessage(Integer message) { println 'Received integer' } void onMessage(Object message) { println 'Received object' } void onMessage(List message) { println 'Received list' stop() } }final def myActor = new MyDDA().become { when {BigDecimal num -> println 'Received BigDecimal'} when {Float num -> println 'Got a float'} }.start() Actors.actor { myActor 'Hello' myActor 1.0f myActor 10 as BigDecimal myActor.send([]) myActor.join() }.join()
DynamicDispatchActor can be set to behave in a fair on non-fair (default) manner. Depending on the strategy chosen, the actor either makes the thread available to other actors sharing the same parallel group (fair), or keeps the thread fot itself until the message queue gets empty (non-fair). Generally, non-fair actors perform 2 - 3 times better than fair ones.Use either the fairMessageHandler() factory method or the actor's makeFair() method.
def fairActor = Actors.fairMessageHandler {...}
Static Dispatch Actor
While DynamicDispatchActor dispatches messages based on their run-time type and so pays extra performance penalty for each message, StaticDispatchActor avoids run-time message checks and dispatches the message solely based on the compile-time information.final class MyActor extends StaticDispatchActor<String> { void onMessage(String message) { println 'Received string ' + message switch (message) { case 'hello': reply 'Hi!' break case 'stop': stop() } } }
final actor = staticMessageHandler {String message -> println 'Received string ' + message switch (message) { case 'hello': reply 'Hi!' break case 'stop': stop() } }println 'Reply: ' + actor.sendAndWait('hello') actor 'bye' actor 'stop' actor.join()
Reactive Actor
The ReactiveActor class, constructed typically by calling Actors.reactor() or DefaultPGroup.reactor() , allow for more event-driven like approach. When a reactive actor receives a message, the supplied block of code, which makes up the reactive actor's body, is run with the message as a parameter. The result returned from the code is sent in reply.final def group = new DefaultPGroup()final def doubler = group.reactor { 2 * it }group.actor { println 'Double of 10 = ' + doubler.sendAndWait(10) }group.actor { println 'Double of 20 = ' + doubler.sendAndWait(20) }group.actor { println 'Double of 30 = ' + doubler.sendAndWait(30) }for(i in (1..10)) { println "Double of $i = ${doubler.sendAndWait(i)}" }doubler.stop() doubler.join()
import groovyx.gpars.actor.Actor import groovyx.gpars.actor.Actorsfinal def doubler = Actors.reactor { 2 * it }Actor actor = Actors.actor { (1..10).each {doubler << it} int i = 0 loop { i += 1 if (i > 10) stop() else { react {message -> println "Double of $i = $message" } } } }actor.join() doubler.stop() doubler.join()
public class ReactiveActor extends DefaultActor { Closure body void act() { loop { react {message -> reply body(message) } } } }
ReactiveActor can be set to behave in a fair on non-fair (default) manner. Depending on the strategy chosen, the actor either makes the thread available to other actors sharing the same parallel group (fair), or keeps the thread fot itself until the message queue gets empty (non-fair). Generally, non-fair actors perform 2 - 3 times better than fair ones.Use either the fairReactor() factory method or the actor's makeFair() method.
