Uses of Class

Packages that use ParallelArrayWithMapping
groovyx.gpars.extra166y Collections supporting parallel operations. 

Uses of ParallelArrayWithMapping in groovyx.gpars.extra166y

Subclasses of ParallelArrayWithMapping in groovyx.gpars.extra166y
(package private) static class AbstractParallelAnyArray.OFOCPap<T,U>
(package private) static class AbstractParallelAnyArray.OFOMPap<T,U>
(package private) static class AbstractParallelAnyArray.OFPap<T>
(package private) static class AbstractParallelAnyArray.OOCPap<T,U>
(package private) static class AbstractParallelAnyArray.OOMPap<T,U>
(package private) static class AbstractParallelAnyArray.OROCPap<T,U>
(package private) static class AbstractParallelAnyArray.OROMPap<T,U>
(package private) static class AbstractParallelAnyArray.ORPap<T>
(package private) static class AbstractParallelAnyArray.OUOCPap<T,U>
(package private) static class AbstractParallelAnyArray.OUOMPap<T,U>
(package private) static class AbstractParallelAnyArray.OUPap<T>
 class ParallelArray<T>
          An array supporting parallel operations.
 class ParallelArrayWithBounds<T>
          A prefix view of ParallelArray that causes operations to apply only to elements within a given range.
 class ParallelArrayWithFilter<T>
          A prefix view of ParallelArray that causes operations to apply only to elements for which a selector returns true.

Fields in groovyx.gpars.extra166y declared as ParallelArrayWithMapping
(package private)  ParallelArrayWithMapping PAS.FJOPACombineInPlace.other

Methods in groovyx.gpars.extra166y that return ParallelArrayWithMapping
<V> ParallelArrayWithMapping<T,V>
AbstractParallelAnyArray.OUDMPap.withIndexedMapping(Ops.IntAndDoubleToObject<? extends V> mapper)
<V> ParallelArrayWithMapping<T,V>
AbstractParallelAnyArray.OFDMPap.withIndexedMapping(Ops.IntAndDoubleToObject<? extends V> mapper)
<V> ParallelArrayWithMapping<T,V>
AbstractParallelAnyArray.ORDMPap.withIndexedMapping(Ops.IntAndDoubleToObject<? extends V> mapper)
<V> ParallelArrayWithMapping<T,V>
AbstractParallelAnyArray.OUDCPap.withIndexedMapping(Ops.IntAndDoubleToObject<? extends V> mapper)
<V> ParallelArrayWithMapping<T,V>
AbstractParallelAnyArray.OFDCPap.withIndexedMapping(Ops.IntAndDoubleToObject<? extends V> mapper)
<V> ParallelArrayWithMapping<T,V>
AbstractParallelAnyArray.ORDCPap.withIndexedMapping(Ops.IntAndDoubleToObject<? extends V> mapper)
<V> ParallelArrayWithMapping<T,V>
ParallelArrayWithDoubleMapping.withIndexedMapping(Ops.IntAndDoubleToObject<? extends V> mapper)
          Returns an operation prefix that causes a method to operate on mappings of this array using the given mapper that accepts as arguments an element's current index and value (as mapped by preceding mappings, if any), and produces a new value.
<V> ParallelArrayWithMapping<T,V>
AbstractParallelAnyArray.OULMPap.withIndexedMapping(Ops.IntAndLongToObject<? extends V> mapper)
<V> ParallelArrayWithMapping<T,V>
AbstractParallelAnyArray.OFLMPap.withIndexedMapping(Ops.IntAndLongToObject<? extends V> mapper)
<V> ParallelArrayWithMapping<T,V>
AbstractParallelAnyArray.ORLMPap.withIndexedMapping(Ops.IntAndLongToObject<? extends V> mapper)
<V> ParallelArrayWithMapping<T,V>
AbstractParallelAnyArray.OULCPap.withIndexedMapping(Ops.IntAndLongToObject<? extends V> mapper)
<V> ParallelArrayWithMapping<T,V>
AbstractParallelAnyArray.OFLCPap.withIndexedMapping(Ops.IntAndLongToObject<? extends V> mapper)
<V> ParallelArrayWithMapping<T,V>
AbstractParallelAnyArray.ORLCPap.withIndexedMapping(Ops.IntAndLongToObject<? extends V> mapper)
<V> ParallelArrayWithMapping<T,V>
ParallelArrayWithLongMapping.withIndexedMapping(Ops.IntAndLongToObject<? extends V> mapper)
          Returns an operation prefix that causes a method to operate on mappings of this array using the given mapper that accepts as arguments an element's current index and value (as mapped by preceding mappings, if any), and produces a new value.
