7 Dataflow - Reference Documentation
Authors: The Whole GPars Gang
Version: 1.1.0
Table of Contents
7 Dataflow
Dataflow concurrency offers an alternative concurrency model, which is inherently safe and robust.Introduction
Check out the small example written in Groovy using GPars, which sums results of calculations performed by three concurrently run tasks:import static groovyx.gpars.dataflow.Dataflow.taskfinal def x = new DataflowVariable() final def y = new DataflowVariable() final def z = new DataflowVariable()task { z << x.val + y.val }task { x << 10 }task { y << 5 }println "Result: ${z.val}"
import static groovyx.gpars.dataflow.Dataflow.taskfinal def df = new Dataflows()task { df.z = df.x + df.y }task { df.x = 10 }task { df.y = 5 }println "Result: ${df.z}"
The bind operation of dataflow variables silently accepts re-binding to a value, which is equal to an already bound value. Call bindUnique to reject equal values on already-bound variables.
Here's what you gain by using Dataflow Concurrency (by Jonas Bonér ):- No race-conditions
- No live-locks
- Deterministic deadlocks
- Completely deterministic programs
Dataflow programming
Quoting Wikipedia
Operations (in Dataflow programs) consist of "black boxes" with inputs and outputs, all of which are always explicitly defined. They run as soon as all of their inputs become valid, as opposed to when the program encounters them. Whereas a traditional program essentially consists of a series of statements saying "do this, now do this", a dataflow program is more like a series of workers on an assembly line, who will do their assigned task as soon as the materials arrive. This is why dataflow languages are inherently parallel; the operations have no hidden state to keep track of, and the operations are all "ready" at the same time.Principles
With Dataflow Concurrency you can safely share variables across tasks. These variables (in Groovy instances of the DataflowVariable class) can only be assigned (using the '<<' operator) a value once in their lifetime. The values of the variables, on the other hand, can be read multiple times (in Groovy through the val property), even before the value has been assigned. In such cases the reading task is suspended until the value is set by another task. So you can simply write your code for each task sequentially using Dataflow Variables and the underlying mechanics will make sure you get all the values you need in a thread-safe manner.In brief, you generally perform three operations with Dataflow variables:- Create a dataflow variable
- Wait for the variable to be bound (read it)
- Bind the variable (write to it)
- When the program encounters an unbound variable it waits for a value.
- It is not possible to change the value of a dataflow variable once it is bound.
- Dataflow variables makes it easy to create concurrent stream agents.
Dataflow Queues and Broadcasts
Before you go to check the samples of using Dataflow Variables, Tasks and Operators, you should know a bit about streams and queues to have a full picture of Dataflow Concurrency. Except for dataflow variables there are also the concepts of DataflowQueues and DataflowBroadcast that you can leverage in your code. You may think of them as thread-safe buffers or queues for message transfer among concurrent tasks or threads. Check out a typical producer-consumer demo:import static groovyx.gpars.dataflow.Dataflow.taskdef words = ['Groovy', 'fantastic', 'concurrency', 'fun', 'enjoy', 'safe', 'GPars', 'data', 'flow'] final def buffer = new DataflowQueue()task { for (word in words) { buffer << word.toUpperCase() //add to the buffer } }task { while(true) println buffer.val //read from the buffer in a loop }
The DataflowChannel interface combines two interfaces, each serving its purpose:Please refer to the API doc for more details on the channel interfaces.You may prefer using these dedicated interfaces instead of the general DataflowChannel interface, to better express the intended usage.
- DataflowReadChannel holding all the methods necessary for reading values from a channel - getVal(), getValAsync(), whenBound(), etc.
- DataflowWriteChannel holding all the methods necessary for writing values into a channel - bind(), <<
Point-to-point communication
The DataflowQueue class can be viewed as a point-to-point (1 to 1, many to 1) communication channel. It allows one or more producers send messages to one reader. If multiple readers read from the same DataflowQueue , they will each consume different messages. Or to put it a different way, each message is consumed by exactly one reader. You can easily imagine a simple load-balancing scheme built around a shared DataflowQueue with readers being added dynamically when the consumer part of your algorithm needs to scale up. This is also a useful default choice when connecting tasks or operators.Publish-subscribe communication
The DataflowBroadcast class offers a publish-subscribe (1 to many, many to many) communication model. One or more producers write messages, while all registered readers will receive all the messages. Each message is thus consumed by all readers with a valid subscription at the moment when the message is being written to the channel. The readers subscribe by calling the createReadChannel() method.DataflowWriteChannel broadcastStream = new DataflowBroadcast()
DataflowReadChannel stream1 = broadcastStream.createReadChannel()
DataflowReadChannel stream2 = broadcastStream.createReadChannel()
broadcastStream << 'Message1'
broadcastStream << 'Message2'
broadcastStream << 'Message3'
assert stream1.val == stream2.val
assert stream1.val == stream2.val
assert stream1.val == stream2.val
The DataflowStream class represents a deterministic dataflow channel. It is build around the concept of a functional queue and so provides a lock-free thread-safe implementation for message passing. Essentially, you may think of DataflowStream as a 1 to many communication channel, since when a reader consumes a messages, other readers will still be able to read the message. Also, all messages arrive to all readers in the same order. Since DataflowStream is implemented as a functional queue, its API requires that users traverse the values in the stream themselves. On the other hand DataflowStream offers handy methods for value filtering or transformation together with interesting performance characteristics.The DataflowStream class, unlike the other communication elements, does not implement the DataflowChannel interface, since the semantics of its use is different. Use DataflowStreamReadAdapter and DataflowStreamWriteAdapter classes to wrap instances of the DataflowChannel class in DataflowReadChannel or DataflowWriteChannel implementations.
import groovyx.gpars.dataflow.stream.DataflowStream import groovyx.gpars.group.DefaultPGroup import groovyx.gpars.scheduler.ResizeablePool/** * Demonstrates concurrent implementation of the Sieve of Eratosthenes using dataflow tasks * * In principle, the algorithm consists of a concurrently run chained filters, * each of which detects whether the current number can be divided by a single prime number. * (generate nums 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ...) -> (filter by mod 2) -> (filter by mod 3) -> (filter by mod 5) -> (filter by mod 7) -> (filter by mod 11) -> (caution! Primes falling out here) * The chain is built (grows) on the fly, whenever a new prime is found *//** * We need a resizeable thread pool, since tasks consume threads while waiting blocked for values at DataflowQueue.val */ group = new DefaultPGroup(new ResizeablePool(true))final int requestedPrimeNumberCount = 100/** * Generating candidate numbers */ final DataflowStream candidates = new DataflowStream() group.task { candidates.generate(2, {it + 1}, {it < 1000}) }/** * Chain a new filter for a particular prime number to the end of the Sieve * @param inChannel The current end channel to consume * @param prime The prime number to divide future prime candidates with * @return A new channel ending the whole chain */ def filter(DataflowStream inChannel, int prime) { inChannel.filter { number -> group.task { number % prime != 0 } } }/** * Consume Sieve output and add additional filters for all found primes */ def currentOutput = candidates requestedPrimeNumberCount.times { int prime = currentOutput.first println "Found: $prime" currentOutput = filter(currentOutput, prime) }
DataflowStream Adapters
Since the DataflowStream API as well as the semantics of its use are very different from the one defined by Dataflow(Read/Write)Channel , adapters have to be used in order to allow DataflowStreams to be used with other dataflow elements. The DataflowStreamReadAdapter class will wrap a DataflowStream with necessary methods to read values, while the DataflowStreamWriteAdapter class will provide write methods around the wrapped DataflowStream .It is important to mention that the DataflowStreamWriteAdapter is thread safe allowing multiple threads to add values to the wrapped DataflowStream through the adapter. On the other hand, DataflowStreamReadAdapter is designed to be used by a single thread.To minimize the overhead and stay in-line with the DataflowStream semantics, the DataflowStreamReadAdapter class is not thread-safe and should only be used from within a single thread. If multiple threads need to read from a DataflowStream, they should each create their own wrapping DataflowStreamReadAdapter .Thanks to the adapters DataflowStream can be used for communication between operators or selectors, which expect Dataflow(Read/Write)Channels .
import groovyx.gpars.dataflow.DataflowQueue import groovyx.gpars.dataflow.stream.DataflowStream import groovyx.gpars.dataflow.stream.DataflowStreamReadAdapter import groovyx.gpars.dataflow.stream.DataflowStreamWriteAdapter import static groovyx.gpars.dataflow.Dataflow.selector import static groovyx.gpars.dataflow.Dataflow.operator/** * Demonstrates the use of DataflowStreamAdapters to allow dataflow operators to use DataflowStreams */final DataflowStream a = new DataflowStream() final DataflowStream b = new DataflowStream() def aw = new DataflowStreamWriteAdapter(a) def bw = new DataflowStreamWriteAdapter(b) def ar = new DataflowStreamReadAdapter(a) def br = new DataflowStreamReadAdapter(b)def result = new DataflowQueue()def op1 = operator(ar, bw) { bindOutput it } def op2 = selector([br], [result]) { result << it }aw << 1 aw << 2 aw << 3 assert([1, 2, 3] == [result.val, result.val, result.val]) op1.stop() op2.stop() op1.join() op2.join()
import groovyx.gpars.dataflow.Select import groovyx.gpars.dataflow.stream.DataflowStream import groovyx.gpars.dataflow.stream.DataflowStreamReadAdapter import groovyx.gpars.dataflow.stream.DataflowStreamWriteAdapter import static groovyx.gpars.dataflow.Dataflow.select import static groovyx.gpars.dataflow.Dataflow.task/** * Demonstrates the use of DataflowStreamAdapters to allow dataflow select to select on DataflowStreams */final DataflowStream a = new DataflowStream() final DataflowStream b = new DataflowStream() def aw = new DataflowStreamWriteAdapter(a) def bw = new DataflowStreamWriteAdapter(b) def ar = new DataflowStreamReadAdapter(a) def br = new DataflowStreamReadAdapter(b)final Select<?> select = select(ar, br) task { aw << 1 aw << 2 aw << 3 } assert 1 == select().value assert 2 == select().value assert 3 == select().value task { bw << 4 aw << 5 bw << 6 } def result = (1..3).collect{select()}.sort{it.value} assert result*.value == [4, 5, 6] assert result*.index == [1, 0, 1]
If you don't need any of the functional queue DataflowStream-special functionality, like generation, filtering or mapping, you may consider using the DataflowBroadcast class instead, which offers the publish-subscribe communication model through the DataflowChannel interface.