def fairActor = Actors.fairReactor {...}
5.3 Tips and Tricks
Structuring actor's code
When extending the DefaultActor class, you can call any actor's methods from within the act() method and use the react() or loop() methods in them.class MyDemoActor extends DefaultActor { protected void act() { handleA() } private void handleA() { react {a -> handleB(a) } } private void handleB(int a) { react {b -> println a + b reply a + b } } }final def demoActor = new MyDemoActor() demoActor.start()Actors.actor { demoActor 10 demoActor 20 react { println "Result: $it" } }.join()
Actor demoActor = Actors.actor {
delegate.metaClass {
handleA = {->
react {a ->
} handleB = {a ->
react {b ->
println a + b
reply a + b
} handleA()
}Actors.actor {
demoActor 10
demoActor 20
react {
println "Result: $it"
Closure handleB = {a ->
react {b ->
println a + b
reply a + b
}Closure handleA = {->
react {a ->
}Actor demoActor = Actors.actor {
handleA.delegate = delegate
handleB.delegate = delegate handleA()
}Actors.actor {
demoActor 10
demoActor 20
react {
println "Result: $it"
Event-driven loops
When coding event-driven actors you have to have in mind that calls to react() and loop() methods have slightly different semantics. This becomes a bit of a challenge once you try to implement any types of loops in your actors. On the other hand, if you leverage the fact that react() only schedules a continuation and returns, you may call methods recursively without fear to fill up the stack. Look at the examples below, which respectively use the three described techniques for structuring actor's code.A subclass of DefaultActorclass MyLoopActor extends DefaultActor { protected void act() { outerLoop() } private void outerLoop() { react {a -> println 'Outer: ' + a if (a != 0) innerLoop() else println 'Done' } } private void innerLoop() { react {b -> println 'Inner ' + b if (b == 0) outerLoop() else innerLoop() } } }final def actor = new MyLoopActor().start() actor 10 actor 20 actor 0 actor 0 actor.join()
Actor actor = Actors.actor { delegate.metaClass { outerLoop = {-> react {a -> println 'Outer: ' + a if (a!=0) innerLoop() else println 'Done' } } innerLoop = {-> react {b -> println 'Inner ' + b if (b==0) outerLoop() else innerLoop() } } } outerLoop() }actor 10 actor 20 actor 0 actor 0 actor.join()
Closure innerLoopClosure outerLoop = {-> react {a -> println 'Outer: ' + a if (a!=0) innerLoop() else println 'Done' } }innerLoop = {-> react {b -> println 'Inner ' + b if (b==0) outerLoop() else innerLoop() } }Actor actor = Actors.actor { outerLoop.delegate = delegate innerLoop.delegate = delegate outerLoop() }actor 10 actor 20 actor 0 actor 0 actor.join()
class MyLoopingActor extends DefaultActor { protected void act() { loop { outerLoop() } } private void outerLoop() { react {a -> println 'Outer: ' + a if (a!=0) innerLoop() else println 'Done for now, but will loop again' } } private void innerLoop() { react {b -> println 'Inner ' + b if (b == 0) outerLoop() else innerLoop() } } }final def actor = new MyLoopingActor().start() actor 10 actor 20 actor 0 actor 0 actor 10 actor.stop() actor.join()
5.4 Active Objects
Active objects provide an OO facade on top of actors, allowing you to avoid dealing directly with the actor machinery, having to match messages, wait for results and send replies.Actors with a friendly facade
import groovyx.gpars.activeobject.ActiveObject import groovyx.gpars.activeobject.ActiveMethod@ActiveObject class Decryptor { @ActiveMethod def decrypt(String encryptedText) { return encryptedText.reverse() } @ActiveMethod def decrypt(Integer encryptedNumber) { return -1*encryptedNumber + 142 } }final Decryptor decryptor = new Decryptor() def part1 = decryptor.decrypt(' noitcA ni yvoorG') def part2 = decryptor.decrypt(140) def part3 = decryptor.decrypt('noitide dn')print part1.get() print part2.get() println part3.get()
By default, all active methods are set to be non-blocking . However, methods, which declare their return type explicitly, must be configured as blocking, otherwise the compiler will report an error. Only def , void and DataflowVariable are allowed return types for non-blocking methods.Under the covers, GPars will translate your method call to a message being sent to the internal actor . The actor will eventually handle that message by invoking the desired method on behalf of the caller and once finished a reply will be sent back to the caller. Non-blocking methods return promises for results, aka DataflowVariables .
But blocking means we're not really asynchronous, are we?
Indeed, if you mark your active methods as blocking , the caller will be blocked waiting for the result, just like when doing normal plain method invocation. All we've achieved is being thread-safe inside the Active object from concurrent access. Something the synchronized keyword could give you as well. So it is the non-blocking methods that should drive your decision towards using active objects. Blocking methods will then provide the usual synchronous semantics yet give the consistency guarantees across concurrent method invocations. The blocking methods are then still very useful when used in combination with non-blocking ones.import groovyx.gpars.activeobject.ActiveMethod import groovyx.gpars.activeobject.ActiveObject import groovyx.gpars.dataflow.DataflowVariable@ActiveObject class Decryptor { @ActiveMethod(blocking=true) String decrypt(String encryptedText) { encryptedText.reverse() } @ActiveMethod(blocking=true) Integer decrypt(Integer encryptedNumber) { -1*encryptedNumber + 142 } }final Decryptor decryptor = new Decryptor() print decryptor.decrypt(' noitcA ni yvoorG') print decryptor.decrypt(140) println decryptor.decrypt('noitide dn')
Non-blocking semantics
Now calling the non-blocking active method will return as soon as the actor has been sent a message. The caller is now allowed to do whatever he likes, while the actor is taking care of the calculation. The state of the calculation can be polled using the bound property on the promise. Calling the get() method on the returned promise will block the caller until a value is available. The call to get() will eventually return a value or throw an exception, depending on the outcome of the actual calculation.The get() method has also a variant with a timeout parameter, if you want to avoid the risk of waiting indefinitely.