<U> ParallelArrayWithMapping<T,U>
ParallelArray.withIndexedMapping(Ops.IntAndObjectToObject<? super T,? extends U> mapper)
          Returns an operation prefix that causes a method to operate on mappings of this array using the given mapper that accepts as arguments an element's current index and value, and produces a new value.
<V> ParallelArrayWithMapping<T,V>
AbstractParallelAnyArray.OUPap.withIndexedMapping(Ops.IntAndObjectToObject<? super T,? extends V> mapper)
<V> ParallelArrayWithMapping<T,V>
AbstractParallelAnyArray.OFPap.withIndexedMapping(Ops.IntAndObjectToObject<? super T,? extends V> mapper)
<V> ParallelArrayWithMapping<T,V>
AbstractParallelAnyArray.ORPap.withIndexedMapping(Ops.IntAndObjectToObject<? super T,? extends V> mapper)
<V> ParallelArrayWithMapping<T,V>
AbstractParallelAnyArray.OUOMPap.withIndexedMapping(Ops.IntAndObjectToObject<? super U,? extends V> mapper)
<V> ParallelArrayWithMapping<T,V>
AbstractParallelAnyArray.OFOMPap.withIndexedMapping(Ops.IntAndObjectToObject<? super U,? extends V> mapper)
<V> ParallelArrayWithMapping<T,V>
AbstractParallelAnyArray.OROMPap.withIndexedMapping(Ops.IntAndObjectToObject<? super U,? extends V> mapper)
<V> ParallelArrayWithMapping<T,V>
AbstractParallelAnyArray.OUOCPap.withIndexedMapping(Ops.IntAndObjectToObject<? super U,? extends V> mapper)
<V> ParallelArrayWithMapping<T,V>
AbstractParallelAnyArray.OFOCPap.withIndexedMapping(Ops.IntAndObjectToObject<? super U,? extends V> mapper)
<V> ParallelArrayWithMapping<T,V>
AbstractParallelAnyArray.OROCPap.withIndexedMapping(Ops.IntAndObjectToObject<? super U,? extends V> mapper)
<V> ParallelArrayWithMapping<T,V>
ParallelArrayWithMapping.withIndexedMapping(Ops.IntAndObjectToObject<? super U,? extends V> mapper)
          Returns an operation prefix that causes a method to operate on mappings of this array using the given mapper that accepts as arguments an element's current index and value (as mapped by preceding mappings, if any), and produces a new value.
<U,V,W> ParallelArrayWithMapping<T,V>
ParallelArray.withMapping(Ops.BinaryOp<? super T,? super U,? extends V> combiner, ParallelArrayWithMapping<W,U> other)
          Returns an operation prefix that causes a method to operate on binary mappings of this array and the other array.
<V,W,X> ParallelArrayWithMapping<T,W>
ParallelArrayWithMapping.withMapping(Ops.BinaryOp<? super U,? super V,? extends W> combiner, ParallelArrayWithMapping<X,V> other)
          Returns an operation prefix that causes a method to operate on binary mappings of this array and the other array.
<V> ParallelArrayWithMapping<T,V>
ParallelArrayWithDoubleMapping.withMapping(Ops.DoubleAndDoubleToObject<? extends V> combiner, ParallelDoubleArrayWithDoubleMapping other)
          Returns an operation prefix that causes a method to operate on binary mappings of this array and the other array.