Bind handlers
def a = new DataflowVariable() a >> {println "The variable has just been bound to $it"} a.whenBound {println "Just to confirm that the variable has been really set to $it"} ...
def queue = new DataflowQueue() queue.wheneverBound {println "A value $it arrived to the queue"}
Promise bookingPromise = task { final data = collectData() return broker.makeBooking(data) } … bookingPromise.whenBound {booking -> printAgenda booking} bookingPromise.whenBound {booking -> sendMeAnEmailTo booking} bookingPromise.whenBound {booking -> updateTheCalendar booking}
Dataflow variables and broadcasts are one of several possible ways to implement Parallel Speculations . For details, please check out Parallel Speculations in the Parallel Collections section of the User Guide.
Bind handlers grouping
When you need to wait for multiple DataflowVariables/Promises to be bound, you can benefit from calling the whenAllBound() function, which is available on the Dataflow class as well as on PGroup instances.final group = new NonDaemonPGroup() //Calling asynchronous services and receiving back promises for the reservations Promise flightReservation = flightBookingService('PRG <-> BRU') Promise hotelReservation = hotelBookingService('BRU:Feb 24 2009 - Feb 29 2009') Promise taxiReservation = taxiBookingService('BRU:Feb 24 2009 10:31') //when all reservations have been made we need to build an agenda for our trip Promise agenda = group.whenAllBound(flightReservation, hotelReservation, taxiReservation) {flight, hotel, taxi -> "Agenda: $flight | $hotel | $taxi" } //since this is a demo, we will only print the agenda and block till it is ready println agenda.val
Promise module1 = task {
Promise module2 = task {
//We don't know the number of modules that will be jarred together, so use a List
final jarCompiledModules = {List modules -> ...}whenAllBound([module1, module2], jarCompiledModules)
Bind handlers chaining
All dataflow channels also support the then() method to register a handler (a callback) that should be invoked when a value becomes available. Unlike whenBound() the then() method allows for chaining, giving you the option to pass result values between functions asynchronously.Notice that Groovy allows us to leave out some of the dots in the then() method chains.
final DataflowVariable variable = new DataflowVariable() final DataflowVariable result = new DataflowVariable()variable.then {it * 2} then {it + 1} then {result << it} variable << 4 assert 9 == result.val
final DataflowVariable variable = new DataflowVariable() final DataflowVariable result = new DataflowVariable()final doubler = {it * 2} final adder = {it + 1}variable.then doubler then adder then {result << it}Thread.start {variable << 4} assert 9 == result.val
@ActiveObject class ActiveDemoCalculator { @ActiveMethod def doubler(int value) { value * 2 } @ActiveMethod def adder(int value) { value + 1 } }final DataflowVariable result = new DataflowVariable() final calculator = new ActiveDemoCalculator(); calculator.doubler(4).then {calculator.adder it}.then {result << it} assert 9 == result.val
Chaining can save quite some code when calling other asynchronous services from within whenBound() handlers. Asynchronous services, such as Asynchronous Functions or Active Methods , return Promises for their results. To obtain the actual results your handlers would either have to block to wait for the value to be bound, which would lock the current thread in an unproductive state,The RightShift ( >> ) operator has been overloaded to call then() and so can be chained the same way:or, alternatively, it would register another (nested) whenBound() handler, which would result in unnecessarily complex code.variable.whenBound {value -> Promise promise = asyncFunction(value) println promise.get() }For illustration compare the two following code snippets, one using whenBound() and one using then() chaining. They ate both equivalent in terms of functionality and behavior.variable.whenBound {value -> asyncFunction(value).whenBound { println it } }Chaining Promises solves both of these issues elegantly:final DataflowVariable variable = new DataflowVariable()final doubler = {it * 2} final inc = {it + 1}//Using whenBound() variable.whenBound {value -> task { doubler(value) }.whenBound {doubledValue -> task { inc(doubledValue) }.whenBound {incrementedValue -> println incrementedValue } } }//Using then() chaining variable.then doubler then inc then this.&printlnThread.start {variable << 4}variable >> asyncFunction >> {println it}
final DataflowVariable variable = new DataflowVariable() final DataflowVariable result = new DataflowVariable()final doubler = {it * 2} final adder = {it + 1}variable >> doubler >> adder >> {result << it}Thread.start {variable << 4}assert 9 == result.val
Error handling for Promise chaining
Asynchronous operations may obviously throw exceptions. It is important to be able to handle them easily and with little effort. GPars promises can implicitly propagate exceptions from asynchronous calculations across promise chains.- Promises propagate result values as well as exceptions. The blocking get() method re-throws the exception that was bound to the Promise and so the caller can handle it.
- For asynchronous notifications, the whenBound() handler closure gets the exception passed in as an argument.
- The then() method accepts two arguments - a value handler and an optional error handler. These will be invoked depending on whether the result is a regular value or an exception. If no errorHandler is specified, the exception is re-thrown to the Promise returned by then() .
- Exactly the same behavior as for then() holds true for the whenAllBound() method, which listens on multiple Promises to get bound
Promise<Integer> initial = new DataflowVariable<Integer>() Promise<String> result = initial.then {it * 2} then {100 / it} //Will throw exception for 0 .then {println "Logging the value $it as it passes by"; return it} //Since no error handler is defined, exceptions will be ignored //and silently re-thrown to the next handler in the chain .then({"The result for $num is $it"}, {"Error detected for $num: $it"}) //Here the exception is caught initial << 0 println result.get()
promise.then({it+1}) //Implicitly re-throws potential exceptions bound to promise promise.then({it+1}, {e -> throw e}) //Explicitly re-throws potential exceptions bound to promise promise.then({it+1}, {e -> throw new RuntimeException('Error occurred', e}) //Explicitly re-throws a new exception wrapping a potential exception bound to promise
task { 'gpars.codehaus.org'.toURL().text //should throw MalformedURLException } .then {page -> page.toUpperCase()} .then {page -> page.contains('GROOVY')} .then({mentionsGroovy -> println "Groovy found: $mentionsGroovy"}, {error -> println "Error: $error"}).join()
Handling concrete exception type
You may be also more specific about the handled exception type:url.then(download)
.then(calculateHash, {MalformedURLException e -> return 0})
.then(printResult, printError)
Customer-site exception handling
You may also leave the exception completely un-handled and let the clients (consumers) handle it:` Promise<Object> result = url.then(download).then(calculateHash).then(formatResult).then(printResult); try { result.get() } catch (Exception e) { //handle exceptions here }
Putting it together
By combining whenAllBound() and then (or >>) you can easily create large asynchronous scenarios in a convenient way:withPool { Closure download = {String url -> sleep 3000 //Simulate a web read 'web content' }.asyncFun() Closure loadFile = {String fileName -> 'file content' //simulate a local file read }.asyncFun() Closure hash = {s -> s.hashCode()} Closure compare = {int first, int second -> first == second } Closure errorHandler = {println "Error detected: $it"} def all = whenAllBound([ download('http://www.gpars.org') >> hash, loadFile('/coolStuff/gpars/website/index.html') >> hash ], compare).then({println it}, errorHandler) all.join() //optionally block until the calculation is all done
Notice that only the initial action (function) needs to be asynchronous. The functions further down the pipe will be invoked asynchronously by the promise even if the are synchronous.
Lazy dataflow variables
Sometimes you may like to combine the qualities of dataflow variables with their lazy initialization.Closure<String> download = {url -> println "Downloading" url.toURL().text }def pageContent = new LazyDataflowVariable(download.curry("http://gpars.codehaus.org"))
This deserves a more practical example. Taking inspiration from http://blog.jcoglan.com/2013/03/30/callbacks-are-imperative-promises-are-functional-nodes-biggest-missed-opportunity/ the following piece of code demonstrates use of LazyDataflowVariables to lazily and asynchronously load mutually dependent components into memory. The components (modules) will be loaded in the order of their dependencies and concurrently, if possible. Each module will only be loaded once, irrespective of the number of modules that depend on it. Thanks to laziness only the modules that are transitively needed will be loaded. Our example uses a simple "diamond" dependency scheme:- D depends on B and C
- C depends on A
- B depends on A
def moduleA = new LazyDataflowVariable({-> println "Loading moduleA into memory" sleep 3000 println "Loaded moduleA into memory" return "moduleA" })def moduleB = new LazyDataflowVariable({-> moduleA.then { println "->Loading moduleB into memory, since moduleA is ready" sleep 3000 println " Loaded moduleB into memory" return "moduleB" } })def moduleC = new LazyDataflowVariable({-> moduleA.then { println "->Loading moduleC into memory, since moduleA is ready" sleep 3000 println " Loaded moduleC into memory" return "moduleC" } })def moduleD = new LazyDataflowVariable({-> whenAllBound(moduleB, moduleC) { b, c -> println "-->Loading moduleD into memory, since moduleB and moduleC are ready" sleep 3000 println " Loaded moduleD into memory" return "moduleD" } })println "Nothing loaded so far" println "===================================================================" println "Load module: " + moduleD.get() println "===================================================================" println "All requested modules loaded"
Dataflow Expressions
Look at the magic below:def initialDistance = new DataflowVariable() def acceleration = new DataflowVariable() def time = new DataflowVariable()task { initialDistance << 100 acceleration << 2 time << 10 }def result = initialDistance + acceleration*0.5*time**2 println 'Total distance ' + result.val
def name = new DataflowVariable()
task {
name << ' adam '
println name.toUpperCase().trim().val
def title = new DataflowVariable() def searchPhrase = new DataflowVariable() task { title << ' Groovy in Action 2nd edition ' }task { searchPhrase << '2nd' }println title.trim().contains(searchPhrase).val
def book = new DataflowVariable() def searchPhrase = new DataflowVariable() task { book << [ title:'Groovy in Action 2nd edition ', author:'Dierk Koenig', publisher:'Manning'] }task { searchPhrase << '2nd' }book.title.trim().contains(searchPhrase).whenBound {println it} //Asynchronous waitingprintln book.title.trim().contains(searchPhrase).val //Synchronous waiting