Annotation rules
There are a few rules to follow when annotating your objects:- The ActiveMethod annotations are only accepted in classes annotated as ActiveObject
- Only instance (non-static) methods can be annotated as ActiveMethod
- You can override active methods with non-active ones and vice versa
- Subclasses of active objects can declare additional active methods, provided they are themselves annotated as ActiveObject
- Combining concurrent use of active and non-active methods may result in race conditions. Ideally design your active objects as completely encapsulated classes with all non-private methods marked as active
The @ActiveObject annotation can appear on any class in an inheritance hierarchy. The actor field will only be created in top-most annotated class in the hierarchy, the subclasses will reuse the field.import groovyx.gpars.activeobject.ActiveObject import groovyx.gpars.activeobject.ActiveMethod import groovyx.gpars.dataflow.DataflowVariable@ActiveObject class A { @ActiveMethod def fooA(value) { … } }class B extends A { }@ActiveObject class C extends B { @ActiveMethod def fooC(value1, value2) { … } }
Just like actors can be grouped around thread pools, active objects can be configured to use threads from particular parallel groups.@ActiveObject("group1")
class MyActiveObject {
final DefaultPGroup group = new DefaultPGroup(10) ActiveObjectRegistry.instance.register("group1", group)
Alternative names for the internal actor
You will probably only rarely run into name collisions with the default name for the active object's internal actor field. May you need to change the default name internalActiveObjectActor , use the actorName parameter to the @ActiveObject annotation.@ActiveObject(actorName = "alternativeActorName")
class MyActiveObject {
Alternative names for internal actors as well as their desired groups cannot be overriden in subclasses. Make sure you only specify these values in the top-most active objects in your inheritance hierarchy. Obviously, the top most active object is still allowed to subclass other classes, just none of the predecessors must be an active object.
5.5 Classic Examples
A few examples on Actors use
- The Sieve of Eratosthenes
- Sleeping Barber
- Dining Philosophers
- Word Sort
- Load Balancer
The Sieve of Eratosthenes
Problem descriptionimport groovyx.gpars.actor.DynamicDispatchActor/** * Demonstrates concurrent implementation of the Sieve of Eratosthenes using actors * * In principle, the algorithm consists of concurrently run chained filters, * each of which detects whether the current number can be divided by a single prime number. * (generate nums 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ...) -> (filter by mod 2) -> (filter by mod 3) -> (filter by mod 5) -> (filter by mod 7) -> (filter by mod 11) -> (caution! Primes falling out here) * The chain is built (grows) on the fly, whenever a new prime is found. */int requestedPrimeNumberBoundary = 1000final def firstFilter = new FilterActor(2).start()/** * Generating candidate numbers and sending them to the actor chain */ (2..requestedPrimeNumberBoundary).each { firstFilter it } firstFilter.sendAndWait 'Poison'/** * Filter out numbers that can be divided by a single prime number */ final class FilterActor extends DynamicDispatchActor { private final int myPrime private def follower def FilterActor(final myPrime) { this.myPrime = myPrime; } /** * Try to divide the received number with the prime. If the number cannot be divided, send it along the chain. * If there's no-one to send it to, I'm the last in the chain, the number is a prime and so I will create and chain * a new actor responsible for filtering by this newly found prime number. */ def onMessage(int value) { if (value % myPrime != 0) { if (follower) follower value else { println "Found $value" follower = new FilterActor(value).start() } } } /** * Stop the actor on poisson reception */ def onMessage(def poisson) { if (follower) { def sender = sender follower.sendAndContinue(poisson, {this.stop(); sender?.send('Done')}) //Pass the poisson along and stop after a reply } else { //I am the last in the chain stop() reply 'Done' } } }
Sleeping Barber