<V> ParallelArrayWithMapping<T,V>
ParallelArrayWithDoubleMapping.withMapping(Ops.DoubleAndLongToObject<? extends V> combiner, ParallelLongArrayWithLongMapping other)
          Returns an operation prefix that causes a method to operate on binary mappings of this array and the other array.
<V,W,X> ParallelArrayWithMapping<T,W>
ParallelArrayWithDoubleMapping.withMapping(Ops.DoubleAndObjectToObject<? super V,? extends W> combiner, ParallelArrayWithMapping<X,V> other)
          Returns an operation prefix that causes a method to operate on binary mappings of this array and the other array.
<U> ParallelArrayWithMapping<T,U>
AbstractParallelAnyArray.OUDMPap.withMapping(Ops.DoubleToObject<? extends U> op)
<U> ParallelArrayWithMapping<T,U>
AbstractParallelAnyArray.OFDMPap.withMapping(Ops.DoubleToObject<? extends U> op)
<U> ParallelArrayWithMapping<T,U>
AbstractParallelAnyArray.ORDMPap.withMapping(Ops.DoubleToObject<? extends U> op)
<U> ParallelArrayWithMapping<T,U>
AbstractParallelAnyArray.OUDCPap.withMapping(Ops.DoubleToObject<? extends U> op)
<U> ParallelArrayWithMapping<T,U>
AbstractParallelAnyArray.OFDCPap.withMapping(Ops.DoubleToObject<? extends U> op)
<U> ParallelArrayWithMapping<T,U>
AbstractParallelAnyArray.ORDCPap.withMapping(Ops.DoubleToObject<? extends U> op)
<U> ParallelArrayWithMapping<T,U>
ParallelArrayWithDoubleMapping.withMapping(Ops.DoubleToObject<? extends U> op)
          Returns an operation prefix that causes a method to operate on mapped elements of the array using the given op.
<V> ParallelArrayWithMapping<T,V>
ParallelArrayWithLongMapping.withMapping(Ops.LongAndDoubleToObject<? extends V> combiner, ParallelDoubleArrayWithDoubleMapping other)
          Returns an operation prefix that causes a method to operate on binary mappings of this array and the other array.
<V> ParallelArrayWithMapping<T,V>
ParallelArrayWithLongMapping.withMapping(Ops.LongAndLongToObject<? extends V> combiner, ParallelLongArrayWithLongMapping other)
          Returns an operation prefix that causes a method to operate on binary mappings of this array and the other array.
<V,W,X> ParallelArrayWithMapping<T,W>
ParallelArrayWithLongMapping.withMapping(Ops.LongAndObjectToObject<? super V,? extends W> combiner, ParallelArrayWithMapping<X,V> other)
          Returns an operation prefix that causes a method to operate on binary mappings of this array and the other array.
<U> ParallelArrayWithMapping<T,U>
AbstractParallelAnyArray.OULMPap.withMapping(Ops.LongToObject<? extends U> op)
<U> ParallelArrayWithMapping<T,U>
AbstractParallelAnyArray.OFLMPap.withMapping(Ops.LongToObject<? extends U> op)
<U> ParallelArrayWithMapping<T,U>
AbstractParallelAnyArray.ORLMPap.withMapping(Ops.LongToObject<? extends U> op)
<U> ParallelArrayWithMapping<T,U>
AbstractParallelAnyArray.OULCPap.withMapping(Ops.LongToObject<? extends U> op)
<U> ParallelArrayWithMapping<T,U>
AbstractParallelAnyArray.OFLCPap.withMapping(Ops.LongToObject<? extends U> op)
<U> ParallelArrayWithMapping<T,U>
AbstractParallelAnyArray.ORLCPap.withMapping(Ops.LongToObject<? extends U> op)
<U> ParallelArrayWithMapping<T,U>
ParallelArrayWithLongMapping.withMapping(Ops.LongToObject<? extends U> op)
          Returns an operation prefix that causes a method to operate on mapped elements of the array using the given op.