Bind error notification
DataflowVariables offer the ability to send notifications to the registered listeners whenever a bind operation fails. The getBindErrorManager() method allows for listener to be added and removed. The listeners get notified in case of a failed attempt to bind a value (through bind(), bindSafely(), bindUnique() or leftShift()) or an error (through bindError()).final DataflowVariable variable = new DataflowVariable() variable.getBindErrorManager().addBindErrorListener(new BindErrorListener() { @Override void onBindError(final Object oldValue, final Object failedValue, final boolean uniqueBind) { println "Bind failed!" } @Override void onBindError(final Object oldValue, final Throwable failedError) { println "Binding an error failed!" } @Override public void onBindError(final Throwable oldError, final Object failedValue, final boolean uniqueBind) { println "Bind failed!" } @Override public void onBindError(final Throwable oldError, final Throwable failedError) { println "Binding an error failed!" } })
Further reading
Scala Dataflow library by Jonas BonérJVM concurrency presentation slides by Jonas BonérDataflow Concurrency library for Ruby7.1 Tasks
The Dataflow tasks give you an easy-to-grasp abstraction of mutually-independent logical tasks or threads, which can run concurrently and exchange data solely through Dataflow Variables, Queues, Broadcasts and Streams. Dataflow tasks with their easy-to-express mutual dependencies and inherently sequential body could also be used as a practical implementation of UML Activity Diagrams .Check out the examples.A simple mashup example
In the example we're downloading the front pages of three popular web sites, each in their own task, while in a separate task we're filtering out sites talking about Groovy today and forming the output. The output task synchronizes automatically with the three download tasks on the three Dataflow variables through which the content of each website is passed to the output task.import static groovyx.gpars.GParsPool.withPool import groovyx.gpars.dataflow.DataflowVariable import static groovyx.gpars.dataflow.Dataflow.task /** * A simple mashup sample, downloads content of three websites * and checks how many of them refer to Groovy. */def dzone = new DataflowVariable() def jroller = new DataflowVariable() def theserverside = new DataflowVariable()task { println 'Started downloading from DZone' dzone << 'http://www.dzone.com'.toURL().text println 'Done downloading from DZone' }task { println 'Started downloading from JRoller' jroller << 'http://www.jroller.com'.toURL().text println 'Done downloading from JRoller' }task { println 'Started downloading from TheServerSide' theserverside << 'http://www.theserverside.com'.toURL().text println 'Done downloading from TheServerSide' }task { withPool { println "Number of Groovy sites today: " + ([dzone, jroller, theserverside].findAllParallel { it.val.toUpperCase().contains 'GROOVY' }).size() } }.join()
Grouping tasks
Dataflow tasks can be organized into groups to allow for performance fine-tuning. Groups provide a handy task() factory method to create tasks attached to the groups. Using groups allows you to organize tasks or operators around different thread pools (wrapped inside the group). While the Dataflow.task() command schedules the task on a default thread pool (java.util.concurrent.Executor, fixed size=#cpu+1, daemon threads), you may prefer being able to define your own thread pool(s) to run your tasks.import groovyx.gpars.group.DefaultPGroupdef group = new DefaultPGroup()group.with { task { … } task { … } }
The default thread pool for dataflow tasks contains daemon threads, which means your application will exit as soon as the main thread finishes and won't wait for all tasks to complete. When grouping tasks, make sure that your custom thread pools either use daemon threads, too, which can be achieved by using DefaultPGroup or by providing your own thread factory to a thread pool constructor, or in case your thread pools use non-daemon threads, such as when using the NonDaemonPGroup group class, make sure you shutdown the group or the thread pool explicitly by calling its shutdown() method, otherwise your applications will not exit.You may selectively override the default group used for tasks, operators, callbacks and other dataflow elements inside a code block using the _Dataflow.usingGroup() method:
Dataflow.usingGroup(group) { task { 'http://gpars.codehaus.org'.toURL().text //should throw MalformedURLException } .then {page -> page.toUpperCase()} .then {page -> page.contains('GROOVY')} .then({mentionsGroovy -> println "Groovy found: $mentionsGroovy"}, {error -> println "Error: $error"}).join() }
Dataflow.usingGroup(group) { anotherGroup.task { 'http://gpars.codehaus.org'.toURL().text //should throw MalformedURLException } .then(anotherGroup) {page -> page.toUpperCase()} .then(anotherGroup) {page -> page.contains('GROOVY')}.then(anotherGroup) {println Dataflow.retrieveCurrentDFPGroup();it} .then(anotherGroup, {mentionsGroovy -> println "Groovy found: $mentionsGroovy"}, {error -> println "Error: $error"}).join() }
A mashup variant with methods
To avoid giving you wrong impression about structuring the Dataflow code, here's a rewrite of the mashup example, with a downloadPage() method performing the actual download in a separate task and returning a DataflowVariable instance, so that the main application thread could eventually get hold of the downloaded content. Dataflow variables can obviously be passed around as parameters or return values.package groovyx.gpars.samples.dataflowimport static groovyx.gpars.GParsExecutorsPool.withPool import groovyx.gpars.dataflow.DataflowVariable import static groovyx.gpars.dataflow.Dataflow.task /** * A simple mashup sample, downloads content of three websites and checks how many of them refer to Groovy. */ final List urls = ['http://www.dzone.com', 'http://www.jroller.com', 'http://www.theserverside.com']task { def pages = urls.collect { downloadPage(it) } withPool { println "Number of Groovy sites today: " + (pages.findAllParallel { it.val.toUpperCase().contains 'GROOVY' }).size() } }.join()def downloadPage(def url) { def page = new DataflowVariable() task { println "Started downloading from $url" page << url.toURL().text println "Done downloading from $url" } return page }
A physical calculation example
Dataflow programs naturally scale with the number of processors. Up to a certain level, the more processors you have the faster the program runs. Check out, for example, the following script, which calculates parameters of a simple physical experiment and prints out the results. Each task performs its part of the calculation and may depend on values calculated by some other tasks as well as its result might be needed by some of the other tasks. With Dataflow Concurrency you can split the work between tasks or reorder the tasks themselves as you like and the dataflow mechanics will ensure the calculation will be accomplished correctly.import groovyx.gpars.dataflow.DataflowVariable import static groovyx.gpars.dataflow.Dataflow.taskfinal def mass = new DataflowVariable() final def radius = new DataflowVariable() final def volume = new DataflowVariable() final def density = new DataflowVariable() final def acceleration = new DataflowVariable() final def time = new DataflowVariable() final def velocity = new DataflowVariable() final def decelerationForce = new DataflowVariable() final def deceleration = new DataflowVariable() final def distance = new DataflowVariable()def t = task { println """ Calculating distance required to stop a moving ball. ==================================================== The ball has a radius of ${radius.val} meters and is made of a material with ${density.val} kg/m3 density, which means that the ball has a volume of ${volume.val} m3 and a mass of ${mass.val} kg. The ball has been accelerating with ${acceleration.val} m/s2 from 0 for ${time.val} seconds and so reached a velocity of ${velocity.val} m/s.Given our ability to push the ball backwards with a force of ${decelerationForce.val} N (Newton), we can cause a deceleration of ${deceleration.val} m/s2 and so stop the ball at a distance of ${distance.val} m.======================================================================================================================= This example has been calculated asynchronously in multiple tasks using GPars Dataflow concurrency in Groovy. Author: ${author.val} """ System.exit 0 }task { mass << volume.val * density.val }task { volume << Math.PI * (radius.val ** 3) }task { radius << 2.5 density << 998.2071 //water acceleration << 9.80665 //free fall decelerationForce << 900 }task { println 'Enter your name:' def name = new InputStreamReader(System.in).readLine() author << (name?.trim()?.size()>0 ? name : 'anonymous') }task { time << 10 velocity << acceleration.val * time.val }task { deceleration << decelerationForce.val / mass.val }task { distance << deceleration.val * ((velocity.val/deceleration.val) ** 2) * 0.5 }t.join()
Deterministic deadlocks
If you happen to introduce a deadlock in your dependencies, the deadlock will occur each time you run the code. No randomness allowed. That's one of the benefits of Dataflow concurrency. Irrespective of the actual thread scheduling scheme, if you don't get a deadlock in tests, you won't get them in production.task { println a.val b << 'Hi there' }task { println b.val a << 'Hello man' }
Dataflows map
As a handy shortcut the Dataflows class can help you reduce the amount of code you have to write to leverage Dataflow variables.def df = new Dataflows()
df.x = 'value1'
assert df.x == 'value1'Dataflow.task {df.y = 'value2}assert df.y == 'value2'
Mixing Dataflows and Groovy with blocks
When inside a with block of a Dataflows instance, the dataflow variables stored inside the Dataflows instance can be accessed directly without the need to prefix them with the Dataflows instance identifier.new Dataflows().with {
x = 'value1'
assert x == 'value1' Dataflow.task {y = 'value2} assert y == 'value2'
Returning a value from a task
Typically dataflow tasks communicate through dataflow variables. On top of that, tasks can also return values, again through a dataflow variable. When you invoke the task() factory method, you get back an instance of Promise (implemented as DataflowVariable), through which you can listen for the task's return value, just like when using any other Promise or DataflowVariable.final Promise t1 = task { return 10 } final Promise t2 = task { return 20 } def results = [t1, t2]*.val println 'Both sub-tasks finished and returned values: ' + results
def task = task { println 'The task is running and calculating the return value' 30 } task >> {value -> println "The task finished and returned $value"}
task { final Promise t1 = task { println 'First sub-task running.' } final Promise t2 = task { println 'Second sub-task running' } [t1, t2]*.join() println 'Both sub-tasks finished' }.join()