Problem descriptionimport groovyx.gpars.group.DefaultPGroup import groovyx.gpars.actor.DefaultActor import groovyx.gpars.group.DefaultPGroup import groovyx.gpars.actor.Actorfinal def group = new DefaultPGroup()final def barber = group.actor { final def random = new Random() loop { react {message -> switch (message) { case Enter: message.customer.send new Start() println "Barber: Processing customer ${message.customer.name}" doTheWork(random) message.customer.send new Done() reply new Next() break case Wait: println "Barber: No customers. Going to have a sleep" break } } } }private def doTheWork(Random random) { Thread.sleep(random.nextInt(10) * 1000) }final Actor waitingRoomwaitingRoom = group.actor { final int capacity = 5 final List<Customer> waitingCustomers = [] boolean barberAsleep = true loop { react {message -> switch (message) { case Enter: if (waitingCustomers.size() == capacity) { reply new Full() } else { waitingCustomers << message.customer if (barberAsleep) { assert waitingCustomers.size() == 1 barberAsleep = false waitingRoom.send new Next() } else reply new Wait() } break case Next: if (waitingCustomers.size()>0) { def customer = waitingCustomers.remove(0) barber.send new Enter(customer:customer) } else { barber.send new Wait() barberAsleep = true } } } }}class Customer extends DefaultActor { String name Actor localBarbers void act() { localBarbers << new Enter(customer:this) loop { react {message -> switch (message) { case Full: println "Customer: $name: The waiting room is full. I am leaving." stop() break case Wait: println "Customer: $name: I will wait." break case Start: println "Customer: $name: I am now being served." break case Done: println "Customer: $name: I have been served." stop(); break } } } } }class Enter { Customer customer } class Full {} class Wait {} class Next {} class Start {} class Done {}def customers = [] customers << new Customer(name:'Joe', localBarbers:waitingRoom).start() customers << new Customer(name:'Dave', localBarbers:waitingRoom).start() customers << new Customer(name:'Alice', localBarbers:waitingRoom).start()sleep 15000 customers << new Customer(name: 'James', localBarbers: waitingRoom).start() sleep 5000 customers*.join() barber.stop() waitingRoom.stop()
Dining Philosophers
Problem descriptionimport groovyx.gpars.actor.DefaultActor import groovyx.gpars.actor.ActorsActors.defaultActorPGroup.resize 5final class Philosopher extends DefaultActor { private Random random = new Random() String name def forks = [] void act() { assert 2 == forks.size() loop { think() forks*.send new Take() def messages = [] react {a -> messages << [a, sender] react {b -> messages << [b, sender] if ([a, b].any {Rejected.isCase it}) { println "$name: tOops, can't get my forks! Giving up." final def accepted = messages.find {Accepted.isCase it[0]} if (accepted!=null) accepted[1].send new Finished() } else { eat() reply new Finished() } } } } } void think() { println "$name: tI'm thinking" Thread.sleep random.nextInt(5000) println "$name: tI'm done thinking" } void eat() { println "$name: tI'm EATING" Thread.sleep random.nextInt(2000) println "$name: tI'm done EATING" } }final class Fork extends DefaultActor { String name boolean available = true void act() { loop { react {message -> switch (message) { case Take: if (available) { available = false reply new Accepted() } else reply new Rejected() break case Finished: assert !available available = true break default: throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot process the message: $message") } } } } }final class Take {} final class Accepted {} final class Rejected {} final class Finished {}def forks = [ new Fork(name:'Fork 1'), new Fork(name:'Fork 2'), new Fork(name:'Fork 3'), new Fork(name:'Fork 4'), new Fork(name:'Fork 5') ]def philosophers = [ new Philosopher(name:'Joe', forks:[forks[0], forks[1]]), new Philosopher(name:'Dave', forks:[forks[1], forks[2]]), new Philosopher(name:'Alice', forks:[forks[2], forks[3]]), new Philosopher(name:'James', forks:[forks[3], forks[4]]), new Philosopher(name:'Phil', forks:[forks[4], forks[0]]), ]forks*.start() philosophers*.start()sleep 10000 forks*.stop() philosophers*.stop()
Word sort