<V> ParallelArrayWithMapping<T,V>
ParallelArray.withMapping(Ops.ObjectAndDoubleToObject<? super T,? extends V> combiner, ParallelDoubleArrayWithDoubleMapping other)
          Returns an operation prefix that causes a method to operate on binary mappings of this array and the other array.
<V> ParallelArrayWithMapping<T,V>
ParallelArrayWithMapping.withMapping(Ops.ObjectAndDoubleToObject<? super U,? extends V> combiner, ParallelDoubleArrayWithDoubleMapping other)
          Returns an operation prefix that causes a method to operate on binary mappings of this array and the other array.
<V> ParallelArrayWithMapping<T,V>
ParallelArray.withMapping(Ops.ObjectAndLongToObject<? super T,? extends V> combiner, ParallelLongArrayWithLongMapping other)
          Returns an operation prefix that causes a method to operate on binary mappings of this array and the other array.
<V> ParallelArrayWithMapping<T,V>
ParallelArrayWithMapping.withMapping(Ops.ObjectAndLongToObject<? super U,? extends V> combiner, ParallelLongArrayWithLongMapping other)
          Returns an operation prefix that causes a method to operate on binary mappings of this array and the other array.
<U> ParallelArrayWithMapping<T,U>
AbstractParallelAnyArray.OUPap.withMapping(Ops.Op<? super T,? extends U> op)
<U> ParallelArrayWithMapping<T,U>
AbstractParallelAnyArray.OFPap.withMapping(Ops.Op<? super T,? extends U> op)
<U> ParallelArrayWithMapping<T,U>
AbstractParallelAnyArray.ORPap.withMapping(Ops.Op<? super T,? extends U> op)
<U> ParallelArrayWithMapping<T,U>
ParallelArray.withMapping(Ops.Op<? super T,? extends U> op)
          Returns an operation prefix that causes a method to operate on mapped elements of the array using the given op.
<V> ParallelArrayWithMapping<T,V>
AbstractParallelAnyArray.OUOMPap.withMapping(Ops.Op<? super U,? extends V> op)
<V> ParallelArrayWithMapping<T,V>
AbstractParallelAnyArray.OFOMPap.withMapping(Ops.Op<? super U,? extends V> op)
<V> ParallelArrayWithMapping<T,V>
AbstractParallelAnyArray.OROMPap.withMapping(Ops.Op<? super U,? extends V> op)
<V> ParallelArrayWithMapping<T,V>
AbstractParallelAnyArray.OUOCPap.withMapping(Ops.Op<? super U,? extends V> op)
<V> ParallelArrayWithMapping<T,V>
AbstractParallelAnyArray.OFOCPap.withMapping(Ops.Op<? super U,? extends V> op)
<V> ParallelArrayWithMapping<T,V>
AbstractParallelAnyArray.OROCPap.withMapping(Ops.Op<? super U,? extends V> op)
<V> ParallelArrayWithMapping<T,V>
ParallelArrayWithMapping.withMapping(Ops.Op<? super U,? extends V> op)
          Returns an operation prefix that causes a method to operate on mapped elements of the array using the given op applied to current op's results

Methods in groovyx.gpars.extra166y with parameters of type ParallelArrayWithMapping
<V> ParallelArray<T>
ParallelArray.addAll(ParallelArrayWithMapping<V,T> other)
          Appends all (possibly bounded, filtered, or mapped) elements of the given ParallelArray, resizing and/or reallocating this array if necessary.
<U,V> boolean
ParallelArray.hasAllEqualElements(ParallelArrayWithMapping<U,V> other)
          Returns true if all elements at the same relative positions of this and other array are equal.
<U,V> boolean
ParallelArrayWithFilter.hasAllEqualElements(ParallelArrayWithMapping<U,V> other)
          Returns true if all elements at the same relative positions of this and other array are equal.
<U,V> boolean
ParallelArray.hasAllIdenticalElements(ParallelArrayWithMapping<U,V> other)
          Returns true if all elements at the same relative positions of this and other array are identical.
<U,V> boolean
ParallelArrayWithFilter.hasAllIdenticalElements(ParallelArrayWithMapping<U,V> other)
          Returns true if all elements at the same relative positions of this and other array are identical.