7.2 Selects
Frequently a value needs to be obtained from one of several dataflow channels (variables, queues, broadcasts or streams). The Select class is suitable for such scenarios. Select can scan multiple dataflow channels and pick one channel from all the input channels, which currently have a value available for read. The value from that channels is read and returned to the caller together with the index of the originating channel. Picking the channel is either random, or based on channel priority, in which case channels with lower position index in the Select constructor have higher priority.Selecting a value from multiple channels
import groovyx.gpars.dataflow.DataflowQueue import groovyx.gpars.dataflow.DataflowVariable import static groovyx.gpars.dataflow.Dataflow.select import static groovyx.gpars.dataflow.Dataflow.task/** * Shows a basic use of Select, which monitors a set of input channels for values and makes these values * available on its output irrespective of their original input channel. * Note that dataflow variables and queues can be combined for Select. * * You might also consider checking out the prioritySelect method, which prioritizes values by the index of their input channel */ def a = new DataflowVariable() def b = new DataflowVariable() def c = new DataflowQueue()task { sleep 3000 a << 10 }task { sleep 1000 b << 20 }task { sleep 5000 c << 30 }def select = select([a, b, c]) println "The fastest result is ${select().value}"
Note that the return type from select() is SelectResult , holding the value as well as the originating channel index.There are multiple ways to read values from a Select:
def sel = select(a, b, c, d) def result = sel.select() //Random selection def result = sel() //Random selection (a short-hand variant) def result = sel.select([true, true, false, true]) //Random selection with guards specified def result = sel([true, true, false, true]) //Random selection with guards specified (a short-hand variant) def result = sel.prioritySelect() //Priority selection def result = sel.prioritySelect([true, true, false, true]) //Priority selection with guards specifies
def sel = select(a, b, c, d) Promise result = sel.selectToPromise() //Random selection Promise result = sel.selectToPromise([true, true, false, true]) //Random selection with guards specified Promise result = sel.prioritySelectToPromise() //Priority selection Promise result = sel.prioritySelectToPromise([true, true, false, true]) //Priority selection with guards specifies
def handler = actor {...} def sel = select(a, b, c, d)sel.select(handler) //Random selection sel(handler) //Random selection (a short-hand variant) sel.select(handler, [true, true, false, true]) //Random selection with guards specified sel(handler, [true, true, false, true]) //Random selection with guards specified (a short-hand variant) sel.prioritySelect(handler) //Priority selection sel.prioritySelect(handler, [true, true, false, true]) //Priority selection with guards specifies
Guards allow the caller to omit some input channels from the selection. Guards are specified as a List of boolean flags passed to the select() or prioritySelect() methods.def sel = select(leaders, seniors, experts, juniors) def teamLead = sel([true, true, false, false]).value //Only 'leaders' and 'seniors' qualify for becoming a teamLead here
import groovyx.gpars.dataflow.DataflowQueue import static groovyx.gpars.dataflow.Dataflow.select import static groovyx.gpars.dataflow.Dataflow.task/** * Demonstrates the ability to enable/disable channels during a value selection on a select by providing boolean guards. */ final DataflowQueue operations = new DataflowQueue() final DataflowQueue numbers = new DataflowQueue()def t = task { final def select = select(operations, numbers) 3.times { def instruction = select([true, false]).value def num1 = select([false, true]).value def num2 = select([false, true]).value final def formula = "$num1 $instruction $num2" println "$formula = ${new GroovyShell().evaluate(formula)}" } }task { operations << '+' operations << '+' operations << '*' }task { numbers << 10 numbers << 20 numbers << 30 numbers << 40 numbers << 50 numbers << 60 }t.join()
Priority Select
When certain channels should have precedence over others when selecting, the prioritySelect methods should be used instead./** * Shows a basic use of Priority Select, which monitors a set of input channels for values and makes these values * available on its output irrespective of their original input channel. * Note that dataflow variables, queues and broadcasts can be combined for Select. * Unlike plain select method call, the prioritySelect call gives precedence to input channels with lower index. * Available messages from high priority channels will be served before messages from lower-priority channels. * Messages received through a single input channel will have their mutual order preserved. * */ def critical = new DataflowVariable() def ordinary = new DataflowQueue() def whoCares = new DataflowQueue()task { ordinary << 'All working fine' whoCares << 'I feel a bit tired' ordinary << 'We are on target' }task { ordinary << 'I have just started my work. Busy. Will come back later...' sleep 5000 ordinary << 'I am done for now' }task { whoCares << 'Huh, what is that noise' ordinary << 'Here I am to do some clean-up work' whoCares << 'I wonder whether unplugging this cable will eliminate that nasty sound.' critical << 'The server room goes on UPS!' whoCares << 'The sound has disappeared' }def select = select([critical, ordinary, whoCares]) println 'Starting to monitor our IT department' sleep 3000 10.times {println "Received: ${select.prioritySelect().value}"}
Collecting results of asynchronous computations
Asynchronous activities, no matter whether they are dataflow tasks , active objects' methods or asynchronous functions , return Promises . Promises implement the SelectableChannel interface and so can be passed in selects for selection together with other Promises as well as read channels . Similarly to Java's CompletionService , GPars Select enables you to obtain results of asynchronous activities as soon as each of them becomes available. Also, you may employ Select to give you the first/fastest result of several computations running in parallel.import groovyx.gpars.dataflow.Promise import groovyx.gpars.dataflow.Select import groovyx.gpars.group.DefaultPGroup /** * Demonstrates the use of dataflow tasks and selects to pick the fastest result of concurrently run calculations. */final group = new DefaultPGroup() group.with { Promise p1 = task { sleep(1000) 10 * 10 + 1 } Promise p2 = task { sleep(1000) 5 * 20 + 2 } Promise p3 = task { sleep(1000) 1 * 100 + 3 } final alt = new Select(group, p1, p2, p3) def result = alt.select() println "Result: " + result }
The Select.createTimeout() method will create a DataflowVariable that gets bound to a value after a given time period. This can be leveraged in Selects so that they unblock after a desired delay, if none of the other channels delivers a value before that moment. Just pass the timeout channel as another input channel to the Select .import groovyx.gpars.dataflow.Promise import groovyx.gpars.dataflow.Select import groovyx.gpars.group.DefaultPGroup /** * Demonstrates the use of dataflow tasks and selects to pick the fastest result of concurrently run calculations. */final group = new DefaultPGroup() group.with { Promise p1 = task { sleep(1000) 10 * 10 + 1 } Promise p2 = task { sleep(1000) 5 * 20 + 2 } Promise p3 = task { sleep(1000) 1 * 100 + 3 } final timeoutChannel = Select.createTimeout(500) final alt = new Select(group, p1, p2, p3, timeoutChannel) def result = alt.select() println "Result: " + result }
In case you need to cancel the other tasks once a value has been calculated or a timeout expired, the best way is to set a flag that the tasks periodically monitor. There's intentionally no cancellation machinery built into DataflowVariables or Tasks .import groovyx.gpars.dataflow.Promise import groovyx.gpars.dataflow.Select import groovyx.gpars.group.DefaultPGroupimport java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean/** * Demonstrates the use of dataflow tasks and selects to pick the fastest result of concurrently run calculations. * It shows a waz to cancel the slower tasks once a result is known */final group = new DefaultPGroup() final done = new AtomicBoolean()group.with { Promise p1 = task { sleep(1000) if (done.get()) return 10 * 10 + 1 } Promise p2 = task { sleep(1000) if (done.get()) return 5 * 20 + 2 } Promise p3 = task { sleep(1000) if (done.get()) return 1 * 100 + 3 } final alt = new Select(group, p1, p2, p3, Select.createTimeout(500)) def result = alt.select() done.set(true) println "Result: " + result }
7.3 Operators
Dataflow Operators and Selectors provide a full Dataflow implementation with all the usual ceremony.Concepts
Full dataflow concurrency builds on the concept of channels connecting operators and selectors, which consume values coming through input channels, transform them into new values and output the new values into their output channels. While Operators wait for all input channels to have a value available for read before they start process them, Selectors are triggered by a value available on any of the input channels.operator(inputs: [a, b, c], outputs: [d]) {x, y, z ->
bindOutput 0, x + y + z
/** * CACHE * * Caches sites' contents. Accepts requests for url content, outputs the content. Outputs requests for download * if the site is not in cache yet. */ operator(inputs: [urlRequests], outputs: [downloadRequests, sites]) {request -> if (!request.content) { println "[Cache] Retrieving ${request.site}" def content = cache[request.site] if (content) { println "[Cache] Found in cache" bindOutput 1, [site: request.site, word:request.word, content: content] } else { def downloads = pendingDownloads[request.site] if (downloads != null) { println "[Cache] Awaiting download" downloads << request } else { pendingDownloads[request.site] = [] println "[Cache] Asking for download" bindOutput 0, request } } } else { println "[Cache] Caching ${request.site}" cache[request.site] = request.content bindOutput 1, request def downloads = pendingDownloads[request.site] if (downloads != null) { for (downloadRequest in downloads) { println "[Cache] Waking up" bindOutput 1, [site: downloadRequest.site, word:downloadRequest.word, content: request.content] } pendingDownloads.remove(request.site) } } }
The standard error handling will print out an error message to the standard error output and terminate the operator in case an uncaught exception is thrown from withing the operator's body. To alter the behavior, you can register your own event listener:def listener = new DataflowEventAdapter() { @Override boolean onException(final DataflowProcessor processor, final Throwable e) { logChannel << e return false //Indicate whether to terminate the operator or not } }op = group.operator(inputs: [a, b], outputs: [c], listeners: [listener]) {x, y -> … } See the Operator lifecycle section for more details.