Given a folder name, the script will sort words in all files in the folder. The SortMaster actor creates a given number of WordSortActors , splits among them the files to sort words in and collects the results.Inspired by Scala Concurrency blog post by Michael Galpin//Messages private final class FileToSort { String fileName } private final class SortResult { String fileName; List<String> words }//Worker actor class WordSortActor extends DefaultActor { private List<String> sortedWords(String fileName) { parseFile(fileName).sort {it.toLowerCase()} } private List<String> parseFile(String fileName) { List<String> words = [] new File(fileName).splitEachLine(' ') {words.addAll(it)} return words } void act() { loop { react {message -> switch (message) { case FileToSort: println "Sorting file=${message.fileName} on thread ${Thread.currentThread().name}" reply new SortResult(fileName: message.fileName, words: sortedWords(message.fileName)) } } } } }//Master actor final class SortMaster extends DefaultActor { String docRoot = '/' int numActors = 1 List<List<String>> sorted = [] private CountDownLatch startupLatch = new CountDownLatch(1) private CountDownLatch doneLatch private void beginSorting() { int cnt = sendTasksToWorkers() doneLatch = new CountDownLatch(cnt) } private List createWorkers() { return (1..numActors).collect {new WordSortActor().start()} } private int sendTasksToWorkers() { List<Actor> workers = createWorkers() int cnt = 0 new File(docRoot).eachFile { workers[cnt % numActors] << new FileToSort(fileName: it) cnt += 1 } return cnt } public void waitUntilDone() { startupLatch.await() doneLatch.await() } void act() { beginSorting() startupLatch.countDown() loop { react { switch (it) { case SortResult: sorted << it.words doneLatch.countDown() println "Received results for file=${it.fileName}" } } } } }//start the actors to sort words def master = new SortMaster(docRoot: 'c:/tmp/Logs/', numActors: 5).start() master.waitUntilDone() println 'Done'File file = new File("c:/tmp/Logs/sorted_words.txt") file.withPrintWriter { printer -> master.sorted.each { printer.println it } }
Load Balancer
Demonstrates work balancing among adaptable set of workers. The load balancer receives tasks and queues them in a temporary task queue. When a worker finishes his assignment, it asks the load balancer for a new task.If the load balancer doesn't have any tasks available in the task queue, the worker is stopped. If the number of tasks in the task queue exceeds certain limit, a new worker is created to increase size of the worker pool.import groovyx.gpars.actor.Actor import groovyx.gpars.actor.DefaultActor/** * Demonstrates work balancing among adaptable set of workers. * The load balancer receives tasks and queues them in a temporary task queue. * When a worker finishes his assignment, it asks the load balancer for a new task. * If the load balancer doesn't have any tasks available in the task queue, the worker is stopped. * If the number of tasks in the task queue exceeds certain limit, a new worker is created * to increase size of the worker pool. */final class LoadBalancer extends DefaultActor { int workers = 0 List taskQueue = [] private static final QUEUE_SIZE_TRIGGER = 10 void act() { loop { react { message -> switch (message) { case NeedMoreWork: if (taskQueue.size() == 0) { println 'No more tasks in the task queue. Terminating the worker.' reply DemoWorker.EXIT workers -= 1 } else reply taskQueue.remove(0) break case WorkToDo: taskQueue << message if ((workers == 0) || (taskQueue.size() >= QUEUE_SIZE_TRIGGER)) { println 'Need more workers. Starting one.' workers += 1 new DemoWorker(this).start() } } println "Active workers=${workers}tTasks in queue=${taskQueue.size()}" } } } }final class DemoWorker extends DefaultActor { final static Object EXIT = new Object() private static final Random random = new Random() Actor balancer def DemoWorker(balancer) { this.balancer = balancer } void act() { loop { this.balancer << new NeedMoreWork() react { switch (it) { case WorkToDo: processMessage(it) break case EXIT: terminate() } } } } private void processMessage(message) { synchronized (random) { Thread.sleep random.nextInt(5000) } } } final class WorkToDo {} final class NeedMoreWork {}final Actor balancer = new LoadBalancer().start()//produce tasks for (i in 1..20) { Thread.sleep 100 balancer << new WorkToDo() }//produce tasks in a parallel thread Thread.start { for (i in 1..10) { Thread.sleep 1000 balancer << new WorkToDo() } }Thread.sleep 35000 //let the queues get empty balancer << new WorkToDo() balancer << new WorkToDo() Thread.sleep 10000balancer.stop() balancer.join()