(package private) static
<T,U,V,W> Ops.IntAndObjectToObject<T,V>
AbstractParallelAnyArray.indexedMapper(Ops.BinaryOp<? super T,? super U,? extends V> combiner, ParallelArrayWithMapping<W,U> u, int origin)
(package private) static
<U,W> Ops.IntAndDoubleToDouble
AbstractParallelAnyArray.indexedMapper(Ops.DoubleAndObjectToDouble<? super U> combiner, ParallelArrayWithMapping<W,U> u, int origin)
(package private) static
<U,W> Ops.IntAndDoubleToLong
AbstractParallelAnyArray.indexedMapper(Ops.DoubleAndObjectToLong<? super U> combiner, ParallelArrayWithMapping<W,U> u, int origin)
(package private) static
<U,V,W> Ops.IntAndDoubleToObject<V>
AbstractParallelAnyArray.indexedMapper(Ops.DoubleAndObjectToObject<? super U,? extends V> combiner, ParallelArrayWithMapping<W,U> u, int origin)
(package private) static
<U,W> Ops.IntAndLongToDouble
AbstractParallelAnyArray.indexedMapper(Ops.LongAndObjectToDouble<? super U> combiner, ParallelArrayWithMapping<W,U> u, int origin)
(package private) static
<U,W> Ops.IntAndLongToLong
AbstractParallelAnyArray.indexedMapper(Ops.LongAndObjectToLong<? super U> combiner, ParallelArrayWithMapping<W,U> u, int origin)
(package private) static
<U,V,W> Ops.IntAndLongToObject<V>
AbstractParallelAnyArray.indexedMapper(Ops.LongAndObjectToObject<? super U,? extends V> combiner, ParallelArrayWithMapping<W,U> u, int origin)
(package private) static
<T,U,W> Ops.IntAndObjectToDouble<T>
AbstractParallelAnyArray.indexedMapper(Ops.ObjectAndObjectToDouble<? super T,? super U> combiner, ParallelArrayWithMapping<W,U> u, int origin)
(package private) static
<T,U,W> Ops.IntAndObjectToLong<T>
AbstractParallelAnyArray.indexedMapper(Ops.ObjectAndObjectToLong<? super T,? super U> combiner, ParallelArrayWithMapping<W,U> u, int origin)
(package private) static
<T,U,W> Ops.IntAndObjectPredicate<T>
AbstractParallelAnyArray.indexedSelector(Ops.BinaryPredicate<? super T,? super U> bp, ParallelArrayWithMapping<W,U> u, int origin)
(package private)  void AbstractParallelAnyArray.leafCombineInPlace(int lo, int hi, ParallelArrayWithMapping other, int otherOffset, Ops.BinaryOp combiner)
(package private)  void AbstractParallelAnyArray.OUPap.leafCombineInPlace(int l, int h, ParallelArrayWithMapping other, int otherOffset, Ops.BinaryOp combiner)
(package private)  void AbstractParallelAnyArray.OFPap.leafCombineInPlace(int l, int h, ParallelArrayWithMapping other, int otherOffset, Ops.BinaryOp combiner)
(package private)  void AbstractParallelAnyArray.ORPap.leafCombineInPlace(int l, int h, ParallelArrayWithMapping other, int otherOffset, Ops.BinaryOp combiner)
<V,W> ParallelArray<T>
ParallelArray.replaceWithMapping(Ops.BinaryOp<? super T,? super V,? extends T> combiner, ParallelArrayWithMapping<W,V> other)
          Replaces elements with results of applying op(thisElement, otherElement)
<V,W> ParallelArrayWithFilter<T>
ParallelArrayWithFilter.replaceWithMapping(Ops.BinaryOp<? super T,? super V,? extends T> combiner, ParallelArrayWithMapping<W,V> other)
          Replaces elements with results of applying op(thisElement, otherElement)
<V,W> ParallelArrayWithFilter<T>
ParallelArray.withFilter(Ops.BinaryPredicate<? super T,? super V> selector, ParallelArrayWithMapping<W,V> other)
          Returns an operation prefix that causes a method to operate only on elements for which the given binary selector returns true
<V,W> ParallelArrayWithFilter<T>
ParallelArrayWithFilter.withFilter(Ops.BinaryPredicate<? super T,? super V> selector, ParallelArrayWithMapping<W,V> other)
          Returns an operation prefix that causes a method to operate only on elements for which the current selector (if present) and the given binary selector returns true
<U,V,W> ParallelArrayWithMapping<T,V>
ParallelArray.withMapping(Ops.BinaryOp<? super T,? super U,? extends V> combiner, ParallelArrayWithMapping<W,U> other)
          Returns an operation prefix that causes a method to operate on binary mappings of this array and the other array.