Types of operators
There are specialized versions of operators serving specific purposes:- operator - the basic general-purpose operator
- selector - operator that is triggered by a value being available in any of its input channels
- prioritySelector - a selector that prefers delivering messages from lower-indexed input channels over higher-indexed ones
- splitter - a single-input operator copying its input values to all of its output channels
Wiring operators together
Operators are typically combined into networks, when some operators consume output by other operators.operator(inputs:[a, b], outputs:[c, d]) {...}
splitter(c, [e, f])
selector(inputs:[e, d]: outputs:[]) {...}
def op1 = operator(inputs:[a, b], outputs:[c, d]) {...}
def sp1 = splitter(op1.outputs[0], [e, f]) //takes the first output of op1
selector(inputs:[sp1.outputs[0], op1.outputs[1]]: outputs:[]) {...} //takes the first output of sp1 and the second output of op1
Grouping operators
Dataflow operators can be organized into groups to allow for performance fine-tuning. Groups provide a handy operator() factory method to create tasks attached to the groups.import groovyx.gpars.group.DefaultPGroupdef group = new DefaultPGroup()group.with { operator(inputs: [a, b, c], outputs: [d]) {x, y, z -> … bindOutput 0, x + y + z } }
The default thread pool for dataflow operators contains daemon threads, which means your application will exit as soon as the main thread finishes and won't wait for all tasks to complete. When grouping operators, make sure that your custom thread pools either use daemon threads, too, which can be achieved by using DefaultPGroup or by providing your own thread factory to a thread pool constructor, or in case your thread pools use non-daemon threads, such as when using the NonDaemonPGroup group class, make sure you shutdown the group or the thread pool explicitly by calling its shutdown() method, otherwise your applications will not exit.You may selectively override the default group used for tasks, operators, callbacks and other dataflow elements inside a code block using the _Dataflow.usingGroup() method:
Dataflow.usingGroup(group) {
operator(inputs: [a, b, c], outputs: [d]) {x, y, z ->
bindOutput 0, x + y + z
Dataflow.usingGroup(group) {
anotherGroup.operator(inputs: [a, b, c], outputs: [d]) {x, y, z ->
bindOutput 0, x + y + z
Constructing operators
The construction properties of an operator, such as inputs , outputs , stateObject or maxForks cannot be modified once the operator has been build. You may find the groovyx.gpars.dataflow.ProcessingNode class helpful when gradually collecting channels and values into lists before you finally build an operator.import groovyx.gpars.dataflow.Dataflow import groovyx.gpars.dataflow.DataflowQueue import static groovyx.gpars.dataflow.ProcessingNode.node/** * Shows how to build operators using the ProcessingNode class */final DataflowQueue aValues = new DataflowQueue() final DataflowQueue bValues = new DataflowQueue() final DataflowQueue results = new DataflowQueue()//Create a config and gradually set the required properties - channels, code, etc. def adderConfig = node {valueA, valueB -> bindOutput valueA + valueB } adderConfig.inputs << aValues adderConfig.inputs << bValues adderConfig.outputs << results//Build the operator final adder = adderConfig.operator(Dataflow.DATA_FLOW_GROUP)//Now the operator is running and processing the data aValues << 10 aValues << 20 bValues << 1 bValues << 2assert [11, 22] == (1..2).collect { results.val }
State in operators
Although operators can frequently do without keeping state between subsequent invocations, GPars allows operators to maintain state, if desired by the developer. One obvious way is to leverage the Groovy closure capabilities to close-over their context:int counter = 0 operator(inputs: [a], outputs: [b]) {value -> counter += 1 }
operator(inputs: [a], outputs: [b], stateObject: [counter: 0]) {value ->
stateObject.counter += 1
Parallelize operators
By default an operator's body is processed by a single thread at a time. While this is a safe setting allowing the operator's body to be written in a non-thread-safe manner, once an operator becomes "hot" and data start to accumulate in the operator's input queues, you might consider allowing multiple threads to run the operator's body concurrently. Bear in mind that in such a case you need to avoid or protect shared resources from multi-threaded access. To enable multiple threads to run the operator's body concurrently, pass an extra maxForks parameter when creating an operator:def op = operator(inputs: [a, b, c], outputs: [d, e], maxForks: 2) {x, y, z ->
bindOutput 0, x + y + z
bindOutput 1, x * y * z
Please always make sure the group serving the operator holds enough threads to support all requested forks. Using groups allows you to organize tasks or operators around different thread pools (wrapped inside the group). While the Dataflow.task() command schedules the task on a default thread pool (java.util.concurrent.Executor, fixed size=#cpu+1, daemon threads), you may prefer being able to define your own thread pool(s) to run your tasks.The default group uses a resizeable thread pool as so will never run out of threads.def group = new DefaultPGroup(10) group.operator((inputs: [a, b, c], outputs: [d, e], maxForks: 5) {x, y, z -> ...}
Synchronizing the output
When enabling internal parallelization of an operator by setting the value for maxForks to a value greater than 1 it is important to remember that without explicit or implicit synchronization in the operators' body race-conditions may occur. Especially bear in mind that values written to multiple output channels are not guarantied to be written atomically in the same order to all the channelsoperator(inputs:[inputChannel], outputs:[a, b], maxForks:5) {msg ->
bindOutput 0, msg
bindOutput 1, msg
inputChannel << 1
inputChannel << 2
inputChannel << 3
inputChannel << 4
inputChannel << 5
a -> 1, 3, 2, 4, 5 b -> 2, 1, 3, 5, 4
def lock = new Object() operator(inputs:[inputChannel], outputs:[a, b], maxForks:5) {msg -> doStuffThatIsThreadSafe() synchronized(lock) { doSomethingThatMustNotBeAccessedByMultipleThreadsAtTheSameTime() bindOutput 0, msg bindOutput 1, 2*msg } }
operator(inputs:[inputChannel], outputs:[a, b], maxForks:5) {msg ->
bindAllOutputValuesAtomically msg, 2*msg
Using the bindAllOutputs or the bindAllOutputValues methods will not guarantee atomicity of writes across al the output channels when using internal parallelism. If preserving the order of messages in multiple output channels is not an issue, bindAllOutputs as well as bindAllOutputValues will provide better performance over the atomic variants.
Operator lifecycle
Dataflow operators and selectors fire several events during their lifecycle, which allows the interested parties to obtain notifications and potential alter operator's behavior. The DataflowEventListener interface offers a couple of callback methods:public interface DataflowEventListener { /** * Invoked immediately after the operator starts by a pooled thread before the first message is obtained * * @param processor The reporting dataflow operator/selector */ void afterStart(DataflowProcessor processor); /** * Invoked immediately after the operator terminates * * @param processor The reporting dataflow operator/selector */ void afterStop(DataflowProcessor processor); /** * Invoked if an exception occurs. * If any of the listeners returns true, the operator will terminate. * Exceptions outside of the operator's body or listeners' messageSentOut() handlers will terminate the operator irrespective of the listeners' votes. * * @param processor The reporting dataflow operator/selector * @param e The thrown exception * @return True, if the operator should terminate in response to the exception, false otherwise. */ boolean onException(DataflowProcessor processor, Throwable e); /** * Invoked when a message becomes available in an input channel. * * @param processor The reporting dataflow operator/selector * @param channel The input channel holding the message * @param index The index of the input channel within the operator * @param message The incoming message * @return The original message or a message that should be used instead */ Object messageArrived(DataflowProcessor processor, DataflowReadChannel<Object> channel, int index, Object message); /** * Invoked when a control message (instances of ControlMessage) becomes available in an input channel. * * @param processor The reporting dataflow operator/selector * @param channel The input channel holding the message * @param index The index of the input channel within the operator * @param message The incoming message * @return The original message or a message that should be used instead */ Object controlMessageArrived(DataflowProcessor processor, DataflowReadChannel<Object> channel, int index, Object message); /** * Invoked when a message is being bound to an output channel. * * @param processor The reporting dataflow operator/selector * @param channel The output channel to send the message to * @param index The index of the output channel within the operator * @param message The message to send * @return The original message or a message that should be used instead */ Object messageSentOut(DataflowProcessor processor, DataflowWriteChannel<Object> channel, int index, Object message); /** * Invoked when all messages required to trigger the operator become available in the input channels. * * @param processor The reporting dataflow operator/selector * @param messages The incoming messages * @return The original list of messages or a modified/new list of messages that should be used instead */ List<Object> beforeRun(DataflowProcessor processor, List<Object> messages); /** * Invoked when the operator completes a single run * * @param processor The reporting dataflow operator/selector * @param messages The incoming messages that have been processed */ void afterRun(DataflowProcessor processor, List<Object> messages); /** * Invoked when the fireCustomEvent() method is triggered manually on a dataflow operator/selector * * @param processor The reporting dataflow operator/selector * @param data The custom piece of data provided as part of the event * @return A value to return from the fireCustomEvent() method to the caller (event initiator) */ Object customEvent(DataflowProcessor processor, Object data); }
final listener = new DataflowEventAdapter() { @Override Object customEvent(DataflowProcessor processor, Object data) { println "Log: Getting quite high on the scale $data" return 100 //The value to use instead } }op = group.operator(inputs: [a, b], outputs: [c], listeners: [listener]) {x, y -> final sum = x + y if (sum > 100) bindOutput(fireCustomEvent(sum)) //Reporting that the sum is too high, binding the lowered value that comes back else bindOutput sum }
Selector's body should be a closure consuming either one or two arguments.selector (inputs : [a, b, c], outputs : [d, e]) {value -> .... }
selector (inputs : [a, b, c], outputs : [d, e]) {value, index -> .... }
Priority Selector
When priorities need to be preserved among input channels, a DataflowPrioritySelector should be used.prioritySelector(inputs : [a, b, c], outputs : [d, e]) {value, index -> … }
Join selector
A selector without a body closure specified will copy all incoming values to all of its output channels.def join = selector (inputs : [programmers, analysis, managers], outputs : [employees, colleagues])
Internal parallelism
The maxForks attribute allowing for internal selectors parallelism is also available.selector (inputs : [a, b, c], outputs : [d, e], maxForks : 5) {value -> .... }
Just like Selects , Selectors also allow the users to temporarily include/exclude individual input channels from selection. The guards input property can be used to set the initial mask on all input channels and the setGuards and setGuard methods are then available in the selector's body.import groovyx.gpars.dataflow.DataflowQueue import static groovyx.gpars.dataflow.Dataflow.selector import static groovyx.gpars.dataflow.Dataflow.task/** * Demonstrates the ability to enable/disable channels during a value selection on a select by providing boolean guards. */ final DataflowQueue operations = new DataflowQueue() final DataflowQueue numbers = new DataflowQueue()def instruction def nums = []selector(inputs: [operations, numbers], outputs: [], guards: [true, false]) {value, index -> //initial guards is set here if (index == 0) { instruction = value setGuard(0, false) //setGuard() used here setGuard(1, true) } else nums << value if (nums.size() == 2) { setGuards([true, false]) //setGuards() used here final def formula = "${nums[0]} $instruction ${nums[1]}" println "$formula = ${new GroovyShell().evaluate(formula)}" nums.clear() } }task { operations << '+' operations << '+' operations << '*' }task { numbers << 10 numbers << 20 numbers << 30 numbers << 40 numbers << 50 numbers << 60 }
Avoid combining guards and maxForks greater than 1. Although the Selector is thread-safe and won't be damaged in any way, the guards are likely not to be set the way you expect. The multiple threads running selector's body concurrently will tend to over-write each-other's settings to the guards property.
7.4 Shutting Down Dataflow Networks
Shutting down a network of dataflow processors (operators and selectors) may sometimes be a non-trivial task, especially if you need a generic mechanism that will not leave any messages unprocessed.Dataflow operators and selectors can be terminated in three ways:- by calling the terminate() method on all operators that need to be terminated
- by sending a poisson message
- by setting up a network of activity monitors that will shutdown the network after all messages have been processed
Shutting down the thread poolIf you use a custom PGroup to maintain a thread pool for your dataflow network, you should not forget to shutdown the pool once the network is terminated. Otherwise the thread pool will consume system resources and, in case of using non-daemon threads, it will prevent JVM from exit.
Emergency shutdown
You can call terminate() on any operator/selector to immediately shut it down. Provided you keep track of all your processors, perhaps by adding them to a list, the fastest way to stop the network would be:allMyProcessors*.terminate()
def op1 = operator(inputs: [a, b, c], outputs: [d, e]) {x, y, z -> }def op2 = selector(inputs: [d], outputs: [f, out]) { }def op3 = prioritySelector(inputs: [e, f], outputs: [b]) {value, index -> }[op1, op2, op3]*.terminate() //Terminate all operators by calling the terminate() method on them
Shutting down the whole JVM through System.exit() will also obvisouly shutdown the dataflow network, however, no lifecycle listeners will be invoked in such cases.