<V,W,X> ParallelArrayWithMapping<T,W>
ParallelArrayWithMapping.withMapping(Ops.BinaryOp<? super U,? super V,? extends W> combiner, ParallelArrayWithMapping<X,V> other)
          Returns an operation prefix that causes a method to operate on binary mappings of this array and the other array.
<V,W,X> ParallelDoubleArrayWithMapping<W>
ParallelDoubleArrayWithMapping.withMapping(Ops.BinaryOp<? super U,? super V,? extends W> combiner, ParallelArrayWithMapping<X,V> other)
          Returns an operation prefix that causes a method to operate on binary mappings of this array and the other array.
<V,W,X> ParallelLongArrayWithMapping<W>
ParallelLongArrayWithMapping.withMapping(Ops.BinaryOp<? super U,? super V,? extends W> combiner, ParallelArrayWithMapping<X,V> other)
          Returns an operation prefix that causes a method to operate on binary mappings of this array and the other array.
<V,W> ParallelArrayWithDoubleMapping<T>
ParallelArrayWithDoubleMapping.withMapping(Ops.DoubleAndObjectToDouble<? super V> combiner, ParallelArrayWithMapping<W,V> other)
          Returns an operation prefix that causes a method to operate on binary mappings of this array and the other array.
<V,W> ParallelDoubleArrayWithDoubleMapping
ParallelDoubleArray.withMapping(Ops.DoubleAndObjectToDouble<? super V> combiner, ParallelArrayWithMapping<W,V> other)
          Returns an operation prefix that causes a method to operate on binary mappings of this array and the other array.
<V,W> ParallelDoubleArrayWithDoubleMapping
ParallelDoubleArrayWithDoubleMapping.withMapping(Ops.DoubleAndObjectToDouble<? super V> combiner, ParallelArrayWithMapping<W,V> other)
          Returns an operation prefix that causes a method to operate on binary mappings of this array and the other array.
<V,W> ParallelLongArrayWithDoubleMapping
ParallelLongArrayWithDoubleMapping.withMapping(Ops.DoubleAndObjectToDouble<? super V> combiner, ParallelArrayWithMapping<W,V> other)
          Returns an operation prefix that causes a method to operate on binary mappings of this array and the other array.
<V,W> ParallelArrayWithLongMapping<T>
ParallelArrayWithDoubleMapping.withMapping(Ops.DoubleAndObjectToLong<? super V> combiner, ParallelArrayWithMapping<W,V> other)
          Returns an operation prefix that causes a method to operate on binary mappings of this array and the other array.
<V,W> ParallelDoubleArrayWithLongMapping
ParallelDoubleArray.withMapping(Ops.DoubleAndObjectToLong<? super V> combiner, ParallelArrayWithMapping<W,V> other)
          Returns an operation prefix that causes a method to operate on binary mappings of this array and the other array.
<V,W> ParallelDoubleArrayWithLongMapping
ParallelDoubleArrayWithDoubleMapping.withMapping(Ops.DoubleAndObjectToLong<? super V> combiner, ParallelArrayWithMapping<W,V> other)
          Returns an operation prefix that causes a method to operate on binary mappings of this array and the other array.