Stopping operators gently
Operators handle incoming messages repeatedly. The only safe moment for stopping an operator without the risk of loosing any messages is right after the operator has finished processing messages and is just about to look for more messages in its incoming pipes. This is exactly what the terminateAfterNextRun() method does. It will schedule the operator for shutdown after the next set of messages gets handled.The unprocessed messages will stay in the input channels, which allows you to handle them later, perhaps with a different operator/selector or in some other way. Using terminateAfterNextRun() you will not loose any input messages. This may be particularly handy when you use a group of operators/selectors to load-balance messages coming from a channel. Once the work-load decreases, the terminateAfterNextRun() method may be used to safely reduce the pool of load-balancing operators.Detecting shutdownOperators and electors offer a handy join() method for those who need to block until the operator terminates.This is the easies way to wait until the whole dataflow network shuts down, irrespective of the shutdown method used.allMyProcessors*.join()
PoisonPill is a common term for a strategy that uses special-purpose messages to stop entities that receive it. GPars offers the PoisonPill class, which has exactly such effect or operators and selectors. Since PoisonPill is a ControlMessage , it is invisible to operator's body and custom code does not need to handle it in any way. DataflowEventListeners may react to ControlMessages through the controlMessageArrived() handler method.def op1 = operator(inputs: [a, b, c], outputs: [d, e]) {x, y, z -> }def op2 = selector(inputs: [d], outputs: [f, out]) { }def op3 = prioritySelector(inputs: [e, f], outputs: [b]) {value, index -> }a << PoisonPill.instance //Send the poissonop1.join()
Given the potential variety of operator networks and their asynchronous nature, a good termination strategy is that operators and selectors should only ever terminate themselves. All ways of terminating them from outside (either by calling the terminate() method or by sending poisson down the stream) may result in messages being lost somewhere in the pipes, when the reading operators terminate before they fully handle the messages waiting in their input channels.
Immediate poison pill
Especially for selectors to shutdown immediately after receiving a poison pill, a notion of immediate poison pill has been introduced. Since normal, non-immediate poison pills merely close the input channel leaving the selector alive until at least one input channel remains open, the immediate poison pill closes the selector instantly. Obviously, unprocessed messages from the other selector's input channels will not be handled by the selector, once it reads an immediate poison pill.With immediate poison pill you can safely shutdown networks with selectors involved in feedback loops.def op1 = selector(inputs: [a, b, c], outputs: [d, e]) {value, index -> } def op2 = selector(inputs: [d], outputs: [f, out]) { } def op3 = prioritySelector(inputs: [e, f], outputs: [b]) {value, index -> }a << PoisonPill.immediateInstance[op1, op2, op3]*.join()
Poison with counting
When sending a poison pill down the operator network you may need to be notified when all the operators or a specified number of them have been stopped. The CountingPoisonPill class serves exactly this purpose:operator(inputs: [a, b, c], outputs: [d, e]) {x, y, z -> } selector(inputs: [d], outputs: [f, out]) { } prioritySelector(inputs: [e, f], outputs: [b]) {value, index -> }//Send the poisson indicating the number of operators than need to be terminated before we can continue final pill = new CountingPoisonPill(3) a << pill//Wait for all operators to terminate pill.join() //At least 3 operators should be terminated by now
//Send the poisson indicating the number of operators than need to be terminated before we can continue final pill = new CountingPoisonPill(3) pill.termination.whenBound {println "Reporting asynchronously that the network has been stopped"} a << pillif (pill.termination.bound) println "Wow, that was quick. We are done already!" else println "Things are being slow today. The network is still running."//Wait for all operators to terminate assert pill.termination.get() //At least 3 operators should be terminated by now
An immediate variant of CountingPoisonPill is also available - ImmediateCountingPoisonPill .ImmediateCountingPoisonPill will safely and instantly shutdown dataflow networks even with selectors involved in feedback loops, which normal non-immediate poison pill would not be able to.def op1 = selector(inputs: [a, b, c], outputs: [d, e]) {value, index -> } def op2 = selector(inputs: [d], outputs: [f, out]) { } def op3 = prioritySelector(inputs: [e, f], outputs: [b]) {value, index -> }final pill = new ImmediateCountingPoisonPill(3) a << pill pill.join()
Poison strategies
To correctly shutdown a network using PoisonPill you must identify the appropriate set of channels to send PoisonPill to. PoisonPill will spread in the network the usual way through the channels and processors down the stream. Typically the right channels to send PoisonPill to will be those that serve as data sources for the network. This may be difficult to achieve for general cases or for complex networks. On the other hand, for networks with a prevalent direction of message flow PoisonPill provides a very straightforward way to shutdown the whole network gracefully.Load-balancing architectures, which use multiple operators reading messages off a shared channel (queue), will also prevent poison shutdown to work properly, since only one of the reading operators will get to read the poison message. You may consider using forked operators instead, by setting the maxForks property to a value greater than 1. Another alternative is to manually split the message stream into multiple channels, each of which would be consumed by one of the original operators.
Termination tips and tricks
Notice that GPars tasks return a DataflowVariable , which gets bound to a value as soon as the task finishes. The 'terminator' operator below leverages the fact that DataflowVariables are implementations of the DataflowReadChannel interface and thus can be consumed by operators. As soon as both tasks finish, the operator will send a PoisonPill down the q channel to stop the consumer as soon as it processes all data.import groovyx.gpars.dataflow.DataflowQueue import groovyx.gpars.group.NonDaemonPGroup def group = new NonDaemonPGroup()final DataflowQueue q = new DataflowQueue()// final destination def customs = group.operator(inputs: [q], outputs: []) { value -> println "Customs received $value" }// big producer def green = group.task { (1..100).each { q << 'green channel ' + it sleep 10 } }// little producer def red = group.task { (1..10).each { q << 'red channel ' + it sleep 15 } }def terminator = group.operator(inputs: [green, red], outputs: []) { t1, t2 -> q << PoisonPill.instance }customs.join() group.shutdown()
Keeping PoisonPill inside a given network
If your network passed values through channels to entities outside of it, you may need to stop the PoisonPill messages on the network boundaries. This can be easily achieved by putting a single-input single-output filtering operator on each such channel.operator(networkLeavingChannel, otherNetworkEnteringChannel) {value -> if (!(value instanceOf PoisonPill)) bindOutput it }
networkLeavingChannel.filter { !(it instanceOf PoisonPill) } into otherNetworkEnteringChannel
Check out the Pipeline DSL section to find out more on pipelines.
Graceful shutdown
GPars provides a generic way to shutdown a dataflow network. Unlike the previously mentioned mechanisms this approach will keep the network running until all the messages get handled and than gracefully shuts all operators down letting you know when this happens. You have to pay a modest performance penalty, though. This is unavoidable since we need to keep track of what's happening inside the network.import groovyx.gpars.dataflow.DataflowBroadcast import groovyx.gpars.dataflow.DataflowQueue import groovyx.gpars.dataflow.operator.component.GracefulShutdownListener import groovyx.gpars.dataflow.operator.component.GracefulShutdownMonitor import groovyx.gpars.group.DefaultPGroup import groovyx.gpars.group.PGroupPGroup group = new DefaultPGroup(10) final a = new DataflowQueue() final b = new DataflowQueue() final c = new DataflowQueue() final d = new DataflowQueue<Object>() final e = new DataflowBroadcast<Object>() final f = new DataflowQueue<Object>() final result = new DataflowQueue<Object>()final monitor = new GracefulShutdownMonitor(100);def op1 = group.operator(inputs: [a, b], outputs: [c], listeners: [new GracefulShutdownListener(monitor)]) {x, y -> sleep 5 bindOutput x + y } def op2 = group.operator(inputs: [c], outputs: [d, e], listeners: [new GracefulShutdownListener(monitor)]) {x -> sleep 10 bindAllOutputs 2*x } def op3 = group.operator(inputs: [d], outputs: [f], listeners: [new GracefulShutdownListener(monitor)]) {x -> sleep 5 bindOutput x + 40 } def op4 = group.operator(inputs: [e.createReadChannel(), f], outputs: [result], listeners: [new GracefulShutdownListener(monitor)]) {x, y -> sleep 5 bindOutput x + y }100.times{a << 10} 100.times{b << 20}final shutdownPromise = monitor.shutdownNetwork()100.times{assert 160 == result.val}shutdownPromise.get() [op1, op2, op3, op4]*.join()group.shutdown()
Please make sure that no new messages enter the dataflow network after the shutdown has been initiated, since this may cause the network to never terminate. The shutdown process should only be started after all data producers have ceased sending additional messages to the monitored network.The shutdownNetwork() method returns a Promise so that you can do the usual set of tricks with it - block waiting for the network to terminate using the get() method, register a callback using the whenBound() method or make it trigger a whole set of activities through the then() method.
Limitations of graceful shutdown
- For GracefulShutdownListener to work correctly, its messageArrived() event handler must see the original value that has arrived through the input channel. Since some event listeners may alter the messages as they pass through the listeners it is advisable to add the GracefulShutdownListener first to the list of listeners on each dataflow processor.
- Also, graceful shutdown will not work for those rare operators that have listeners, which turn control messages into plain value messages in the controlMessageArrived() event handler.
- Third and last, load-balancing architectures, which use multiple operators reading messages off a shared channel (queue), will also prevent graceful shutdown to work properly. You may consider using forked operators instead, by setting the maxForks property to a value greater than 1. Another alternative is to manually split the message stream into multiple channels, each of which would be consumed by one of the original operators.