<V,W> ParallelLongArrayWithLongMapping
ParallelLongArrayWithDoubleMapping.withMapping(Ops.DoubleAndObjectToLong<? super V> combiner, ParallelArrayWithMapping<W,V> other)
          Returns an operation prefix that causes a method to operate on binary mappings of this array and the other array.
<V,W,X> ParallelArrayWithMapping<T,W>
ParallelArrayWithDoubleMapping.withMapping(Ops.DoubleAndObjectToObject<? super V,? extends W> combiner, ParallelArrayWithMapping<X,V> other)
          Returns an operation prefix that causes a method to operate on binary mappings of this array and the other array.
<V,W,X> ParallelDoubleArrayWithMapping<W>
ParallelDoubleArray.withMapping(Ops.DoubleAndObjectToObject<? super V,? extends W> combiner, ParallelArrayWithMapping<X,V> other)
          Returns an operation prefix that causes a method to operate on binary mappings of this array and the other array.
<V,W,X> ParallelDoubleArrayWithMapping<W>
ParallelDoubleArrayWithDoubleMapping.withMapping(Ops.DoubleAndObjectToObject<? super V,? extends W> combiner, ParallelArrayWithMapping<X,V> other)
          Returns an operation prefix that causes a method to operate on binary mappings of this array and the other array.
<V,W,X> ParallelLongArrayWithMapping<W>
ParallelLongArrayWithDoubleMapping.withMapping(Ops.DoubleAndObjectToObject<? super V,? extends W> combiner, ParallelArrayWithMapping<X,V> other)
          Returns an operation prefix that causes a method to operate on binary mappings of this array and the other array.
<V,W> ParallelArrayWithDoubleMapping<T>
ParallelArrayWithLongMapping.withMapping(Ops.LongAndObjectToDouble<? super V> combiner, ParallelArrayWithMapping<W,V> other)
          Returns an operation prefix that causes a method to operate on binary mappings of this array and the other array.
<V,W> ParallelDoubleArrayWithDoubleMapping
ParallelDoubleArrayWithLongMapping.withMapping(Ops.LongAndObjectToDouble<? super V> combiner, ParallelArrayWithMapping<W,V> other)
          Returns an operation prefix that causes a method to operate on binary mappings of this array and the other array.
<V,W> ParallelLongArrayWithDoubleMapping
ParallelLongArray.withMapping(Ops.LongAndObjectToDouble<? super V> combiner, ParallelArrayWithMapping<W,V> other)
          Returns an operation prefix that causes a method to operate on binary mappings of this array and the other array.
<V,W> ParallelLongArrayWithDoubleMapping
ParallelLongArrayWithLongMapping.withMapping(Ops.LongAndObjectToDouble<? super V> combiner, ParallelArrayWithMapping<W,V> other)
          Returns an operation prefix that causes a method to operate on binary mappings of this array and the other array.
<V,W> ParallelArrayWithLongMapping<T>
ParallelArrayWithLongMapping.withMapping(Ops.LongAndObjectToLong<? super V> combiner, ParallelArrayWithMapping<W,V> other)
          Returns an operation prefix that causes a method to operate on binary mappings of this array and the other array.
<V,W> ParallelDoubleArrayWithLongMapping
ParallelDoubleArrayWithLongMapping.withMapping(Ops.LongAndObjectToLong<? super V> combiner, ParallelArrayWithMapping<W,V> other)
          Returns an operation prefix that causes a method to operate on binary mappings of this array and the other array.
<V,W> ParallelLongArrayWithLongMapping
ParallelLongArray.withMapping(Ops.LongAndObjectToLong<? super V> combiner, ParallelArrayWithMapping<W,V> other)
          Returns an operation prefix that causes a method to operate on binary mappings of this array and the other array.
<V,W> ParallelLongArrayWithLongMapping
ParallelLongArrayWithLongMapping.withMapping(Ops.LongAndObjectToLong<? super V> combiner, ParallelArrayWithMapping<W,V> other)
          Returns an operation prefix that causes a method to operate on binary mappings of this array and the other array.