7.5 Application Frameworks
Dataflow Operators and Selectors can be successfully used to build high-level domain-specific frameworks for problems that naturally fit the flow model.Building flow frameworks on top of GPars dataflow
GPars dataflow can be viewed as bottom-line language-level infrastructure. Operators, selectors, channels and event listeners can be very useful at language level to combine, for example, with actors or parallel collections. Whenever a need comes for asynchronous handling of events that come through one of more channels, a dataflow operator or a small dataflow network could be a very good fit. Unlike tasks, operators are lightweight and release threads when there's no message to process. Unlike actors, operators are addressed indirectly through channels and may easily combine messages from multiple channels into one action.Alternatively, operators can be looked at as continuous functions, which instantly and repeatedly transform their input values into output. We believe that a concurrency-friendly general-purpose programming language should provide this type of abstraction.At the same time, dataflow elements can be easily used as building blocks for constructing domain-specific workflow-like frameworks. These frameworks can offer higher-level abstractions specialized to a single problem domain, which would be inappropriate for a general-purpose language-level library. Each of the higher-level concepts is then mapped to (potentially several) GPars concepts.For example, a network solving data-mining problems may consist of several data sources, data cleaning nodes, categorization nodes, reporting nodes and others. Image processing network, on the other hand, may need nodes specialized in image compression and format transformation. Similarly, networks for data encryption, mp3 encoding, work-flow management as well as many other domains that would benefit from dataflow-based solutions, will differ in many aspects - the type of nodes in the network, the type and frequency of events, the load-balancing scheme, potential constraints on branching, the need for visualization, debugging and logging, the way users define the networks and interact with them as well as many others.The higher-level application-specific frameworks should put effort into providing abstractions best suited for the given domain and hide GPars complexities. For example, the visual graph of the network that the user manipulates on the screen should typically not show all the channels that participate in the network. Debugging or logging channels, which rarely contribute to the core of the solution, are among the first good candidates to consider for exclusion. Also channels and lifecycle-event listeners, which orchestrate aspects such as load balancing or graceful shutdown, will probably be not exposed to the user, although they will be part of the generated and executed network. Similarly, a single channel in the domain-specific model will in reality translate into multiple channels perhaps with one or more logging/transforming/filtering operators connecting them together. The function associated with a node will most likely be wrapped with some additional infrastructural code to form the operator's body.GPars gives you the underlying components that the end user may be abstracted away completely by the application-specific framework. This keeps GPars domain-agnostic and universal, yet useful at the implementation level.7.6 Pipeline DSL
A DSL for building operators pipelines
Building dataflow networks can be further simplified. GPars offers handy shortcuts for the common scenario of building (mostly linear) pipelines of operators.def toUpperCase = {s -> s.toUpperCase()}final encrypt = new DataflowQueue() final DataflowReadChannel encrypted = encrypt | toUpperCase | {it.reverse()} | {'###encrypted###' + it + '###'}encrypt << "I need to keep this message secret!" encrypt << "GPars can build linear operator pipelines really easily"println encrypted.val println encrypted.val
def toUpperCase = {s -> s.toUpperCase()}final encrypt = new DataflowQueue() final DataflowReadChannel encrypted = encrypt.chainWith toUpperCase chainWith {it.reverse()} chainWith {'###encrypted###' + it + '###'}encrypt << "I need to keep this message secret!" encrypt << "GPars can build linear operator pipelines really easily"println encrypted.val println encrypted.val
Combining pipelines with straight operators
Since each operator pipeline has an entry and an exit channel, pipelines can be wired into more complex operator networks. Only your imagination can limit your ability to mix pipelines with channels and operators in the same network definitions.def toUpperCase = {s -> s.toUpperCase()} def save = {text -> //Just pretending to be saving the text to disk, database or whatever println 'Saving ' + text }final toEncrypt = new DataflowQueue() final DataflowReadChannel encrypted = toEncrypt.chainWith toUpperCase chainWith {it.reverse()} chainWith {'###encrypted###' + it + '###'}final DataflowQueue fork1 = new DataflowQueue() final DataflowQueue fork2 = new DataflowQueue() splitter(encrypted, [fork1, fork2]) //Split the data flowfork1.chainWith save //Hook in the save operation//Hook in a sneaky decryption pipeline final DataflowReadChannel decrypted = fork2.chainWith {it[15..-4]} chainWith {it.reverse()} chainWith {it.toLowerCase()} .chainWith {'Groovy leaks! Check out a decrypted secret message: ' + it}toEncrypt << "I need to keep this message secret!" toEncrypt << "GPars can build operator pipelines really easy"println decrypted.val println decrypted.val
The type of the channel is preserved across the whole pipeline. E.g. if you start chaining off a synchronous channel, all the channels in the pipeline will be synchronous. In that case, obviously, the whole chain blocks, including the writer who writes into the channel at head, until someone reads data off the tail of the pipeline.final SyncDataflowQueue queue = new SyncDataflowQueue() final result = queue.chainWith {it * 2}.chainWith {it + 1} chainWith {it * 100}Thread.start { 5.times { println result.val } }queue << 1 queue << 2 queue << 3 queue << 4 queue << 5
Joining pipelines
Two pipelines (or channels) can be connected using the into() method:final encrypt = new DataflowQueue() final DataflowWriteChannel messagesToSave = new DataflowQueue() encrypt.chainWith toUpperCase chainWith {it.reverse()} into messagesToSavetask { encrypt << "I need to keep this message secret!" encrypt << "GPars can build operator pipelines really easy" }task { 2.times { println "Saving " + messagesToSave.val } }
Forking the data flow
When a need comes to copy the output of a pipeline/channel into more than one following pipeline/channel, the split() method will help you:final encrypt = new DataflowQueue() final DataflowWriteChannel messagesToSave = new DataflowQueue() final DataflowWriteChannel messagesToLog = new DataflowQueue()encrypt.chainWith toUpperCase chainWith {it.reverse()}.split(messagesToSave, messagesToLog)
Tapping into the pipeline
Like split() the tap() method allows you to fork the data flow into multiple channels. Tapping, however, is slightly more convenient in some scenarios, since it treats one of the two new forks as the successor of the pipeline.queue.chainWith {it * 2}.tap(logChannel).chainWith{it + 1}.tap(logChannel).into(PrintChannel)
Merging channels
Merging allows you to join multiple read channels as inputs for a single dataflow operator. The function passed as the second argument needs to accept as many arguments as there are channels being merged - each will hold a value of the corresponding channel.maleChannel.merge(femaleChannel) {m, f -> m.marry(f)}.into(mortgageCandidatesChannel)
Separation is the opposite operation to merge . The supplied closure returns a list of values, each of which will be output into an output channel with the corresponding position index.queue1.separate([queue2, queue3, queue4]) {a -> [a-1, a, a+1]}
The binaryChoice() and choice() methods allow you to send a value to one out of two (or many) output channels, as indicated by the return value from a closure.queue1.binaryChoice(queue2, queue3) {a -> a > 0} queue1.choice([queue2, queue3, queue4]) {a -> a % 3}
The filter() method allows to filter data in the pipeline using boolean predicates.final DataflowQueue queue1 = new DataflowQueue() final DataflowQueue queue2 = new DataflowQueue() final odd = {num -> num % 2 != 0 } queue1.filter(odd) into queue2 (1..5).each {queue1 << it} assert 1 == queue2.val assert 3 == queue2.val assert 5 == queue2.val
Null values
If a chained function returns a null value, it is normally passed along the pipeline as a valid value. To indicate to the operator that no value should be passed further down the pipeline, a NullObject.nullObject instance must be returned.final DataflowQueue queue1 = new DataflowQueue() final DataflowQueue queue2 = new DataflowQueue() final odd = {num -> if (num == 5) return null //null values are normally passed on if (num % 2 != 0) return num else return NullObject.nullObject //this value gets blocked } queue1.chainWith odd into queue2 (1..5).each {queue1 << it} assert 1 == queue2.val assert 3 == queue2.val assert null == queue2.val
Customizing the thread pools
All of the Pipeline DSL methods allow for custom thread pools or PGroups to be specified:channel | {it * 2}channel.chainWith(closure) channel.chainWith(pool) {it * 2} channel.chainWith(group) {it * 2}channel.into(otherChannel) channel.into(pool, otherChannel) channel.into(group, otherChannel)channel.split(otherChannel1, otherChannel2) channel.split(otherChannels) channel.split(pool, otherChannel1, otherChannel2) channel.split(pool, otherChannels) channel.split(group, otherChannel1, otherChannel2) channel.split(group, otherChannels)channel.tap(otherChannel) channel.tap(pool, otherChannel) channel.tap(group, otherChannel)channel.merge(otherChannel) channel.merge(otherChannels) channel.merge(pool, otherChannel) channel.merge(pool, otherChannels) channel.merge(group, otherChannel) channel.merge(group, otherChannels)channel.filter( otherChannel) channel.filter(pool, otherChannel) channel.filter(group, otherChannel)channel.binaryChoice( trueBranch, falseBranch) channel.binaryChoice(pool, trueBranch, falseBranch) channel.binaryChoice(group, trueBranch, falseBranch)channel.choice( branches) channel.choice(pool, branches) channel.choice(group, branches)channel.separate( outputs) channel.separate(pool, outputs) channel.separate(group, outputs)
Overriding the default PGroup
To avoid the necessity to specify PGroup for each Pipeline DSL method separately you may override the value of the default Dataflow PGroup.Dataflow.usingGroup(group) { channel.choice(branches) } //Is identical to channel.choice(group, branches)
The pipeline builder
The Pipeline class offers an intuitive builder for operator pipelines. The greatest benefit of using the Pipeline class compared to chaining the channels directly is the ease with which a custom thread pool/group can be applied to all the operators along the constructed chain. The available methods and overloaded operators are identical to the ones available on channels directly.import groovyx.gpars.dataflow.DataflowQueue import groovyx.gpars.dataflow.operator.Pipeline import groovyx.gpars.scheduler.DefaultPool import groovyx.gpars.scheduler.Poolfinal DataflowQueue queue = new DataflowQueue() final DataflowQueue result1 = new DataflowQueue() final DataflowQueue result2 = new DataflowQueue() final Pool pool = new DefaultPool(false, 2)final negate = {-it}final Pipeline pipeline = new Pipeline(pool, queue)pipeline | {it * 2} | {it + 1} | negate pipeline.split(result1, result2)queue << 1 queue << 2 queue << 3assert -3 == result1.val assert -5 == result1.val assert -7 == result1.valassert -3 == result2.val assert -5 == result2.val assert -7 == result2.valpool.shutdown()
Passing construction parameters through the Pipeline DSL
You are likely to frequently need the ability to pass additional initialization parameters to the operators, such as the listeners to attach or the value for maxForks . Just like when building operators directly, the Pipeline DSL methods accept an optional map of parameters to pass in.new Pipeline(group, queue1).merge([maxForks: 4, listeners: [listener]], queue2) {a, b -> a + b}.into queue3
7.7 Implementation
The Dataflow Concurrency in GPars builds on the same principles as the actor support. All of the dataflow tasks share a thread pool and so the number threads created through Dataflow.task() factory method don't need to correspond to the number of physical threads required from the system. The PGroup.task() factory method can be used to attach the created task to a group. Since each group defines its own thread pool, you can easily organize tasks around different thread pools just like you do with actors.Combining actors and Dataflow Concurrency