<V,W,X> ParallelArrayWithMapping<T,W>
ParallelArrayWithLongMapping.withMapping(Ops.LongAndObjectToObject<? super V,? extends W> combiner, ParallelArrayWithMapping<X,V> other)
          Returns an operation prefix that causes a method to operate on binary mappings of this array and the other array.
<V,W,X> ParallelDoubleArrayWithMapping<W>
ParallelDoubleArrayWithLongMapping.withMapping(Ops.LongAndObjectToObject<? super V,? extends W> combiner, ParallelArrayWithMapping<X,V> other)
          Returns an operation prefix that causes a method to operate on binary mappings of this array and the other array.
<V,W,X> ParallelLongArrayWithMapping<W>
ParallelLongArray.withMapping(Ops.LongAndObjectToObject<? super V,? extends W> combiner, ParallelArrayWithMapping<X,V> other)
          Returns an operation prefix that causes a method to operate on binary mappings of this array and the other array.
<V,W,X> ParallelLongArrayWithMapping<W>
ParallelLongArrayWithLongMapping.withMapping(Ops.LongAndObjectToObject<? super V,? extends W> combiner, ParallelArrayWithMapping<X,V> other)
          Returns an operation prefix that causes a method to operate on binary mappings of this array and the other array.
<U,W> ParallelArrayWithDoubleMapping<T>
ParallelArray.withMapping(Ops.ObjectAndObjectToDouble<? super T,? super U> combiner, ParallelArrayWithMapping<W,U> other)
          Returns an operation prefix that causes a method to operate on binary mappings of this array and the other array.
<V,W> ParallelArrayWithDoubleMapping<T>
ParallelArrayWithMapping.withMapping(Ops.ObjectAndObjectToDouble<? super U,? super V> combiner, ParallelArrayWithMapping<W,V> other)
          Returns an operation prefix that causes a method to operate on binary mappings of this array and the other array.
<V,W> ParallelDoubleArrayWithDoubleMapping
ParallelDoubleArrayWithMapping.withMapping(Ops.ObjectAndObjectToDouble<? super U,? super V> combiner, ParallelArrayWithMapping<W,V> other)
          Returns an operation prefix that causes a method to operate on binary mappings of this array and the other array.
<V,W> ParallelLongArrayWithDoubleMapping
ParallelLongArrayWithMapping.withMapping(Ops.ObjectAndObjectToDouble<? super U,? super V> combiner, ParallelArrayWithMapping<W,V> other)
          Returns an operation prefix that causes a method to operate on binary mappings of this array and the other array.
<U,W> ParallelArrayWithLongMapping<T>
ParallelArray.withMapping(Ops.ObjectAndObjectToLong<? super T,? super U> combiner, ParallelArrayWithMapping<W,U> other)
          Returns an operation prefix that causes a method to operate on binary mappings of this array and the other array.
<V,W> ParallelArrayWithLongMapping<T>
ParallelArrayWithMapping.withMapping(Ops.ObjectAndObjectToLong<? super U,? super V> combiner, ParallelArrayWithMapping<W,V> other)
          Returns an operation prefix that causes a method to operate on binary mappings of this array and the other array.
<V,W> ParallelDoubleArrayWithLongMapping
ParallelDoubleArrayWithMapping.withMapping(Ops.ObjectAndObjectToLong<? super U,? super V> combiner, ParallelArrayWithMapping<W,V> other)
          Returns an operation prefix that causes a method to operate on binary mappings of this array and the other array.
<V,W> ParallelLongArrayWithLongMapping
ParallelLongArrayWithMapping.withMapping(Ops.ObjectAndObjectToLong<? super U,? super V> combiner, ParallelArrayWithMapping<W,V> other)
          Returns an operation prefix that causes a method to operate on binary mappings of this array and the other array.

Constructors in groovyx.gpars.extra166y with parameters of type ParallelArrayWithMapping
PAS.FJOPACombineInPlace(AbstractParallelAnyArray pap, int lo, int hi, PAS.FJBase next, ParallelArrayWithMapping other, int otherOffset, Ops.BinaryOp combiner)

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