The good news is that you can combine actors and Dataflow Concurrency in any way you feel fit for your particular problem at hands. You can freely you use Dataflow Variables from actors.final DataflowVariable a = new DataflowVariable()final Actor doubler = Actors.actor { react {message-> a << 2 * message } }final Actor fakingDoubler = actor { react { doubler.send it //send a number to the doubler println "Result ${a.val}" //wait for the result to be bound to 'a' } }fakingDoubler << 10
Using plain java threads
The DataflowVariable as well as the DataflowQueue classes can obviously be used from any thread of your application, not only from the tasks created by Dataflow.task() . Consider the following example:import groovyx.gpars.dataflow.DataflowVariablefinal DataflowVariable a = new DataflowVariable<String>() final DataflowVariable b = new DataflowVariable<String>()Thread.start { println "Received: $a.val" Thread.sleep 2000 b << 'Thank you' }Thread.start { Thread.sleep 2000 a << 'An important message from the second thread' println "Reply: $b.val" }
7.8 Synchronous Variables and Channels
When using asynchronous dataflow channels, apart from the fact that readers have to wait for a value to be available for consumption, the communicating parties remain completely independent. Writers don't wait for their messages to get consumed. Readers obtain values immediately as they come and ask. Synchronous channels, on the other hand, can synchronize writers with the readers as well as multiple readers among themselves. This is particularly useful when you need to increase the level of determinism. The writer-to-reader partial ordering imposed by asynchronous communication is complemented with reader-to-writer partial ordering, when using synchronous communication. In other words, you are guaranteed that whatever the reader did before reading a value from a synchronous channel preceded whatever the writer did after writing the value. Also, with synchronous communication writers can never get too far ahead of readers, which simplifies reasoning about the system and reduces the need to manage data production speed in order to avoid system overload.Synchronous dataflow queue
The SyncDataflowQueue class should be used for point-to-point (1:1 or n:1) communication. Each message written to the queue will be consumed by exactly one reader. Writers are blocked until their message is consumed, readers are blocked until there's a value available for them to read.import groovyx.gpars.dataflow.SyncDataflowQueue import groovyx.gpars.group.NonDaemonPGroup/** * Shows how synchronous dataflow queues can be used to throttle fast producer when serving data to a slow consumer. * Unlike when using asynchronous channels, synchronous channels block both the writer and the readers until all parties are ready to exchange messages. */def group = new NonDaemonPGroup()final SyncDataflowQueue channel = new SyncDataflowQueue()def producer = group.task { (1..30).each { channel << it println "Just sent $it" } channel << -1 }def consumer = group.task { while (true) { sleep 500 //simulating a slow consumer final Object msg = channel.val if (msg == -1) return println "Received $msg" } }consumer.join()group.shutdown()
Synchronous dataflow broadcast
The SyncDataflowBroadcast class should be used for publish-subscribe (1:n or n:m) communication. Each message written to the broadcast will be consumed by all subscribed readers. Writers are blocked until their message is consumed by all readers, readers are blocked until there's a value available for them to read and all the other subscribed readers ask for the message as well. With SyncDataflowBroadcast you get all readers processing the same message at the same time and waiting for one-another before getting the next one.import groovyx.gpars.dataflow.SyncDataflowBroadcast import groovyx.gpars.group.NonDaemonPGroup/** * Shows how synchronous dataflow broadcasts can be used to throttle fast producer when serving data to slow consumers. * Unlike when using asynchronous channels, synchronous channels block both the writer and the readers until all parties are ready to exchange messages. */def group = new NonDaemonPGroup()final SyncDataflowBroadcast channel = new SyncDataflowBroadcast()def subscription1 = channel.createReadChannel() def fastConsumer = group.task { while (true) { sleep 10 //simulating a fast consumer final Object msg = subscription1.val if (msg == -1) return println "Fast consumer received $msg" } }def subscription2 = channel.createReadChannel() def slowConsumer = group.task { while (true) { sleep 500 //simulating a slow consumer final Object msg = subscription2.val if (msg == -1) return println "Slow consumer received $msg" } }def producer = group.task { (1..30).each { println "Sending $it" channel << it println "Sent $it" } channel << -1 }[fastConsumer, slowConsumer]*.join()group.shutdown()
Synchronous dataflow variable
Unlike DataflowVariable , which is asynchronous and only blocks the readers until a value is bound to the variable, the SyncDataflowVariable class provides a one-shot data exchange mechanism that blocks the writer and all readers until a specified number of waiting parties is reached.import groovyx.gpars.dataflow.SyncDataflowVariable import groovyx.gpars.group.NonDaemonPGroupfinal NonDaemonPGroup group = new NonDaemonPGroup()final SyncDataflowVariable value = new SyncDataflowVariable(2) //two readers required to exchange the messagedef writer = group.task { println "Writer about to write a value" value << 'Hello' println "Writer has written the value" }def reader = group.task { println "Reader about to read a value" println "Reader has read the value: ${value.val}" }def slowReader = group.task { sleep 5000 println "Slow reader about to read a value" println "Slow reader has read the value: ${value.val}" }[reader, slowReader]*.join()group.shutdown()
7.9 Kanban Flow
APIs: KanbanFlow | KanbanLink | KanbanTray | ProcessingNodeKanbanFlow
A KanbanFlow is a composed object that uses dataflow abstractions to define dependencies between multiple concurrent producer and consumer operators.Each link between a producer and a consumer is defined by a KanbanLink .Inside each KanbanLink, the communication between producer and consumer follows the KanbanFlow pattern as described in The KanbanFlow Pattern (recommended read). They use objects of type KanbanTray to send products downstream and signal requests for further products back to the producer.The figure below shows a KanbanLink with one producer, one consumer and five trays numbered 0 to 4. Tray number 0 has been used to take a product from producer to consumer, has been emptied by the consumer and is now sent back to the producer's input queue. Trays 1 and 2 wait carry products waiting for consumption, trays 3 and 4 wait to be used by producers.A KanbanFlow object links producers to consumers thus creating KanbanLink objects. In the course of this activity, a second link may be constructed where the producer is the same object that acted as the consumer in a formerly created link such that the two links become connected to build a chain.Here is an example of a KanbanFlow with only one link, e.g. one producer and one consumer. The producer always sends the number 1 downstream and the consumer prints this number.import static groovyx.gpars.dataflow.ProcessingNode.node import groovyx.gpars.dataflow.KanbanFlowdef producer = node { down -> down 1 } def consumer = node { up -> println up.take() }new KanbanFlow().with { link producer to consumer start() // run for a while stop() }
method, the <<
operator, or use the tray as a method object.
The following lines are equivalent:
node { down -> down.send 1 } node { down -> down << 1 } node { down -> down 1 }
method, the empty
tray is automatically released.
You should call take()
only once!
If you prefer to not using an empty tray for sending products downstream (as typically
the case when a ProcessingNode acts as a filter), you must
release the tray in order to keep it in play. Otherwise, the number of trays in the
system decreases. You can release a tray either by calling the release()
or by using the ~
operator (think "shake it off").
The following lines are equivalent:
node { down -> down.release() } node { down -> ~down }
Trays are automatically released, if you call any of thetake()
Various linking structures
In addition to a linear chains, a KanbanFlow can also link a single producer to multiple consumers (tree) or multiple producers to a single consumer (collector) or any combination of the above that results in a directed acyclic graph (DAG).The KanbanFlowTest class has many examples for such structures, including scenarios where a single producer delegates work to multiple consumers with- a work-stealing strategy where all consumers get their pick from the downstream,
- a master-slave strategy where a producer chooses from the available consumers, and
- a broadcast strategy where a producer sends all products to all consumers.
Composing KanbanFlows
Just as KanbanLink objects can be chained together to form a KanbanFlow , flows themselves can be composed again to form new greater flows from existing smaller ones.def firstFlow = new KanbanFlow() def producer = node(counter) def consumer = node(repeater) firstFlow.link(producer).to(consumer)def secondFlow = new KanbanFlow() def producer2 = node(repeater) def consumer2 = node(reporter) secondFlow.link(producer2).to(consumer2)flow = firstFlow + secondFlowflow.start()
Customizing concurrency characteristics
The amount of concurrency in a kanban system is determined by the number of trays (sometimes called WIP = work in progress). With no trays in the streams, the system does nothing.- With one tray only, the system is confined to sequential execution.
- With more trays, concurrency begins.
- With more trays than available processing units, the system begins to waste resources.
flow.start(0) // start without trays flow.start(1) // start with one tray per link in the flow flow.start() // start with the optimal number of trays
property.Test: KanbanFlowTest
7.10 Classic Examples
The Sieve of Eratosthenes implementation using dataflow tasks
import groovyx.gpars.dataflow.DataflowQueue import static groovyx.gpars.dataflow.Dataflow.task/** * Demonstrates concurrent implementation of the Sieve of Eratosthenes using dataflow tasks */final int requestedPrimeNumberCount = 1000final DataflowQueue initialChannel = new DataflowQueue()/** * Generating candidate numbers */ task { (2..10000).each { initialChannel << it } }/** * Chain a new filter for a particular prime number to the end of the Sieve * @param inChannel The current end channel to consume * @param prime The prime number to divide future prime candidates with * @return A new channel ending the whole chain */ def filter(inChannel, int prime) { def outChannel = new DataflowQueue() task { while (true) { def number = inChannel.val if (number % prime != 0) { outChannel << number } } } return outChannel }/** * Consume Sieve output and add additional filters for all found primes */ def currentOutput = initialChannel requestedPrimeNumberCount.times { int prime = currentOutput.val println "Found: $prime" currentOutput = filter(currentOutput, prime) }
The Sieve of Eratosthenes implementation using a combination of dataflow tasks and operators
import groovyx.gpars.dataflow.DataflowQueue import static groovyx.gpars.dataflow.Dataflow.operator import static groovyx.gpars.dataflow.Dataflow.task /** * Demonstrates concurrent implementation of the Sieve of Eratosthenes using dataflow tasks and operators */ final int requestedPrimeNumberCount = 100 final DataflowQueue initialChannel = new DataflowQueue() /** * Generating candidate numbers */ task { (2..1000).each { initialChannel << it } } /** * Chain a new filter for a particular prime number to the end of the Sieve * @param inChannel The current end channel to consume * @param prime The prime number to divide future prime candidates with * @return A new channel ending the whole chain */ def filter(inChannel, int prime) { def outChannel = new DataflowQueue() operator([inputs: [inChannel], outputs: [outChannel]]) { if (it % prime != 0) { bindOutput it } } return outChannel } /** * Consume Sieve output and add additional filters for all found primes */ def currentOutput = initialChannel requestedPrimeNumberCount.times { int prime = currentOutput.val println "Found: $prime" currentOutput = filter(currentOutput, prime) }